Well, I'm trying to be civil.
"From1995-2007(12 years) Republicans held total control of both House and Senate for 10 of those years. And Bush was President for 4 of those years, so yes, they had opportunities. Let me ask this, did they even try?"
This statement is meaningless because...
If a party doesn't control
ALL branches of government along with a
filibuster-proof majority in the Senate, the type of necessary changes you are advocating
Did Republicans try? What does that even mean? Of course they tried!
Bush proposes overhaul of Social Security, Medicare
Like Scott L trying to reason with certain posters in here, predictably those efforts went NOWHERE.
As I stated previously, 18 trillion in debt with no end in sight makes "bipartisanship" a pipe dream - unless your idea of "bipartisanship" is colluding with the party mostly responsible for this mess and thereby compounding the problem: Big Government!