Is Peyton Manning Done after this Season ??

Dec 21, 2008
Hopefully so and I think he will. Favre even at the end was still a decent QB. Manning right now is done: Yes he was great in his prime for many many years, but if he wasn't Peyton Manning (or maybe a rookie picked at #1 or #2), he probably would already have been benched already.
To me it's less mind boggling, that he has almost no arm left, but that despite his physical limitations and the way his defense has carried this team, he has made some terrible decisions trying to force throws into double coverage or hanging jumpballs up there that get picked off. You would think with his football IQ he would understand his current limitations better than anybody else and know how to work around them. Instead he is too stubborn(?) to adapt and turns the ball over and over again, not even counting the times, where Thomas & Sanders bail him out with great plays at the receiving end. Most of their games so far probably still wouldn't have been close, if he just had managed the game by making sure to not turn over the ball and let his defense and special teams win games for them.

Solid post!
Sep 21, 2004
<header class="post-heading" style="max-height: 100000px; padding: 0px 14px; margin-bottom: 17px; width: 570px; color: rgb(28, 28, 28); font-family: Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 20px;">[h=2]WHY PEYTON MANNING IS THE MOST OVERRATED PLAYER IN SPORTS HISTORY[/h]<time class="post-date" datetime="2014-11-05" style="max-height: 100000px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 29px; float: left; color: rgb(243, 243, 243); margin-right: 22px; box-shadow: rgb(180, 180, 180) 17px 0px 0px, rgb(180, 180, 180) -14px 0px 0px; background: rgb(180, 180, 180);">November 05, 2014</time>
by Bryce Gigliotti

Peyton Manning is the most overrated player in this history of sports.
Normally, my blog, Ball Is Life, posts articles about basketball only. But as a huge sports fan, I like other sports besides basketball, football included. I am a huge fan of the NFL, and have decided to occasionally post articles relating to it, in addition to basketball.
One opinion I have formed over my years of being a football fan, is one relating to Peyton Manning. It is an opinion that is very unpopular, and almost always disagreed with, but I assure you I have more than enough evidence to back it up. The quarterback that many consider to be the greatest ever, is not only overrated, but is the most overrated player in the history of sports.
I have nothing personally against Peyton Manning, but looking at his NFL career as a whole, it is nothing short of outrageous to call him the greatest of all time. Like I said before, I have more than enough evidence to prove this, and I will present it to you below.
Here are the many reasons why Peyton Manning is the most overrated player in the history of sports.
1. He can't win when it counts.

