Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
WHO Halts Hydroxychloroquine Trial Over Safety Concerns

<time datetime="2020-05-25T16:34:00-04:00">May 25, 20204:34 PM ET

</time>The World Health Organization says it is temporarily halting its clinical trials that use hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients over published concerns that the drug may do more harm than good.
The move comes after the medical journal The Lancet reported on Friday that patients getting hydroxychloroquine were dying at higher rates than other coronavirus patients.

The WHO has 3,500 patients from 17 countries enrolled in what it calls the Solidarity Trial. This is an effort overseen by the WHO to find new treatments for COVID-19. The patients in the trial have been randomly assigned to be treated with hydroxychloroquine which is a common malaria drug, or 3 other experimental drugs for treating COVID-19 in various combinations. Only the hydroxychloroquine part of the trial is being put on hold.

"The review will consider data collected so far in the Solidarity Trial and in particular robust, randomized available data to adequately evaluate the potential benefits and harms from this drug [hydroxycholoroquine]," WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during an online press conference from Geneva on Monday.

The WHO's chief scientist, Soumya Swaminathan, says the review was prompted by the article in The Lancet, which was not a randomized control trial but still large.

MAY 22: Lancelot publishes "Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis"

MAY 23: Health officials involved in PEER-REVIEW research publishes "Remdesivir IS NOT A GAMECHANGER, Researchers Find"

MAY 25: "WHO Halts Hydroxychloroquine Trial Over Safety Concerns"

First, look at the dates of releases? [coincidence?]

Next, dig deeper and you learn the study Lacelot refers to was conducted Brigham and Women's Hospital. [Why is this significant?]

Brigham and Women's Hospital is the second largest teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School and the largest hospital in the Longwood Medical Area in Boston, Massachusetts. [Why is Harvard significant?]

On January 28, 2020 the Department of Justice announced today that the Chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department and two Chinese nationals have been charged in connection with aiding the People’s Republic of China. [21 tubes of COVID confiscated at Logan Airport?]

Furthermore, the study conducted by Brigham and Women's Hospital was NOT A BLIND STUDY OR PEER-REVIEWED and admittedly a "multinational registry only", therefore has little credibility!

Notice the careful selection of words too in the following which was taken directly from the abstract of the report:


"We were unable to confirm a benefit of hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, when used alone or with a macrolide, on in-hospital outcomes for COVID-19. Each of these drug regimens was associated with decreased in-hospital survival and an increased frequency of ventricular arrhythmias when used for treatment of COVID-19."

We were unable to confirm a benefit means they didn't prove it worked or didn't work.

associated with means that, "associated", not the CAUSE OF, suggesting other possibilities, most likely underlying medical conditions as the real cause.

We know COVID has direct ties to Harvard and we know Brigham and Women's Hospital is part of Harvard, this in itself, should raise RED FLAGS!

The timing of Brigham and Women's release of this abstract was literally the day before the release of the findings of Remdesivir and, ironically, the WHO halts trial right after the Remdesivir release.

Logical thinking says none of this is coincidence.

They knew the Remdesivir peer-review results were going to be published so they needed to attempt to discredit hydroxychloriquine first and then attempt to further discredit immediately after.

We already know Hydroxychloriquine, when administered correctly, is the cure and preventative for COVID and most viruses.

It has worked for almost 70 years and NOBODY dies from it.

Even Fauci himself called it a "gamechanger" in 2005.

So what's changed?

What's changed is the political backdrop!

Trump won in 2016, the Dems were shocked because they thought they had it in the bad with their voter fraud.

Trump legally won the election but also proved he actually won the popular vote too.

Make no mistake about it, COVID is all about the ELECTION!

The Dems are deep in bed with China, W.H.O, MSM and others.

Their survival (literally) depends on this election.


The Lancet Study Used by the WHO to Stop HCQ Trials Has Been RETRACTED

The paper, published in the journal the Lancet last month, concluded that hydroxychloroquine, taken either alone or with an antibiotic, to treat patients with COVID-19 was of no benefit and actually increased a patient's risk of dying.

After publication of our Lancet Article,1 several concerns were raised with respect to the veracity of the data and analyses conducted by Surgisphere Corporation and its founder and our co-author, Sapan Desai, in our publication.

