is hosnatcher a rapist?


is hosnatcher a rapist?

  • yes

    Votes: 33 86.8%
  • no

    Votes: 5 13.2%

  • Total voters

AIG Bonus Recipient
Feb 15, 2006
Not sure why therx would even let this guy post this kind of stuff on their board...surprising

New member
Mar 29, 2007
I think the guy is just yanking everyones chain...I would bet on it...

If not, and it was my daughter, this guy would be in a ditch bleeding somewhere, but then again,my daughter, if she was 13, wouldn't be dating period much less fucking...goes to show you that parents don't give a fuck...even if this guy is just a bullshitter...this shit happens all day everyday in America...

fucked up part whale...he isn't joking.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I see that Honsnatcher finally cast his own vote for this poll
Sep 21, 2004
Kiddie-snatcher/Sumday hasn't posted on here for a few days... hmm......


Author of pedophilia guide on his way to Fla. jail

BARTOW, Fla. (AP) — A Colorado man who wrote a how-to guide for pedophiles is on his way to a jail in central Florida.
Phillip Greaves of Pueblo, Colo., will be booked into the Polk County jail Tuesday. Officials say his first court appearance is scheduled for Wednesday.
The 47-year-old was arrested Monday in Colorado and is charged with violating Florida's obscenity law, a third-degree felony.
Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd claims jurisdiction because Greaves sold and mailed a copy of his book to undercover deputies who had written the author requesting a copy.
The book caused outrage when it was listed on Amazon in November. It was later removed from the website.
Florida's obscenity law prohibits distributing material that depicts children "engaged in conduct harmful to minors."

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004

Scottcarter was caught making out with Caitlin Jen
Feb 2, 2008
If your old enough to get tried and convicted as an adult, who am I to deprive you of getting fucked like an adult.

Too bad you are not a real man who can score with a real woman. Gotta go after 13 and 15 year olds. They should lock you up in general population.......sicko

I just cast my vote.

25-1 Real nail biter there.

Do you like my new avatar?
Oct 21, 2002
I find it hard to believe that anyone in their right mind would come on here and say what he has stated and then try and defend it like a cowardly, slimy pedophile would do..

Hosnatcher, I hope you pay the price one of these days for taking advantage of minors; go get some help.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
He's obviously paying a price in that he's unable to sustain a healthy ongoing relationship with any adult females now that he's (allegedly) in his early 30s
Feb 20, 2002
Quote from Hosmolestor:

"Thinking back to my experiences when I was 19 I was dating/fucking a 13 year old. She was very advanced for her age. She drank liquor, snorted drugs, had a lot of previous sexual experience got a tattoo on her breast... It was like dating young Drew Barrymore. Also when I was 22 I was dating a 15 year old and she was pretty much self-reliant too. She drank, did drugs, came and went as she pleased had no curfew and pretty much only answered to herself."

You deserve a good ole' fashioned ass kicking.

It seems that in both America and especially many other times and places he'd be getting a lot of high fives. There are many millions of examples.

"The ages of consent for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction across Europe. Spain (age 13) has the lowest age of consent, while Malta and Turkey are at the highest end, (both age 18)."

"Based on ancient Jewish law, Bar and Bat Mitzvah placed age of consent at 12 for girls and 13 for boys.[4][5][6][7]"

whats the big deal, i guarantee theres some 17 yr olds youd fuck.
why does this bother you so much?
what exactly happened to you as a young girl?
ahem..she was pretty much 16 and I just turned 21. Also..what are you from the farm?
I say let him fuck 12 year olds....I mean he has to be a great guy, hes a Colts fan!
He can screw barnyard animals for all I care.
Easy question, it is absolutely acceptable unless it's my daughter that's 16 then hell no.
I was 19 and briefly dated a girl that was 15 and 9 months. She moved to Cali and actually does movies now.....ohhhh, hummmm
hehehe... when i was 16 i dated a 19yo and a 20yo at the same time... nothing wrong with it - i wonder where my MOJO went?
in my book a hs freshman can date a senior, anyone over 16 can date anyone under the drinking age.
I have a sister 10 years younger than me, and when she was 17, she dated a guy who graduated with me. He was a close friend and I had no problem with them dating. I knew he would treat her alot better than the 17 year old boys at her school. Its more a matter of how mature and trustworthy the guy is than how old he is...
as long as its not where i live, well then i see no problem
A kid who is a senior in HS could have a early birthday and turn 19 before he graduates....and be dating a junior who has a late birthday and still be 16. A senior dating a freshman in HS could have the same situation: 18 & 14 or so...... I don't see anything wrong with it.
In reply to the above quote by CoachCB, WC said:
Like I posted earlier, depends on the kids and their maturity.
On the flipside, you could have a 16 year old sophomore dating a 19 year old 2 years graduated from HS. I was 17 when I graduated from HS.
It all depends.