If you want a quarterback that can win you all types of games in the regular season and put up ridiculous statistics, you want Peyton Manning. If you want a quarterback that will consistently let you down in big games (the playoffs, the Super Bowl), you also want Peyton Manning. Peyton Manning has shown that he is a failure in the playoffs time and time again. Manning does the same thing year after year, and it really makes me laugh how people have the same reaction every year as well. Manning will lead his team to a 13-3 record, win MVP, and have every clueless sports fan in the world saying, "The Broncos look unstoppable this year, no one can beat them, they're going to win it all", only to witness Peyton fall short, again. This will happen again this season, no doubt. Manning has an atrocious playoff resume, which includes an 11-12 record, that's right, 11-12, meaning he has lost more playoff games than he has won. Let me say that again, Peyton Manning has LOST MORE PLAYOFF GAMES THAN HE HAS WON. Nearly every great quarterback to ever play the game of football not only has winning playoff records, but they have significantly larger amounts of playoff victories than losses. Not Manning though, he has 12 losses, and only 11 wins. Manning also has 8 playoff "one-and-dones", which means he has lost the first game of the postseason that he has played in, EIGHT TIMES. As for statistics, in Peyton's 23 career playoff games, he has thrown 24 interceptions, a little more than one a game. He has also thrown only 37 touchdowns in these 23 games, which would equate to about 26 TD's in a NFL regular season, which in today's NFL, would be about 10th among all QB's during any given season. In his 16 complete seasons as an NFL quarterback, Manning has won only 1 Super Bowl, and made it to 3. A little on the low side for some one who is supposed to be the "greatest of all time". In the Colts 29-17 Super Bowl victory against the Bears, Manning had 247 yards, 1 TD, and 1 INT. Not very impressive, to say the least. In his other 2 Super Bowls, Manning's Colts lost to the Saints, a game in which Manning threw for 333 yards, 1 TD and 1 INT, his sole interception being a pick-6 on the final drive of the game to Tracy Porter, sealing the Colts loss.
Manning's third Super Bowl game was last year, a 43-8 loss to the Seattle Seahawks. Manning and his high-powered offense put up 8 points on Seattle. Manning also shredded the Seattle D for 280 yards and a TD, and threw 2 picks, including yet another pick-6. He also fumbled.
Even against other greats of his time, Manning falls short. He has a 5-11 record against Tom Brady, who has owned Manning his whole career, and has been beaten in the playoffs by Ben Roethlisberger, Drew Brees, Phillip Rivers and Joe Flacco, among others.
Manning's choking days even go back to college. In his final season at Tennessee, with a chance to win the National Championship, Manning's Volunteers lost to Nebraska 42-17.
All in all, Manning has been a consistent disappointment in the postseason throughout his entire football career. Many people will say this isn't his fault, because football is a team game, leading me into my next point.
2. Manning has had great teams around him for his whole career.
With the exception of a few of his early seasons, Manning has had great teams around him his whole career, giving him no excuse for his terrible playoff performance. When talking about the greatest receiver of all time, Jerry Rice is almost always the first name that comes to mind. The next few spots are always debated, but ask any knowledgeable football fan, and between names like Michael Irvin, Cris Carter and Randy Moss, you will always find Marvin Harrison. Harrison had nearly 15,000 yards and 130 touchdowns in his career, and played with Manning for 11 of them. Manning has also played with other greats like Edgerrin James, Reggie Wayne, Dallas Clark, Joseph Addai and more. He has also played with some great offensive lines and defenses in his career. Dwight Freeney, Robert Mathis and Bob Sanders aren't too shabby. Look at his current Denver Broncos team, for example. He has arguably the best offensive weapons in the NFL, with Demaryius Thomas, Wes Welker, Emmanuel Sanders and Julius Thomas, and an exceptional defense as well. The Broncos D includes players like Von Miller, T.J. Ward, DeMarcus Ware, Aqib Talib and more. Put a QB like Brady, Roethlisberger or Rodgers on that team, you're almost guaranteed a ring. Manning is still currently without one is his reign with the Broncos.
Overall, the fact that Peyton has only 1 championship in 17 years, with the great teams he has played for, shows how good he really his. The true greatest of all time would have a lot more than that. You can't keep making excuses for the man. When his team wins, it's all because of him, but when they lose, it's everyone but Manning's fault. The simple fact is, as the quarterback, Manning takes responsibility for the team's performance, win or lose, and rightfully so.
3. His statistics and awards present a false sense of greatness.

For those confused on what this means, allow me to explain. Manning has incredible statistics for his career, nearly 70,000 yards and over 500 touchdowns. But one reason, a relatively large reason in fact, that he has such great career statistics, is because he has played 17 season in the NFL. It is completely unfair to compare his career statistics with other quarterbacks who played 5 or 6 fewer seasons. After all, did people consider Brett Favre the greatest ever when he retired? He did hold the NFL records for most passing touchdowns, and still holds the record for most passing yards, and has the same amount of Super Bowl victories as Manning, one. In addition, the NFL game has changed significantly from back in the day. In the 70's, 80's and even 90's, passing the football was no where near as prominent as it is today. Quarterbacks today often throw the ball 60 times a game. That was unheard of back then. If you gave players like John Elway, Dan Marino, Joe Montana, and more, the opportunity to throw the ball as much as the QB's of today do, their stats would be significantly improved. Another point people bring up is how Manning has 5 MVP's. This is terrific that the associated press believed Manning was the best player in football those years, but did he really win anything? He didn't win the Super Bowl in any of those years, did he?
Manning's stats have been inflated from his long career, and his "awards" given to him by a vote make him seem better than he really is.
Those are my 3 main reasons why Peyton Manning is the most overrated player in the history of sports. I have had this argument constantly with several people, and rarely does anyone agree. You most likely don't agree either, and that's OK. Just stay tuned to this NFL season, and watch Manning lead Denver to a 13-3 record, the first seed in the AFC, and have everyone picking them to win it all, just to see Peyton lose, again. It will happen, I assure you. The Broncos will NEVER WIN A SUPER BOWL AS LONG AS PEYTON MANNING IS THEIR QUARTERBACK. Remember that. And remember one more thing.
Never bet on Peyton Manning.


