Yeah, I KNEW you'd show yourself to be gutless cocksucker, and I was right. I don't NORMALLY make internet wagers, Scumbag, but, learn how to read, motherfucker, I'm not gonna risk have a stiff like A-sapp not pay me after he loses, or that blubbery bellied, needle dick cocksucker Gas Bag "invite me" to meet him at his house. When I make, and win, a bet like I did in the 2012 election, if the other guy welches, everybody sees what scum he is, no skin off my nose(the other guy I beat, to his credit, never posted again in the rx, at least not under that name). You talk big, but in the end, you're a gutless, cowardly scumbag who probably bangs his momma while taking it the ass from Daddy. Let the family pig get in on action, fuckwad. And, I'm still waiting for your explanation of the "landslide" result of the 1968 Election, asshole.kth)(&^:madassholazzkick(&^