We launched an independent third-
party peer review of Surgisphere with the consent of Sapan Desai to evaluate the origination of the database elements, to confirm the completeness of the database, and to replicate the analyses presented in the paper.

Our independent peer reviewers informed us that
Surgisphere would not transfer the full dataset, client contracts, and the full ISO audit report to their servers for analysis as such transfer would violate client agreements and confidentiality requirements.

As such,
our reviewers were not able to conduct an independent and private peer review and therefore notified us of their
withdrawal from the peer-review process.


Surgishpere's refusal to transfer data to peer reviewers had NOTHING to do with "confidentiality".

It's because the data wasn't real and accurate.

Just a sad attempt to try to discredit hydroxychloriquine ahead of the remdesivir news that it was not a 'gamechanger'.

Peer-review research is the only research that should be considered.
Aug 17, 2019

The Hill

#BREAKING: DC Mayor Muriel Bowser criticizes fencing around White House:

"That’s the People’s House. It's a sad commentary that the house & its inhabitants have to be walled off...
We should want the White House to be opened up for people to be able to access it from all sides."


1:25 PM · Jun 4, 2020


"We should want the White House to be opened up for people to be able to access it from all sides."

You are blocking "our" (ANTIFA's) coordinated attempts to breach the White House and get to the President.

Refer back to post #1953

Perhaps Mayor Bowser should prove she is competent and capable of running her city before ever criticizing the White House.

Pres. Trump and his Administration knows exactly "what's up".

This is why the fence went up immediately and it may not come down until after the election.



DC Mayor Muriel Bowser says there will not be a curfew in the District tonight as protests over the death of George Floyd are expected to continue.

DC Police say no arrests were made last night, as demonstrations were peaceful.

12:46 PM · Jun 4, 2020


"Fence or no fence, we will be attempting to breach the White House tonight with another coordinated effort."

Refer back to post #1953

Pres. Trump and his Administration knows exactly "what's up".

I pity the fool(s) who try to clear that fence.

Mike Lee

Just heard that Mayor Bowser is kicking the Utah National Guard out of all DC hotels tomorrow.

More than 1200 troops from 10 states are being evicted.

This is unacceptable.

12:08 AM · Jun 5, 2020


Do you SEE what's happening yet?
Aug 17, 2019

Malik Obama


2:46 PM · Jun 4, 2020


LOOK WHO is telling you to watch the video!

What SANE person would vote for this man?
Aug 17, 2019
Washington Monument struck by lightning

A Washington, D.C. news station’s sky camera captured an incredible video of lightning striking the Washington Monument during a thunderstorm in the city Thursday night.


"INSANE video from our @wusa9 SkyCam WOOOOOW," WUSA-TV tweeted during the storm.


Today is the lunar eclipse.

The energy is intense.

Expect violent storms and more violent protests.

Stay safe.
Aug 17, 2019

The Hill

#BREAKING: DC Mayor Muriel Bowser criticizes fencing around White House:

"That’s the People’s House. It's a sad commentary that the house & its inhabitants have to be walled off...
We should want the White House to be opened up for people to be able to access it from all sides."


1:25 PM · Jun 4, 2020


"We should want the White House to be opened up for people to be able to access it from all sides."

You are blocking "our" (ANTIFA's) coordinated attempts to breach the White House and get to the President.

Refer back to post #1953

Perhaps Mayor Bowser should prove she is competent and capable of running her city before ever criticizing the White House.

Pres. Trump and his Administration knows exactly "what's up".

This is why the fence went up immediately and it may not come down until after the election.



DC Mayor Muriel Bowser says there will not be a curfew in the District tonight as protests over the death of George Floyd are expected to continue.

DC Police say no arrests were made last night, as demonstrations were peaceful.

12:46 PM · Jun 4, 2020


"Fence or no fence, we will be attempting to breach the White House tonight with another coordinated effort."

Refer back to post #1953

Pres. Trump and his Administration knows exactly "what's up".

I pity the fool(s) who try to clear that fence.

Mike Lee

Just heard that Mayor Bowser is kicking the Utah National Guard out of all DC hotels tomorrow.

More than 1200 troops from 10 states are being evicted.

This is unacceptable.

12:08 AM · Jun 5, 2020


Do you SEE what's happening yet?


Organizers say 1 million people are coming to protest in DC this weekend.

