Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Sorry to give the 3 stooges any kind of ammo SBD ? They clearly stick to fake news sound bites .. But had to ask .

Keep asking Red.

I encourage independent research and thinking, using discernment and intuition.

I laugh at the libtards who have zero ability to do any of these.

Again, all they do is post fake news links, fake fact-chckers and fake polls.

They are delusional and do not bother me.

I honestly can't relate to the level of stupidity they demonstrate but they do provide a good laugh.

I can't wait for the ending of the movie because I'm looking forward to that day when they are confronted with their worst nightmare.

And I can't wait to see how they are going to try and twist it after President Trump is publicly announced the legal and legitimate President.

Again, it's going to be their worst nightmare.

And the Biden circus that's been allowed to take place and show itself will end.

And so, too, will the communist agenda they have shown America and the world.

Remember, sometimes you have to show The People.

Only then can REAL change happen.

This is why it's been allowed to happen.

But timing is everything and it's almost over.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
I can’t imagine one football player or baseball player not saying they went to Ga to a fake whitehouse.

Not all sports players are like that
Aug 17, 2019
I can’t imagine one football player or baseball player not saying they went to Ga to a fake whitehouse.

Not all sports players are like that

"complying" is part of their contracts.

They don't have to agree but they have contractually agreed to comply.

Remember, the NFL is registered as an entertainment company like the WWE.

And, by now, everyone knows the WWE is fake.

Nothing but a bunch of meathead actors who think they are superheros.

It amazes me that people even watch that crap still.

But to each his own.

But pay attention to the NFL because they are reaching their tipping point.

The league is pushing the vaccination agenda hard.

This may be the beginning of the end of the league as we know it.

We already saw the Vikings assistant coach fired for not agreeing to it.

Some players already speaking up too.

I expect many coaches and players to ultimately refuse it.

If they don't then, in effect, they value money more than their own life, and this is sad.

No league or company can mandate vaccines.

It's against the law and unconstitutional.

There are many players and coaches with above average IQs.

They know 'what's up'.

And I suspect we see many draw the line here.

And class action lawsuits are very effective.

I don't see a bright future for professional sports.

Not even sure how the NBA will be able to afford turning on the lights next season.
Aug 17, 2019
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<script async="" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>What happens when the NFL's biggest names start taking a stand?

Others follow.

Let's see how this turns out for the NFL.
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Aug 17, 2019
Michigan Gov. Whitmer Slams Trump After Foiled Kidnap Plot

Hours after over a dozen men were charged for allegedly plotting to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the Democratic leader took aim at President Donald Trump for refusing to denounce right-wing extremist violence. “Just last week the president of the United States stood before the American people and refused to condemn white supremacists and hate groups like these two Michigan militia groups. Stand back and stand by, he told them. Stand back and stand by,” Whitmer said. “Hate groups heard the president’s words not as a rebuke but as a rallying cry, as a call to action. When our leaders speak, their words matter. They carry weight... When they stoke and contribute to hate speech, they are complicit.”

In addition to the six men federally charged with conspiring with a militia group to kidnap Whitmer and overthrow the government, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel on Thursday announced that seven other men—linked to the militia group Wolverine Watchmen—have been charged with terrorism crimes for allegedly planning the Capitol building attack and attempting to “instigate a Civil War.”

This is a "false flag" event.

Think back to first debate and how they hammered POTUS about white supremacy.

Now, they set up a fake event to trick the public into thinking he's responsible and it's his fault.

This is how desperate the Dems-DS are!


They are pathetic!

And if by now you haven't figured out Whitmer is evil then you need serious help!

12 out of 18 people involved with the plot to kidnap Whitmer were working for the FBI.


The fake kidnap attempt was, indeed, a 'false flag' as previously stated.

Just another 'failed prediction' according to delusional libtards. :):)

So this leads us to the question...

How many of the 800 people who entered the Capitol Building on January 6th were working for the FBI?

HINT: it's a lot.

There are over 10,000 hours of video footage from that day the DOJ is refusing to release.


HINT: because it show the "insurrection" was staged and fake and the FBI informants and fake news networks were all involved.

