Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019

The Dems COVID hysteria, mask mandates, vaxx mandates, de-fund the police and CRT bullshit is a bad campaign strategy.

But PLEASE Dems, keep doing it!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I am extremely busy today with other more pertinent matters.

That said, re: yesterday's results in Virginia, while it is better to win that lose, making more out of it than its worth imo is a mistake

especially if one wants to infer that it makes Trump a lock to both get nominated in 2024(assuming of course that he doesn't

devolve any day as fpp/sbd keeps telling us lol).

I maintain that until/if/when the GOP gets back to the traditional values which made it a great party(which doesn't include Trump),

over time it is going to suffer.

Also as stated before and for reasons stated, I do to believe that Trump will NOT be the nomineee.

Also If Biden continues to flounder, he certainly won't be the nominee for the Democrats either (assuming that

his health even lets him complete this term) one reason being that the Democrats will find someone else a bit younger and]

with more overall ad universal appeal.

In short, I predict that the 2024 Presidential Election and its candidates whoever they are, will have a lot to do

with the overall sentiment existing THEN rather than NOW based on what happens over the next couple of years.

Thus for me at this juncture, it is anyone's guess as to who the candidates will be.

What you witnessed was full MAGA last night lightweight .

Nov 11, 2007
What you witnessed was full MAGA last night lightweight .
You basically witnessed the results of one Virginia Election three years before the Presidential Election in 2024 and IRS importance.

I stand by what I say about its overall relevance to the 2024 Election.

A LOT can and will happen one way or the other to influence how people vote in 2024.

This is far from a static situation as you seem to want to infer.

But go ahead as you always do, ie simply believe that Trump is "god," and that he is a shoo-in for both the nomination

and to be elected in 2024.

Just remember who told you to consider all of the other factors to be considered between now and then!!

Jan 30, 2008
That's what they told you and wanted you to think.

They know how to move the sheep.

But I can assure you that few, if any, got the shot.

They know the truth.
You can assure us? Okay, if you say so. I think I read on here at on point that you were a lawyer. If so, somebody must have shown you a workaround on the competency part of the bar exam.

That's what "they" tell me. I can assure you. LOL
Aug 17, 2019
One big fella got the shot. President You Know Who...

Yes, he got a shot of the only REAL FDA-approved vaccine at that time - HYDROXYCHLORIQUINE (HCL).

He was very open about it last October.

Since then, it's been nothing but the fake news media twisting and turning his comments ot be convenient to their evil agenda.

After having covid and taking HCL there would be no need or purpose to ever take another vaxx, fake or real.

Libtards not smart enough to understand this, or understand what he means when speaks on his personal experience.

But there's a reason why he purchased and stockpiled 10s of millions of doses of HCL with his own money.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
You basically witnessed the results of one Virginia Election three years before the Presidential Election in 2024 and IRS importance.

I stand by what I say about its overall relevance to the 2024 Election.

A LOT can and will happen one way or the other to influence how people vote in 2024.

This is far from a static situation as you seem to want to infer.

But go ahead as you always do, ie simply believe that Trump is "god," and that he is a shoo-in for both the nomination

and to be elected in 2024.

Just remember who told you to consider all of the other factors to be considered between now and then!!

How did campaigning against Trump work out for the radical loon McAuliffe and the incompetent President who showed up mentioning his name 24 times ? Not to mention the worthless VP and the community organizer Obama who has become irrelevant .

I recall you saying something about you being neutral against critical race theory being taught in schools . I can only hope Dems push it even more going forward . They’ve managed to rile up a bunch of angry mama and papa bears .

Nov 11, 2007
Yes, he got a shot of the only REAL FDA-approved vaccine at that time - HYDROXYCHLORIQUINE (HCL).

He was very open about it last October.

Since then, it's been nothing but the fake news media twisting and turning his comments ot be convenient to their evil agenda.

After having covid and taking HCL there would be no need or purpose to ever take another vaxx, fake or real.

