Iran boasts it is capable of destroying Israel 'in less than EIGHT MINUTES' two weeks after testing missiles which can reach the state


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007

You guys all think there is some straight line "current path" to an Iranian nuclear bomb being detonated in Peoria, Ill. You're all nuts.

The USA is killing all kinds of middle-eastern people. Middle-eastern people are killing all kinds of middle-eastern people. What other path would you like us to be on?

The bottom line is this: It is hard to build one nuclear device, let alone the 6,970 that the USA has. And, it is even harder to get one of these devices to travel the 20,00 miles it has to go to hit a target in the USA.

To say that the outcome of the 2016 presidential election will determine if Peoria gets nuked is insane.
You remind me of my 3rd grade teacher.


Aug 6, 2006

You guys all think there is some straight line "current path" to an Iranian nuclear bomb being detonated in Peoria, Ill. You're all nuts.

The USA is killing all kinds of middle-eastern people. Middle-eastern people are killing all kinds of middle-eastern people. What other path would you like us to be on?

The bottom line is this: It is hard to build one nuclear device, let alone the 6,970 that the USA has. And, it is even harder to get one of these devices to travel the 20,00 miles it has to go to hit a target in the USA.

To say that the outcome of the 2016 presidential election will determine if Peoria gets nuked is insane.

Memories of the poster Roscoesdad .... Turn up that sloganeering dial to high.

Sep 21, 2004
I say the world would be a safer play without them in it. So, I say we should blow them up and then take their stuff!cheersgif

Aug 6, 2006
Johnny, I have made dozens of posts about Iran's intent, the Iranian threat, and what should be done about it. I don't think I'll repeat them for someone who has prejudged me. You can find them on your own. Or better yet, continue naively believing Iran is no threat, or doesn't already have the blood of American soldiers on its hands. Your opinion matters to no one here.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Johnny, I have made dozens of posts about Iran's intent, the Iranian threat, and what should be done about it. I don't think I'll repeat them for someone who has prejudged me. You can find them on your own. Or better yet, continue naively believing Iran is no threat, or doesn't already have the blood of American soldiers on its hands. Your opinion matters to no one here.

Awww you hurt my feelings. Take that back!

Here is you thread from last week that has 11 views:

I guess a lot of people look forward to your opinion.

Eleven views.

Aug 6, 2006
It doesn't have 11 views. It has 11 replies and 216 views (SMH)

Aren't you glad this is Tee Ball and everybody, even you, gets to play?

New member
Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]State Department admits editing out missing moment from press briefing video when it essentially admitted to lying about Iran nuclear talks[/h]
  • Today the State Department's spokesman John Kirby said that a briefing video had been deliberately edited
  • The portion featured a question posed by Fox News Journalist James Rosen to then-spokeswoman Jen Psaki
  • Originally, the State Department blamed the missing footage on a technical 'glitch' and it had since been restored
  • Kirby said today that he didn't know who had made the request to edit the footage or why it was made
PUBLISHED: 23:55, 1 June 2016 | UPDATED: 01:07, 2 June 2016
The State Department today admitted that part of a press briefing video – a question from a Fox News Channel reporter about the secret U.S.-Iran nuclear talks – was deliberately edited, after previously blaming the disappearance on a 'glitch.'
'A portion of the State Department's December 2nd, 2013 press briefing was missing from the video that we posted on our YouTube account and on our website,' said State's spokesman John Kirby.
Kirby discovered upon contacting the office of the legal advisor 'that a specific request was made to excise that portion of the briefing.'
'We do not know who made the request to edit the video or why it was made,' he added.



State Department Spokesman John Kirby said he discovered that a 'specific request' had been made for a press briefing video to be edited that showed an enlightening exchange about the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal



Fox News Channel reporter James Rosen discovered that his question had been edited out of a Youtube video from the State Department, which now the government says was a deliberate act

Last month, Fox News reporter James Rosen discovered that a portion of his 2013 exchange with the State Department spokeswoman, now White House Communications Director, Jen Psaki was missing from the video archive.
As the briefing video approached the section where Psaki essentially admitted to Rosen that the administration had engaged in 'secret negotiations' with Iran, contradicting a previous claim that it had not, a white flash appeared, as if the tape had been edited, and it skipped ahead.
Rosen noted the oddity as he reported on new drama surrounding the nuclear accord and said State could not explain the cut.
At the time, a spokeswoman for the diplomatic arm of the government brushed off the notion that it was a conspiracy, arguing that the video clip was available elsewhere and the discussion was included in the transcript posted to State's website.
'There was a glitch in the State Department video. When Fox flagged it for us, we actually replaced it,' State's Elizabeth Trudeau said.
Indeed, as of that afternoon, State's website included a new copy of the Dec. 2, 2013 briefing that contains the section in question.
In it, Rosen confronts Psaki with a charge made by her predecessor, Victoria Nuland, that the United States was not meeting with Iran one-on-one, outside of the international P5+1 group, to discuss its nuclear program.
Nuland told him earlier that year, 'We would be prepared to talk to Iran bilaterally. But with regard to the kind of thing that you're talking about on a government-to-government level, no.'


