The only reason the dummies don't know what's actually going on is, the CIC and military didn't want a civil war.
“There’s no conspiracy… We have all the evidence. We have all the proof… And you know, it’s okay in a certain way… you rip the country apart when you get into that stuff.”
It captures
Lazy Joe
Deputy Death Vader who lamented having to take time from his vacation to answer the phone on behalf of the NATION he serves.
Between the rigged algorithms in the machines, the mules stuffing boxes full and the 3am ballot dumps (Trump voters broke their algorithms so they went for broke) the level of total fraud was so high nobody would believe it.
Between the rigged algorithms in the machines, the mules stuffing boxes full and the 3am ballot dumps (Trump voters broke their algorithms so they went for broke) the level of total fraud was so high nobody would believe it.