Mr. TRUMP donated 1 milliondoller"s himself U fu**n liberall"s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Allow Me Time to find a Video of a
Deaf Person.
No Matter What Sense comes unto Them
like, even if it makes sense to them at the moment they hear that....
they still will seek to destroy.
And thats what Ya'll don't Understand. This isn't about "Political Beliefs" on their part
this is about that Dream that they had when they were pretending to be a part of The Anonymous Collective.
To Be A Part of SOME thing.
Any Thing.
Internet Rose.......
....directly before we see all these fucking retards begging to be killed
in the Streets.
Billionaires surround them. 23 Year Old Billionaires.
Its too much PRESSURE
for some of them
Ritalin, Adderal Feces.....hum hum hum hum
hum some more......
....back all these Years throughout all the years of the Internet.
This is about The Nothingness of some humans.
Being given One Last Straw of Hope.
I'll fucking do whatever In The Streets......for several Reasons.
"know your enemies" lol. In these streets, of America....right now Antifa just take away their drugs and they get Neutralized within 72 Hours
Take US
diseased weak