He's a different story and he deserves what he gets if found guilty!!You left out your other man crush Fredo’s older brother . Oops !
He's a different story and he deserves what he gets!!
Unlike charges against Dr. Fauci there is REAL and damning evidence of Cuomo's sexual advances, the same as for Trump, who if anything is worse
that what Cuomo did!!
Again you unwillingness to admit that Trump is FAR and I mean FAR from a perfect person and your contention that he NEVER lied even once during his tenure as POTUS,Yeah add that to the list of inevitable criminal charges facing Trump in the near future you delusional fool .
Geez . Once he’s convicted on all these charges he may never see the outside of a cell again .
Yep . Stage 5 TDS . Lol !
I know I have said it a number of times before, but as there are always newcomers to thread, so that I will say it again:We have it all.
Get ready for the return.
Noone can stop what is coming.
Jim Beam, Jock strap and stupid Lennie are the only three to support the idiot that started this thread.
Too funny.
Seriously, his life has been reduced to sitting on a computer and clicking refresh 24/7 just waiting to reply to my every post.
Nobody reads what he says or even cares what he has to say.
And if they did read it they would get a headache from trying to understand his gibberish.
But somewhere in his mind he thinks he's talking a huge a audience of people who actually care.
And thinks he's "hitting HRs" too.
And insists God sent him.
I'm sure God sent him to the Rx forum to click refresh all day every day to say a bunch of nothing.
Talk about delusional.
Great flashback.
In case you missed it late last night:? ?
Delusional. Brainwashed, Mind-controlled.
Will be full blown psychosis soon.
Here is a word in Hebrew which defines you:And Meta in Hebrew means DEATH.
Typical Libtard reply. They think they are all victims. They are only victims of their own stupidity!Here is a word in Hebrew which defines you:
Meshuga: Borrowed from Hebrew, meshuga (mi-SHOO-gah) means “crazy” in Yiddish. It can also be pronounced meshigeh, meshugeh or even meshugie. Other related words: A person who is meshuga is called a meshuganer (mi-SHOO-gi-ner).
More importantly your reference in Hebrew tod death in Hebrew, is what you and your QAnon associates and your phony "God" better know as Satan
wish on all Jewish people in the world, meaning their extermimation and finishing what Hitler started!!
How about commenting on this!!!