I've said this many time............Saddam may have been crazy, and I don't condone a lot of things he did. But, at least, there was law and order in Iraq and most of the region during his rule. There was no ISIS or Al Queida, at least not like today. We did create most of the turmoil around today. The same may be said about Libya and what we did there.
"law and order in Iraq" :neenee:
Does gassing your own people fit that bill?
Apparently you're too young to remember the Gulf war and how coalition forces had to drive "Stabilizing Saddam" out of Kuwait, as well as the subsequent military action by President Clinton all through the 90s. You also probably don't remember Israel having to bomb Iraq's Osirak nuclear reactor....too far back for the libtard blogosphere.
"Stabilizing force in the region" face)(*^% - the guy was a constant nuisance some military always had to deal with.
In 1991, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf said his troops were 100 miles from Baghdad awaiting orders to finish the job.
That's all George W. Bush did - finish the job (12 years too late)