Is Roxygurl Really a Guy?????


New member
Jan 1, 2001
this shit just isnt going away.... lol.....

she has a wiener. any further questions?

New member
Mar 15, 2005
choptalk said:
Your right man. This whole thing started because the Shrink thought Roxy had an agenda. I wrote an open letter to ROXY at another website a few weeks back that I think sums up this whole episode. Im baised, but I think I hit all the nails on the head with my letter. Hear is my letter I wrote to Roxy:

<!--StartFragment -->Ok, here is my real opionion.

I think there are holes in the story on both sides. Both Roxy and the RX are wrong.

The reason the RX is wrong:

The RX has a misconception that ROXYGIRL had an agenda to steal posters from one place and get them to another. This is false. Roxy never had an agenda. They meaning Xpanda and Shrink, kept mentioning that Roxy has a website and had this great big plan to get her site going. Roxy never had any intentions of this whatsoever.
I dont think the Shrink or Xpanda could care less whether or not Roxy is male or female. All they ever cared about was this so called agenda that they thought Roxy had which she did not. I am 100% sure of that.
I dont think people who sign up at the site shoud be required to let everyone know if the are male or female. It simply does not matter. The RX had intentions of showing Roxy up because of the so called agenda and nothing else.
Well the posters did not care about the agenda part. They where fixated about the gender issue which had nothing to do with the intent of Shrink or Xpanda.

Where Roxy is wrong:

Even though you are not technically required to give out so called private info this is pretty lame. I think you could take 5 mins out of your day to call shrink just to shove it in his face if you are indeed who you say you are. This leaves tremendous doubt. There is no other way around it. If you can so called call ACE-ACE this means that its important to you. Why cant you just call Shrink. In your interview with EGO you said some pretty telling things that I believe you are hiding something somehow.

This next part is speculation and I have no facts to back this up. Here is a quote in your interview with EGO:

: I am a nervous puddle of jello when speaking to anyone for the 1st time.The call was nerve wracking cuz he wanted to know why not call Ken?? He asked about a poster dispute that i was unaware of at that time. He also asked about my most recent post I made that morning, which confused me cuz i posted just after Midnight that morning. I also called him a 2nd time, but that was mostly to apologize for the confusion the first time..

My thery on this is you got someone other than yourself to make this call to Ace-Ace. Ace-Ace asked your imposter 2 very simple questions and she whoever your friend was who made the call could not answer the questions. Please dont use the excuse that you posted at midnight and you were tired and you dont remember your last post. The poster dispute was probably about the Alan Palmer incident which was the day before your incident. Dont tell me Roxygirl with 4000 post did not know about this. Thats insane!!
So basically ACE-ACE asked your imposter 2 simple question that the real person posting under the name Roxygirl would have known but could not answer simply because whoever was talking to ACE-ACE was not you.

Now to my opionion on the matter.

With all that being said. I think the poster named ROXYGIRL was a good poster that I enjoyed reading. Just because Roxy may be a guy does not change the fact that Roxy added to the forum, and should be welcomed back. Just be honest with us ROXY. I know you never had an agenda. This is what started all of this. If you are a dude just tell us. I personally think you are because all your reasons for not calling are very lame if you ask me.
If you would have gone on the forum and admitted the truth, it would have never got blown out of proportion.

I enjoy your post Roxy. I hope you dont take this post the wrong way.

Come correct. Thats all im saying.

Chop, your becomming one of my favorite posters around here. Very informative letter and alot of very true facts in that letter.

Like I said in my previous post, it isnt about the guy/girl thing anymore, its about the principal of the matter and that principal was violated a hundred times over when Ken pulled the recruiting stunt himself.

I do agree that Roxy should have called Ken and let him ask the questions then when it was all over tell him to go screw himself. But Roxy didnt take that route and went to ACE instead. I will never understand that move but its all water under the bridge to me now since the recruiting aspect of this whole epsiode is what we should be looking at.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
-Slim- said:
this shit just isnt going away.... lol.....

she has a wiener. any further questions?

Slim your missing the point here. Wiener or no wiener it wasnt about that. Ken is an ASSHOLE and what he did to Roxy and then turned around and did it himself is the point I am trying to make.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
-Slim- said:
this shit just isnt going away.... lol.....

she has a wiener. any further questions?
It's obvious to us all, except maybe 8-9 people. But this is out of hundreds. Any poll in the world can't ever be better than 90%, no matter the question.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
RobFunk said:
Naw, the recruiting thing was just an after mention if you read the post.

She just wanted to point out the dude using Roxy Gurl was CFBGuy. If you don't want to hold that against Roxy/CFbguy/whomever/whatever, then more power to you. For sure. :toast:

But recruiting was a big part of it was it not?

Jesus I got to get out of this thread and go have a :drink: Cards are about to whoop some DBACK ass. :lolBIG:

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
letgetiton said:
Slim your missing the point here. Wiener or no wiener it wasnt about that. Ken is an ASSHOLE and what he did to Roxy and then turned around and did it himself is the point I am trying to make.
You're over stating the recruit thing. It was only a mention. Also, ken did'nt 'recruit' Xpanda. I can't give the details, but that's not how it happened.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
letgetiton said:
But recruiting was a big part of it was it not?

Jesus I got to get out of this thread and go have a :drink: Cards are about to whoop some DBACK ass. :lolBIG:
I hear you man. I'm not trying to fight either, but Xpanda is a really cool chic and hell of a writer. I'm curious to see her new material this coming football season. She did what she thought was best for everyone, she chose to give the facts. She could have kept it a secret, and if we found that out, that they had known all this and not told us we'd all be pissed.

