In 1776, Obama supporters were the Redcoats!


Rx. Poster
Dec 9, 2007
They don't understand that America was created as the land of freedoms. Social, religious, freedom of speech, free press,

In come countries they try and outlaw...
- Speaking bad about your president or leader
Look at China cracking down on government critisim. Look at the beatings in Tibet. Think of all of the people killed trying to swing out of Cuba, think of the people that were machine gunned down trying to climb the Berlin wall, or the people and their familes killed trying to leave North Korea.
- Some countries have ONE religion and they persecute other religions This isn't some ancient thing, or something only in the middle east. Look at the mass genocide of Kurds in Kosovo.
- Guns ( Obama wants to outlaw at the very least handguns too)
- Economic freedoms - In Europe you might have to wait in line for months for treatments ( unless your are a government official like Ted Kennedy). Socialism favors those POLITICALLY connected rather than those who BID for a good or service through market prices. No government has EVER distributed goods as well as the free market.
- Taxes- The government taxing some people to the point where they just leave... It could happen here.
- Nationalizing businesses - Look at the corrupt Russian and South American governments just taking businesses. They steal and tax the hell out of businesses until they destroy them. Those governments are like Locusts that destroy everything in sight. Destroying wealth and jobs.

Governments are a mess... They start wars.

Imagine how stupid that is. The Leader from Country A doesn't get along with the leader from Country B, so all of the people in Country A try and kill the people in Country B and vice versa.

I know Russians, Iranians, Iraqi's and Palestinians... They don't HATE us. Their leaders and media subject them to the same stuff our media does. MOST people around the world want peace and prosperity.

The American government was set up for that ( it has been slowly taken away from us), but electing Barrack Obama and his socialist policies is a nail in the coffin. He is a LIAR. He is a LAWYER.

Lawyers and Politicans are the sleeziest, power hungry, Liars out there. Don't trust a word that piece of crap says.

Welp, looks like we are gonna have to suck on it for at least 4 years. And, we have W to thank for it, at least in some part.

It'll be rough...that's for sure.

Aug 17, 2008
Well hopefully the people revolt. Boston tea party, Boston Massacre... take down those nasty Red coats.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Well you should be. Doesn't matter who's president, America is ultimately going the way of New World Order.
lol......have a reality'll be fine

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Well hopefully the people revolt.

Cool, big mouth/no action.

Let us know when and where you will be conducting the first act of revolution.

Hopefully it will be a more serious venue than an internet web forum aimed at Sports Handicapping.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Cool, big mouth/no action.

Let us know when and where you will be conducting the first act of revolution.

Hopefully it will be a more serious venue than an internet web forum aimed at Sports Handicapping.

:lolBIG: :missingte

New member
Sep 1, 2008
Obama wants to bring America to a more european style government, with higher taxes ( higher unemployment), more government ( more failure), socialized medicine ( Rationed health care), subsidies for failing business ( dumb), and higher taxes for successful business ( dumb), class warefare ( dangerous) etc.

In 1776 the Obama supporters wore red coats and were Brittish and Loyalists. The Americans led by Sam Adams, George Washington, Nathaniel Greene, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Paule Revere, Thomas Paine revolted against their european government. These Patriots were what would now be considered Libertarians.

In modern day terms, the Patriots would be the the Ron Paul crowd, and the Republicans and blue dog Democrats followed them. These people " stick to guns and religion", while the Liberal elitists and Loyalists were the Britts.

The American Patriots were heavily outnumbered by the greatest military on earth, but through principles in " The Art of War" defeated the heavy chalk Britts. Many great American Patriots died fighting this war. There IS a price for freedom, and many great people died for it.

Please THINK before you vote for that same horrible government we broke away from, because people died to give you what you have.

RIP America, and RIP Great Patriots.
Nice try..........While your looking in you're crystal ball of the future could you get some scores for today.Its all speculation,nothing but opinion.Look for the Dems to be much smarter (if they win) this time around and not make the same mistakes as the Carter Admn.Thats a more likely scenario.......just shedding some realistic light.

I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
I'm actually hoping the boy copied this rather than spending the time to make it up and write it down.

Aug 17, 2008
Americans fought for social and economic freedoms....

Obama has already proved he wants to take those away and give then based on "need". He said that equal tax cuts are unfair because they disproportionaly favor the rich.... equality isn't fair?

He doesn't want equal opportunity, he wants equal results. You liberals don't even deserve to live in the country Jefferson, Madison, Washington founded. You are opposed to their ideas of freedom, and you should pack your bags and go move to Cuba.

New member
Sep 1, 2008
Americans fought for social and economic freedoms....

Obama has already proved he wants to take those away and give then based on "need". He said that equal tax cuts are unfair because they disproportionaly favor the rich.... equality isn't fair?

He doesn't want equal opportunity, he wants equal results. You liberals don't even deserve to live in the country Jefferson, Madison, Washington founded. You are opposed to their ideas of freedom, and you should pack your bags and go move to Cuba.
Times are changing.........If you think the Repubs will bring you such happiness.............keep waiting.If McCain wins and then continues the country on its current path...........GOP doesnt get back in for a long time.Look at it this way,if Obama wins and fuks shit up even more we vote his ass out. Repubs need to rebuild right now............they a conservative thinker,not an idealogue. McCain could've been that guy but he let Steve Scmidt and other Bush neocons make too many bad desicions (sara palin) for him.d1g1t

Aug 17, 2008
I would sacrafice a couple years of Obama if it meant a Ron Paul or somebody else to end all of the wasteful government programs, welfare, freebees, handouts...

Just let Shaniqua get 1 last handout and then POOF!

New member
Sep 1, 2008
I would sacrafice a couple years of Obama if it meant a Ron Paul or somebody else to end all of the wasteful government programs, welfare, freebees, handouts...

Just let Shaniqua get 1 last handout and then POOF!
pretty good answer,:lol::drink:

Jan 20, 2002
"You liberals don't even deserve to live in the country Jefferson, Madison, Washington founded. You are opposed to their ideas of freedom, and you should pack your bags and go move to Cuba."

So run for office and banish all liberals in the name of freedom. <!-- / message -->

Aug 17, 2008
Just start breaking up the federal government, and start giving power back to the states. The liberals could have Washington, Oregon, Montana or Maine... some place like that.

I think Montana would work, it is large enough. They can all go hiking and bird watching, live in tents, and all pay high taxes, have abortions ( until all the doctors living under socialized medicine leave) and be as gay as they want. A bunch of gays having butt sex in tents... communism.

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