Infamous stiff jobs of the last 5 years...


PGA Professional
Nov 23, 2007
Since Jman would be the Captain. I like:

Mama's House Boys since he never leaves her basement.


Ban Teddy
Apr 22, 2006
hahaha... you got me gynie... dude take a step back and think about how you have saved a screen shot of something so pointless for this very day.

you used to be the king of telling people they had an agenda against you or that you were in their head...

too bad your such a dunce you can't see the irony.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
wow, you must have an agenda.

Either pay on time or tell the guy to GFY cause you're gonna punk him for 100 bones but to grind a guy down for months over a 100 is nuts...

New member
Oct 20, 2002
posted October 31, 2003 07:53 AM
Dell Dude

Not to worry, Journeyman told me that he has a dynamite business he is whoring for $100 but since he "owes" you that amount I am sure he will gladly "give" it to you.
Here is what Journeyman posted to me regarding this little enterprise-
Yeah thats exactly what i tried to do EarlySpeed,lol...and it was Pepe who spn that story , which was TOTAl BULL ****ING SHIT...that so called flyer scam that peep made up as a scam would make anyone well over 1k a week cash money in any town in North America....So you read and believe everything too huh....I know the flyer idea was a bad one to present on the forums, but never was it a scam...that was peep assuming...My flyer works anywhere and always brings home the $$$$$$

Let me give an example...

1000 flyers a day 3% order thats 30 orders per day,,,,each order returns 15 dollars thats over 400 a day profit cash money ..this works everyday anywhere in the country and even all over the come to maryland and I will prove bout this big mouth I even bet you??? I bet you 5 grand , what I say works?
put up or STFU! are you or anyone else willing to come to maryland ...please email me therxjourneyman@aol
Posts: 1531 | Registered: July 19, 2002

classic post -what a scumbag...........

Where Taconite Is Just A Low Grade Ore
Aug 20, 2000
Rarely Post In RR But

A few Q`s & points.
#1: The biggest stiff and the worst loss IMO is the one "Insider" laid on Coach LT! Coach is one of the most honorable guys in any forum. Insider was and continues to be a piece of shit.
# 2: Having said that, I know Coach is reasonably well off $$ wise as am I. Not rich by any means but comfortable. Which in my case is in itself a miracle considering the sort of life I led till my late 30`s. But I know neither of us would lend the other any $$ over 50 bucks via the internet. To do so is insane IMO.
# 3: Steak T, could not agree more w/your gripe re. spelling or in this case mis.! A typo is one thing but the atrocious spelling here is amazing. There are times when it changes the very meaning of the post. Also Steak where in Mn. are you? Moorhead?
#4: Gyno has had his probs, but I like him and until he F`s ME over, we`re friends. And he won`t!! :)

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
if someone stiffed it still a stiff?.................tree falling in the forrest analogy for the youngsters

hahahahha, i never stiffed Kodiak the un-friendly ghost. we were having a challenge for a dime, in the middle of it, he starts offering me buy-outs. i tell him to fuck himself and to just finish it out. he creates fake emails (a la 5starstiff) claiming my dad is a lawyer or some shit and that i refused to pay (also a lie). we never even finished the contest.

p.s for all interested parties.... panther stiffed SeaUrchin (old Rubber Room guy) Someone, I think homedog?, even got the court docs about panther (the guy who claimed to bet $5k-$10k a game) showing he was bankrupt and even had to pawn all his clothes, his 1972 Van, his paint supplies, a violin, and a bunch of other funny shit..

oh yea, Fuck you new RR pussies

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
hahahahha, i never stiffed Kodiak the un-friendly ghost. we were having a challenge for a dime, in the middle of it, he starts offering me buy-outs. i tell him to fuck himself and to just finish it out. he creates fake emails (a la 5starstiff) claiming my dad is a lawyer or some shit and that i refused to pay (also a lie). we never even finished the contest.

p.s for all interested parties.... panther stiffed SeaUrchin (old Rubber Room guy) Someone, I think homedog?, even got the court docs about panther (the guy who claimed to bet $5k-$10k a game) showing he was bankrupt and even had to pawn all his clothes, his 1972 Van, his paint supplies, a violin, and a bunch of other funny shit..