........go for it

You only live once.

Do whatever you want that is legal and let others do the same.

A response to Enfuego:

I have to disagree with you on this one Chris. He gets worked up in several threads, not just this one. Then when the majority in the thread disagree with him he just spouts his opinion and takes it for fact and calls his opponent the angry one.


As far as sumday being a felon, rapist and pedophile, the legal age of consent in Canada is 14 when he had sex with the girl. So having sex with a 15 year old makes him neither a rapist nor a felon.

Hell, for most of the world's history 21 year old guys and older have been having sex with 15 year olds. It's only been recently that it's been frowned upon and mostly only in the US. The Latin countries certainly don't frown upon and most of Europe and Asia don't either. Certainly the lawmakers in the whole country of Canada didn't think it was bad either. Otherwise they wouldn't have made the age of consent 14.

As far as him being a pedophile, in order to be a pedophile one has to be sexually interested in prepubescent children. A 15 year-old doesn't hardly fit that description.

0-3 for our friend Enfuego. Or perhaps 0-4 if you include all the people who disagreed with you that rich people get favors from law enforcement when you said they don't.


I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats though.
-- Elton John

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
pedo bear cheering hosnatch
Feb 20, 2002
Enfuego said:
Silent voters weren't silent when they voted 26-1 that Hosrapist is in fact a child predator.

Well, Enflamo, let's look at the facts:

1. The poll question was "is hosnatcher a rapist?"

2. A pedophile is no longer a pedo when his sexual interest in prepubescent children ceases. He is then a changed man.

"An adult or late teenager who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children

3. A 90 year old who ceased stealing at the age of 6 when he swiped a candy bar is no longer a thief. He has changed his ways.

4. A rapist who 20 years ago ceased raping is no longer a rapist. He has changed.

5. Therefore, hosnatcher is no longer a rapist and the correct poll answer was NO, he is not a rapist.

6. The poll was at 27-4 today. At least 4 people got it right. As usual, you didn't.

7. As to the separate question "was hosnatcher ever a rapist" in his ancient history, 17 years ago, assuming his story is true, that would depend on where the consentual sex with the almost 14 year old teen slut occured, and what the letter of the law was at that time, etc. These things were not mentioned let alone discussed in the thread in question.

8. Men in Spain have a "choice" to LEGALLY bang a 13 year old teen girl.

Twenty-five year old men in Colorado have a LEGAL "choice" to have sex with 15 year old school girls.

Nineteen year old adults in Hawaii and Canada have a LEGAL "choice" to screw 14 year old teenie boppers.

Eighteen year old guys in the US Capitol [Washington] have a LEGAL "choice" to hump 14 year old young ladies.

9. BTW, you, Enfuego the flamo, support murdering preborn children, which is a million times worse than a 19 year old boy having consentual sex with an almost 14 year old teen slut.
Feb 20, 2002
16/17 yr old with a 19 yr old is alot different than a 13 yr old.

Really? Aren't you generalizing? Are you saying there aren't 13 year olds who are as mature as your average 16 year old? Some 13 year olds are grades ahead of their age, or even in university.

In this case it's a 13 year old who had already been sexually active with guys both younger and older than 19, and who was herself almost 14. So she was just over two years shy of being 16.

