Iran Nuclear Deal Reached


Aug 6, 2006
Iran's Mandela - Majid Rafizadeh (Gatestone Institute)
Ayatollah Seyed Hossein Kazemeini Boroujerdi is a high-ranking dissident Iranian clergyman who has called for separation of religion and state, and has condemns Islamic radicalism, fundamentalism, and terrorism.
Boroujerdi is known as Iran's Mandela. He was arrested in Tehran on October 8, 2006, along with more than 300 of his followers, and was initially sentenced to death before his sentence was commuted to 11 years in prison.
He had been found guilty of "waging war against God" and publicly calling political leadership by the clergy unlawful.
In a 2014 letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, he wrote:
"I have been imprisoned and tortured for the past eight years for simply speaking out against political Islam and the cruel crimes committed by the government of Iran against its citizens due to implementation of religious laws."
"Iran's natural resources along with its national wealth are being spent - as a matter of priority - on funding Syria, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Bahrain and Iraq by the authorities while Iran's own citizens are enduring widespread poverty."

Aug 6, 2006
The Delusion of the Iran Nuclear Deal - Mark Dubowitz
Rigorously enforcing the Iran deal is a delusion: The greater the focus on enforcement, the higher the likelihood that Iran will emerge with nuclear weapons. The nuclear deal contains limited, temporary and reversible constraints that disappear over time. Under the terms of the agreement, Iran's uranium and plutonium pathways to atomic weapons expand over time.
The deal allows for Iran to ramp up the testing of advanced centrifuges in seven years and install these centrifuges in its Natanz enrichment facility in nine years. Breakout time to enrich one bomb's worth of fissile material to nuclear grade will then drop from one year to months and then weeks.
In less than 15 years, Iran will emerge with an industrial-size nuclear program with a near-zero breakout capability and much easier ways to sneak around restrictions. After the disappearance of the arms embargo 3 1/2 years from now and the missile embargo in 6 1/2 years, Tehran can acquire advanced conventional weapons and further expand its long-range ballistic-missile program to include intercontinental ballistic missiles.
President Trump must address the Iranian threat the way Ronald Reagan treated the Soviet one. The U.S. needs a plan that uses both covert and overt economic, financial, political, diplomatic, cyber and military power to subvert and roll back the Iranian threat. The Trump administration also needs to reinvigorate the sanctions regime aimed at Iran's support for terrorism, ballistic-missile development, human-rights abuses, war crimes, and destabilizing activities in the Middle East. The writer is chief executive of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.
(Wall Street Journal)


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Guesser walks into his favorite Iranian restaurant in Brooklyn. The waiter approaches. Guesser puts up his hand stopping his approach and says, "Just bring me my usual." The waiter turns toward the kitchen and says, Yes Sir! One Mullah Cock sandwich, coming right up!"

Guesstard up in the Offshore claiming he has balls and brains lmao.

Aug 6, 2006
  • Trump Administration Sanctions Iran Prison Torture Industry - Adam Kredo
    The Trump administration is leveling new economic sanctions against senior Iranian officials and its prison system for widespread human rights abuses, including the systematic torture of those being held in these facilities, White House officials say.
    The latest sanctions target the Tehran Prisons Organization and Sohrab Suleimani, a senior official in the prison system. "It's no coincidence that Sohrab Suleimani is the brother of the notorious Qassem Soleimani, the head of the IRGC's Quds Forces, who has been responsible for so much of the violent disruption Iran has been spreading through the region," said a senior official on the White House National Security Council.
    "Today's designations highlight our continued support for the Iranian people and demonstrate our commitment to hold the Government of Iran responsible for its continued repression of its own citizens," John E. Smith, director of the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, said in a statement. "We will continue to identify, call out, and sanction those who are responsible for serious human rights abuses in Iran."
    (Washington Free Beacon)

Aug 6, 2006
America and Iran Are Jostling for Influence over Iraq (Economist-UK)
Officially, Iran has only 95 military advisers in Iraq, compared with America's 5,800 soldiers. In reality, an adviser to the prime minister confides, Iran's forces outnumber America's at least five to one.
Iran's hidden hand is everywhere. "The Americans are more powerful," says Hashim al-Hashemi, an Iraqi security analyst in Baghdad, "but the Iranians are more dangerous. They have penetrated every organ of state."


New member
Nov 10, 2010

[h=1]Karma! Trump White House taunts Iran over terror attack in its capital saying mullahs are 'falling victim to the evil they promote'[/h]
  • A pair of ISIS attacks in Tehran killed 12 as six gun- and bomb-wielding militants attacked the Iranian parliament and a shrine to Ayatollah Khomeini
  • President Donald Trump leveled a broadside at Iran's mullahs, saying 'states that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote'
  • Four jihadis filmed themselves inside parliament before one blew himself up and three were shot dead
  • Suicide bomber who disguised himself in a burka detonated a suicide bomb at the shrine before a second was shot by police


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Donald Trump's White House sent a diplomatic pouch full of Schadenfreude to Tehran on Wednesday following an ISIS terror attack that killed 12 and wounded 35 at Iran's parliament and a shrine to Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
'We grieve and pray for the innocent victims of the terrorist attacks in Iran, and for the Iranian people, who are going through such challenging times,' the president said in a statement.
And then the hammer blow: 'We underscore that states that sponsor terrorism risk falling victim to the evil they promote.'
Aaron Sagui‏, a spokesman for Israel's embassy in Washington, quoted that last sentence and tweeted: 'Exactly.'

YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW: Donald Trump let his sarcasm fly on Wednesday, lecturing Iran's leaders after an ISIS attack by saying they back terrorists themselves



YEAH, YOU: Trump's unusually pointed statement followed a kinder sentence about praying for the Iranian people


The spokesman for Israel's embassy in Washington, D.C. tweeted: 'Exactly.'

The State Department condemned the deadly twin attacks, with spokeswoman Heather Nauert saying 'the depravity of terrorism has no place in a peaceful, civilized world.'
Official American statements of solidarity with the victims are notable because of the deep distrust between the U.S. and Iran. The two countries don't maintain diplomatic relations and the Trump administration has emphasized the need to counter Iran's influence.
The distrust of Iran was evident on Wednesday when shortly after the condemnation, Republicans and Democrats in Congress acted in a procedural vote to move forward on a new set of sanctions. The strong bipartisan vote was 92-7.
The bill would impose mandatory sanctions on people involved in Iran's ballistic missile program and anyone who does business with them. The measure also would apply terrorism sanctions to the country's Revolutionary Guards and enforce an arms embargo.
A few senators pleaded for a delay until next week in the previously scheduled vote in light of the attacks in Iran.




ISIS claimed its first ever terror attack in Iran on Wednesday after fighters stormed parliament and attacked a shrine to Ayatollah Khomeini (pictured, images released by the terror group claiming to show a fighter inside parliament)



Security forces stood guard as women and children were evacuated from the windows of the lower floors to rescuers below. Four jihadi fighters got into parliament through the visitor door while disguised as women in burkas before filming part of their rampage inside, including the body of a government worker

'Let us tell the people of Iran that while we have serious disagreements with them on a number of issues, that today when they are mourning, when they are dealing with the shock of a terrorist attack, today is not the day to go forward with this piece of legislation,' said Vermont's independent liberal senator Bernie Sanders.
Connecticut Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy also pushed for a delay, but Republicans and Democrats pressed ahead.
The bill is a 'carefully crafted response to Iran's ongoing aggression in the Middle East," said Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey.
Iranian authorities have arrested five suspects. The country's Revolutionary Guards blamed Saudi Arabia for the attack, saying: 'This terrorist attack happened only a week after the meeting between the U.S. President Donald Trump and the Saudi backward leaders who support terrorists.'

New member
Nov 10, 2010
'The fact that Islamic State has claimed responsibility proves that they [Saudi Arabia] were involved in the brutal attack.'


Police said they shot the second suicide attacker dead before he could detonate his device (body of dead attacker pictured)



Two suicide bombers targeted a shrine to Ayatollah Khomeini, with one detonating an explosive (pictured)



Security surrounded parliament as one jihadi blew himself up inside parliament while another three were shot dead

Saudi Arabia's foreign minister denied the claims and, like the U.S., condemned the attack.
ISIS earlier said fighters armed with AK47s and pistols stormed parliament through the civilian entrance while disguising themselves as women by wearing burkas, shooting security guards before detonating a suicide bomb, killing at least five and wounding 25.
Meanwhile two more suicide bombers attacked a shrine to Ayatollah Khomeini, the founder of modern-day Iran, as another suicide device was detonated, killing at least two and injuring another 10.
The Guards' accusation dramatically escalates already-strained tensions on the Arabian Peninsula, coming after Saudi Arabia led a group of six nations in cutting ties with Qatar, saying the country supported 'Iranian terrorist groups'.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Just a friendly reminder that this horrible Iran "deal" leads down the exact same dangerous road to failure as North Korea.


Aug 6, 2006
The only thing the poster who started this thread loves more than terrorists is jizz

Iran's Secret Sites Linked to Nuclear Weapons Development Revealed - Hollie McKay
A new 52-page investigative report by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), entitled: "Iran's Nuclear Core: Uninspected Military Sites," asserts that the country's nuclear weapons program is far from halted.
"The military aspect of the program has been and remains at the heart of Iran's nuclear activities," said Alireza Jafarzadeh, deputy director of the Washington office of the NCRI. "The weaponization program is fully operational," Jafarzadeh said. "The military sector has gone through changes in name, location and reorganizations over the years. However, it has never halted its work and key figures in the sector have remained unchanged."
The report identifies four major sites that "with high degrees of certainty" have been involved in nuclear weapons. Pazhouheshkadeh, located at the Parchin military complex, has become the main center for tests by the Center for Research and Expansion of Technologies for Explosion and Impact (METFAZ).
"The project to actively pursue production of nuclear warheads is conducted in Khojir by the Hemmat Missile Industries Group," the report notes. "Scores of large underground tunnels have been constructed in this military complex," providing "the possibility and flexibility of covering up the activities of the warhead project." North Korean experts have been "particularly helpful" in design aspects of the project.
At the Hafte Tir site near Isfahan, "the research site related to nuclear activities is located inside of a tunnel." Workshops at Hafte Tir were used in the past to produce centrifuge components. The Sanjarian site until recently was deemed the central testing site of METFAZ and is still functional. "None of the key nuclear sites situated in military centers have been inspected by the IAEA, certainly not since the JCPOA," said Jafarzadeh. (Fox News)


