It's Official!!! Dogball going tout!!!

how many times do i have to say this.

you have done a great job so far

dont know any other way to explain it to you. i just think if you go tout you will start losing.

if you are this emotional over that simple statement than there is no way you will be able to cope with the things people say when they buy your picks and you have a bad night.


thats what I was trying to get at before , YOUR GOING TO NEED A MUCH THICKER SKIN WHEN YOU START GETTING PAID!
just think if purple and his 70 percent in football team up with mouse with his 71 percent in golf
if you dont realize you are going to lose respect, you better wake up now. people dont respect touts. your little outburst over my giving a simple opinion shows a lot about your character, or lack thereof.

Since dogball made his announcement, there have been roughly 60 posts and I have seen exactly two anti-dogball posts: One from a troll that has six posts to his name and nothing of value to add to the forum, and the other from RPM (although it didn't seem your intent was to bash, it certainly ended up that way).

It surprises me you would choose to go that route, RPM. I have always had a tremendous amount of respect for you, even when you had your issues with RX/Free Picks in the past. This verbal war with dogball is unwarranted. You shouldn't lower yourself to that level, especially as a moderator of the forums.

I fail to see how dogball has "used" this site for personal gain. He came here to become part of the community. He won consistently in baseball and football and gave an entire year's worth of picks (where he won over 1,000 units total) without asking for a penny from anybody. More importantly, he stayed modest the entire time. He proved himself and now wants to cash in. It's called capitalism and with the economy the way it is, kudos to him for marketing a skill he has cultivated.

If you feel handicappers that go pro "automatically" lose when then sell their picks, then you're entitled to your opinion (although it would be nice to see what possible facts can back up this statement). But your passive-aggressive manner in which you have chosen to debate dogball on his decision is making you seem very bitter.

You're a good capper in your right. Let dogball do his thing. Besides, if you didn't follow his picks to begin with, then why do you care if he charges for his selections or not?
do you remember when purples <big brother>
was going to kick rods ass because rod was being mean to purple.

tha /infopop/emoticons/ was classic
i have never hidden the fact that i dont like touts. and my intention was never to get into a flaming war with dogball.

if you read this thread it is pretty easy to see who turned it into a flame war.

i wish him the best in his sales endevours.
Hey, you're preaching to the choir here, buddy! I've always been anti-tout on this site and have gotten into many a flamewar with guys like SHAWN GOTTI and a few others that insisted they were legit.

What dog is becoming isn't a tout. I explained this in the Offshore Forum.

Touts never proved themselves. Touts take out ads in the back of the sports pages of USAToday and put together poorly produced, obnoxious Saturday morning programs, selling opposite side picks to different customers to ensure at least a 50% satisfaction rate.

Dogball has proven himself in two sports, and in the playoffs in another. He has given every single straight up pick, parlay, and teaser for free and week after week, no matter how much he wins, he comes back and does it all over again. Now he wants a few bucks for his efforts.

To me, that's not a tout. Show me one tout that has proven himself before bleeding suckers dry of their money on subpar picks that a computer spits out for them. You can't, because there isn't one.

Perhaps I'm wordsmithing here, but the word "tout" is a derogatory term that should not be used when describing the business dogball is venturing into.
...i spent 20 minutes reading this thread, and then making one sentence comment.

dogball, go for it buddy, and good luck.
that Identity is a shit disturbing little bitch. But then most of us already knew that.

Hey, ID, remember when you were going to try to sell your picks? That was the shortest lived tout business in history. What a f*cking loser...

New member
Mar 20, 2002
Blind "tout" hating has never had much of a position in my opinion. I agree that most people who sell their picks don't have a lot to offer. That doesn't mean that all of them are frauds. I have stated this before, but I follow a number of "touts". I make a large portion of my money this way. I can cap some areas on my own but there are a number of sports that I don't have the interest or knowledge to make money on.

The touts I follow don't put out plays that can range from 5 to 50 units. In fact most don't even have 2 unit plays. I have never followed dogball much because of his unit selection, but it is obvious the guy has talent and if one were to follow him betting flat units they would come out ahead most of the time.

If he were to establish a more normal unit system I would likely consider using him for baseball.

For those who say that in most case you should not pay for picks, I agree. For those who HATE (and it seems clear that some here do) all people who sell picks, I say that is your opinion, but I for one am grateful that people with enough knowledge to make money at a sport are willing to sell this knowledge.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i gotta jump in, who does everyone follow here? panther, maniac, egd, jake?. no they follow success. dogball, and i have to throw super scout in there. all you other idiots have, and will again paid for a play. if you haven't, then you have gotten them for free on here from the very few consistent winners.dogball and scout. the above mentioned can't keep track of their own plays or don't even post a record, everything here is clear, he win and keeps winning. how will he lose respect? he has had losing days here on the rx and people still come back and claim they play his plays. 98% of everyone here,pays the book every week and then comes on here to say they their hot to make themselves feel better. maybe i'll partner with dog and take all the action from people that want to fade his plays, MANIAC, free juice, just fade every play and i'll give you a direct numberto reach me. that goes for you too panther, you claimed i owed you money for a play, you never called. i will take all your action juice free too
Jake made a killing in baseball then he went tout. Rod made people tons in football then he went to the other side. Now Dog crosses the line. Once you go to the other side you are no longer one of us.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
it's official, i'm taking all bets on anyone wanting to fade dogballs plays juice free. you don't need to post up, and i will pay out every tuesday via western union. i pay the fees, you****ING IDIOTS!!!!!!!
has been the best capper since I came aboard.

I don't care much for touts, however, it is now clear that most cappers have plans to sell their picks.

Good luck and kick the mans asssssssssssssssss!

"Over-crowded milk carton rafts arrive on the shores of the United States they don't depart"- outandup 2002

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I gained alot of respect for you these past 10 months, not just for your tremendous record and smart money managment, but mostly for the classy way you "handled" yourself on here. You've always dispensed stable advice, shown a clear head for gambling strategy, and always made it known that no matter the hype spewed out by others, this is, and will always be nothing more then GAMBLING.

I wish you the best of luck in your future betting, and life in general.

What I can NOT do, is wish you luck in this latest endeavor.
All touts at some time or another ( no matter how good), will hit a cold streak. And for that unlucky person, that for a few weeks purchases your losing picks, you will provide NOTHING for the money. Just a promise of doing better in the future.

And this has never sat right with me.

But that is my personal opinion. And I am sure that many will disagree.

To each his own.

Good luck with your wagers.


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