BTW in Hawaii a 14 year old can legally have sex with someone less than 5 years older than her/him. What does that tell you?
Feb 20, 2002
Too bad you are not a real man who can score with a real woman. Gotta go after 13 and 15 year olds. They should lock you up in general population.......sicko

Evidently the state of Colorado disagrees with you, since they make it perfectly legal for a guy up to 10 years older than a 15 year old to not only date her, but fuck her silly. Maybe you should figure out why instead of being so hateful.
Sep 21, 2004
Evidently the state of Colorado disagrees with you, since they make it perfectly legal for a guy up to 10 years older than a 15 year old to not only date her, but fuck her silly. Maybe you should figure out why instead of being so hateful.

I guess I'll have to state the obvious for a third time to get it through your thick skull.

Just because a certain state doesn't codify into law that a certain action is illegal, doesn't mean the action isn't immoral and/or twisted.

For example, MANY states don't have laws against bestiality.

In your small twisted mind, than means every one of those states is telling X-Files it is ok to fuck a horse and a goat.

Is it clear now?

Feb 20, 2002
I guess I'll have to state the obvious for a third time to get it through your thick skull.
Just because a certain state doesn't codify into law that a certain action is illegal, doesn't mean the action isn't immoral and/or twisted.
For example, MANY states don't have laws against bestiality.
In your small twisted mind, than means every one of those states is telling X-Files it is ok to fuck a horse and a goat.
Is it clear now?

In one case you have no specific law against something which can be and has been prosecuted with other laws [hence no need for a specific law against it], whereas in the other you have specific age-in-exemption laws allowing it. IOW, my friend, these are apples and oranges.

In the case of Colorado it is a situation where they have made a specific law or laws that are close-in-age exemptions, also known as "Romeo and Juliet laws", to the legal age of consent law that allow certain minors to have sex with certain adults, etc. Colorado, as just one example of a state that has done that, has gone to a lot of thought and trouble to have these laws in place and they believed them to be right.

If they had believed their age-in-exemption laws were wrong or immoral they wouldn't have made them and might have enacted laws making such a crime as other states do. Obviously they don't agree with those states that make 15 and 18 year old closed mouth kissing or all night sexathon orgies a crime punishable by up to 20 years in prison.

(That doesn't mean Colorado thinks every 15 year old has a perfectly healthy moral sex relationship with a 20 year old just as the same could be said about two 17 year olds or two 40 year olds.)

This is quite different from there being no specific law against something, since lawmakers have found no need to make such a law, as it may very rarely occur {unlike the above Colorado laws) and/or be of little interest to lawmakers, and there may be various valid reasons for that. For example, in the case of beastiality, even where there is no specific law against it, it may still be prosecuted under other laws, and there are cases where this has occured.

"Even if bestiality is not explicitly prohibited, there are often many other laws which can be used to effectively prosecute cases. For example, most countries have animal cruelty laws, and a prosecutor will argue that all zoophilia activity is animal abuse, even if no harm was done to the animal.[11] In some U.S. states, a person who engages in bestiality can be charged with animal "cruelty" even if the animals involved are not injured.[12]

So your argument was a half decent attempt, i guess, but it won't make shit fly as you seem to be letting your biases blind you to the obvious, while certainly grasping at straws and spitting into the wind.

"Many states have changed their statutory rape laws to fit this definition, adopting a new class of statutory rape that stipulated that a teenager can legally have consensual sex with a 14, 15, or 16 year-old provided that the other sex partner is within four years of those ages."

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
i figured it out X-Files is the 13 year old girl hosnatcher fucked and shes still in love with him and is defending him here and in the other pedo bear threads............noble work young lady
Feb 20, 2002
I think the guy is just yanking everyones chain...I would bet on it...

If not, and it was my daughter, this guy would be in a ditch bleeding somewhere,

That's mature. Enjoy your time in prison.

but then again,my daughter, if she was 13, wouldn't be dating period much less fucking...

Yeah? What are you going to do to stop her?

1] lock her in the house?
2] hire PI's to watch her, with a SWAT team on standby?

She'll do whatever the fuck she wants to, whether gangbang orgies, BJ parties,
getting shitfaced, doing coke, you name it.

goes to show you that parents don't give a fuck...even if this guy is just a bullshitter...this shit happens all day everyday in America...

And it happens with parents who have attitudes like yours.

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