Important Virus Update


Jan 8, 2015
[FONT=&quot]Trump Hotels Impose COVID-19 Mask Mandates as Republicans Condemn Them
A number of former President Donald Trump's properties are imposing COVID-19 mask mandates amid strong Republican opposition.
Trump hotels in Miami, Chicago and Hawaii
have all issued mask mandates as the Delta variant continues to surge in the United States.





RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
In addition to the fact that other than with Trump/Election maniacal/fanatics like fpp/sbd, the overwhelming number of people in the country

have moved on from the Election which took place over nine months ago, here are some big reasons why the Maricopa Audit will go nowhere and

will have a shelf life of a day at most no matter what the alleged/falsified results are:

What's Wrong With Arizona's 2020 Audit? A Lot, Experts Say | Political News | US News

<header class="collection-headline-flex" role="presentation" style="-webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px auto; padding: 1rem 0px; max-width: 94.8rem; width: 62.4rem; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px;">Democratic senators warned of potential 'vote switching' by Dominion voting machines prior to 2020 election

</header><section class="Modelinfo" style="-webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; height: 4.6rem; width: 62.4rem; caret-color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "Segoe UI", "Segoe WP", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; position: relative;">Andrew Mark Miller 11/13/2020

Four congressional Democrats sent a letter to the owners of Dominion Voting Systems and cited several problems that “threaten the integrity of our elections,” including “vote switching.”


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Return to face the courts for past crimes and that's it!!!<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe"></iframe>

I can’t believe you actually made a bet that Trump would spend time behind bars .

The pee tape that was part of the phony Russia investigation will surface first lightweight .


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
I'm not gonna make a habit of responding to a Cultist, there's no point.
Just this once: You now nothing about me, who I vote for or what my opinions are on anything, other than what's obvious from my posts here.

The USA was made to look WEAK and Pathetic by Jan 6, and it didn't only happen on the orange reteard's watch, he actually caused it and was correctly impeached for it. That is still nothing compared to the other damage he has done to the USA and the 650.000 citizens who died because of his staggering incompetence and intellectual feebleness.
You cling on to your fat, draft dodging, egotistical, golfing, Big Mac munching hero and history will take care of the rest.

In an interview with CBS's Face the Nation, State Sec. Antony Blinken admits the Biden administration has to ask the Taliban permission to evacuate American citizens from Afghanistan.


Nov 11, 2007
Return to face the courts for past crimes and that's it!!!<iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe"></iframe>

Here is why imo there is a decent chance as to why some day in the not too distant future Trump could wind up in jail:

ps Whether it happens or not, the only sure thing is that the chances of Trump's being incarcerated are a zillion times more

likely than his chances of being reinstated as POTUS, which are ZERO at best!!

Jan 8, 2015

Former President Donald Trump was booed at a rally on Saturday in Alabama after telling supporters they should get vaccinated.
"And you know what? I believe totally in your freedoms. I do. You've got to do what you have to do," Trump said. "But, I recommend: take the vaccines. I did it. It's good. Take the vaccines."


May 26, 2015
I understand the new date is Jan 1.

See, I like that! I always thought the grifters were too short sided and put the shithead return dates too close together. I guess they assumed is was a short term money grab and didn't realize people were as influenced as SBD and PDRed.

They now realize it's more about the long con.
Aug 17, 2019

The crowds are massive.

And we are supposed to believe he lost to a pedo who never left his basement?

America knows the TRUTH.

And so does the world.


And very soon TRUTH will prevail.


The official crowd exceeded 45,000.

All REAL Patriots.

All know the TRUTH.


Aug 17, 2019
DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’ - INDISPUTABLE DOCUMENTATION

EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!

The inoculation being referred to as ‘COVID Vaccines’ is a poisonous death sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots.

GRAPHENE OXIDE is 100% in the shots and is irrefutable.

It is well known that is highly poisonous to humans.

The booster shots are all about overloading the body with graphene oxide.

Grapheen oxide is 4,000 times stronger than titanium and can sustain 1700 degree temperatures, making it indestructible.

These companies were called out for this at the onset and all denied and sent out fake fact-checkers to to try to cover it up.

Graphene oxide is a great conductor of electricity and can literally connect you to 5G and the internet.

They have always intended to use this for this purpose and to mind-control the masses.

These are not vaccines, these are BIO-WEAPONS.

These campaigns and propaganda are nothing but a bunch of LIES!

This is a mass genocide event.



If this video doesn't make you cry, you are not human.

