Generally speaking when someone is so adamant about getting a 370 payout calling you at 7 in the morning for such a small sum of money that should have told you right there to end business with this person.
If 370 is that important then you should know that 500 will be a tall order to pay.
I Totally agree with this.
Back a few years ago Had a guy that was a small small gambler. Settle figure was $500
He would win a few, lose a few, never even go that high. But one week he calls me and says he wants to get paid ( his Balance was $99 )
I said yeah well the settle is $500. But if you Really need it, ok
He said he was Finish, and to close out his account. I said fine ... But I was now going to play the part of a Prick ! normally I would have given him $100
but gave him $99
He calls me 5 days later and wants his account re-opened ... Ding Dong ... Alert ... Alert ... this guy doesn't have a pot to piss in
that's why he wanted the $99
He probably needed it to pay a bill or something. because Who asks for $99 ??
said to him that I believe you are a Broke Motherfuker ....I told him to find someone else
So yeah $370 could be a sign, unless it was set up as a end of the week settle