Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007
And oh yes and sorry if it sounds like I am patting myself on the back, but after a couple of days went buy after July 4th

and no admission by sbd/fpp that his prediction had failed and with no explanation to anyone what actually did happen

on that day to make it a day to remembered for centuries, I decided to spring into action.

I clearly and ACCURATELY predicted that some time in the near future after July 4tht there would be some kind of current event

which fpp/sbd would try to use retrospectively and try to claim that this is what he meant by what he said.

And also as your truly so accurately stated with documentation, fpp/sbd's many of fpp/sbd's choice of words and terms are and have always been

generalized in a given thread and are also vague rather than SPECIFIC, the reason being that it allows him many

options to choose the one which fits his narrative.

What he did today is a perfect example of doing this and trying to pull the wools over your eyes.

I and others in this thread are not only intelligent, but also perceptive and can see what his failed modus operandi is in this regard and

have called him out on it as I have in this post.

Let him keep trying though, and we will continue to make a complete fool out of him and expose him for what he is!!

Nov 11, 2007
To fpp/sbd I will continue to ask you each day to respond one way or the other to my proposed wager or to publicly state that

you no longer expect Trump to be reinstated this year.

One more time for today:

fpp/sbd-I made my other proposed wagers to in my thread but never here, which I am going to do now.

My proposed bet with everyone in this thread as witnesses and most importantly the moderators is this:

If Trump is reinstated by 12/31 of this year by 11:59 PM, I will ban myself from posting anything in this thread or for that matter anything in Political

Thread(although I haven't posted anything there since January) for ONE YEAR.

If on the other hand, Trump has NOT been reinstated as POTUS by that time, you agree to ban yourself from posting anything for one month.

If that is not a fair bet by your standards, then kindly propose something else.

Not agreeing to any kind of a bet of this nature will simply confirm what most intelligent and objective people already believe to be true about


In short, this is a challenge to see if you truly believe what you state as well as having the conviction to stand by it!!

Nov 11, 2007
As we all know, fpp/sbd has used as of his "sources" of information the alleged pediatrician who claims that demons, evil spirits/entities some of spawned by Satan

invade our dreams and force us to have sex with them for reasons unknown. lol

Imo it is a lot more likely that the people in this thread who have exposed fpp/sbd and who have tossed him around like a ragdoll show up in his dreams to

the point that he has nightmares in anticipation of what we will do to him the next day!
Aug 17, 2019



Like July 4, 1776, July 4, 2021 will be remembered for centuries to come!



From post 10292 in sbd's thread:


I don't know what he means with this along with Trump pictured ndxt tgo some great Presidents from the past.

Does this mean that this will be the "official date" of "Trump's Return" or something else.

For me it means and as I have stated, I am going to go back on that dte to his thread and hound him another of times DAILY

to comment on Trump's "Return" if in fact Biden is still POTUS and Trump is not.

He can call me low iq, delusional, etc. anything he wants, but the barrage will continue until/if/when he

either explains why Biden is still in charge after eight months since the Election and/or assumes some

accountability and like a responsible human being, admits that he was wrong!!

I realize that several folks are already doing his in his thread, which is great.

I am simply going to intensify their efforts!!

This thread will of course remain open also.


Keep in mind, nowhere in my post does it say that President Trump would return to office on July 4, 2021.

This was savage1's ASSUMPTION because he didn't understand what my post meant. [see his thread post #813 above]

Notice how he candidly admits he doesn't know what my post means.

But then notice how by sentence 3 he conveniently turns my post into HIS narrative.

And then says he will hold me accountable for HIS narrative.

Folks, this is textbook delusion and borderline psychosis.

Like always, savage1 makes very bad assumptions and tries to twist and manipulate everything to fit his narrative.

This happens when you are brainwashed and buried in hate and ignorance.

You simply react from that place with no ability to apply logical or critical thinking or use discernment.

I set the "trap" for him to prove this point once and for all to the readers here.

I reinforced the "trap" by bringing my post forward frequently.

He took the bait.

The TRUTH showed itself.

Case closed.

SAVAGE1 Loser!@#0



As savage1 continues to spew gibberish and nonsense, just remember he was set up, he took the bait and now he is trying desperately to twist and turn the truth.