Libtards not smart enough to understand this, or understand what he means when speaks on his personal experience.
I am going to interject here with one comment only:

What you just said is one big FUCKING LIE(as usual)!!

Trump made the warp speed vaccination a big part of his campaign pledge and OPENLY ADMITTED THAT HE

GOT IT HIMSELF, and then recommended that everyone else get it also, no matter how fucking hard you try to revise history.

This is the kind of shit that renders just about anything you say as not credible or in most cases a LIE!!!
Aug 17, 2019
How did campaigning against Trump work out for the radical loon McAuliffe and the incompetent President who showed up mentioning his name 24 times ? Not to mention the worthless VP and the community organizer Obama who has become irrelevant .

I recall you saying something about you being neutral against critical race theory being taught in schools . I can only hope Dems push it even more going forward . They’ve managed to rile up a bunch of angry mama and papa bears .

He has so much hate for President Trump it's impossible for him to be neutral on anything.

He is delusional, brainwashed, mind-controlled and soon-to-be full psychosis.

Nov 11, 2007
How did campaigning against Trump work out for the radical loon McAuliffe and the incompetent President who showed up mentioning his name 24 times ? Not to mention the worthless VP and the community organizer Obama who has become irrelevant .

I recall you saying something about you being neutral against critical race theory being taught in schools . I can only hope Dems push it even more going forward . They’ve managed to rile up a bunch of angry mama and papa bears .
I don't remember saying anything one way or the other about critical race theory, and frankly I have a lot more important

things to worry about.

I am not sure I understand precisely what you mean in your reference to McAuliffe/Trumo.

The point I was/am trying to make is that IMO no inferences of any kind can be made at this juncture re: the 2024 Election.

For me for anyone to comment on who the candidates will be and who will win makes as much sense as predicting that the Atanta

Braves will win the WS in 2024 because they won it in 2021.

Nov 11, 2007
He has so much hate for President Trump it's impossible for him to be neutral on anything.

He is delusional, brainwashed, mind-controlled and soon-to-be full psychosis.
Lol-Again I invite everyone to go to my thread today and follow the link to what fpp/sbd predicted "One Year Ago"

and to the drubbing that Trump would give Biden. lol

Couple that with the battering you have taken over the last 20 months by me and the others with your FAILED

predictions/Trump's imminent reinstatement) and everything else, and I will let the reading audience decide

who the REAL crackpot is here and in need of SERIOUS HELP!!

Jan 13, 2019

Nov 11, 2007
Hey Lenny-I am going to put you on the spot again about something fpp/sbd said.

The other times you simply refused to respond.

The question is simple:

Do you believe the Trump received the vaccine himself, the one that he touted as part of his campaign, OR do you

believe what fpp/sbd just said about it, namely that he did not receive it but only the Hydroxychloriquine one?

If you don't answer it or are wishy -washy, it will just corroborate what I have said about you previously, namely

that you don't have the balls to disagree with fpp/sbd about anything for fear that you might hurt his precious ego!!

"Yes, he got a shot of the only REAL FDA-approved vaccine at that time - HYDROXYCHLORIQUINE (HCL).

He was very open about it last October.

Since then, it's been nothing but the fake news media twisting and turning his comments ot be convenient to their evil agenda.

After having covid and taking HCL there would be no need or purpose to ever take another vaxx, fake or real.

Libtards not smart enough to understand this, or understand what he means when speaks on his personal experience.

But there's a reason why he purchased and stockpiled 10s of millions of doses of HCL with his own money."

Nov 11, 2007
Yes, he got a shot of the only REAL FDA-approved vaccine at that time - HYDROXYCHLORIQUINE (HCL).

He was very open about it last October.

Since then, it's been nothing but the fake news media twisting and turning his comments ot be convenient to their evil agenda.

After having covid and taking HCL there would be no need or purpose to ever take another vaxx, fake or real.

Libtards not smart enough to understand this, or understand what he means when speaks on his personal experience.

But there's a reason why he purchased and stockpiled 10s of millions of doses of HCL with his own money.
How about commenting on this, MR BULLSHIT ARTIST!!

