The rules of CA gambling VVV. They can't have house banked games except in the tribal casinos. A couple of cardroom owners have invented the CA games you saw, just their attempts to put in games that look like Blackjack and Baccarat, but still legal. For one thing, it is illegal to play any game with a total of "21" as the goal, it is written into state law. So they play "22" as the goal and even if you bust, you still have to have a live hand again as per the rules of the state. Its a long way and a lot of traffic to get to the nearest tribal casino from there, out on the road to Palm Springs is the closest one.
Glad you stayed safe. Truth is that all of LA's bad areas aren't nearly as bad as they were back in the day. The Rodney King riots were sort of the before and after date. After that crime has gone down and some money has been spent in the hood as you saw Target, something that never would have been seen there back in the 80s.
Glad you stayed safe. Truth is that all of LA's bad areas aren't nearly as bad as they were back in the day. The Rodney King riots were sort of the before and after date. After that crime has gone down and some money has been spent in the hood as you saw Target, something that never would have been seen there back in the 80s.