Islamic invasion has Euroweenies lamenting lack of right to bear arms


Aug 6, 2006
Anti-Semitism among Migrants a Concern for German Jews - Sam Sokol
German Jews are concerned over the potential for a rise in anti-Semitism due to "widespread anti-Semitism among Muslim youth" who have made their way to Germany, several community leaders told Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday.
In recent weeks Germany's security and intelligence agencies expressed alarm over the influx of migrants who harbor radical Islamic views and hatred of Jews. According to a security document obtained by Welt am Sonntag, Germany is "importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different societal and legal understanding."
Security sources warn that "the integration of hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants in Germany is no longer possible in light of the number and already existing parallel societies." The term "parallel societies" is frequently defined as insulated Muslim communities that have little or no contact with mainstream society. (Jerusalem Post)

Europe's Refugee Crisis: Jews Must Tread Carefully - Manfred Gerstenfeld
In the current century all murders of Jews in Europe because they are Jews, be they in the Paris area, Toulouse, Brussels or Copenhagen, have been committed by Muslims. (Jerusalem Post)


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Uh oh...

Migrant crisis pushing Germany towards ‘anarchy and civil war’

Germany now is somewhere at the edge of anarchy and sliding towards civil war, or to become a "banana republic without any government," says Hansjoerg Mueller of the Alternative for Germany party.

Bavarian official Peter Dreier called German Chancellor Angela Merkel to tell her personally that if Germany welcomes a million refugees, his town of Landshut will only take in around 1,800. Any extra will be put on buses and sent to her Chancellery in Berlin.

READ MORE: No breakthrough at German ‘refugee crisis meeting’ as opposition grows

RT: He says he's going to send them to Berlin, but does he have the power?

Hansjoerg Mueller: The person who wants to send them to Berlin is Mr. Dreier. He is the district head of Landshut, a town close to Munich. Usually he does not have the power, but we are not living in usual times. What we are now looking at is more and more Germany sliding towards anarchy. In this situation I think less and less is determined by law, more and more is determined by who acts. And the person who acts in fact has the power. So if he sends ... refugees to Berlin, he sends them!

RT: Will threats like this one be able to affect Merkel’s policy?

HM: I hope so, because Germany now is somewhere at the edge of anarchy and sliding towards civil war, or to become a banana republic without any government. I hope that this threat will have some effect, but knowing the psychological things that Merkel does all these days – I don’t believe in it, unfortunately.

Migrants gesture after arriving at the Austrian-German border in Achleiten near Passau, Germany, October 27, 2015. Michaela Rehle / Reuters

RT: Do you think Bavaria will be the only region that says something like this, or do you expect other regions to follow?

HM: Yes, of course, Bavaria is the first region because we are affected the most – we are living on the border to Austria where the influx of refugees stems from. But the second regions of Germany where this happens are Saxony and Thuringia. First of all, they have also borders to the Czech Republic, that’s the first reason. And the second reason is that in former Eastern Germany people are still aware of what it is living in a dictatorship. They are feeling quite well that our so-called democracy is sliding more and more towards a totalitarian state. This is my personal explanation why… the demonstrations in Thuringia and in Saxony are so fierce in their movements.

READ MORE: Bavaria threatens German government with lawsuit over refugee crisis

RT: Only allowing 1,800 desperate refugees to stay when more than a million are expected nationally, doesn't seem all that fair does it. Surely the region should do its bit?

HM: No, this number of 1,800 refugees does not affect only Bavaria. Bavaria can take much more. It affects only the district around the town of Landshut, and the town of Landshut has more or less 50,000 inhabitants and having nearly 2,000 refugees to meddle with the original population – this is quite a big burden. So Bavaria can take more, but not towns like Landshut.

New member
Jan 16, 2013
Meanwhile, in an average German city...

** 162,700 new migrants entered the Bavarian region of Germany so far this month. 170,000 new migrants entered Bavaria last month.

This is the future progressive immigration policies are bringing to Europe today and the United States tomorrow.

In the video below, you can hear German women talking about Islamists marching through their town.

Their voices and words display panic and fear:

Transcript via Breitbart:

“I thought I was the only one who’s in a bad mood because of this.”
“None of us want this. We’re all scared.”
“What is this? How will this be in 100 years?”
“This is not my life. It just shows you how many of them are here already.”

“Now there’s another 1.5 million who came this year.”
“Every year 2-3 million arrive.”
“It’s generally about foreign infiltration.”
“Yes, exactly.”
“We won’t dress like we do now.”
“Here, no! They won’t take anything from me!”
“Look, when I walk through the streets of the city, it’s only foreigners!”
“There are walking 50 foreigners and I only see one European face.”
“Look at the women! They’re all veiled!”
“This is our future.”

Germans face “the destruction of our genetic heritage” and public anxiety over Ms. Merkel’s open-armed
welcome to refugees which will eventually demolish a postwar political consensus in Germany built on
moderation and compromise.

(This is the future progressive immigration policies are bringing to Europe today and the United States tomorrow).

If the lessons of Merkel's folly are not noticed here and we allow someone like Rubio, Bush or even Graham to lead us
brace yourselves. 'More than 350 languages are spoken at home in the U.S. Allready a staggering 54 percent of
residents in the Los Angeles metropolitan region speak a language other
than English at home, as does 38 percent of the New York City area, 37 percent of Houston, 51 percent of Miami, 40 percent
of San Francisco, and 36 percent of Washington, D.C.' Probably they are all 'Santuary Cities'

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

The Federal Bureau of Investigation processed a record number of background checks in the month of October, indicating that gun sales were at an all time high for the sixth month in a row.

The FBI’s National Instant Background Check System processed 1,976,759 firearms related checks in October. That is a 373,290 increase in checks over last year and a new record for the month. It also makes October the sixth consecutive month to see a record number of checks.

New member
Oct 29, 2010

The Federal Bureau of Investigation processed a record number of background checks in the month of October, indicating that gun sales were at an all time high for the sixth month in a row.

The FBI’s National Instant Background Check System processed 1,976,759 firearms related checks in October. That is a 373,290 increase in checks over last year and a new record for the month. It also makes October the sixth consecutive month to see a record number of checks.

Yeah, more murder coming right up!!!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
January 24, 2016
The Madness of Frau Merkel

By James Lewis

Quran (33:50) - "O Prophet! We have made lawful to … those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee"

Quran (23:5-6) - "..who abstain from sex, except … (the captives) whom their right hands possess..."

Quran (4:24) - "And all married women (are forbidden) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess."

Quran (8:69) - "But (now) enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good" (because) "Allah gave you mastery over them."

If we’ve learned anything in the last eight years it’s that supposedly smart people can be suicidally stupid, and that idiot savants can easily rationalize sabotaging their own nations.

Obama isn’t the only elite messiah who favors national suicide for past sins, though he is certainly the blindest, most self-righteous and willfully destructive one in American history.


Then there is Frau Angela Merkel -- the Chancellor and Chief Guilt-Tripper of Germany. Frau Merkel shares Obama’s fantasy world, where only the Good People rule and the rest follow orders. The EU even has a slogan for it: it’s called the “democracy deficit” -- meaning that ordinary voters have no power whatsoever. Yes, the EU is spreading love and peace all over, but -- shucks -- there’s still a ways to go.

The EU’s seemingly suicidal policy deliberately aims to dilute the percentage of ethnic Europeans in their native countries, to empower the new Franco-German capital in Brussels. This is exactly what Otto von Bismarck did in the 1800s to destroy the provincial capitals of German-speaking Europe, and to centralize all power in one Reich in the Prussian capital of Berlin. Fanatical German nationalism, xenophobia and militarism in the 20th century were a direct product of Bismarck’s imperial unification policy.

Which is why the EU’s kleptocracy can actually destroy the economy of southern Europe without triggering a voter revolt. The elite has knowingly imported more than 50 million Muslims from the tribal backwaters of Pakistan and the Middle East, to serve as welfare voters for Eurosocialist parties, especially in capital cities like Amsterdam, Paris, and Berlin. The EU has also imposed the mass-media cult fantasy of Political Correctness over its colonial peoples; and it has been nice enough to export PC to the United States by way of our Eurosocialist universities.

