given up on hiding your racist views? do people in your family feel like a half breed? Loser!@#0
100% White
100% Fact
Not sure why this matters though. If you can see it’s pretty clear.
Guy loves to troll and how so many people feed into it is amazing. Now he even has his on poll lol!
I don’t pay him much mind in what he says. Really don’t even read his replies to stuff anymore. I
But if you really want to know then read what he says. Subconsciously he exposes himself as white clear as day. His patterns in writing were programmed by his wording years ago. Therefore, unless he is aware of it he will not be able change his direction. It’s like tying your shoes, you just do it. So if he reads this and understands he subconsciously has exposed himself as white, he can consciously adjust to further post and change his approach and be perceived as black. However, he will have to critically analyze his words consciously to cover up. But from how he words stuff to how he replies should easily be your answer to this question. I’m not going to research his post and I could be wrong as far as him addressing stuff, but has anybody seen him reply anything in the regards to
“as a black man I know etc..”
”as a black man I have done etc..”
Someone asked him about “white privilege” did he ever give any solid examples? If not then he is white. Because obviously he is way to privileged and white to know what any are!
In any defense of his points of view in regards to race has he ever related his message/response of personal real life events?
The pure way he supports a black point of view is clearly worded as outsider of non black descent.
Is Ebonics used in his replies? A black man will 100% use this tone/view especially in defense of a topic or point of view of passion and righteous belief.
“They is” “We is”
”They be” They is”
Not to mention in Ebonics speaking/writing is without present tense!
(Ebonics is real black culture and the reason behind it is strong)
”We” or “I” ever used in direct response of a highly debatable subject matter of his favor in signifying his black view?
For example, RX headline is “Black man shot for water skiing”
A reply of
“see WE can’t even fucking go skiing without without white peoples killing US”
Good job MOB! They made a poll on you and have managed to get people fired up for years! Keep giving people shit!
But your still white
Interesting how someone that supports equality & simply gives the FACTS of white privilege is questioned about what ethnicity they are. You people would dispute that gravity didn't exist if it didn't support your support of hate. Idiotic to support a president that was 1 billion in debt, sued over 1,500 times, and bankrupted 5x. Very puzzling policies you support.