Aug 17, 2019

Haiti President Jovenel Moïse assassinated by 'highly trained and heavily armed group'.

Haiti’s U.S. embassy says the attack was well coordinated by a highly-trained and heavily armed group who spoke Spanish and English with an American accent. [aka C_A]

Haiti was one of few countries who said no to lockdowns, vaccines and the Covid-19 narrative.

We all know, all of the presidents who made the same decisions regarding going against the narrative have been/were found dead. [Tasmania, Burundi, Republic of Congo, etc.]

Haiti remains the only country in the Western Hemisphere and one of five globally where the government has yet to administer any vaccines.

Easy to understand why certain people and groups might want him dead.


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Pentagon also educated their prime minister who was in office for 7 years but was set to be replaced in early July.

He’s now their President.

How convenient.

Not coincidence.

Aug 17, 2019
"Looking Glass"

As the end of the virus nears it will conclude with the rise of the TRUTH.

The truth will occur on a global stage.

There will be no room for question when it comes to the people.

No one will ever again question who's responsible for, coordinated, involved in, or ANYTHING that has happened or been considered a "conspiracy theory" EVER AGAIN!

This includes some of the most controversial topics like JFK, Oklahoma City, Whitewater, 9/11, ISIS, Mandalay Bay, Pizzagate and more.

It will be a "MIC DROP"!

A New Earth blossoms
Unity, Peace, Love, Compassion, Healing
We are spiritual beings having human experiences

The Age of Aquarius is the Golden Age of progress and prosperity based on spiritual values, honesty and truth.

Good time to bring forward this post from March 2020.

It's fair to say TRUTH HAS RISEN.

The world has witnessed a methodical release of information and disclosure.

And they are starting to wake up to the truth that covid was a big lie, a coverup to many horrible crimes against humanity.

All corruption is being exposed.

All the players revealed.

And the ultimate "mic drop" is yet to come.

Timing is everything.

Aug 17, 2019

Covid has been used as a smoke-screen to conceal the true agenda behind a number of globalist tactics.

For example, Klaus Schwab explained that covid provided an opportunity to expose the fatal flaws of capitalism and all that needed to be done was collapse the world’s capitalist economies and replace them with socialist ones.

President Trump foiled this plan by making a covid vaccine available in record time ["operation warp speed"], which made lockdowns and the economic destruction they caused unnecessary.

You may despise the vaccine, but its rapid deployment caught the DS globalists off-guard and prevented the world’s economies from being destroyed and the NWO agenda from being completed.

So, while we may forever remember covid as another "hoax' or "Big Lie", let us not forget that how President Trump and his Team responded to it is what ultimately SAVED AMERICA, THE WORLD AND HUMANITY.

Aug 17, 2019

The people who lied about:

> Covid
> Election fraud "conspiracy"
> Jan 6th "insurrection"
> Steele Dossier
> General Flynn
> Russian Collusion
> Pee Tapes
> Wuhan Lab
> Dead Soldier Bounties
> "Suckers And Losers"
> Hunter Biden's Laptop

Are the same people who want to censor the American people for "misinformation".

Aug 17, 2019

Timing is everything.


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Aug 17, 2019
"This Is The Biggest Bubble I've Seen In My Career" - Dems' Infrastructure Spending Could Lead To Devastating Crash, Druck Warns

Druck pointed out that the biggest economic crises of the last 100 years have largely been caused by asset bubbles and inflation. "Inflation is a tax the poor can't afford or avoid," Druck added.Any further stimulus spending is intended to fix a problem that, in Druck's words, "doesn't exist anymore." He added: "If I was Darth Vader and I wanted to destroy the US economy, I would do aggressive spending in the middle of an already hot economy."
"You usually get a bubble out of that, and you get inflation of of that. Frankly, we now have both. This is the biggest bubble I've seen in my career."
And it's not just stocks: Druck pointed to the state of crypto and housing markets.
"What are we going to get out of this? You're going to get a sugar high, the higher inflation, then an economic bust," Druck warned.​

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And don't forget that overnight repos continue to set historical highs too.

