I didn't say that 97% of bettors win at a 40% rate, however, if you do your homework, even on this website, you will find that there are some posters who consistently struggle to get to 40%. It is a lot easier to find them then one who wins at a 60% rate. The problem is that most gamblers have an ego and look at only those that appear to win, while it is much easier to find those that lose. They don't think about the money potential but rather being on the winning side. Been in this business nearly 40 years and know for a fact, it is easier to find losing gamblers then winning ones. They're everywhere.
I know of one guy on this forum that was even remotely close to 40% (starts with an E ends with a O and some numbers, in the baseball forum), and even then he hit 46% for the season. And that is one season! I sure would like to find a good golden goose that hits 40-45% year after year, but I have NEVER seen one. Sure, someone may be absolutely dreadful one year but they may be a lot closer to 50% the next and fading them would create a similar outcome for you.
I feel a lot more comfortable doing my own numbers and trying my best than fading some guy on an internet forum. I would rather put in the long hours and bet my own stuff, that way if I lose it is on me.
I would also question anyone who fades someone on an internet forum with only a year or two of data, max (which is basically what you are going to find as people come and go on these forums).
If you want to be successful in this industry, you have to take control and do your own thing. Ask an professional, they will scoff at blindly fading somebody just because they had a bad year or two. Wouldn't we all be rich if it was that easy? (<)<