Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019

Arrests made behind the scenes, aggressiveness of the vaxx agenda and the situation in Afghanistan are causing the dominoes to fall hard.

So many huge things going on behind the scenes.

Are you ready for the "return".

VERY soon.


Stay strong. Stay united. Fear nothing.

Their only goal is to wear you down so you give in and comply, thinking it will end it all.


Reminder ^^^^^^

Hold strong people.

It's only going to get more intense before it gets better.

But we are closer than you think.

Aug 17, 2019

The approval has no factual basis to it.

It's risks and failure has already been very well documented with REAL science.

It's all "optics" designed to trick as many as they can into thinking it's "safe", hoping it will sway them into getting the shot.

These people are sick and evil.


Do you thimnk they FDA could be bought off?

Do you think a 15% kickback of all vaxx sales could easily persuade them to "approve"?

15% would equate to BILLIONS.


Don't buy the "optics".

The failure rate of these so-called "vaccines" are very well documented.

Stay strong.

Don't give in.

Aug 17, 2019
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It's called natural immunity.

As stated at the onset, and maintained throughout, covid is no different than the "flu" or "common cold".

covid was nothing but fear porn designed to scare people into the shot.

It's the shot that's making people sick and killing them.

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Aug 17, 2019
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One would think 2 of the most respected senior folks at the FDA would be celebrating Pfizer's "approval".

Instead, they are running for the exits.

Nothing to see here.

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Aug 17, 2019
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It's called natural immunity.

As stated at the onset, and maintained throughout, covid is no different than the "flu" or "common cold".

covid was nothing but fear porn designed to scare people into the shot.

It's the shot that's making people sick and killing them.

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As stated at the onset, and maintained throughout, IT'S IN THE SHOT.

Why else do you think the vaxxed are the only ones getting sick and dying?

At what point do people start to see the truth?

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Aug 17, 2019


Basically screamed at America the entire time and then blamed Trump.

A complete disgrace to America and humanity.


Jul 22, 2013
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President Trump will.

And it will be soon.

Remember, "17" years he has served.

Some will understand.

No coincidences.

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:pointer:17 years taught him shit…….down the drain….good for him….

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Jul 22, 2013

Step 1: House Members vote Trump in as Speaker of the House

Step 2: 25th Biden out of office

Step 3: Impeach and convict Harris as newly sworn-in POTUS

Step 4: Swear in Trump as POTUS per line of succession

Just one scenario I can see.



Jul 22, 2013

Mother of U.S. Marine Rylee McCollum, who died in the Kabul bombing: “all you Democrats… who voted for [Biden], you just killed my son… never would have happened under Trump.”
. :pointer:He joined the military idiot….military guys go to war…where you thought he was going “DAY CARE”….fukn idiot

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
. :pointer:He joined the military idiot….military guys go to war…where you thought he was going “DAY CARE”….fukn idiot

<figure class="wp-caption alignnone" style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px 0px 1.5em; max-width: 100%; caret-color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Merriweather, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 1px; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; width: 962px;">
<figcaption class="wp-caption-text" style="box-sizing: border-box; text-align: center; margin: 0.8075em 0px;">Marine Kareem Nikoui, pictured with his mother, was killed on Thursday.

His father said he blames Biden for abandoning them in Kabul</figcaption>


Nov 11, 2007


Did you really think I was leaving?

You guys are too easy.

Claiming "victory" over my departure.

Using it as jerk-off material.

Only to learn that, once again, you ejaculated prematurely.

Just like you did with President Trump.

And happens when he returns?

Because you know it's imminent.

And much sooner than you think or want to believe.

Keep telling yourselves it won't happen.

It only makes the ending of this movie better for all of us on the RIGHT side.

By rejecting President Trump you are accepting Satan.

Satan is rising and is going to show itself to the world.

As I stated in my "good-bye" email, what's coming in the coming days, weeks and over the next 90 days is going to change the world forever.

It's the massive disclosure event I stated would happen at the onset and maintained throughout.

You libtards are not prepared for it.

By now, I thought you would change and start to accept the possibility you are on the wrong side.

It's so blatantly obvious and yet you still reject it.


Because you are so buried in hate for one man.

But I don't blame you.

You are proof that the advanced mind control weapons the evil forces are using are real.

These technologies are very advanced, not of this planet.

I pray for you all to rise up and regain control of your minds before it's too late.

Regardless of what you say you ARE being controlled by Satan right now.

Myself, and others here, pray for you daily.

Put your egos aside and start seeing the TRUTH.

It's in front of you every day.

If you don't see it by now your world is going to be shattered very soon.

I never really left and neither did President Trump.

To all others, hold the line.

It's going to get very bumpy and you will understand why in a few following posts.


This is the only post I am going to comment upon today so far from fpp/sbd because 1) the other posts are the same bullshit, lies, failed predictions, delusions,

and need for attention which fpp/sbd so badly needs and craves to survive and 2) several other posters have also come

forward and expressed their thoughts.

In any case, and I want you to read what I am going to say very careful because it is so revealing and defining as to

what fpp/sbd is all about,and whether he knows it about, he just dug his grave even deeper.