The State Department first blamed the curious disappearance of unhelpful footage from an old press briefing on a 'glitch' today as the fallout continues from a profile that suggested the administration duped the press and its allies into backing the Iran nuclear deal

By the time of the December briefing, rumors were swirling that senior officials from both governments had been meeting in secret. Psaki wouldn't confirm those reports. But she also suggested they were accurate.
'Is it the policy of the State Department, where the preservation or the secrecy of secret negotiations is concerned, to lie in order to achieve that goal?' Rosen asked her.
Psaki told him, 'James, I think there are times where diplomacy needs privacy in order to progress. This is a good example of that.'
Trudeau swatted down a reporter who said her excuse - the disappearing video footage was the result of a 'glitch - 'seems awfully strange and coincidental.'
'The transcript was always up,' she retorted, 'and the video existed on other channels.'
She told him, 'We're looking into it. Genuinely, we think it was a glitch.'
Other videos in the archive have not been affected 'to our knowledge,' Trudeau said.
'We were unaware of it, and as soon as we found out about it, we made sure it was whole.'
But today Kirby added another layer to that story, explaining that he was the one who ordered the video restored, while additionally checking the transcript to make sure all the exchanges were there.


He said in conversing with the office of the legal counsel that he discovered that someone had ordered the edits.
He also found out that the State Department's public affairs team had no rules governing against such a thing.
'To my surprise, the Bureau of Public Affairs did not have in place any rules governing this type of action therefore we are taking immediate steps to craft appropriate protocols on this issue as we believe that deliberately removing a portion of the video was not and is not in keeping with the State Department’s commitment to transparency and public accountability,' he said.
From now on, he said, the entire video will be released in its entirety immediately and permanently archived.
'In the unlikely event, that narrow compelling circumstances require edits to be made such as the inadvertent release of privacy protected information, they will only be made with the expressed permission of the Assistant Secretary of Public Affairs and with an appropriate level of annotation and disclosure,' he continued.
'I have communicated this new policy to my staff and it takes effect immediately,' Kirby added.

The kerfuffle arose from a report Rosen was filing for Fox on the The New York Times Magazine profile of Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes.
The article asserts that Rhodes and the administration misconstrued the timeline for talks with Iran to make the resulting deal more palatable to Congress and the public.
'The way in which most Americans have heard the story of the Iran deal presented – that the Obama administration began seriously engaging with Iranian officials in 2013 in order to take advantage of a new political reality in Iran, which came about because of elections that brought moderates to power in that country – was largely manufactured for the purpose for selling the deal,' the Times piece claims
In fact, it says, 'the most meaningful part of the negotiations with Iran had begun in mid-2012.'
That was months before Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and other so-called moderates came into power with the blessing of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
'The idea that there was a new reality in Iran was politically useful to the Obama administration,' said writer David Samuels.
Because of the story, the Obama administration has its hands full whacking down various statements by Rhodes in the article and its resulting accusations.
A day after Rosen made his discovery public, another Fox News reporter, Kevin Corke, asked White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, 'Can you state categorically that no senior official in this administration has ever lied publicly about any aspect of the Iran nuclear deal?'
Earnest could be heard telling him in the briefing room, 'No, Kevin.'
The utterance was depicted in the White House's video version of the briefing but was not included in the transcript it makes available after each discussion with reporters.

AT THE CENTER OF IT ALL: The kerfuffle arose from a report James Rosen was filing for Fox News on the unflattering New York Times Magazine profile of Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes

It ignored Earnest's initial response and jumps straight to his follow-up statement.
'Kevin, I think the facts of this agreement and the benefits of this agreement make clear that the national security of the United States of America has been enhanced, and Iran's effort to acquire a nuclear weapon has been set back,' he said.
Earnest went on to tout the merits of the deal, as perceived by the administration, also telling Corke, 'I recognize that there is an attempt by those who either lied or got it wrong to try to relitigate this fight.
'But the fact of the matter is, when you take a look at the concrete results of this agreement, Iran is not able to obtain a nuclear weapon; we can verify that their nuclear program is only focused on peaceful purposes; and we have succeeded in making the United States safer, in make Israel safer, and making our partners in the region safer because Iran is not able to obtain a nuclear weapon.'
Afterward Corke asked him if he maybe 'misspoke' at the beginning.
'I said, can you state categorically that no senior official in this administration ever lied publicly about any aspect of the deal.'
To that, the president's spokesman said, 'There is no evidence that that ever occurred. And what I would encourage you and other critics of the deal to do is to look at the facts and to look at the results. We can verify them now, and the facts are clear.'
Asked in May about the omission and whether its absence from the transcript was perhaps a reflection of a change in his position, Earnest told a reporter from another news outlet, 'No, if I had changed my answer you'd know about it.'


Aug 6, 2006

Aug 6, 2006
So one time I was watching this porno which was a spoof of the Johnny Carson show. The guy playing Ed McMahon introduced Johnny but of course Johnny didn't come out because he was banging a hottie stagehand. So the intro went......

"Heeere's Johnny!"

"I said, Heeere's Johnny!"



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