This video should be shared with everyone.

We need to try to save as many people as possible while we can.

If you or someone you know got the shot they should STOP and not get any other shots or boosters.



This thread tried to warn the forum from the onset.

I only pray it saved one person's life.



Graphene Oxide is the deadly toxin in the shot.

Covid is a side effect of the shot.

This is why the current spike up in cases is with those who got the shot.

The only purpose of the booster is to keep overloading the body with graphene oxide.

The masks are contaminated with graphene oxide.

The test swabs are contaminated with it too.

If you got the flu shot in 2019 or 2020 you have been injected with graphene oxide.

Graphene oxide overloads the immune system and, in effect, turns the body against itself as it tries to protect you from the toxic invasion.

Graphene oxide is a deadly toxin and a conductor of electricity.

This explains the magnetic phenomenon we are seeing in those that got the shot.

There are countless videos circulating around the world showing metal objects like silverware and magnets sticking to the arm the shot was injected into.

Even worse, the shot contains nano-particles to, in effect, make people walking 5G towers.

These nano-particles make it possible to control certain functions on the brain including thoughts and actions.

In effect, the evil people behind this have created a "hive mind" they can control through one flip of the switch.

That switch is the activation of the 5G towers.

Going further, when those who got the shot "shed", which is the body trying to release the toxins through normal functions like seating, etc., these toxic particles can be absorbed by anyone, ultimately infecting them.

This is why the vaxxed are now called the "Super Spreaders".

It is because they not only get infected with covid themselves but they spread it to others through shedding.

This is by far the sickest and most sinister evil act in human history.

What's the solution?

If you are unvaxxed DO NOT get the shot under any circumstances.

If you got the first shot, don't get the second.

If you are fully vaccinated, DO NOT get any of the booster shots.

Get healthy fast and keep your immune system strong.

Stop feeding your body toxins like alcohol, processed sugars, processed foods, red meat, dairy, GMO foods, soda and other sugar drinks like Gatorade, etc.

If the packaging doesn't say "NON-GMO", then it's inorganic.

These foods are loaded with toxins and parasites and are the main reasons why so many people have autoimmune disorders today.

Increase your daily intake of raw organic vegetables, specifically green leafy ones (lettuces, kale, chard, etc.)

These foods are the highest in nutritional value.

Eat a TON of raw organic garlic daily - it protects you from all viruses and is a great de-toxifier.

Drink LOTS of high quality water, not the cheap bottled shit.

Bottled water is the biggest scam to ever hit the planet.

Most are nothing but tap water filled with toxins.

Do liver detoxes to help the body get rid of the toxins in the body.

Avoid crowded areas like gyms and bars, and clubs where a lot of sweating occurs and is a breeding ground for the shedding.

Start understanding your body.

It is a sacred vehicle, treat it as such.

The body knows what's natural and what's not.

You CAN'T trick it.

This is why so many people are having deadly side effects from the shot.

The body knows it's an inorganic (unnatural) and foreign substance.

This is also why so many are sick today with autoimmune disorders and other diseases like diabetes, etc.

They keep putting harmful inorganic foods and substances int heir bodies, overloading it with toxins.

Share these truths with as many as you can.



Again, this is the most sinister crimes against humanity ever on this planet.

These people are sick and evil.

Aug 17, 2019

Graphene Oxide is the deadly toxin in the shot.

Covid is a side effect of the shot.

This is why the current spike up in cases is with those who got the shot.

The only purpose of the booster is to keep overloading the body with graphene oxide.

The masks are contaminated with graphene oxide.

The test swabs are contaminated with it too.

If you got the flu shot in 2019 or 2020 you have been injected with graphene oxide.

Graphene oxide overloads the immune system and, in effect, turns the body against itself as it tries to protect you from the toxic invasion.

Graphene oxide is a deadly toxin and a conductor of electricity.

This explains the magnetic phenomenon we are seeing in those that got the shot.

There are countless videos circulating around the world showing metal objects like silverware and magnets sticking to the arm the shot was injected into.

Even worse, the shot contains nano-particles to, in effect, make people walking 5G towers.

These nano-particles make it possible to control certain functions on the brain including thoughts and actions.

In effect, the evil people behind this have created a "hive mind" they can control through one flip of the switch.

That switch is the activation of the 5G towers.

Going further, when those who got the shot "shed", which is the body trying to release the toxins through normal functions like seating, etc., these toxic particles can be absorbed by anyone, ultimately infecting them.