If Trump didn't get the real McCoy'Pfizer vaccine as you claim, kindly find me something that Trump said subsequently to dispute this:


Jan 30, 2008
Yes, he got a shot of the only REAL FDA-approved vaccine at that time - HYDROXYCHLORIQUINE (HCL).

He was very open about it last October.

Since then, it's been nothing but the fake news media twisting and turning his comments ot be convenient to their evil agenda.

After having covid and taking HCL there would be no need or purpose to ever take another vaxx, fake or real.

Libtards not smart enough to understand this, or understand what he means when speaks on his personal experience.

But there's a reason why he purchased and stockpiled 10s of millions of doses of HCL with his own money.
You're right LOL. You're always right. LOL

Did your buddy sportsnut tell you who he thinks the president is yet? The braindead sheep thinks Sleepy Joe is the prez.....what a loser.
Aug 17, 2019
Libtards need to stop with the "why is Trump pushing the vax" nonsense.



> Can Trump remove the vaccine from those who have already taken it? NO.

> Are there any people out there who are still undecided? VERY FEW.

> Is anybody listening to Donald Trump for vaccine advice? NO.

> Did Trump have to warp speed the vaccine to save the world from inevitable collapse and worldwide vaccine mandates due to a 5+ year lockdown planned by the DS? YES.

> Did Trump make these vaccines? NO.

> Would Trump gain anything from coming out NOW against the vaccines he used to save the world? NO.

> Would the fake news media absolutely destroy him for it? YES.

> Are the vaccines and big pharma being massively exposed regardless of what Trump says about them? YES.

> Are we fighting even harder to expose everything because we feel like it's up to 'We The People' to save our country? YES.

> Is it truly up to us, 'The People' to save the country? YES.

> Are we exposing every damn traitor in this country who supports this communist nonsense? YES.

> Has Trump always maintained that the vaccines can never be mandated and that its important everyone has the right to their own free-will choice? YES.

> Did Trump reopen our country and save our economy after the initial attack? YES

> Did Trump stockpile tens of millions of doses of HCQ at the beginning of the pandemic? YES.

> Did Trump call out Pfizer's booster as a money making scam? YES.

> Is the military required to always have an antidote in the works in the event that we are attacked by a bio-weapon? YES. [Documents below]

> Could we have an antidote to the harmful effects of the vaccine already waiting? POSSIBLY. [Yes we do]

> Did Donald Trump save the world? YES.

Remember, "The cure cannot be worse than the disease."

The "cure" was mandated vaccines which would lead us to vaccine passports, to the Great Reset, to hell on Earth and full control by Globalists.

This was always the plan of the DS.

Half of the world is rising up against this madness.

We grow in size every single day.

We are closer to God than ever before.

This tidal wave cannot be stopped.


It may look messy, even scary, but we are WINNING.

Keep rising up.

Keep standing in your integrity.

And don't give in.

Remember, GOD WINS.




? Reminder to libtards who keep jerking off to "Trump and the vaccine" ?

I really do pray for your souls daily.

Aug 17, 2019

Republicans have won massive victories across all statewide races in Pennsylvania, according to the state’s election results, sweeping the state’s judicial elections.

In Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court race, conservatives held onto retiring Republican Justice Thomas Saylor’s seat. (R) Commonwealth Court Judge Kevin Brobson defeated (D) Superior Court Judge Maria McLaughlin by more than 100,000 votes, a massive judicial victory. However, Democrats still outnumber Republicans in the state’s highest court 5-2.

In Penn. Superior Court Judge election, (R) Megan Sullivan defeated (D) Lane Timika by nearly 300,000 votes, or 56% to 44%.

Pennsylvanians also voted in roughly a 2 to 1 margin to retain both (R) Superior Court Judges John Bender and Mary Bowes, and (R) Commonwealth Court Judges Anne Covey and Renee Jubelirer. (R) Stacy Wallace and Drew Crompton were also elected as Judges of the Commonwealth Court.

It was a MASSIVE red wave everywhere!


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