Irony - People who spend 24/7 here with 6000+ posts telling someone else they are a loser

They deliver food to shut -ins, and those not capable of leaving the home.

From what i was told by IDENTITY's "Life-Partner" , Stayeven, the girl was tricked into doing the ad.

Supposedly, the girl has a kidney disorder, and she is on a list at St. Vincents, for a kidney transplant.

IDENTITY, (A.K.A. Pat) spomehow tricked this girl into believing she was a match, and could offer one of her kidneys to the girl.

Well, the girls Insurance (Aetna) still needs $2,400 dollars upfront to even start the process, in comes IDENTITY (Pat), saying she works with an Online Catheter Distributor, and that they wanted a model to display how easy the new line was to operate/clean.
As far as getting her nude, ID convinced the poor girl that it was unsanitary to use this model with clothing that had not been sanitized.
Also, he told her that if she did it nude, someone from may notice her deformed left breast, and may offer some help, or suggestions on treatment.

Poor girl, found out just days later that ID not only had no affiliation with, IDENTITY also is not a transplant Donor candidate, due to sever obesity, and trauma to her left kidney due to a botched Tummy Tuck operation 2 years ago.

Just a sad, disgraceful story Max. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

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