This is a 'bubble' so massive you can see it from space.

We caught a glimpse on Monday as to how fast and furious the drop is going to be.

Don't be fooled by the performance since then.

The market's volume is way off it's moving averages.

You can't place much stock into gains when there's low volume behind it.

Heed the warnings before it truly is too late.

When the selling starts you won't have time to react.

It will fall that fast!

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Aug 17, 2019
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The power is with The People.

The world is waking up.

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Nov 11, 2007
For now only two things come to mind because there is really nothing new posted by fpp/sbd we haven't hear before-the lies, bullshit, the predictions

which will fail like all of the rest including most notably Trump's being reinstated.

The first thing which stands out is fpp/sbd's incredibly weak/moronic and just plain stupid remarks that Brady, the Dodgers and other sports teams visited the

"fake" White House in Georgia rather than the real one in Washington and since they are all part of the act, not one of them spoke out!!

But then again this is the kind of bullshit we have come to expect from fpp/sbd ona daily basis.

His "defense" re: the White House reminds me of his claim that there has been a 100% cure for cancer for 70 years but that somehow it has been

kept secret for all of these years because ALL of the people, doctors, etc., who knew about it somehow were sworn to secrecy and/or were threatened

if they told the world about it.

What do both examples cited above tell you about fpp/sbd???

I won't insult you with the obvious response.

In addition notice the big barrage of other long winded lies and crap he released today in an attempt to hope in DESPERATION that flooding the zone

with will somehow make it all true and/or get people to concentrate on the new crap and forget the old.

He also as part of his schtick tells us once more that Trump is going to be reinstated.

I will say it one more time:

He is in fact "so confident" that Trump is going to be reinstated this year that he REFUSES to accept my challenge that I will self-ban for one year

if Trump is reinstated whereas he will self-ban for just 2 weeks-that's 26-1 odds for something which he claims is "inevitable."

As a one day special which ends at 11:59 PM tonight, in addition to above odds, I am going to add a bonus of $1000 if Trump is reinstated this year,

whereas he pays ZERO if he is not.

That's it for now.
Aug 17, 2019

Truth and disclosure continues to be made public every day.

All corruption is being shown methodically.

From covid to election fraud to child trafficking to the deadly vaccine to Hunter's laptop to the 3 letter agencies.

It's all being shown.

And everyone sees it except the brainwashed sheep.

Savage1 continues to stalk this thread which is obvious by his immediate bump after every post I make.

Probably just having conversations with himself, trying to convince himself he's "hitting HRs" with every post he makes.

And then there's wilbur, who just posts the same fake news links from MSN and fake photoshopped pics.

And let's not forget habsburger, the delusional Canadian, who thinks he knows everything about the U.S. but not even smart enough to know is currently under a communist regime.

And, of course, there's the others like thejerkstorecalled and mapana who continue to embarrass themselves with every post.

Let's be honest....

They all know they are on the wrong side of this narrative.

They always have been.

BUT they are so buried in ignorance and hate for one man that they can't even understand they are cheering on Satan at the same time.

By now, the ONLY people who actually believe sleepy Joe is the real and legitimate President are those that are brainwashed, delusional, anti-American or just plain stupid.

BUT SOON even these people will be forced to see what others have always known to be TRUE or at least understand now!

When conspiracy becomes TRUTH!

Good luck with that libtards!



Reminder ^^^^^^

Nov 11, 2007
Here are a few more things to consider about fpp/sbd:

Notice how on days like this when he beaten to a pulp with no defense with off the wall and his stupidity is exposed with comments like that Biden's White

House is in Georgia and not Washington DV, that while he laughably tries to defend what he says, he also exponentially increases the number of posts

in rapid fire succession hoping to divert attention away from the fact that he has been made a fool of(what else is new?).

Also as I see it, being the obvious troll he is, this SEVERELY mentally, psychologically and emotionally disturbed individual has several conscious and/or

conscious reasons to explain his overall modus operandi.

First of all no matter what he says, he doesn't want people in his thread either putting him down in any form, shape or manner or taking away center

stage from himself.

