to be honest i could trade a monkey the mechnics of counting- thats the easy part
finding good games, not tilting and having a bankroll are a lot harder
Im a lot smarter than most people, especially with math, but nowhere near MIT level.I got a 1300 on the old sat with a 720 on the math part, which isnt bad but nothing special. but you could put me on one of those teams and I could fill in for any of those guys. There extra intelligence would not make a difference. Also they were being backed, so really were working off someone elses bankroll which makes things a lot easier. Back then casinos didnt ban mid shoe entry so team play was easy, especially since they werent looking for it.
Im sure people are thinking of other ways to beat bj that dont involve counting. An example is in some places they allow rider bets. For example i bet whatever I want and make all of the decsions, you bet behind me.So if we wanted to exploit this I could bet 5 dollars a hand,and you could bet 2000, with no counting. The advantage comes in beause of splitting. The person in the back would have the option of whether or not they wanted to split with the person in the front. For example if I had 7 7 vs a 5 and split you could either put up another 2000 and split with me. If not your original 2000 would stand behind behind the first 7 only. So on offesnive splits lilke this you WOULD put up more money to split with me, but on defensive splits (splits with neg expectation but less less neg expectation that not splitting) like 8,8 vs 10 you WOULNT split with me, you would just play the one 8 vs 10. These moves would be the only differeence in basic strategy. You would even have the orignal better split 3,3 vs a 9 10 ace (a few others im forgetting) to get the backer betting 2k one hand of 3 vs 10 instead of 1 hand of 6 vs 10.
You are correct in games around the world still being good, but Im not going to some 3rd world country where im likely to get robbed or worse to play some good bj. As good as the games were 20 years ago, im still pissed at how bad theyve gotten in the last 3 years.