New member
Nov 17, 2011
<header class="post-heading" style="max-height: 100000px; padding: 0px 14px; margin-bottom: 17px; width: 570px; color: rgb(28, 28, 28); font-family: Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 20px;">[h=2]WHY PEYTON MANNING IS THE MOST OVERRATED PLAYER IN SPORTS HISTORY[/h]<time class="post-date" datetime="2014-11-05" style="max-height: 100000px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 29px; float: left; color: rgb(243, 243, 243); margin-right: 22px; box-shadow: rgb(180, 180, 180) 17px 0px 0px, rgb(180, 180, 180) -14px 0px 0px; background: rgb(180, 180, 180);">November 05, 2014</time>
by Bryce Gigliotti

Peyton Manning is the most overrated player in this history of sports.
Normally, my blog, Ball Is Life, posts articles about basketball only. But as a huge sports fan, I like other sports besides basketball, football included. I am a huge fan of the NFL, and have decided to occasionally post articles relating to it, in addition to basketball.
One opinion I have formed over my years of being a football fan, is one relating to Peyton Manning. It is an opinion that is very unpopular, and almost always disagreed with, but I assure you I have more than enough evidence to back it up. The quarterback that many consider to be the greatest ever, is not only overrated, but is the most overrated player in the history of sports.
I have nothing personally against Peyton Manning, but looking at his NFL career as a whole, it is nothing short of outrageous to call him the greatest of all time. Like I said before, I have more than enough evidence to prove this, and I will present it to you below.
Here are the many reasons why Peyton Manning is the most overrated player in the history of sports.
1. He can't win when it counts.

If you want a quarterback that can win you all types of games in the regular season and put up ridiculous statistics, you want Peyton Manning. If you want a quarterback that will consistently let you down in big games (the playoffs, the Super Bowl), you also want Peyton Manning. Peyton Manning has shown that he is a failure in the playoffs time and time again. Manning does the same thing year after year, and it really makes me laugh how people have the same reaction every year as well. Manning will lead his team to a 13-3 record, win MVP, and have every clueless sports fan in the world saying, "The Broncos look unstoppable this year, no one can beat them, they're going to win it all", only to witness Peyton fall short, again. This will happen again this season, no doubt. Manning has an atrocious playoff resume, which includes an 11-12 record, that's right, 11-12, meaning he has lost more playoff games than he has won. Let me say that again, Peyton Manning has LOST MORE PLAYOFF GAMES THAN HE HAS WON. Nearly every great quarterback to ever play the game of football not only has winning playoff records, but they have significantly larger amounts of playoff victories than losses. Not Manning though, he has 12 losses, and only 11 wins. Manning also has 8 playoff "one-and-dones", which means he has lost the first game of the postseason that he has played in, EIGHT TIMES. As for statistics, in Peyton's 23 career playoff games, he has thrown 24 interceptions, a little more than one a game. He has also thrown only 37 touchdowns in these 23 games, which would equate to about 26 TD's in a NFL regular season, which in today's NFL, would be about 10th among all QB's during any given season. In his 16 complete seasons as an NFL quarterback, Manning has won only 1 Super Bowl, and made it to 3. A little on the low side for some one who is supposed to be the "greatest of all time". In the Colts 29-17 Super Bowl victory against the Bears, Manning had 247 yards, 1 TD, and 1 INT. Not very impressive, to say the least. In his other 2 Super Bowls, Manning's Colts lost to the Saints, a game in which Manning threw for 333 yards, 1 TD and 1 INT, his sole interception being a pick-6 on the final drive of the game to Tracy Porter, sealing the Colts loss.
Manning's third Super Bowl game was last year, a 43-8 loss to the Seattle Seahawks. Manning and his high-powered offense put up 8 points on Seattle. Manning also shredded the Seattle D for 280 yards and a TD, and threw 2 picks, including yet another pick-6. He also fumbled.
Even against other greats of his time, Manning falls short. He has a 5-11 record against Tom Brady, who has owned Manning his whole career, and has been beaten in the playoffs by Ben Roethlisberger, Drew Brees, Phillip Rivers and Joe Flacco, among others.
Manning's choking days even go back to college. In his final season at Tennessee, with a chance to win the National Championship, Manning's Volunteers lost to Nebraska 42-17.
All in all, Manning has been a consistent disappointment in the postseason throughout his entire football career. Many people will say this isn't his fault, because football is a team game, leading me into my next point.
2. Manning has had great teams around him for his whole career.
With the exception of a few of his early seasons, Manning has had great teams around him his whole career, giving him no excuse for his terrible playoff performance. When talking about the greatest receiver of all time, Jerry Rice is almost always the first name that comes to mind. The next few spots are always debated, but ask any knowledgeable football fan, and between names like Michael Irvin, Cris Carter and Randy Moss, you will always find Marvin Harrison. Harrison had nearly 15,000 yards and 130 touchdowns in his career, and played with Manning for 11 of them. Manning has also played with other greats like Edgerrin James, Reggie Wayne, Dallas Clark, Joseph Addai and more. He has also played with some great offensive lines and defenses in his career. Dwight Freeney, Robert Mathis and Bob Sanders aren't too shabby. Look at his current Denver Broncos team, for example. He has arguably the best offensive weapons in the NFL, with Demaryius Thomas, Wes Welker, Emmanuel Sanders and Julius Thomas, and an exceptional defense as well. The Broncos D includes players like Von Miller, T.J. Ward, DeMarcus Ware, Aqib Talib and more. Put a QB like Brady, Roethlisberger or Rodgers on that team, you're almost guaranteed a ring. Manning is still currently without one is his reign with the Broncos.
Overall, the fact that Peyton has only 1 championship in 17 years, with the great teams he has played for, shows how good he really his. The true greatest of all time would have a lot more than that. You can't keep making excuses for the man. When his team wins, it's all because of him, but when they lose, it's everyone but Manning's fault. The simple fact is, as the quarterback, Manning takes responsibility for the team's performance, win or lose, and rightfully so.
3. His statistics and awards present a false sense of greatness.