By now normal voters in Europe are so far removed from the center of power that they’ve basically given up. They are utterly powerless, because they will be scapegoated as Nazis if they ever rebel against the new Ruling Class. By now they are used to following orders, just like the olden times.


So a few weeks ago Frau Merkel could order the opening of Europe’s borders to hundreds of thousands of fraudulent Syrian “rapefugees,” mostly young men who are even now marauding through Europe’s formerly civilized cities. You can see them viciously beating up young women on YouTube; and Europe’s present will certainly be our future, if the IslamoLeft has its way.

Two German judges have now declared Frau Merkel’s open borders actions to be unconstitutional -- but hey, who’s gonna do anything about it? By now those ravening invaders have gone to ground, dumped their fake Syrian passports, signed up to vote for Islamo-Left parties, and applied for welfare asylum as persecuted victims.

You don’t need a crystal ball to see what’s next: See the rape epidemic in Norway and Sweden for starters. Or, as Frau Merkel charmingly put it, “Germany will have to live with a higher number of criminals.” We’re pretty sure that Obama believes the same thing, but he hasn’t actually said it yet. Same policy, same ideology, same suicidal outcome.

Frau Merkel has learned from Obama that you can spread disaster in your wake and still blame your own voters, and that, in the mass-media-cult of the Islamo-Left, nobody will hold you responsible. On the contrary.

The newest Left-Fascist alliance will cheer on your sabotage of your own people because they know that ordinary folks can’t be trusted to know what’s best.

Obama has a lifelong mission to punish America for the long-ago sin of slavery. In jihadist slang the same thing is called Darb al Harb, or the House of War. It means that you and I are their targeted enemy, like it or not, just as Saul Alinsky wrote in his little book.

Napoleon Chagnon is the most important scientific anthropologist of our time, because he has exposed the true nature of primitive tribal warfare. (See his 1988 Science article called “Life history, blood revenge, and warfare in a tribal population.”)

For a hundred years field anthropologists have watched tribal warfare going on, year after year, but they were not allowed to publish the truth. Leading anthropologists like Margaret Mead and Ashley Montagu simply lied about the violent tribes they knew about.

In reality, as we now know from Chagnon and many others, group aggression is the norm among human clans all over the world. Gang warfare isn’t just happening in inner city Chicago. Up to a third of adult males in traditional tribes die as a result of group or individual violence.

After a lifetime of field work with the hyper-aggressive Yanamamo Indians of Venezuela, Chagnon has made a compelling scientific case that warfare is almost universal in human tribes, and that the clearly understood goal of group violence is to kidnap and rape women, kill adult males, take loot and slaves, and run away for more of the same.

If up to a third of males are violently killed every generation, with another third in the next and so on, in time, human genes will favor preparedness for war.

And yet -- warlike tribes also make peace among accepted in-groups, while reserving their aggression for out-groups. The fact is that humans are prepared both for war and peace.

And that is indeed what anthropologists report about the warrior tribes of New Guinea, South and North America, the Vikings, the Mongols, the Khoi San of Africa, the Middle East and all the rest.

Now get this: The great Arabian Desert has long been populated by war-making tribes, just like the ones Napoleon Chagnon studied in the field. Mohammed was a desert raider (and occasional trader) who talked to the Archangel Gabriel in his dreams, and who naturally produced a holy book that reflected his own tribal culture.

(A good source on all this is Lawrence of Arabia’s story of his time in the Arabian Desert in WW1, which included being raped by one of his allies. Lawrence never went back.)

In primitive tribal warfare, women belong to the victorious male or gang of males by right of conquest, as the divinely ordained spoils of war, along with male slaves and loot. According to Chagnon, Yanamamo men freely boast about the sexual benefits of warfare. Raping the daughters of an enemy clan is glorified. To a warrior every raped woman means both a practical and genetic victory over an enemy clan, in the everlasting Hobbesian violence of the primitive world.

Rape is a crime in more civilized cultures, and a major cause for shame, guilt and punishment. But to primitive tribal males, it is the greatest sign of victory, as long as rape is committed against an enemy clan.

Therefore, what Angela Merkel recently did, in the eyes of the invading “refugees,” is to signal tribal surrender to an essentially primitive war cult.

You may want to read that sentence again, and maybe check Chagnon’s historic Science article for evidence. The web is the biggest scientific library in history, and there is enough good anthropology to balance the usual lies from the usual suspects.

In Quranic warfare, killing, looting and rape are justified and even commanded.

The rules of holy warfare have been debated by various priesthoods since the early caliphates, and they are now enshrined in written codes of conduct in the name of Allah. Muslim imams and mullahs are not shy about glorifying Mohammed’s life as a tribal warrior, and as a model for all men. Islam has simply incorporated the tactics of ancient tribal warfare into its holy books.

Last year the Saudi Wahhabi priesthood publicly declared that ISIS is religiously justified in its endless bloody crimes, especially if the victims are Shi’ites, Christians, Yazidis, atheist Europeans like Frau Merkel, and all the rest. If you don’t worship Allah in the Wahhabi way, you’re on the plate for dinner. Their enemy Shi’ites believe the same thing about the Wahhabis, of course.

If you go back far in human history, this is part of standard human misbehavior -- just as peace making is also based in human nature. We are not doomed to kill each other forever. We can, and often we have actually learned to be better, as pointed out by good scientific sources like Harvard’s Steven Pinker and science journalist Nicholas Wade.

Globally, humanity has learned to reduce our tendency to glorify fighting and war. That is why civilizing law codes are so profoundly important in our history, from the Code of Hammurabi to the Mosaic Ten Commandments and the many legal codes of genuinely civilized societies. Humans can certainly be evil, yes, but we also have a capacity for good.

What Chagnon has taught us is that rape is often the most important motivation for tribal war. In cruel Darwinian terms, rape is a way for one clan to spread its genes to others, thereby passing on a genetic preparedness for sexually-motivated violence to future generations.

The tragedy of Islam is to be enormously successful in its conquests since the 7th century, and to fail miserably, time and time again, in building genuine civilization.

That is why we are seeing a resurgent jihadist Islam today, after seventy years of modernism. It is another reactionary fallback to the tribal past.

Persia had a glorious culture before it was conquered by Arab Muslims. The Byzantine Empire was one of the two apostolic sources of Orthodox Christianity, before it was stamped out by Muslim Berbers, Tuaregs, and Turks in Northern Africa. The Buddhist monasteries of Northern India were massacred by the Ghurid Muslims around the year 1200, so that today there are not many Buddhists left in India, where Gautama Buddha first taught. Islam is profoundly reactionary, the most violent and reactionary belief system on earth. Check the facts if you doubt it.

When Stalin’s Soviet armies conquered East Germany at the end of WW II, they committed mass rape, like the Imperial Japanese in Nanking. The Japanese practiced kidnapping women as sex slaves. No doubt some Allied troops committed rape as well -- but rape was a crime by the military codes of conduct of the Allied armies. It was not glorified but punished.
The difference between civilized and primitive war is in the codes of conduct that are actually enforced, often with the death penalty.

Civilization is all about rational codes of conduct and their enforcement. That is why the Laws of Hammurabi, the Ten Commandments, and Blackstone on English Common Law are so historically important.

Angela Merkel is a Eurosocialist who was brought up in Marxist East Germany. Merkel was deeply indoctrinated in Political Correctness, the most recent political mythology of the European Union.

But the Muslim code of conduct is the Quran, which emerged out of the universal tribal warfare of the Arabian Desert of the 7th th century. Mohammed was a tribal chief who transformed that culture into Islam.

Islam means “submission,” -- not “peace” -- and a Muslim is “one who submits.” As in obeying military orders, just like the goose-stepping armies of Europe in World War I.