Aug 6, 2006
Iran Believes It Can Deceive the West - Yair Lapid
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif's article in The Atlantic this week is full of lies, distortions, and half-truths. Iran didn't improve the accuracy of its missiles to avoid "civilian or non-combatant deaths" (I had to read that sentence twice to believe he wrote it), but rather to intensify the threat and ability to sow destruction. Iran is not a democracy, as he portrays it, because a democracy doesn't hang homosexuals from cranes and doesn't enshrine in law the right to stone adulterers to death.
Iran does not show "good will and peaceful intentions," because if it did, it wouldn't have sent the Revolutionary Guard to help the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad murder more than half a million people in Syria. Iran is not interested in the "promotion of peace, stability, progress, and prosperity in the region" because Zarif's boss, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, has announced that Iran will support anyone who aims to "wipe Israel off the map."
The ayatollahs always believed in their ability to deceive the West. In their view, the West is weak and immoral, and will do anything to avoid conflict. Sadly, the deal signed with Iran in 2015 only strengthened that conviction. The Iranian regime hasn't forgone, even for a moment, the desire to turn into a dominant nuclear power and to sow chaos in the Middle East. They won't stop until they are stopped. The writer is chairman of the opposition Yesh Atid party and a former Israeli finance minister. (Atlantic)


New member
Nov 10, 2010

'It's become a monster':

[FONT=&quot]its involvement in financial activities and its role in suppressing reformists has turned it into a country inside a country, a government inside a government and an organisation that has no equivalent anywhere in the world. It’s like a river that is overflowing, covering everything.[/FONT]

New member
Nov 10, 2010
Fifteen Royal Marines and sailors seized by Iranians

23rd March 2007

Fifteen British sailors and marines were seized at gunpoint by Iranian forces in the Gulf today.

The men were in two inflatable boats on the Shatt al Arab waterway near Basra (Iraqi waters, not Iranian) when they were surrounded by vessels from the Revolutionary Guard.

On patrol: British marines on Iraq's Shatt al Arab waterway. A group of 15, including sailors, were seized from their boats in the same area today


They are believed to have been taken to an Iranian base where they are being held.

Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett summoned Iran's ambassador to London, Rasoul Movahedian, to the Foreign Office.

She demanded their immediate release and was expected to warn Iran not to repeat what happened in 2004 when six Royal Marines and two sailors were seized and paraded blindfolded on Iranian TV.

They were accused of spying and some were told they were going to be executed before being released after three days.

Today, the marines and sailors from HMS Cornwall had just searched a dhow which was suspected of carrying smuggled cars.

The Ministry of Defence insisted the men were in Iraqi waters and had not strayed into Iranian territory because they were using global positioning systems.

A spokesman said: "At 10.30 Iraqi time 15 British personnel engaged in routine boarding operations of merchant shipping in Iraqi territorial waters were seized by Iranian naval vessels.

"The boarding party had completed a successful inspection of a merchant ship when their two boats were surrounded and escorted by Iranian vessels into Iranian territorial waters.

"We are urgently pursuing this matter with the Iranian authorities at the highest level. The Government is demanding the immediate and safe return of our people and equipment."
Flashback: Hostages paraded on TV in 2004. Below: Iran's ambassador to London, Rasoul Movahedian, was summoned to the Foreign Office by Margaret Beckett


Tony Blair was being kept fully informed about developments.

The men were seized hours after a senior British Army officer backed claims that Iranian agents are paying Iraqi men in Basra £250 a month to attack British troops.

The commanding officer of HMS Cornwall, Commodore Nick Lambert,told the BBC: "My immediate concern obviously is for my people.

"I have got 15 sailors and marines who have been arrested by the Iranians. My immediate concern is that their safety and their safe return to me is ensured.

"I can assure all of the families who are listening out there that everything is being done at the highest level of the UK Government - and indeed of the coalition structure that we are working under - to ensure that safe return as soon as possible."

He stressed that he hoped the incident was due to a "misunderstanding" and that "clarification" would come shortly from the Iranian authorities.

Asked about the previous seizure of Royal Navy personnel, he said: "It's happened before. That's the nature of the beast we are working with."

Commodore Lambert insisted that there was no doubt in his mind that the marines and sailors were in Iraqi waters.

They are said to be safe and well, according to reports.

British ships routinely patrol the waterway to ensure Iraq's oil supplies can be exported.

BBC reporter Ian Pannell on HMS Cornwall said a number of Iranian boats approached the two inflatables "and essentially captured the Royal Navy and Royal Marine personnel at gunpoint".

As part of the diplomatic effort the most senior civil servant at the Foreign Office, Peter Ricketts, was due to warn Tehran that the men must be released.

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