For those confused on what this means, allow me to explain. Manning has incredible statistics for his career, nearly 70,000 yards and over 500 touchdowns. But one reason, a relatively large reason in fact, that he has such great career statistics, is because he has played 17 season in the NFL. It is completely unfair to compare his career statistics with other quarterbacks who played 5 or 6 fewer seasons. After all, did people consider Brett Favre the greatest ever when he retired? He did hold the NFL records for most passing touchdowns, and still holds the record for most passing yards, and has the same amount of Super Bowl victories as Manning, one. In addition, the NFL game has changed significantly from back in the day. In the 70's, 80's and even 90's, passing the football was no where near as prominent as it is today. Quarterbacks today often throw the ball 60 times a game. That was unheard of back then. If you gave players like John Elway, Dan Marino, Joe Montana, and more, the opportunity to throw the ball as much as the QB's of today do, their stats would be significantly improved. Another point people bring up is how Manning has 5 MVP's. This is terrific that the associated press believed Manning was the best player in football those years, but did he really win anything? He didn't win the Super Bowl in any of those years, did he?
Manning's stats have been inflated from his long career, and his "awards" given to him by a vote make him seem better than he really is.
Those are my 3 main reasons why Peyton Manning is the most overrated player in the history of sports. I have had this argument constantly with several people, and rarely does anyone agree. You most likely don't agree either, and that's OK. Just stay tuned to this NFL season, and watch Manning lead Denver to a 13-3 record, the first seed in the AFC, and have everyone picking them to win it all, just to see Peyton lose, again. It will happen, I assure you. The Broncos will NEVER WIN A SUPER BOWL AS LONG AS PEYTON MANNING IS THEIR QUARTERBACK. Remember that. And remember one more thing.
Never bet on Peyton Manning.

Good stuff right here.

New member
Dec 16, 2011
SAd to watch.......struggles to throw damn near evry down. Hope he retires and heads into coaching or ownership

Oct 31, 2004
IM sure Elway can relate.
He was pretty much in the same condition his last 2 seasons in the NFL when Davis basically carried him.
Elway was not a top 20 QB those 2 super bowl teams at the end.

Jan 15, 2010
Even struggling he's still top in the league.... I say he's got one more season left, unless he wins the SB this year, then he goes out on top.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
IM sure Elway can relate.
He was pretty much in the same condition his last 2 seasons in the NFL when Davis basically carried him.
Elway was not a top 20 QB those 2 super bowl teams at the end.

IDK Chop, I've never before seen an NFL QB that needs to loft the ball if throwing 20 yards down field.

Statistically speaking, Manning is the very worst starting QB in the NFL, rock bottom at 72.5. He's worst in the league in TD / Int ratio at -3. I don't recall Elway being so ineffective.

If Manning wasn't Manning, the legend that he is, he's already benched.

I thought he personally lost their playoff game last year to the Ravens, I thought Fox should have went to his backup, I was butchered on this forum. He played the same way in that game he's playing so far this year.

Maybe it's something he can recover from, IDK. But if not, if he'll never regain arm strength, he shouldn't be playing.
May 8, 2014
I don't think the Broncos really would want him to come back. He would be 40 and a half by week 1 in 2016. I wish the Colts had that defense with Manning in his prime.

Jul 14, 2007
I don't think the Broncos really would want him to come back. He would be 40 and a half by week 1 in 2016. I wish the Colts had that defense with Manning in his prime.

Funny how things work sometimes. Best defense he had in his career by far and it comes right when he can't throw the ball more than 20 yards anymore.

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