She looks like Caitlyn Jenner.
Donald needs to trade her ass in and enjoy being single president. if not for Donald she would have been working at some Eastern European brothel.
Michelle was low key and stuck to her core causes of healthy meals, physical fitness and literay for kids. Nothing wrong with those 3.
You sir, are a fucking dope.
My oldest is tall and lean and trying to gain weight for football and can't even get ketchup on his burger at lunch. Why not? Obama would not allow condiments in the public school system. Who has ever heard of that shit before?
It's not my kid's fault some kids are fat.
Who is the First Lady? Melanie or Ivanka?
Trump on 4 day get away vacation.....1 month on the job. Signing papers, tweeting and on the phone. He needs some time off already?
You and ur lil c u n t protesters gonna cry and hold ur vaginas for 8 years? or will u trannys get a life?
I don't think anyone is going to debate that Trump is going to go down as the hardest working President of all time - whether he is a good President can be debated - with that said it is documented that Obama played over 300 rounds of golf (more like 400) - a fucken American had his head cut off in front of the world - Obama said it was awful and tee'd off 10 minutes later - that is factually accurate too