oh yea, Fuck you new RR pussies
:103631605.......haha solid finish

PGA Professional
Nov 23, 2007
hahahahha, i never stiffed Kodiak the un-friendly ghost. we were having a challenge for a dime, in the middle of it, he starts offering me buy-outs. i tell him to fuck himself and to just finish it out. he creates fake emails (a la 5starstiff) claiming my dad is a lawyer or some shit and that i refused to pay (also a lie). we never even finished the contest.

p.s for all interested parties.... panther stiffed SeaUrchin (old Rubber Room guy) Someone, I think homedog?, even got the court docs about panther (the guy who claimed to bet $5k-$10k a game) showing he was bankrupt and even had to pawn all his clothes, his 1972 Van, his paint supplies, a violin, and a bunch of other funny shit..

oh yea, Fuck you new RR pussies

I was getting ready to apologize to you and then I found this. Now I have to call bullshit on you.

<TABLE class=tborder id=post1165420 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-TOP: #fdde82 0px solid; BORDER-LEFT: #fdde82 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #fdde82 0px solid" width=175>joeybagadonuts<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_1165420", true); </SCRIPT>
Jman loves Philipino boys and stiffing bets

Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Bay Area
Posts: 837

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_1165420 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #fdde82 1px solid"><!-- icon and title -->

<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I would have glady paid you your dime like i even offered to do, but you had to keep talking shit like i asked you not to do, now the shit talking i could live w/. The threats on the other hand, thats over the fvckin line. you ****ed up and now live with it.

PGA Professional
Nov 23, 2007
hahahahha, i never stiffed Kodiak the un-friendly ghost. we were having a challenge for a dime, in the middle of it, he starts offering me buy-outs. i tell him to fuck himself and to just finish it out. he creates fake emails (a la 5starstiff) claiming my dad is a lawyer or some shit and that i refused to pay (also a lie). we never even finished the contest.

p.s for all interested parties.... panther stiffed SeaUrchin (old Rubber Room guy) Someone, I think homedog?, even got the court docs about panther (the guy who claimed to bet $5k-$10k a game) showing he was bankrupt and even had to pawn all his clothes, his 1972 Van, his paint supplies, a violin, and a bunch of other funny shit..

oh yea, Fuck you new RR pussies

Kodiak could have made the following up though, i might believe you on that part:

Joe Smith <> wrote: I dont have the $ to pay I live w/ my mom and i'm 16. if you still want to threathen me I will report it to the police. and btw, what i said about who my dad is isnt a lie... i welcome you to test me. i shouldnt have made the bet w/ you and i'm sorry

CJ Kodiak <> wrote: why did you even accept this contest if you had no money to pay with joey?

Joe Smith <> wrote: Making threats over the Internet is a federal crime, as is betting. (my dad is lawyer and works for the attorney general) So, either you drop this right now or i send your PO box info to the proper authorities.

CJ Kodiak <> wrote: if you want to western union it tomorrow/saturday you can as well.. if you do so you can take $300 off.. I don't need it, I just want to save you some money.... your choice.

Joe Smith <> wrote: I honestly dont post as anyone else. I'm done with the contest. You kicked my ass
<!-- / message -->

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Kodiak could have made the following up though, i might believe you on that part:

Joe Smith <WESTCOASTER420@YAHOO.COM>wrote: I dont have the $ to pay I live w/ my mom and i'm 16. if you still want to threathen me I will report it to the police. and btw, what i said about who my dad is isnt a lie... i welcome you to test me. i shouldnt have made the bet w/ you and i'm sorry

CJ Kodiak <CJKODIAK7@YAHOO.COM>wrote: why did you even accept this contest if you had no money to pay with joey?

Joe Smith <WESTCOASTER420@YAHOO.COM>wrote: Making threats over the Internet is a federal crime, as is betting. (my dad is lawyer and works for the attorney general) So, either you drop this right now or i send your PO box info to the proper authorities.

