I was just thinking James is Shellies target, he might get his minnions to vote out shellie leaving Vanessa who would target Becky leaving James and crew safe another week. James and minnions plus the twins and Austin, would be enough to save Vanessa. It's double eviction, and would be funny to see Becky go home tomorrow. Or am I over thinking this?
On BBAD last night Vanessa seemed pretty confident she was staying...
If I'm Vanesa, I'm clueing James onto my earlier thoughts. She's a smart girl, and I think she gets them on board to keep her. Johnny Mac will be left in the dark. The look on Becky's face will be priceless when she gets back doored tonight.
What is this double eviction you're talking about?
Its double eviction tonight. After they evict Shellie or Vanesa, they're going to cram a whole week into one episode and evict another. Becky can't play for HOH so I see Vanesa/twins making a deal James/crew to go after Becky since she can't target anyone, keeping everyone safe.
I must have missed that part. Should be interesting.
Yeah James turned the vote but they weren't going to tell Becky till right before the show but it got out yesterday
Good call on Vanessa staying Reno.
My boy Steve won me a veto last night and an HOH tonight. Took me from the red to the black for the season in 24 hours. My homie.