As an example, I distinctly remember over a year ago when the Psychic was still around and he and I were having it out in thread over a year ago,

that fpp tried to order us to leave obviously because in his mind we were taking away from his imagined self-importance. lol

Also imo he has several motives for posting as much as he does with the same lies and bullshit:

1) On the one hand when people respond to him, it doesn't really matter what they say no matter how much they document and expose him for the simple

reason that in his mind he has irritated the folks who have responded-that is what counts!

Anyone who understands trolling realizes that what I just stated is typical behavior of a troll.

Thus in his mind he gets a "W."

2) First of all, you got to pay attention because on the surface it may seem contradictory to what I said in #1 above but it really is not

when you consider the mindset of fpp/sbd.

As I see it, by flooding the zone with numerous posts each day, all of which are essentially the same theme but simply in a different form, fpp is hoping that

by posting as many "different" things to "prove" what he is saying is true, he believes on some level of consciousness that when people DO NOT respond

DIRECTLY to a given post, it "proves" to him that since they haven't responded directly to a particular post, it means that they have no

answers, meaning he gets another "W."

In addition, on some level when someone does not respond DIRECTLY to a SPECIFIC post, it allows him to bury some of the other posts where folks

like myself and the others HAVE exposed and made a fool out of him.

What he conveniently blocks out though is that we are exposing him to all of the folks who read what he has to say in his thread while at the same

time, deriving lots of satisfaction in so doing!

It doesn't get much better than that!!

Jan 8, 2015
Keep asking Red.

I encourage independent research and thinking, using discernment and intuition.

I laugh at the libtards who have zero ability to do any of these.

Again, all they do is post fake news links, fake fact-chckers and fake polls.

They are delusional and do not bother me.

I honestly can't relate to the level of stupidity they demonstrate but they do provide a good laugh.

I can't wait for the ending of the movie because I'm looking forward to that day when they are confronted with their worst nightmare.

And I can't wait to see how they are going to try and twist it after President Trump is publicly announced the legal and legitimate President.

Again, it's going to be their worst nightmare.

And the Biden circus that's been allowed to take place and show itself will end.

And so, too, will the communist agenda they have shown America and the world.

Remember, sometimes you have to show The People.

Only then can REAL change happen.

This is why it's been allowed to happen.

But timing is everything and it's almost over.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! This is the dumbest Cult ever!!!!!:):)
Even the guys who drank the kool-aid so the spaceship would come and get them had a more plausible made up story!!!!

Yeah, we need RED to provide us with "ammo" to debunk all the childish, moronic fantasies in here!!!

America is doomed with grown men actually believing anything SBD posts is real. Doomed!!!! HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!:):)
Aug 17, 2019

"That's between me and my doctor"

That's all you have to say.

And walk away.

It's that simple.


Nov 11, 2007

"That's between me and my doctor"

That's all you have to say.

And walk away.

It's that simple.


But wait-wait.

This can't possibly be true or allowed to have happen because Trump has been the POTUS right along and would have put an immediate stop to it if any

employer tried to force someone to do so.

Please explain this paradox!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
12 out of 18 people involved with the plot to kidnap Whitmer were working for the FBI.


The fake kidnap attempt was, indeed, a 'false flag' as previously stated.

Just another 'failed prediction' according to delusional libtards. :):)

So this leads us to the question...

How many of the 800 people who entered the Capitol Building on January 6th were working for the FBI?

HINT: it's a lot.

There are over 10,000 hours of video footage from that day the DOJ is refusing to release.


HINT: because it show the "insurrection" was staged and fake and the FBI informants and fake news networks were all involved.


One thing before lunch.

Remember fpp/sbd also claimed that the George Floyd murder was staged and that he is still alive.

One of his "infallible" and "trusted" sources also stated that it was NOT Derek Chauvin who committed the murder in any event, even though Chauvin's

own attorney never said it was someone other than Chauvin who did it.

That in itself should give you a hint about the validity of whatTrollboy/fpp/sbd says about the January 6th Insurrection!

Logical thinking!!

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