This is why the vaxxed are now called the "Super Spreaders".

It is because they not only get infected with covid themselves but they spread it to others through shedding.

This is by far the sickest and most sinister evil act in human history.

What's the solution?

If you are unvaxxed DO NOT get the shot under any circumstances.

If you got the first shot, don't get the second.

If you are fully vaccinated, DO NOT get any of the booster shots.

Get healthy fast and keep your immune system strong.

Stop feeding your body toxins like alcohol, processed sugars, processed foods, red meat, dairy, GMO foods, soda and other sugar drinks like Gatorade, etc.

If the packaging doesn't say "NON-GMO", then it's inorganic.

These foods are loaded with toxins and parasites and are the main reasons why so many people have autoimmune disorders today.

Increase your daily intake of raw organic vegetables, specifically green leafy ones (lettuces, kale, chard, etc.)

These foods are the highest in nutritional value.

Eat a TON of raw organic garlic daily - it protects you from all viruses and is a great de-toxifier.

Drink LOTS of high quality water, not the cheap bottled shit.

Bottled water is the biggest scam to ever hit the planet.

Most are nothing but tap water filled with toxins.

Do liver detoxes to help the body get rid of the toxins in the body.

Avoid crowded areas like gyms and bars, and clubs where a lot of sweating occurs and is a breeding ground for the shedding.

Start understanding your body.

It is a sacred vehicle, treat it as such.

The body knows what's natural and what's not.

You CAN'T trick it.

This is why so many people are having deadly side effects from the shot.

The body knows it's an inorganic (unnatural) and foreign substance.

This is also why so many are sick today with autoimmune disorders and other diseases like diabetes, etc.

They keep putting harmful inorganic foods and substances int heir bodies, overloading it with toxins.

Share these truths with as many as you can.



Again, this is the most sinister crimes against humanity ever on this planet.

These people are sick and evil.


If you understand this previous post then you will understand these things:

1. Why they required masks immediately.

2. Why Fauci's only goal was to keep you masked. His recommendation of wearing 2 and even 3 masks, which is the most absurd thing ever, was to increase the amount of graphene oxide you would breath in. [contaminated masks]

3. Why they required swab testing from the onset and not the basic saliva testing always used for all virus testing because it's most accurate.

4. Why there was such a high "positive" testing rate immediately at the onset. [contaminated swabs]

5. Why the vast majority of current new cases is from those who got the shot. [it's in the shot]

6. Why the tyrannical states were so willing to lift lockdowns right before summer officially kicked off. It was always part of the plan. They knew people would resume their "normal" activities after being locked up for so long and be even more eager to gather as a result. This made their plan to infect others through "shedding" an easy one to achieve.

7. Why the current "spike up" is happening during the hottest month of the year which is virtually impossible unless it's an unnatural virus. Science and medicine has long acknowledged and accepted that natural viruses cannot exist in temperatures that exceed 80 degrees. What makes this one so different? [it's unnatural]

8. Why they are pushing the shot so hard and why they are now pushing boosters. [mass genocide event]

9. It was NEVER about any virus.


Nov 11, 2007
The official crowd exceeded 45,000.

All REAL Patriots.

All know the TRUTH.



It could be 4 million-who cares.

As we saw during in the size of rallies PRIOR to Election, "enthusiasm" can't vote and Biden won the Election handily despite the lack of enthusiasm

and crowd size at his rallies-that is FACT!!

Nov 11, 2007

Graphene Oxide is the deadly toxin in the shot.

Covid is a side effect of the shot.

This is why the current spike up in cases is with those who got the shot.

The only purpose of the booster is to keep overloading the body with graphene oxide.

The masks are contaminated with graphene oxide.

The test swabs are contaminated with it too.

If you got the flu shot in 2019 or 2020 you have been injected with graphene oxide.

Graphene oxide overloads the immune system and, in effect, turns the body against itself as it tries to protect you from the toxic invasion.

Graphene oxide is a deadly toxin and a conductor of electricity.

This explains the magnetic phenomenon we are seeing in those that got the shot.

There are countless videos circulating around the world showing metal objects like silverware and magnets sticking to the arm the shot was injected into.

Even worse, the shot contains nano-particles to, in effect, make people walking 5G towers.

These nano-particles make it possible to control certain functions on the brain including thoughts and actions.

In effect, the evil people behind this have created a "hive mind" they can control through one flip of the switch.

That switch is the activation of the 5G towers.