Nazi soldiers used to yell “Zum Befehl!” (By your Order!) to their officers when they were told to commit some fresh horror. Every two-bit corporal could speak in the name of Hitler, who had absolute power. In Islam your local imam or tribal emir has absolutely power to order life and death, in lieu of direct orders from above. That belief gives mere human beings divine and absolute justification to do their worst.

Allah commands war against the infidel to his believers. Slave taking, killing, robbing, and general mayhem are commanded in the Qur’an.

Merkel and Obama either know those facts already, and are working in collusion with jihad, or they are so mentally fixated in goofy leftism that they will never learn the truth.

Either way they send out constant signals of surrender to every jihad-indoctrinated male in the world.

Over the centuries Europe has always fallen for wave after wave of delusional beliefs, all liable to explode into major wars. The wars of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation had scarcely stopped smoking when Frederick the Great invented nationalistic militarism in Prussia, while the French invented the guillotine, to ensure universal liberty, equality, and brotherhood. Which then kicked off the Napoleonic Wars, then the Franco-Prussian War of revenge, then WW1 and 2, followed by the Soviet Empire, which also acquired its Marxist cult from Germany.

Each international slaughter came after years of media-driven indoctrination into some world-saving, self-aggrandizing ideology, first religious, then imperialistic and militaristic, then Napoleonic, followed by German campaigns of revenge against France, then two compulsive replays in the two world wars, then Soviet imperialism, and now the European Union.

The grand new EU claims to have the answer to war and peace forever. It’s not a secret that the EU wants to run the world through international institutions like the UN, the most corrupt collection of thugs, genociders and rapists on earth.

The EU is of course a messianic cult like all the others, with the difference that previous European delusions killed foreigners; but this time the ruling class has declared war on its own peoples.

Frau Merkel may not look like a black Chicago Machine politician, but in their hearts they are twin souls.

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Apr 14, 2006
Every time a dem gets elected the gun nut repubs say " he's gonna take our guns". After the dem leaves office, they all have more guns.

And thank god the Repubs and conservatives have some balls and stand up to the treasonous intentions of the fuck tard liberal democratic Nazi party.

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Fortress Europe: Brussels shuts borders and calls for refugee camp for 300,000 to be built in Greece in last-ditch bid to stop a flood of migrants[/h]
  • EU ministers met yesterday in a bid to get a grip on the migrant crisis
  • Belgium called for 'closed facilities' to be set up in Greece
  • Commission boss Juncker backed a new 'second line of defence' for EU
  • Czech president has called for troops from every country to patrol borders
PUBLISHED: 10:22, 25 January 2016 | UPDATED: 14:22, 26 January 2016

Belgium has called for vast refugee camps holding up to 300,000 refugees to be built in Greece in a desperate attempt to stem the flow of migrants from Syria and other nations outside Europe.
At an emergency summit of European leaders yesterday, Belgian migration minister Theo Francken raised the spectre of setting up 'closed facilities' in Greece to be operated by the EU.
He said that the Greeks 'now need to bear the consequences' of being too weak to guard their own borders and called for Athens to face an EU 'sanction mechanism' under which the rising number of refugees entering the country would be forced to stay there.


EU ministers met Amsterdam to try to tackle the crisis. Teams of border guards are now set to be deployed at the Greek border. Pictured: A group of migrants walk in sub zero temperatures near the Serbian-Croatian border



Belgium has called for holding camps holding up to 300,000 refugees to be built in Greece




It comes as Theresa May tore into Brussels for being ‘more talk than action’ as plans were belatedly unveiled to try to solve the migration crisis.
At the summit, EU leaders announced teams of border guards will be deployed to stop migrants leaving Greece for the rest of the EU, cutting the country off from the rest of the continent.
The scheme – which effectively suspends Greece’s membership of the Schengen zone – is designed to finally halt the free flow of migrants arriving by boat into mainland Europe.
The move came amid a blistering broadside against the rest of the EU by Home Secretary Mrs May – which is likely to attract the attention of Tory Eurosceptics, who are keen for her to lead the campaign for Britain to leave the EU.
She said last night: ‘Europe is facing an unprecedented migration crisis and today was a crucial meeting of the Justice and Home Affairs Council.
‘Together with my counterparts from France and Germany, I made the case for urgent action, not just to deal with the immediate crisis but also to resolve the situation in the longer term.
‘Unfortunately what we’ve had is more talk than action.
'And we need urgently to work together to ensure that we can have proper processing at Europe’s external borders, that we’re returning illegal migrants.
'Europe is struggling to cope, and every country needs to act now.’









European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker has backed a proposal for EU border guards. Theresa May was expected to resist a call for British troops to be used

After months of inaction, European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker backed a proposal to strengthen security on the Greek/Macedonian border to create a ‘second line of defence’ against migration.
More than 50 guards from other European countries have already been sent to Macedonia, which is not a member of the EU, to strengthen its border with Greece.
The controversial move will heap pressure on Greece to finally control the number of people landing on its shores as it will no longer be able to simply wave them onwards.
Greece has long been criticised for doing too little to control the flow of people into Europe. Despite promises to help control the influx it has been registering less than a quarter of the up to 4,000 people a day landing on its shores.




Leaders will threaten Greece with the loss of its passport-free travel if it fails to secure its borders

Mr Juncker yesterday endorsed the plan, which was greeted with howls of protest from Athens, where officials warned it would turn the country into a ‘cemetery of souls’.
But German interior minister Thomas de Maiziere insisted Greece would have to ‘do its duty’, and Austria’s interior minister, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, said: ‘It’s a myth that Greece can’t secure its borders.
‘It has one of Europe’s largest navies.’

Meanwhile the likelihood of David Cameron being able to hold a referendum as early as June appeared to grow, as Irish prime minister Enda Kenny revealed that the European Council is finally moving ahead and considering the UK’s ‘solvable’ concerns.
Mr Kenny said European Council president Donald Tusk would publish a paper next week on the UK’s four key areas of negotiation. He added: ‘I actually believe all these are solvable.’
An asylum seeker was arrested for murder last night after allegedly stabbing a woman at a Swedish refugee centre.
Alexandra Mezher, 22, who was originally from Lebanon, worked at the centre for youngsters near Gothenburg. Police gave no details about the suspect’s age or nationality.
But a police spokesman said: ‘We’re dealing with more incidents like this since the arrival of so many refugees from abroad.’



There was trouble in Calais over the weekend, with crowds of migrants breaking into the port


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Swedish police say they need another an extra 4,000 officers to help deal with the recent migrant influx, following the murder of refugee worker[/h]
  • Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven promises more resources for police
  • There had been calls for 4,100 more staff to help deal with migrant influx
  • Extra resources would be to help with border controls, security at asylum centres and terror threat
  • Comes after Alexandra Mezher was murdered at refugee centre in Molndal

PUBLISHED: 09:23, 26 January 2016 | UPDATED: 13:24, 26 January 2016

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven has promised more resources for police after a 22-year old employee at a refugee centre for unaccompanied minors was stabbed to death.
Alexandra Mezher was attacked by a teenage boy at her workplace, a housing facility in Molndal, near Gothenburg, and later died in hospital.
The stabbing sparked concerns that authorities were being overwhelmed by the number of asylum seekers in the country.


Murdered: Migrant centre worker Alexandra Mezher, 22, was stabbed to death at a centre for migrant children in Molndal, on Sweden's west coast. A boy, 15, who lived at the centre is in police custody



Police said as many as 4,100 more staff were needed to deal with border controls, security at asylum centres and the terror threat. Officers are pictured outside the centre where Mehzer was stabbed



Search: Detectives were at the migrant centre which houses children aged 14-17 searching for clues. Police today praised two hero teenagers who held the knifeman down until they arrived

Lofven's comments in Molndal came as police said as many as 4,100 more staff were needed to deal with border controls, security at asylum centres and the terror threat.
'The police authority have got... a heavier workload because of the refugee situation. And then you need more resources,' Swedish radio quoted Lofven as saying late on Monday.

Sweden reversed its open doors-policy on immigration late last year and has introduced border controls and ID checks to stem the flow of asylum seekers that reached a record 160,000 last year.
A poll on Monday showed support Lofven's centre left Social Democrats were at their lowest for nearly 50 years, in part due to a sense that the government was unable to cope with the refugee influx.