CJ Kodiak <CJKODIAK7@YAHOO.COM>wrote: if you want to western union it tomorrow/saturday you can as well.. if you do so you can take $300 off.. I don't need it, I just want to save you some money.... your choice.

Joe Smith <WESTCOASTER420@YAHOO.COM>wrote: I honestly dont post as anyone else. I'm done with the contest. You kicked my ass
<!-- / message -->

LOL. Yes, I am 16 and live with my mom! Tell me you are fucking kidding me? Not to mention, if you read EOG, I am constantly ripping people for being stiffs, do you really think if I had stiffed Kodiak, I would be so vocal? I think not. I will gladly prove that I am 29 years old and made $150k+ last year which would easily allow me to pay someone a measily dime. Anyways, carry on, homos.

BTW, Dick Tator, may I ask you who's ghost you are? I noticed you starting to post over at EOG as well.

PGA Professional
Nov 23, 2007
LOL. Yes, I am 16 and live with my mom! Tell me you are fucking kidding me? Not to mention, if you read EOG, I am constantly ripping people for being stiffs, do you really think if I had stiffed Kodiak, I would be so vocal? I think not. I will gladly prove that I am 29 years old and made $150k+ last year which would easily allow me to pay someone a measily dime. Anyways, carry on, homos.

BTW, Dick Tator, may I ask you who's ghost you are? I noticed you starting to post over at EOG as well.

Hey, I don't hold it against you for stiffing Kodiak and I doubt that anyone on any of these forums does either. You admitted it in at least a few posts i read, so no sense in denying it though.

I am not anyone's ghost. I was G8rH8r and recently changed it to Dick Tator. Never had any other handle.

I did see some posts saying that you were Raiders as well though. That seems a little strange to me, any truth in that?

:toast::toast: and GL.

PGA Professional
Nov 23, 2007
BTW. They ran me off from EOG for calling out their stiffs: 5StiffBlob, Jman, POS69, and slowpay/shortpay Gyno. I have a list of over 100 that have stiffed me for big$ over the years so I have no sympathy for stiffs. That being said, i have no problem with you.

Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
BTW. They ran me off from EOG for calling out their stiffs: 5StiffBlob, Jman, POS69, and slowpay/shortpay Gyno. I have a list of over 100 that have stiffed me for big$ over the years so I have no sympathy for stiffs. That being said, i have no problem with you.


no, i am not raiders as Kodiak the delusional one repeatedly claimed. I guess in a sense, i did "stiff" kodiak, even though we didnt finish the contest. i did offer to pay him before we finished but he went to the forums with made up emails. after that, it was all threating emails from him and telling me how he would find me and kick my ass. btw, to show how dumb kodiak is, check out what he claims my name is "Joe Smith" LOL

PGA Professional
Nov 23, 2007
Since Kodiak was the victim. I guess I never should have brought it up in the first place.


Post Review
Dec 21, 2001
Madcapper, aka, "The Sage" has slow paid a number of posters. He attempted to stiff a fantasy league as well. He is as good as 5starstiff with the excuses, including "i run a kosher hot dog stand outside NY and biz has been slow", "i'm studying for my bar exams", "i just had a baby", "i had to travel for passover" etc, etc.

Madkosher as I call him is a JOKE. Techincally, however, he is only a "slow pay" rather than a stiff, since all the people he ripped off got paid back either by him or in one or 2 cases THE SHRINK covered his debts....

Oye Vay!

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Madcapper, aka, "The Sage" has slow paid a number of posters. He attempted to stiff a fantasy league as well. He is as good as 5starstiff with the excuses, including "i run a kosher hot dog stand outside NY and biz has been slow", "i'm studying for my bar exams", "i just had a baby", "i had to travel for passover" etc, etc.

Madkosher as I call him is a JOKE. Techincally, however, he is only a "slow pay" rather than a stiff, since all the people he ripped off got paid back either by him or in one or 2 cases THE SHRINK covered his debts....

Oye Vay!

This is good stuff. Actually remember The Sage.

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