If coronavirus is really as dangerous as the media claimed just 3 weeks ago, this is basically a biological attack on the nation's capital.

7:01 PM · Jun 4, 2020


Do you see what is happening yet?

Aug 17, 2019

Andrew Cuomo

This incident is wholly unjustified and utterly disgraceful.

I've spoken with Buffalo @MayorByronBrown and we agree that the officers involved should be immediately suspended pending a formal investigation.

Police Officers must enforce — NOT ABUSE — the law.

11:01 PM · Jun 4, 2020


No man has recently abused the law more than Cuomo the Clown.

No man has proven to be more incompetent than Cuomo the Clown.

He will soon be held accountable for his crimes.
Aug 17, 2019

Andrew Cuomo

This incident is wholly unjustified and utterly disgraceful.

I've spoken with Buffalo @MayorByronBrown and we agree that the officers involved should be immediately suspended pending a formal investigation.

Police Officers must enforce — NOT ABUSE — the law.

11:01 PM · Jun 4, 2020


No man has recently abused the law more than Cuomo the Clown.

No man has proven to be more incompetent than Cuomo the Clown.

He will soon be held accountable for his crimes.

The Buffalo man pushed by Police is fake news and a false flag.

He is shown here wearing a "bloodpack" which is what's used in Hollywood.

The yellow line goes inside the mask and around the ear to give the illusion that he's bleeding out the ear.

You can clearly see the hose exiting the mask and going into the ear.

These are bad actors.


Aug 17, 2019

1. [Engineer] COVID-19: Separate people with "quarantine". MSM push fear narrative.

2. [False Flag] George Floyd: Divide the races ("racism"), plant seed of "police brutality". MSM push "racism" narrative.

3. [Coordinate] Violent riots in democratic cities: MSM feeds "racism" narrative with anti-Trump campaign.

4. [Enable] Violent Riots: do not call in National Guard to support police efforts and provide public safety.

5. [Coordinate]: Protestors: "organized" groups post bail for certain protestors. Local authorities release violent protestors from jail.

6. [Coordinate] Police blame: Dem Mayors/Governors blame police publicly for "incompetence' in handling. MSM pushes the narrative.

7. [Coordinate] Former Military Secretary denounces Trump: Divide the Military and 'The People'.

8. [False Flag] 75 year old man "pushed" by Buffalo Police: divide the police and 'The People'. MSM push "defund and dismantle the police" narrative.

9. [Coordinate] White House Breach (Part 1): D.C. Mayor lifts curfew and evicts 1,200 troops from hotels.

10. [Coordinate] White House Breach (Part 2): Send 1 million "protestors" to Washington D.C.: have MSM ready to capture video and create "anti-Trump" narrative.

Aug 17, 2019

If you donate to "Black Lives Matters" you are supporting the terrorist efforts of Soros and the Dems.

Stop taking the bait people!

Want to make a real difference?

If you are white go hug a black person and tell them you love them.

If you are black go hug a white person and tell them you love them.

Love is the real antidote, not money!
Aug 17, 2019


The markets are not far off their all-time highs which occurred just before the release of COVID.

The Dems relied heavily on crashing the markets and economy ahead of the election.

Dems are in panic mode.
Aug 17, 2019

1. [Engineer] COVID-19: Separate people with "quarantine". MSM push fear narrative.

2. [False Flag] George Floyd: Divide the races ("racism"), plant seed of "police brutality". MSM push "racism" narrative.

3. [Coordinate] Violent riots in democratic cities: MSM feeds "racism" narrative with anti-Trump campaign.

4. [Enable] Violent Riots: do not call in National Guard to support police efforts and provide public safety.

5. [Coordinate]: Protestors: "organized" groups post bail for certain protestors. Local authorities release violent protestors from jail.

6. [Coordinate] Police blame: Dem Mayors/Governors blame police publicly for "incompetence' in handling. MSM pushes the narrative.

7. [Coordinate] Former Military Secretary denounces Trump: Divide the Military and 'The People'.

8. [False Flag] 75 year old man "pushed" by Buffalo Police: divide the police and 'The People'. MSM push "defund and dismantle the police" narrative.

9. [Coordinate] White House Breach (Part 1): D.C. Mayor lifts curfew and evicts 1,200 troops from hotels.