Hard working: Psychology graduate Miss Mezher who was a Lebanese Christian whose parents were from Beirut, was today described by her mother Chiméne as an 'angel'



Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven (left) has promised more resources for police after the stabbing incident



The National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson (pictured) said there could be problems if the reinforcements did not come



Scene: Molndal, on Sweden's west coast, has been the scene of rising tension in recent months

According to Swedish Radio, police want up to 2,500 more officers and 1,600 new civilian workers by the year 2020.
The National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson said there could be problems if the reinforcements did not come.
He is quoted as saying: 'Like having a presence in areas that are socio-economically disadvantaged. The consequence will be less safety.
'Drug and traffic offenses will also be given less priority. I don't think the Swedish people want that, without the government and parliament listening to our request.'


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Denmark votes on controversial reforms forcing migrants to hand over valuables to pay for benefits and delaying family reunifications by two years[/h]
  • Danish parliament vote on proposals to make country 'less attractive'
  • Measures includes confiscating valuables to finance migrants' upkeep
  • It'll also make family reunification process lengthier and more difficult

PUBLISHED: 08:05, 26 January 2016 | UPDATED: 10:53, 26 January 2016

The Danish parliament is set to vote on a series of controversial proposals aiming to make the country a less attractive destination for refugees and migrants.
Measures include confiscating migrants' valuables in order to finance their upkeep while they seek asylum, and making it harder to bring family members to Denmark once they have a right to remain.
The proposals have been severely criticised by the United Nations as well as international media, where the measures have been compared to the treatment of Jews in Nazi Germany.


Tougher measures: Police escort a family from Syria seeking asylum in Padborg, Denmark, earlier this month as the government vote on a new bill set to make the country 'less attractive' for refugees and migrants

Denmark had previously been seen as more of a thoroughfare, with many migrants and refugees passing through on their way to Sweden.
However, in December last year, the Swedish government introduced a cap on migrants and mandatory ID-checks on its borders, meaning more people have stayed in Denmark.

Lawmakers in Copenhagen are today expected to pass the bill despite the critique, hoping it will reduce the influx of migrants and help new arrivals of refugee status.
The most controversial measure on the bill is the introduction of police searches and confiscations of cash and valuables.
Danish police will be able to search luggage of asylum seekers and seize cash exceeding 10,000 kroner (£1,025), as well as any individual items valued at more than that amount.


The proposed measures include confiscating asylum seekers' valuables in order to finance upkeep, which has seen the Danish government being compared to Nazi Germany

Wedding rings and other items of sentimental value will be exempt.
The Danish government has defended the request that asylum seekers sell valuables and offer up cash, as the same rules apply for all Danish citizens who wish to qualify for social benefits.
'We are saying that if you want to come to Europe you should stay clear of Denmark,' said Martin Henriksen, a spokesman for the anti-immigration Danish People's Party.
The new bill will also make it harder for family members left behind to join asylum seekers in Denmark once they have been granted residency - even if they are refugees.
Being a refugee - fleeing war but not individual prosecution - will not longer qualify for the highest form of protection status under Danish law, and they will have to wait three years instead of one year before applying for family reunifications.
Once the application has been filed, the process can take years, and refugees would have to pay the transportation costs of family members they bring to the country.
The waiting time has prompted allegations that Denmark will violate the European Convention on Human Rights, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the UN Refugee Convention.


Critique: Migrants enter a train to Copenhagen from Flensburg, northern Germany, in November last year

Amnesty International said the move could 'have a devastating impact on families, including their rehabilitation from experiences of trauma and their ability to integrate and adapt to life in a new country.'
Residence permits would be shortened from five years to two for refugees and asylum seekers facing persecution based on their race, nationality, religion, political beliefs or association with a specific social group.
In addition, the requirements for permanent residency applications now include new Danish language requirements and the person must have been employed for 2.5 of the past three years rather than three out of five years.
The selection of 500 yearly UN quota refugees will be based on their 'integration potential' which includes criteria like language abilities, education, work experience, age and motivation. The criteria were first introduced in 2005 by a right-wing government but were later rolled back.
The bill has sparked international outrage, especially in the US, where the Washington Post noted that confiscating jewellery from refugees had 'a particularly bitter connotation in Europe' where the Nazis seized gold and valuables from Jews and others during the Second World War.
Several organisations, including the UN High Commission for Refugees, also censured the Nordic country for the proposal, as well as for others that will delay family reunification and make acquiring refugee and residence status more difficult.
Europe's human rights and democracy body said earlier this month it was 'deeply concerned' at the proposed changes to Danish immigration laws.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]The European Union is committing 'ritual suicide' with its migration policy, warns Slovak PM, as EU commissioner claims 60% are economic migrants and are not fleeing from war[/h]
  • Robert Fico has urged the 28-member bloc to stop the inflow of migrants
  • Called EU's planned system for distributing migrants a 'complete fiasco'
  • Netherlands' EU commissioner claims more than half of those flocking to Europe were not fleeing from war

PUBLISHED: 13:05, 26 January 2016 | UPDATED: 14:37, 26 January 2016

The European Union is committing 'ritual suicide' with its migration policy, according to the Slovak prime minister.
Robert Fico urged the 28-member bloc to stop the inflow of migrants and called the EU's proposed quota system for distributing migrants a 'complete fiasco'.
His warning came as the Netherlands' EU commissioner Frans Timmermans claimed 60 per cent of those flocking to Europe were economic migrants and not fleeing from war.


Robert Fico urged the 28-member bloc to stop the inflow of 'illegal migrants' and called the EU's proposed quata system for distributing migrants a 'complete fiasco'

The 51-year-old Slovak leader, a left-winger known for his anti-immigrant rhetoric, told Czech newspaper Pravo: 'I feel that we in the EU are now committing ritual suicide and we're just looking on.'
Fico, whose party is expected to win a general election in March, said the EU should first of all stop the influx of 'illegal migrants'.

If it takes until late 2016 or 2017 for Europe to set up its planned border and coastguard force, the EU will have killed itself,' Fico said, adding that Slovakia had 300 police officers ready to deploy at the external borders of the passport-free Schengen area.
'We often stew in our own juices, tackling quotas which are nonsense... and in the meantime several thousand migrants arrive in Europe every day,' the premier said.
Slovakia, a eurozone member of 5.4 million people, has filed a lawsuit against the EU-proposed quota system for distributing migrants across the continent, just like neighbouring Hungary.
Fico said the system had turned out 'a complete fiasco' and that thousands of migrants distributed according to quotas were impossible to integrate in Slovakia.


Slovakia, a eurozone member of 5.4 million people, has filed a lawsuit against the EU-proposed quota system for distributing migrants across the continent, just like neighbouring Hungary. Migrants are pictured walking across the Macedonian border into Serbia

'If, based on temporary or permanent quotas, someone forces us to import 50,000 people with completely different habits and religions - and these are mostly young men - I can't imagine how we could integrate them. We can't,' he said.
'They would end up in a space with its own life and its own rules, and this is why I'm saying this idea is wrong and unfeasible.'
Holland's EU commissioner Frans Timmermans claimed more than half of those coming to Europe as asylum seekers are not fleeing conflict.
He told Nos: 'More than half of the people now coming to Europe come from countries where you can assume they have no reason whatsoever to ask for refugee status. More than half, 60%.’
He said he based his claim on figures from European border agency Frontex - statistics that are yet to be made public.
Meanwhile, the Czech Republic has invited fellow EU members Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to a special summit on migration next month as the bloc grapples with the record migrant crisis, the Czech prime minister said on Tuesday.


More than one million people reached Europe in 2015, most of them refugees fleeing war and violence in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, according to the United Nations refugee agency.

