I didn't know you could email a mod to get back in. And secondly, I could care less who you think I could call pathetic. You lay everything in life on this stupid forum. I can't call someone pathetic because I created a ghost on an online forum? Give me a fucking break. Online gambling forums come in 1,895th place of importance of what makes you pathetic or not. I base my judgements off of how people act. I'm a very political person who has knowledge and substance to my beliefs. I have facts proving a lot of what I stand for and very good logic for the others. I'm an accomplished activist, great father and a person that has given up his freedom for the benefit of others. I have no reason to feel or to think that I'm pathetic. On the other hand you have people who are uneducated asses who blindly support governments and policies that effect nearly every nation. You have people that contribute nothing to the world to make it better. Beer, football, naked women and money is what makes their world go around. I'll take my position in life over that any day of the week. And be confident that they are the pathetic ones, not me.