There is a lot of this going on too that goes unnoticed
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When the local Habitat For Humanity needed some extra muscle on a home project in Troy, they reached out to the Troy University football team for help.
The Trojans responded in a big way.
Senior starting quarterback Brown (Mt. Juliette, Tenn.), senior receiver Marcum (London, Ky.), junior defensive end Addison (Birmingham, Ala.), sophomore punter Goggans (Douglas, Ga.) and freshman linebacker Thomas (Mobile, Ala.) all reported to the site on Holland Alley in Troy on Tuesday and went to work.
The extra muscle was needed to unload framing for a new home being built for Stacy Fayson and her family.
Maggie Uphaus, who took the photos of the guys at work, said they came at just the right time.
“They needed people to help move the pre-assembled walls off of the truck and, when I got there, there was only one man and the woman who is receiving the house,” Uphaus said. “A call went out to the coach (strength coach Shaughnessy) and he was able to get the guys to come out and help.
“Without them, moving the house would've been practically impossible.”
Troy head coach Blakeney said he is always proud when members of the team go out into the community, no matter what they are doing.
“I didn’t even know about this deal until the kids came back into the office all geeked up about where they had been and what they had been doing,” Blakeney said. “They were proud that they were able to do something good for the community and good for a family that needed the help. Things like that always make me proud of them.
Blakeney said the Trojans are often asked to take part in various activities, and they are almost always able to do what is asked.
“A lot of our kids are involved in the community, whether it is in the schools or Big Brothers/Big Sisters or whatever,” Blakeney said. “There is never a request that comes in that they don’t do. They go read in schools and play with kids at recess, they have done it all. They don’t do it to get credit, they do it because it makes them feel good.”
The Habitat for Humanity project on Holland Alley, just off Griffin and Elm Streets, is ongoing in Troy, and volunteers to help complete the project will be needed throughout the weekend.
To get involved with Habitat for Humanity in Pike County, give them a call at 334-372-7578.