'The Czech Republic will call an extraordinary summit of the Visegrad-four countries for February 15,' Premier Bohuslav Sobotka said, specifying that the migrant crisis would top the agenda.
His spokesman was not immediately available to give details.
The Czech Republic holds the rotating presidency of the so-called Visegrad group, which brings together four central European ex-communist countries.
All four have rejected the EU's plan for quotas to distribute migrants across the continent.
They have instead insisted on tighter border control for the 26-member passport-free Schengen zone and other steps that would reduce the influx of refugees and migrants into Europe.
More than one million people reached Europe in 2015, most of them refugees fleeing war and violence in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, according to the United Nations refugee agency.
But few asylum-seekers have chosen to stay in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, while Hungary last year built a fence to deflect a migrant wave heading from the Balkans westwards to wealthier EU members such as Germany.


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]KATIE HOPKINS: If Britain is prepared to provide an all-inclusive resort service for asylum seekers, the least they can do is wear a bloody wristband[/h]

PUBLISHED: 17:24, 25 January 2016 | UPDATED: 07:54, 26 January 2016

I went on an all-inclusive holiday once. Much to my surprise, it was great.
We knew exactly what we were paying before we left and didn't spend a penny whilst we were away.
And the kids loved it. All they had to do to get a free drink or hot dog in the middle of the day was show their little coloured band – and somehow they felt they were getting away with something.
They were quite proud of their red wristbands and wished life was more like that every day of their little lives.
Well guess what good people of Britain? For some people it is. The Great British Asylum seekers have landed on their feet here in the land of plenty – El Dorado – because all they need to do to get hold of free food and drink throughout the day is show a red band.
Just as with any holiday booking they can even choose between self-catering options, with a supermarket cash card thrown in for free, or full board – served just a short stroll from their accommodation.
All they have to do is show their wristband. And it's theirs for the taking.
At least, that's what was on offer until today?
Now at this point you might think our government had seen sense. And decided never in human history had so much been given to so many by the labour of so few.
But no. That's just how most of us feel struggling to get to work in the dark and the rain. We don't have a voice.




Asylum seekers, including Zekaryas Eyob of Eritrea (pictured), have been given wristbands to wear in order to claim food

What has actually happened is the government and the left wing press have decided the red wristbands violate the human rights and dignity of asylum seekers.
At which point of course my nipples itch with outrage and I am obliged to ask the good asylum seekers of Cardiff to rearrange these words into a well-known saying; 'HOME SODDING GO WELL'.




Now these wristbands are to be scrapped and the Labour MP for Central Cardiff is going to petition the government to find out why it was ever allowed in the first place.
Listen, love. The reason we need wristbands is because many of these asylum seekers have no identification of their own. And the reason they have no identification is because they lobbed it over the side of their inflatable when they crossed the Mediterranean from Turkey.
To claim asylum they needed to be Syrian. And to prove this, it was important not to arrive with a passport and paperwork showing you are actually a cabbie from Ankara.
Dignity is not something you deserve but something you are born with and can easily give away. I lost mine on a few, well-documented occasions but have regained some by paying my own way in life, making sure my children try hard at school and cleaning my own toilets.


The move at Lynx House (pictured) sparked outrage among the migrant community. The bands are now to be scrapped and the Labour MP for Central Cardiff is going to petition the government over why they were allowed

I'd argue, many asylum seekers gave their dignity away in the rush to get to the land of plenty.
So many of the liberal left, made rich through London property and high salaries, believe the taxpayer can continue to give, providing a limitless resource to be plundered at will.
But for British workers grafting on an average wage, the burden of tax falls heavily on their shoulders.
Someone in my favourite profession – scaffolding – might earn £30K a year and hand over £7,000 of that to the tax man. Giving away nearly a quarter of your income before you pay your mortgage and Sainsbury's bills feels a lot more painful than the indignity of wearing a red wristband or living behind a red door.


Security company G4S were blasted last week after it emerged asylum seekers were having their doors marked in red paint so employees of subcontractors Jomast knew which were occupied by refugees

Even those bastions of euro-tolerance, Germany, Switzerland and Denmark now take the valuables of asylum seekers and migrants in order to help fund their costs of living.
They are clear that your own resources must be exhausted before the state provides support.
The federal government's integration minister said it also includes family jewellery.
'Even if some prejudices persist – you don't have it any better as an asylum seeker than someone on unemployment benefit.'
It strikes me, there is not just an increasing divide between asylum seekers and native Brits, but a yawning gulf between politicians and workers paying to keep them in a job.
There is no dignity in taking from others. There should only be gratitude. However, there is dignity in working hard and providing for your family.
And before some droopy left-winger argues asylum seekers are not allowed to get a job here in the UK, I will remind them there is exceptional dignity in defending your own country, something which seems to have passed most of these able young men by.



New member
Nov 10, 2010
MP says if having to wear a wristband to get free meals is the worst thing to happen to you then you are not a real asylum seeker and should be thrown out of the country

  • David Davies was speaking this morning about asylum seekers in Cardiff
  • Tory MP blasted refugees for complaining about having to wear wristbands
  • Said he saw no issue as he had to do same on all-inclusive summer holiday
  • Commented as red doors in Middlesbrough are painted after complaints

PUBLISHED: 11:25, 26 January 2016 | UPDATED: 13:36, 26 January 2016

A Welsh MP has told asylum seekers in Cardiff to stop 'moaning' about having to wear brightly coloured identification wristbands - because he had to do the same thing on his all-inclusive beach holiday.
David Davies said he 'couldn't believe' the way refugees had reacted to being made to wear plastic bracelets while being put up in the Welsh capital.
Issued by Clearsprings Ready Homes - the housing association providing temporary accommodation on behalf of the Home Office - the asylum seekers were told they had to keep the bands on at all times or they would not be fed.



David Davies MP (pictured) has told asylum seekers in Cardiff to stop 'moaning' about having to wear brightly coloured identification wristbands - because he had to do the same thing on his all-inclusive beach holiday


Issued by Clearsprings Ready Homes - the housing association looking after them on behalf of the Government - the asylum seekers (pictured) were told they had to keep them on at all times or they would not be fed




Those given accommodation by Clearsprings Ready Homes, sub-contracted by the Government to put up asylum seekers in the likes of Lynx House (pictured), were being told to wear the wristbands at all times

Many reacted by saying they were being 'stigmatised' and made easy targets for abuse and harassment by wearing the the red, blue and silver bracelets that granted them three meals a day.But the Tory MP has branded their response 'outrageous' after the identification process was likened to the plight of Jews in Nazi Germany.

Davies said he had to do the same when he was holidaying in Hungary last summer, where the wristband he wore granted him unlimited food and drink at his beach side hotel in Hungary.
He added that if wearing one was the worst thing to have happened to those complaining then they should not qualify for asylum in the UK in the first place.
Speaking on LBC Radio this morning,he said: 'What's the big deal? This gentleman has come over here to this country and has been welcomed by the generosity of the British taxpayers, put up in good accommodation and offered three square meals every day.
'If having to wear a little red wristband to get meals and walk 10 minutes to a centre is the worst thing that's ever happened to him, and the other things that were happening to him are a lot less worse than that, then he doesn't have a valid asylum claim and shouldn't be here.
'Last summer I was on holiday at Lake Balaton in Hungary with my family. The Retro Hotel expected us to wear wristbands when we ate our inclusive meals so people couldn't just walk in off the beach to claim a free meal.'




His comments come as housing bosses in Middlesbrough were seen painting the front doors of homes that had largely been provided to refugees (pictured this morning), making them easily identifiable



The move sparked outcry last week, with critics again blasting it as being similar to the way the Nazis treated the Jews in Germany in the lead up to the Second World War. Workmen are seen painting the doors grey this morning



The doors were today changed from the distinctive red colour which marked them out from other residents. Pierre Degrando Bagoda-Guen outside his property with his undercoated door prior to being painted green

He added: 'All that's been asked of him is to wear a wristband that proves that he is who he says he is, so he doesn't get meals to which he is not entitled. I think that's not a big ask in the scheme of things.
'To try and compare this to Nazi Germany is an insult, frankly, to the six million Jews and many other people who were killed by the Nazis.'
Mr Davies then advised the refugees who said they had been abused by passing motorists who could see their wristbands to 'wear a jumper' if they wanted to avoid such verbal attacks.