Going further, when those who got the shot "shed", which is the body trying to release the toxins through normal functions like seating, etc., these toxic particles can be absorbed by anyone, ultimately infecting them.

This is why the vaxxed are now called the "Super Spreaders".

It is because they not only get infected with covid themselves but they spread it to others through shedding.

This is by far the sickest and most sinister evil act in human history.

What's the solution?

If you are unvaxxed DO NOT get the shot under any circumstances.

If you got the first shot, don't get the second.

If you are fully vaccinated, DO NOT get any of the booster shots.

Get healthy fast and keep your immune system strong.

Stop feeding your body toxins like alcohol, processed sugars, processed foods, red meat, dairy, GMO foods, soda and other sugar drinks like Gatorade, etc.

If the packaging doesn't say "NON-GMO", then it's inorganic.

These foods are loaded with toxins and parasites and are the main reasons why so many people have autoimmune disorders today.

Increase your daily intake of raw organic vegetables, specifically green leafy ones (lettuces, kale, chard, etc.)

These foods are the highest in nutritional value.

Eat a TON of raw organic garlic daily - it protects you from all viruses and is a great de-toxifier.

Drink LOTS of high quality water, not the cheap bottled shit.

Bottled water is the biggest scam to ever hit the planet.

Most are nothing but tap water filled with toxins.

Do liver detoxes to help the body get rid of the toxins in the body.

Avoid crowded areas like gyms and bars, and clubs where a lot of sweating occurs and is a breeding ground for the shedding.

Start understanding your body.

It is a sacred vehicle, treat it as such.

The body knows what's natural and what's not.

You CAN'T trick it.

This is why so many people are having deadly side effects from the shot.

The body knows it's an inorganic (unnatural) and foreign substance.

This is also why so many are sick today with autoimmune disorders and other diseases like diabetes, etc.

They keep putting harmful inorganic foods and substances int heir bodies, overloading it with toxins.

Share these truths with as many as you can.



Again, this is the most sinister crimes against humanity ever on this planet.

These people are sick and evil.


Even your hero, Donald Trump, doesn't believe this utter 100% lies and bullshit and why in his speech the other night at his rally, told people to get the Vaccination

as he has already done.

It goes without saying that fpp/sbd has no response to this very obvious contradiction and paradox.

Over four billion people have WISELY gotten the Vaccination to protect themselves and loved ones against this this dreaded

Virus and variant.

Thank God what fpp/sbd says in this post relatively speaking will reach a TINY number of people in the country and even a TINIER number

of people will give it any credence.

The number of people he claims who have died and/or become seriously ill from the Vaccine is all made up with ZERO documentation!!

Nov 11, 2007
If you understand this previous post then you will understand these things:

1. Why they required masks immediately.

2. Why Fauci's only goal was to keep you masked. His recommendation of wearing 2 and even 3 masks, which is the most absurd thing ever, was to increase the amount of graphene oxide you would breath in. [contaminated masks]

3. Why they required swab testing from the onset and not the basic saliva testing always used for all virus testing because it's most accurate.

4. Why there was such a high "positive" testing rate immediately at the onset. [contaminated swabs]

5. Why the vast majority of current new cases is from those who got the shot. [it's in the shot]

6. Why the tyrannical states were so willing to lift lockdowns right before summer officially kicked off. It was always part of the plan. They knew people would resume their "normal" activities after being locked up for so long and be even more eager to gather as a result. This made their plan to infect others through "shedding" an easy one to achieve.

7. Why the current "spike up" is happening during the hottest month of the year which is virtually impossible unless it's an unnatural virus. Science and medicine has long acknowledged and accepted that natural viruses cannot exist in temperatures that exceed 80 degrees. What makes this one so different? [it's unnatural]

8. Why they are pushing the shot so hard and why they are now pushing boosters. [mass genocide event]

9. It was NEVER about any virus.


My previous post addressed this, and I am not going to come to this level of delusions, lies and bullshit and insult your intelligence to essentially say the

same thing.

ps I don't see a link for in either of his posts to show who is beyond this notice-could it possibly be "Dr" fpp/sbd-world renowned infectious disease "expert? lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Here is why imo there is a decent chance as to why some day in the not too distant future Trump could wind up in jail:

ps Whether it happens or not, the only sure thing is that the chances of Trump's being incarcerated are a zillion times more

likely than his chances of being reinstated as POTUS, which are ZERO at best!!

June 28,2021

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance will not charge former President Donald Trump in his investigation of the Trump Organization, Trump lawyer Ronald Fischetti told Politico on Monday.

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