Name calling, all you've got and all you will ever have. It must be frustrating to not be able to put your thoughts (such as they may be) into words, instead having to rely on hurling epithets at your opponents.
Call me loony, I actually care what the rest of the world thinks of my country.
My point is that moonbat central cares more about what some Euro thinks than what their neighbors think. If you don't march lockstep to the moonbat mantra, you're a reactionary who must be stamped out.
At one time I thought compromise was possible with the loonie left, but Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have shown me how wrong thinking I was. The thought of those two married to Obama scares the hell out of me - I hear you people talk about a right wing big brother all of the time, but those three would be the foundation of a true big brother movement, starting with the "fairness" doctrine as their Kristal Nicht and then the pogrom would move on from there.
They're the reason for the second amendment.