Rahumullah Ahmedi, 36, and next door neighbour Ajmal Kadari (left), 37, both from Afghanistan, outside their front doors in Costa Street, Middlesbrough, which were painted red by Jomast, a subcontractor of services giant G4S



Asylum seekers in Middlesbrough have said they are pleased that their families are no longer the target of abuse

Asylum-seekers in Middlesbrough with red doors suffer abuse




Around 150 migrant homes are living in houses with the distinctively coloured doorways, which residents claim led them to being a target for racist vandals

His comments came as housing bosses in Middlesbrough were seen painting the front doors of homes that had been provided to refugees, making them easily identifiable.

Around 150 migrant homes had distinctive red doorways, which led them to being a target for racist vandals.
It sparked outcry when discovered last week, with critics again blasting it as being similar to the way the Nazis treated the Jews in the lead up to the Second World War.
But workers today began painting the houses' doors, that are owned by subcontracted Jomast, with a grey undercoat.
The change in colour came as a huge relief to Beston Sharifie, 35, from Iran, who has lived in Middlesbrough for three years with his children and has suffered cruel taunts and abuse from passers-by.
The father-of-three said: 'We are all really happy and full of relief that the doors are not going to be red any more.
'Someone came to our home yesterday and said that there would be people coming to paint the door a different colour and then two men came this morning. They painted our door grey, it is still quite wet.
'I love England and the people around here but while we have lived in the area, it has got worse over the years.
'Eggs were thrown at our house and now people say unkind things to us because we are refugees.
'The change in the doors is a good thing because now no one will know that an Asylum Seeker lives here, our home looks just like any one else's on our street.'
Beston's son Yuset travelled with his father on foot through Turkey before arriving in the UK in the back of a lorry.
He is also pleased that his family are no longer the target of abuse.
The 12-year-old said: 'We are now just like any home in Middlesbrough, I am very happy that our door has changed colour.'
Stuart Monk of Jomast, and Peter Neden and John Whitwam of G4S, will be quizzed about the door issue today by the Commons Home Affairs Committee.
It has emerged that a similar scheme was in operation in west London until yesterday, where properties provided to refugees all had distinctive red number plaques.
As many as 31 three-bed, semi-detached homes in Longford, near Heathrow, are being used as temporary accommodation for migrants.
They all had the brightly coloured signs beside their front doors.
One local man: 'As much as we don't want them here, it's not right they should be segregated in this way.'


In west London, private properties provided to refugees and their families had distinguishable red number signs by their entrances. As many as 31 three-bed, semi-detached homes in Longford, near Heathrow, are being used as temporary accommodation for migrants

The houses are owned by multi-millionaire hotel mogul Surinder Arora and are believed to have been sub-contracted by the Home Office for migrant and refugee use.
The plaques were changed yesterday following the outrage in Middlesbrough.
A spokesperson told The Sun: 'As a consequence immediately put in place a programme to change the colour of door numbers to blend in.
'These have been previously used to assist those people staying at the properties to find their location, however these have now been changed.'


MPs and council leaders from areas with the highest concentrations of refugees are calling for them to be shared more equally across the country.
They have branded the situation, at a time of cuts to public services, unacceptable.

Outspoken Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk insisted the Government 'dumping' asylum seekers in towns like his is causing a strain on schools and health services.
He said: 'Rochdale is a cohesive community. We are quite diverse, but this is really upsetting the apple cart and it is creating tension.
'You have groups of asylum seekers, who through no fault of their own have nothing to do because they are not allowed to work, wandering around the town centre, not speaking English.'
Dave Budd, the elected mayor of Middlesbrough, which is the only local authority to have surpassed the Government's guideline of 1:200 asylum seekers to residents, said it had 'far exceeded its fair allocation'.
One in every 173 residents in the town is now an asylum seeker.
Geraint Davies, Labour MP for Swansea West, which is sixth in the national list of regions with the most refugees, was also unhappy with the way they were being dispersed.
He said the Government should not exploit Swansea's 'warm welcome' by 'over-burdening us and not providing the resources that are needed to support asylum seekers'.
Newport City Council, eighth on the list, said their multi-cultural societies meant asylum seekers were welcome, but that those diverse communities also had issues with deprivation.
Councillors in Manchester, Glasgow, Bolton and Oldham also voiced concerns.
A Home Office spokesman said: 'Asylum seekers are housed where there is appropriate accommodation available. Agreements between the Government and participating local authorities are voluntary and have been in place since 2000. We review these arrangements regularly and all asylum intake has to be approved by the local authority involved.
'We will work with any local authority that raises concerns about asylum dispersal.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Ofsted threatens to penalise schools where Muslim veil is worn[/h][h=2]Sir Michael Wilshaw writes to all inspectors instructing them to mark down institutions where they believe the veil 'hinders learning' and 'social interaction'[/h]
Sir Michael Wilshaw has written to Ofsted inspectors about pupils and teachers wearing the veil Photo: AFP

Schools will be marked down by Ofsted for the first time if inspectors judge that wearing the veil – by students or teachers - is as "barrier to learning".

Sir Michael Wilshaw, the chief inspector, has on Tuesday written to all inspectors instructing them to mark down institutions where they believe the veil hinders "positive social interaction".

He said that people need to listen to David Cameron’s views that “our liberal values, our liberal West values, are protected”.

It comes after the Prime Minister announced that Muslim women can be banned from wearing veils in schools, courts and other British institutions

Mr Cameron said that he will give his backing to public authorities that put in place “proper and sensible” rules to ban women from wearing face veils in comments which will reignite debates.
The Government is preparing to announce a series of measures designed to stop British Muslims becoming radicalised and traveling to the Middle East to join terrorist groups such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).
As part of the plans, ministers will pledge to outlaw gender segregation during meetings in public buildings amid concerns that some Muslim organisations are forcing women to sit separately.
Nicky Morgan, the Education Secretary, also announced plans to force schools to help stop teenagers travelling abroad to fight alongside jihadist groups such as Isil.
Schools will be required to inform councils when pupils stop attending without any explanation and Muslim parents will be encouraged to carry out checks to ensure their children are not being radicalised.
Ofsted's move was faced with opposition by Muslim leaders. Dr Sheik Howjat Ramzy, director of Iqra Institute in Oxford and former head of an Islamic school, said Ofsted’s move was “unjust” and it was “picking on Muslims in particular”.
He told the Daily Telegraph: “I believe he’s totally wrong and this is totally unjust. Ofsted is picking on faith schools, specially Muslim schools. There is nothing wrong with wearing the head veil.”
He estimated only one in 500 pupils wear the veil in the UK. He added: “Not many pupils wear the veil. The veil doesn’t make pupils intelligent or not. It gives them their identity and some security. Pupils have the right to wear the veil if they go to Islamic schools. That is no problem.”
A Department for Education spokesman said "we fully support" the statement from Sir Michael that head teachers who "restrict the wearing of the veil to support effective teaching and learning will receive Ofsted's backing".
"It is also clearly right that if the wearing of the veil is interfering with education in schools that should trigger action from Ofsted."


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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Denmark approves law on seizing refugees' valuables and delaying family reunions[/h][h=2]The Danish authorities say the policy would help cover the costs of sheltering the 20,000 refugees it received this year[/h]

The real objective of this law is stop Denmark from appearing as an attractive country to asylum seekers'
Claus Juul, Amnesty Denmark

"It is meant to make refugees go to other countries instead, because the message it sends is that if you really want to come to Denmark then you will have to wait up to three years before you can see your family.
"The proposal to make asylum seekers give up their valuables has backfired for the government, because the general public found that it was reminiscent of Nazi Germany - and that this provision really just serves to amplify the message: 'You do not want to seek asylum in Denmark.'"
The law would apply to cash or assets of up to 10,000 kroner (£1,000).
"The tone in the public debate about refugees and immigrants has undoubtedly become tougher," Kashif Ahmad, the leader of Denmark's National Party said.

