lol i did it cause i made 600k doing it and so what if he is in mlb. i was always better than him and prob still better. only reason he in the majors is cause no talent back east where he played and he lefty. i had the chance to play pro nba and mlb. i was throwing 94pm at age 17. won 3 point contest in az at us airways. tried out for nba d league they were going to sign me but wanted me to go to college. i got into gambling about that time and chose this profession. Locke makes 500k per year. i made 740,000 in 2011-2012. made around 300k last 3 years straight. this year im at 337,000 and were only in august. don't talk shit when you don't know shit.
By the way, if you think you are better than Locke, I can get you the Pirates number and set you up on open try out if you like. I am sure your "buddy" would love to watch.
Because he's a liar. He has no money and it is a big time loser......scary dude to look at....strung out on herion or meth
Thank you for proving my point! By the way, if you knew anything you would know baseball is probably the EASIEST sport to not play in school yet be seen and recruited. Every league past little league has talent, it has talent that gets the phone ringing every day, phone will ring to the right person and next thing you know someone will observe this talent that has the ability to turn it into a prospect.
You sir, are nothing more than a scam. A scam that is mad someone you knew growing up made it and you are doing what you can to bring them down. That says all ANYONE needs to know about you and your narcissistic ego.
The only rubber you probably every stepped on was trying to figure out which way a condom goes on and you dropped it, much like the soap.
thanks for all the questions guys but what's up with people talking shit i don't understand?
i do a live show everyday at noon. starts in 25 minutes
text line is open you can call also 702-239-4670
Listen in guys been on fire!!!
Didnt you get caught posting a fake picture of clients from years ago that you tried to say were yours? That was funny.
yeah i can still throw prob 85-90mph
I was thinking about going for a tryout.
Just cause he is in the Majors don't mean he is better than me come on man know my story before you try and be funny.