New member
Jan 1, 2001
You know something...

I never was able to determine if she was a chick or not from the photo she sent me.


New member
Jan 30, 2005

The recruiting "Agenda" was more than just a mention, it was actually the entire basis for what they did. They claimed that Roxy was falsely pretending to be female in order to drum up more interest in a new site. Take Shrinks original post for example:

It really PISSES me off when posters who befriend me turn out to have hidden agendas to hurt this site...:sad3:

One of my mistakes has always been to give people the benefit of the doubt, but over the years, I have learned that TRUST takes time...

Unfortunately, some mistake my KINDNESS for WEAKNESS...


More later...

Still fact gathering...


Now if the major issue was Roxy being a girl or a guy how would that be an Agenda to hurt the site? If you would just look at the facts and the obvious intentions of the parties that started the whole thing you would realize the same thing. It never was about whether Roxy was a girl or a guy. If after taking another look at the situation you can honestly say that Roxy had an agenda to hurt the RX and Shrink was only protecting the interest of the site than I would have to respect your opinion.

I think you are right about Xpanda not being recruited. With her head as far up Shrinks ass as it is she had no choice but to follow him.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I think you are right about Xpanda not being recruited. With her head as far up Shrinks ass as it is she had no choice but to follow him.
If you're going to have an over the top crass attitude like that, then I won't bother with a serious reply Baker. I respect you as a poster, we've had good discussions in the past, but in this case I'm sure you're aware you're being a dick and any man can admit when he is being one.

New member
Jan 30, 2005
RobFunk said:
If you're going to have an over the top crass attitude like that, then I won't bother with a serious reply Baker. I respect you as a poster, we've had good discussions in the past, but in this case I'm sure you're aware you're being a dick and any man can admit when he is being one.


The part of my post you quoted was an obviuosly failed attempt at humor on my part.

I admit that I was being a dick by saying Xpandas head is up Shrinks ass, as I am pretty sure it is impossible for anyone to get their head in another persons ass to the extent that they would have to follow them.

Now would you give me a serious reply?

New member
Jan 15, 2005
I was involved in this with Roxy being apart of my mvpsports101 site and it was about recruiting at first till we got it all cleared up. Xpanda turned out to be a great person in the end. Shrink also turned out cool after he and another poster had a phone call and straightened up the whol "poster stealer" thing. Roxy, IS a female from where I believe the facts of a well known poster from the rx that alot of people respect that had never gotten involved with this! But in the end. Does it really matter who we are or what we look like? As Rodney King once said, "Cant we all just get along?" LOL Just my 2 cents now im OUTTA HERE to win some $ in the bases!:103631605

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
Baker said:

The part of my post you quoted was an obviuosly failed attempt at humor on my part.

I admit that I was being a dick by saying Xpandas head is up Shrinks ass, as I am pretty sure it is impossible for anyone to get their head in another persons ass to the extent that they would have to follow them.

Now would you give me a serious reply?
I know what you meant, but Tanya and Ken were both employees of the RX. One was a writer and one was an advisor. They were both board room members, and I would imagine they got to talking and we can use our imagination from there. That's all public info, all of that has been posted on the forums here.

It just is'nt fair to Tanya (the real name she uses in her articles, not some inside info) to make it sound like she was chasing around Ken for some type of gain.

Did Xpanda and The Shrink state that Roxy/Cfbguy had an agenda? Yes. But I would think that is only becuase we/they were trying to make sense of why someone from a unique IP that has 2 handles posted here with signifigant post counts on both handles would do that.

The real message body of "Roxgurl is a fraud" lies in the fact that it really is CFBguy. This is only attemptedly covered up by saying CFBguy is an X-boyfriend or something. Other than that, there is nothing there to dispell it.

How many times has a ghost proved to be someone's friend? It's unheard of.

You can only think that Roxy is really a girl if you want to belive the boyfriend story which never came out until days after Xpanda's 'fraud' post.

New member
Mar 15, 2005
God damnit Rob I thought you were leaving. Now I see your posting again I had to come back and read what was typed. LOL.

Seriously though, this is getting old and i am in agreement with you that no fight is intended to be started here. I do agree with just about everything Baker said about the recruitment thing. You and I are gonna have to see differently on what the main reason of the original post regarding the Roxygirl is a Fraud thread.

Again, whether Roxy is a guy/girl isnt pertinent to me since this is an internet forum and I wont ever get to meet anyone on here. I come here to get gambling info and lately to be entertained.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
letgetiton, if everyone thought like you this probably would'nt have been an issue.

I agree, it's old.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
RobFunk said:
Her milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and theyre like, do you wanna trade posts

youre damn right, I wanna use ghosts

For some reason that made me laugh my ass off. Thanks!


RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
C-LO said:
I was involved in this with Roxy being apart of my mvpsports101 site and it was about recruiting at first till we got it all cleared up. Xpanda turned out to be a great person in the end. Shrink also turned out cool after he and another poster had a phone call and straightened up the whol "poster stealer" thing. Roxy, IS a female from where I believe the facts of a well known poster from the rx that alot of people respect that had never gotten involved with this! But in the end. Does it really matter who we are or what we look like? As Rodney King once said, "Cant we all just get along?" LOL Just my 2 cents now im OUTTA HERE to win some $ in the bases!:103631605
its all true. and i didnt recruit her to the above website i invited know where i am now. come ask me anything. i have nothing to hide.:howdy:

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
the verdict is in, and i am OFFICIALLY through with it. you guys can read the interview and draw your own opinions, or insist on comsuming more of the koolaid

i'm done with it

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