Denmark received 20,000 migrants and refugees last year, while Germany received 1.1 million and Sweden 163,000.
Polling suggests up to 70 per cent of the Danish public see the number of migrants entering the country as its most pressing issue.
"I wouldn't say that I have become racist or anything," Poul Madsen, a taxi driver, tld AFP before the bill was debated.
"But I may be more aware of the fact that this has some downsides and may be a potential problem for our society and our economy."


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=3]1 million[/h]
Refugees and migrants have arrived in Europe via illegal routes

[h=3]38 percent[/h]
Proportion of migrants who are from Syria

Syrian refugees being housed in Lebanon – a country 100 times smaller than Europe

[h=3]One in five[/h]
Proportion of people in Lebanon who are refugees

[h=3]1 in 122[/h]
According to the head of the UN refugee agency, one in 122 people is a refugee

[h=3]1.2 percent[/h]
Proportion of migrants who land in Italy and Greece, then get as far as Calais

Illegal migrants were stopped from entering Britain by UK Border Force officials in 2015

[h=3]15 per cent[/h]
Proportion of female refugees from Syria who are pregnant in Turkey


Data as of November 2015

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]'It is Swedish politicians' fault that she is dead.' Family of murdered Swedish refugee worker blame migration crisis for her death as police warn they cannot cope with rising violence[/h]
  • Alexandra Mezher, 22, fatally stabbed at migrant centre where she worked
  • Her family, who are originally from Lebanon, described her as 'an angel'
  • They blame 'Swedish politicians' for the attack after record migration
  • Boy aged 15 living at the centre has been arrested on suspicion of murder
  • Teenage killer was overpowered by other children living at the centre
  • Swedish police demand more cash to stem rising violence in the country

PUBLISHED: 21:28, 25 January 2016 | UPDATED: 16:12, 26 January 2016

The mother of the young social worker who was allegedly stabbed to death by a 15-year-old asylum seeker at a shelter for refugee children today spoke of her anguish as the family blamed Sweden's migration crisis for her death.
Alexandra Mezher, 22, was working alone with ten youths aged between 14 and 17 when she was attacked at the home for unaccompanied young refugees in Mölndal, near Gothenburg. She later died of her injuries in hospital.
Chiméne Mezher, 42, today told how she had lost her 'angel', as a close cousin said: 'It is the Swedish politicians' fault that she is dead.'
Sweden is one of the main destinations for refugees and migrants entering the EU and police warn they cannot cope with the tide of migrant-related crime.




Tragedy: Alexandra Mezher, pictured right with her best friend Lejla Filipovic at their high school graduation in 2012, died after being stabbed at her place of work - a care home for unaccompanied underaged refugees



Pride of the family: The social worker is pictured on the day of her university graduation in June 2015



Tribute: Flowers and candles have been left outside the housing for unaccompanied migrants in Molndal, near Gothenburg, where Alexandra Mezher was killed

Paying tribute to her 'angel', her mother wept: 'She was my air, she was my everything, why her?'
'She was a just and fair human being. There were so many who loved her. She was my daughter, my friend.. my mate,' Mrs Mezher told GoteborgsPosten.
Miss Mezher's best friend-of-eight-years Lejla Filipovic, 22, also paid tribute to the young social worker today, saying the pair were like sisters.

'She was so goodhearted, she wanted to do so much in life,' she told The Telegraph, adding that she had sometimes worried that Miss Mezher was putting herself at risk.
'I know that some of the kids aren't in a good place right now, because they came without their parents, so sometimes I was worried, but I knew that she had good coworkers,' she told The Telegraph.
The tributes comes as Swedish police announced that the 15-year-old refugee boy accused of murdering Miss Mezher will stand trial as an adult.
The teenager remains in custody, an unusual step as youngsters are normally sent to a secure children’s home following arrest.
However, police told MailOnline they had made the decision to keep the teenager behind bars due to the serious nature of the crime and the public outrage follow the brutal knife killing Miss Mezher.


Murdered: Migrant centre worker Alexandra Mezher, 22, was stabbed to death at a centre for migrant children in Molndal, on Sweden's west coast. A boy, 15, who lived at the centre is in police custody




Inspirational: Dedicated Miss Mazher, who was planning on going back to university to do a masters, had been working with refugee children at the centre (pictured) since last autumn


Hard working: Psychology graduate Miss Mezher who was a Lebanese Christian whose parents were from Beirut, was today described by her mother Chiméne as an 'angel'




Search: Detectives were at the migrant centre which houses children aged 14-17 searching for clues. Police today praised two hero teenagers who held the knifeman down until they arrived

The incident comes amid rising tensions over migration in Sweden. The number of threats and violent incidents at asylum facilities doubled between 2014 and 2015.
Earlier this week, Stockholm police warned that the capital's main train station is 'overrun' by gangs of Moroccan street children, who are 'stealing and groping girls' and have called for more resources to cope.
Today, Prime minister Stefan Lofven admitted that many people are fearful of attacks similar to the killing of Miss Mezher, because 'Sweden receives so many children and youths arriving alone'.
Sweden accepted more than 160,000 asylum seekers in 2015, more than any other EU state per capita.
Alexandra, of Lebanese Christian origin, lived with her parents Boutros, 46, and Chiméne Mezher, and her two younger brothers in Borås, some 40 miles from Molndal.
Her father came to Sweden from Beirut, Lebanon, in 1989 and her mother moved there three years later.
It has now emerged that Miss Mezher had been working alone at the housing in Mölndal, which is home to ten unaccompanied minors.
Despite rules that the staff should work in pairs, Miss Mezher had been working a night shift all by herself and was attacked just half an hour before daytime staff were due to take over, GT reports.
A colleague speaking on condition of anonymity told GT that staff had previously complained about having to work alone overnight.
'Everyone cried and someone said that this was something we had brought up before, that no one should work alone.'
A spokesperson for HBV Living Nordic AB, which runs several care facilities for unaccompanied minors in the surrounding area, told the paper the rotas followed government guidelines.
Police said Miss Mezher was stabbed shortly before 8am on Monday by a boy, who was then apprehended by other youths living at the centre.
She was taken to Sahlgrenska Hospital in Gothenburg, but died later on Monday as a result of her injuries.
Officers discovered a knife at the scene and the teenager has since been arrested on suspicion of murder.
Swedish police have today praised the actions of the other children living in the facility, hailing them 'heroes' after they overpowered the boy after he attacked Miss Mezher.
'Two boys held him down. It is a very good intervention. Had he intended to hurt anyone else, then they have prevented that,' police spokesperson Peter Adlersson told Expressen.
'It is easy to become injured yourself when intervening in this kind of situation. We are very grateful for these kinds of actions.'
Miss Mezher had only worked at the centre in Mölndal for a few months.
It is is home to ten unaccompanied children aged 14-17, who arrived in Sweden seeking asylum without a parent or a guardian and has provoked unrest.
Neighbourhood-watch groups have reportedly been sent out to prevent teenage girls from being sexually harassed on their way home from the commuter trains from Gothenburg.
Parents have also spoken out against having their children in the same classes as the immigrants.