10. [Coordinate] White House Breach (Part 2): Send 1 million "protestors" to Washington D.C.: have MSM ready to capture video and create "anti-Trump" narrative.


D.C. Mayor sent a letter to Trump late Thursday, officially requesting he remove all military and law enforcement from the White House.

This has ZERO chance of happening!

1 million “organized” protestors are on their way to D.C.

The far left is planning a mass riot “attack”.

This will start as a “peaceful” protest.

They will then turn violent and “attack”.

They will “corner” the military and force them into action to defend (shootings, tear gas, etc).

MSM already set up to film the conflict.

MSM will use to push “Trump’s slaughter of peaceful protestors” narrative.

The Mayor’s letter is not a “friendly” request, it is a declaration of war!

POTUS and his team knows “what’s up”.

These violent ANTIFA protestors have no idea what’s waiting for them!
Aug 17, 2019
Republican-led Senate panel authorizes subpoenas in probe of Obama officials

The party-line vote is a significant escalation of the GOP-led investigation.

Senate Republicans on Thursday authorized a key committee chairman to issue a wide range of subpoenas as part of an investigation into the origins of the Russia probe and allegations of wrongdoing by top Obama administration officials.

Unmasking refers to the common practice by national security officials to reveal the identity of individuals involved in conversations subject to surveillance by the government.

“It is our job to investigate and provide the American people a complete accounting of what happened during the last transition,” said Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Homeland Security panel. “The subpoena authority I am requesting today will help us gather the necessary information.”

While the two committees’ areas of inquiry are certain to overlap, Johnson and Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have said they intend to work closely together and share information with each other as necessary.

The measures authorize both chairmen to issue subpoenas to several executive branch agencies and departments, in addition to a slew of high-level Obama administration officials including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan.

Perhaps you can now better understand why the 1 million “organized” protestors are on their way to D.C.

Obamagate is real!

Dems are in major panic mode!



Active member
Nov 23, 2011
D.C. Mayor sent a letter to Trump late Thursday, officially requesting he remove all military and law enforcement from the White House.

This has ZERO chance of happening!

1 million “organized” protestors are on their way to D.C.

The far left is planning a mass riot “attack”.

This will start as a “peaceful” protest.

They will then turn violent and “attack”.

They will “corner” the military and force them into action to defend (shootings, tear gas, etc).

MSM already set up to film the conflict.

MSM will use to push “Trump’s slaughter of peaceful protestors” narrative.

The Mayor’s letter is not a “friendly” request, it is a declaration of war!

POTUS and his team knows “what’s up”.

These violent ANTIFA protestors have no idea what’s waiting for them!

No doubt that’s why the fence last are up and hvy guard presence

Media will doin the hell out of it and many will fall for it
Aug 17, 2019
D.C. Mayor sent a letter to Trump late Thursday, officially requesting he remove all military and law enforcement from the White House.

This has ZERO chance of happening!

1 million “organized” protestors are on their way to D.C.

The far left is planning a mass riot “attack”.

This will start as a “peaceful” protest.

They will then turn violent and “attack”.

They will “corner” the military and force them into action to defend (shootings, tear gas, etc).

MSM already set up to film the conflict.

MSM will use to push “Trump’s slaughter of peaceful protestors” narrative.

The Mayor’s letter is not a “friendly” request, it is a declaration of war!

POTUS and his team knows “what’s up”.

These violent ANTIFA protestors have no idea what’s waiting for them!

Trump Threatens to Deploy More Federal Forces to Washington, Opposing Mayor

President Donald Trump has threatened to deploy more federal forces to Washington, opposing Mayor Muriel Bowser after she requested the White House remove troops and law enforcement officers from the city.

“The incompetent Mayor of Washington, D.C., [whose] budget is totally out of control and is constantly coming back to us for ‘handouts,’ is now fighting with the National Guard, who saved her from great embarrassment over the last number of nights,” Trump announced on Twitter on Friday.

“If she doesn’t treat these men and women well, then we’ll bring in a different group of men and women!” he wrote.

Again, POTUS and his team knows "what's up".

Evil Dems are desperate.

He will do whatever it takes to protect America.
Aug 17, 2019
General Flynn Is Not Done - Wants to See More Vets and Law Enforcement in American Politics


What happens when Flynn's case is officially dismissed?

What happens when his gag order is lifted?

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