First of all no matter what he claims, he fooled NO ONE.

Habsburger called it perfectly when he said he would be back today.

I expressed doubts and suspicions myself because it was so out of character, and so did the other folks.

What his "return" does show is unlike Trump who will NEVER return/be reinstated, is that he knowingly lied and that he is trying to

claim his return as a victory because in his mind he pulled a fast one!!

Actually what his return proves once again is that he is a pathological LIAR just like his "deity," Donald Trump!!

It also indicates that he is very frustrated and angry that we have come into his thread and bludgeoned him over the

last 18 months with documentation and exposure of his 99.9% failed predictions, laughable non existent arrests

and folks shipped to GITMO for execution, body double crap, and thoseare just for starters.

Thus in his demented body he decided that lying and trying to pull a fast one by claiming he was done in this thread, would be

a way of "getting back at us,"when in fact it just proves even more what a LIAR he is.

Also, to take this a step further, imo and as I have stated before, I am not sure that fpp/sbd really believe all of his predictions

and for that matter anythingelse he says.

I say that because he is an obvious troll who needs attention and who also gets his rocks off when he irritates people so that respond to him.

If you read the post to which I am responding, it is quite obvious that fpp/sbd is quite desperate at this moment-just look at how

many Hail Mary's/howitzers are contained in his post.

Everything he says is just a rehash of his 99.9% failed predictions, conspiracy theories, etc. of the past.

And again the broken down goalposts because of overuse have been moved again out to 90 days.

That will bring us to early December, and then when nothing happens, it will be Christmas, then New Years and on and on and on.


I could go on, but hopefully you get the picture here, and in fact most of you already know what I just stated in any event.

That's it.

Welcome back fpp/sbd after your "lengthy" absence!! lol

Jan 8, 2015

The enemy of freedom must reveal itself to the world.

Satan is rising up for everyone to see.

You will see exactly who the enemies are.

This is similar to the "Job Initiation" written in the bible.

Lightning will strike over the next 90 days. No, no it won't. But I'll remind you in 90 days.

It will be a massive global disclosure event. ​HHHHHaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaaaaaah, no it won't.

This is the process of recognizing the TRUTH of what happened.

The world will learn that we have been enslaved by an evil force for thousands of years and as a part of a lengthy plan. The Matrix 4, coming out soon.

Humanity will need to deal with the difficult truths that we have been lied to, deceived, betrayed by so many including governments and religions.

In the coming days and weeks you are going to see the fear porn off the charts.

You will also see increased conflict between family members, friends, co-workers and cohorts. I bet that's been happening to you for the last year.

The level of ignorance, willingness to be mean and cruel because they think they are justified.

It's so sad and unfortunate that so many smart people fell for this agenda.

So many people lost all sense of critical thinking and common sense. You sure have, starting on pg1 and all the way to the end.

There will be casualties on a global scale. Great call Nostradumbass, we're still dealing with a pandemic.

Do NOT be afraid. Never was.

THERE IS NO DEATH, our consciousness is eternal and we transition from one dimension to another. No. You die that's it, lights out. Lucky for you.

What is happening now is temporary. No shit, what isn't?

This will be a very painful process for many. You talking about deprogramming therapy for you and the Cult? Yeah, that's gonna sting.

DO NOT think or believe that God has betrayed you or abandoned you. I can see why you would, your world shattered on Nov 3rd 2020.....

This is simply not true. Oh it's true.

There has been an extensive rescue mission to save and rehabilitate the souls of humans. Aliens?

We know God wins.

But everything is in Divine timing.

Now is the time to get right with God.

A time to pray/meditate daily for peace and the safety of our loved ones.

This is not a time to get caught up in daily dramas, "news watching" or debates with others.

If people want to debate or argue, walk away, and conserve your energy. Really? After 646 pages of total and complete lunacy from you?

You are going to need mental clarity and a lot physical energy to get through these times.

Be kind, loving and compassionate for all but be careful who you trust.

Do the things that bring you the most joy.

This will be the most difficult time any of us experience in this lifetime Nah, things look great, roaring twenties here we come!!!

But, remember, it is temporary.

MY BROTHERS, MY TIME HERE IS DONE. I give it a week max.

I am being called to defend other parts of this war. Your mom finally gave you an ultimatum, she's not paying for your internet anymore.

My goal here was never to prove "right" or "wrong", it was to prepare whoever found this thread for the exact moment that is upon us - THE FINAL CONFLICT AMD MOMENT OF TRUTH. Oh good thing, because you were never right once, quite the accomplishment in 646 pages.....

To also promote independent and critical thinking, doing your own research, using discernment and trusting your intuition. ​You mean trollingthe internet and all the loonie sites so you can copy and paste it here, the blind leading the blind.....

These are all tools you need now more than ever.

If the information here helped JUST ONE person at any level then it was time well spent in my view. ​It hasn't. You've wasted more than a year on this stupid thread, all the time getting your teeth kicked in by reality and facts.


TRUTH WILL SET US FREE. Did you get that off a calendar?

Many blessings to you and all your loved ones. Thanks I guess, at least we still have family left.




Reminder how serious this guy's mental condition is.

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