[h=3]ALLEGED TEENAGE KILLER TO BE TRIED AS AN ADULT, SAY POLICE[/h]The teenage migrant accused of murdering a young Swedish social worker at a refugee centre will stand trial as an adult, MailOnline has learnt.
Authorities in Sweden have taken the unusual step of keeping the 15-year-old suspect in police custody due to the serious nature of the crime.
Youngsters are normally sent to a secure children’s home following arrest, but the teenager is being held behind bars due to public outrage follow the brutal knife killing of Alexandra Mezher.
And he will be held in an adult prison until he goes on trial.
‘A person is criminally responsible when they reach 15-years-old in Sweden,’ a Gothanburg Police spokesman told MailOnline.
‘The boy is being held at the police station.
‘But it is very unusual that children to be kept in custody by the police.
‘However the public prosecutor has deemed this as a special case due to the nature of the crime and will ask for the boy to be held in prison until he goes to trial.’
The spokesman added: ‘He is not known by the police and has not been arrested before.
‘But there is always a variable of uncertainty about these kids identity.
‘We don´t know anything about the boy family. We have not even established his identity with a 100% certainty yet.’
Meanwhile police have praised the bravery of the two residents of the migrant centre who tackled the killer, saying their courage had saved lives.
‘The two boys who over-powered the knifeman probably saved lives,’ a Gothenburg Police spokesman told MailOnline.
‘When the first patrol came to the centre they were informed that the boy was held down by two other boys who were living there.
‘When they entered the crime scene they found him on the floor being held by these two boys.
‘They had over-powered him and probably saved the lives of others.
‘It is fair to say that they were really brave and courageous in their actions.
‘We found what we think is the murder weapon laying beside them.’
All residents of the migrant centre, a drab three-storey building on the outskirts of Molndal, a suburb of Gothenburg, have been moved to another location, it has emerged.
A police spokesman told MailOnline: ‘We have seven witnesses who saw the incident and we will talk to them again tomorrow. The 15 year old boy will be interrogated again tomorrow as well.
‘All the boys who were staying at the centre has been allocated to other centres in Mölndal.’




Poignant: Miss Mezher, a Lebanese Christian, had posted a number 'inspirational quotes' on Facebook confirming her faith



Inspiration: Miss Mezher's Facebook profile give a poignant reminder of the loving, caring person she was. Paying tribute her mother said: 'She was a just and fair human being. There were so many who loved her'



Questioning: A boy, 15, living at the centre has been arrested on suspicion of murder after Miss Mezher was fatally stabbed. Police have cordoned off the centre as forensics investigate



Scene: Molndal, on Sweden's west coast, where the migrant centre is, has been the scene of rising tension in recent months. Neighbourhood-watch groups have been sent out to prevent teenage girls from being sexually harassed on their way home from the commuter trains from Gothenburg

But Miss Mezher, a psychology graduate from the Blekinge Institute of Technology in Karlskrona, was driven by a strong desire to do good, and was fascinated by theories examining why some people commit crime.

She had completed a three-year course in social science for communication and learning and called her dissertation, 'The road to non criminal - a lifestyle change'.
Written with another student, she researched the factors which help offenders break from a life of crime.
It concludes that to make a lifestyle change and be able to break a delinquent behaviour, 'social workers need to build trust in relationships'.
Miss Mezher's cousin said: 'It is so terrible. She was a person who wanted to do good, who wanted to be good.
'And then he murdered her when she was doing her job. We have cried a lot. She was such a nice person, warm and happy.'
Miss Mezher was reportedly planning to return to university to do a masters degree in social science.
The stabbing occurred on the same day as police in Sweden demanded more resources to stem rising violence apparently linked to the migrant crisis.
Police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg, who refused to reveal details of the murder suspect's nationality, said: 'These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common.
'We're dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad.'


Home: Miss Mezher was living with her parents, originally from Lebanon, and her younger brothers in Borås, some 40 miles from Molndal



Centre: Miss Mezher, whose family are originally from Lebanon, had only worked at the accommodation for unaccompanied refugee children for a few months

National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson requested 4,100 additional officers and support staff to help fight against terrorism, carry out migrant deportations and police asylum facilities.
He said: 'We are forced to respond to many disturbances in asylum reception centres. In some places, this takes significant police resources.
'This was not the case six months ago and it means that we won't be able to respond as effectively in other areas.
Also weighing on police resources are border controls introduced on January 4 and a higher national terrorist threat level after the Paris attacks in November.
'Many of the problems we are now facing help to prove the point that Swedish police have long been underfunded and under-staffed,' police union director Lena Nitz, told TT.
'It is obvious that the migrant situation is a great strain. It has become clear that the situation is completely unsustainable.'
The police request for more resources comes as greater attention is being focused on allegations of violence by young migrants across Europe, with some countries expressing doubt about their ability to integrate them into society.
Like the rest of Europe, Sweden has been struggling with the continent's biggest migration crisis since World War II.
A country of 9.8 million, Sweden took in more than 160,000 asylum seekers in 2015, the highest number of refugees and migrant arrivals per capita in the EU.
Out of the 160,000 who applied for asylum, 35,369 were unaccompanied minors.


Critics: National Police Commissioner Dan Eliasson (left) requested 4,100 additional officers and support staff to help fight against terrorism, carry out migrant deportations and police asylum facilities. Police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg added: 'These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common. We're dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad'



Clashes: Tensions are rising in Sweden as it struggles to cope with a record influx of migrants and asylum seekers (pictured: An estimated 15,000 people attended a Refugees Welcome rally in Gothenburg last year)

[h=3]HOW TOWN SWAMPED BY MIGRANTS HAS BUCKLED UNDER THE STRAIN... AMID RISING TIDE OF VIOLENCE ACROSS SWEDEN[/h]Mölndal, a town in suburban Gothenburg with 63,000 residents, accepted over 4,000 unaccompanied refugee children in 2015.
Sweden accepted more refugees and migrants per capita than any other European country in 2015, and Molndal alone saw up to 400 unaccompanied minors arriving every week last autumn.
In 2014, the town council received 276million SEK(£22.6m) to provide housing for unaccompanied minors – the most funding per capita in Sweden.
The large number of unaccompanied youths has led to escalated tension in the area, with some residents claiming that young women no longer feel safe walking from the train at night.
The attack on Alexandra Mezher allegedly by a 15-year-old unaccompanied migrant is also just the latest reported incident involving underaged new arrivals in Sweden in recent weeks.
Stockholm's main public swimming centre will now be patrolled by uniformed police after at least four underage girls were reportedly sexually assaulted by young male asylum seekers in January.
On Monday, police in the capital warned that Stockholm's main train station had become unsafe after being 'taken over' by dozens of Moroccan street children.
The all-male migrant teen gangs are spreading terror in the centre of the Swedish capital, stealing, groping girls and assaulting security guards, according to Stockholm police.
Members of the gangs, some as young as nine, roam central Stockholm day and night, refusing help provided by the Swedish authorities.
This followed reports from the city of Kalmar, on the south-east coast, that more than a dozen girls had been sexually assaulted by what was described as men or teenage boys of foreign appearance on New Years Eve.
In turn, violence against those seeking refuge in Sweden has also escalated in the past year.
Arson attacks targeting asylum shelters have surged, with at least two dozen centres reduced to ashes or damaged by fire last autumn.
According to the Swedish Migration Agency, the number of threats and violent incidents at asylum facilities more than doubled between 2014 and 2015.
In 2014, there were 148 incidents but in 2015 that number jumped to 322.
While all refugees are given a right to stay in Sweden, there are now new rules in place at the country's borders.
From January 4th, anyone who wishes to travel with train, bus or ferry to Sweden must be able to show ID or passport, something which has seen many stuck in limbo by the border in Denmark.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Revealed: Migrant boy, 15, arrested on suspicion of murdering Swedish social worker is from Somalia - as family blame politicians for her death and police warn they cannot cope with rising violence[/h]
  • Alexandra Mezher, 22, fatally stabbed at migrant centre where she worked
  • Her family, who are originally from Lebanon, described her as 'an angel'
  • They blame 'Swedish politicians' for the attack after record migration
  • A boy, 15, living at centre, arrested on suspicion of murder is from Somalia
  • Teenage killer was overpowered by other children living at the centre
  • Swedish police demand more cash to stem rising violence in the country
PUBLISHED: 21:28, 25 January 2016 | UPDATED: 21:29, 26 January 2016


New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]Police flee for their lives at Swedish migrant camp after they are surrounded by screaming mob as they try to relocate ten-year-old boy ‘who had been raped multiple times’[/h]

  • The attack allegedly happened in the town of Västerås in central Sweden
  • Staff at the refugee centre feared the 10-year-old boy was being abused
  • They failed to remove the child after the refugee would not let the child go
  • Ten police officers failed to safe the child after being attacked by the mob
  • See more news on the migrant crisis at

PUBLISHED: 16:21, 26 January 2016 | UPDATED: 18:27, 26 January 2016

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