The TRUTH is he never understood what the picture of Mount Rushmore with Trump in it meant.

He, therefore, made the ASSUMPTION it meant his "return" on July 4th.

He admits all of this in his own post inside his own thread. [see above - his words, not mine]

On July 4th I posted exactly WHY July 4, 2021 would be a date to remember for centuries to come.

But he wasn't smart enough to understand it, even though I spelled it out clearly.

Now, he continues to spew his nonsense and gibberish, trying to manipulate the truth once again to fit his own delusional narrative.

Again, nowhere in my "July 4, 2021 will be a date to remember for centuries to come" posts did I EVER state Trump would return on July 4th.

Only in savage1's delusional mind did this exist.

Again, he is beyond delusional.

And should seek professional help.

Or have a serious conversation with God.

Because he is being mind-controlled and misled by Satan and doesn't even know it.

He brings ZERO credibility to this form and ZERO value.

All he does his hi-jack threads with unwarranted attacks while proving nothing.

He starts countless worthless threads trying desperately to get attention.

They all fail.

And this pisses him of even more.

The dude has major issues.

savage1, you are on the wrong side of the narrative and always have been.

You are so out of touch with reality brother.

Accept it and move on.

Nobody cares what you have to say.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: Georgia state senator Burt Jones is requesting an investigation by the government oversight committee of GA SOS Brad Raffensperger for multiple issues!


Aug 17, 2019
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Maricopa County BoS working overtime to try to discredit the audit.


They know they have been caught.


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Aug 17, 2019
<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 249px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;" title="Twitter Tweet" src="" data-tweet-id="1415913847991406592" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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It was a massive red tsunami.


America knows it.

The entire world knows it.

<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Aug 17, 2019
<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 225px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;" title="Twitter Tweet" src="" data-tweet-id="1415907195791699976" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<script async="" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

They are not only watching they are literally shitting their pants.

<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Aug 17, 2019

<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 525px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;" title="Twitter Tweet" src="" data-tweet-id="1415865597972254720" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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You also have enough to show TREASON.

AZ audit team sitting on a major "ace in the hole".

This isn't going to end well for the BoS and others.

popcorn-eatinggif<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Aug 17, 2019
AZ State Senator Kelly Townsend At Senate Hearing: "IT'S A COME TO JESUS MOMENT - I Wouldn't Want To Cooperate Either"

"Okay, well it’s a come to Jesus moment. They’re accusing cyber ninjas of not being credible, and you know this information that’s going to come out, I’ll be very interested to see what their reaction is. But if they’re not credible, then come forward with this information and prove them wrong. But instead they have done nothing but obstruct, deny, distract and mock us, so the county supervisors and Adrian Fontes and his team, what we heard today we learned, and we’re not surprised that it was an absolute failure. And it answers the question as to why they are obstructing if I were them, I wouldn’t want the public to know this information we learned today either. So, two choices. Either come forward and help us put all of this to rest and not on Twitter, and not on Facebook or other places but let’s sit down in an actual meeting and work through this like professionals. And if you can’t do that, then I’m calling on all of you to resign as county supervisors, and to the public, please. Adrian Fontes is running for secretary of state, and if you see the information that we learned today, under his watch, what does that mean for the future of Arizona? So, either it wasn’t true what we learned today and you need to come forward and prove us wrong, by working with us in a professional way or resign, one or the other."

This isn't going to end well for the BoS and others.

Aug 17, 2019

The best 60 seconds you will watch today!




Nov 11, 2007

As savage1 continues to spew gibberish and nonsense, just remember he was set up, he took the bait and now he is trying desperately to twist and turn the truth.

The TRUTH is he never understood what the picture of Mount Rushmore with Trump in it meant.

He, therefore, made the ASSUMPTION it meant his "return" on July 4th.

He admits all of this in his own post inside his own thread. [see above - his words, not mine]

On July 4th I posted exactly WHY July 4, 2021 would be a date to remember for centuries to come.

But he wasn't smart enough to understand it, even though I spelled it out clearly.

Now, he continues to spew his nonsense and gibberish, trying to manipulate the truth once again to fit his own delusional narrative.

Again, nowhere in my "July 4, 2021 will be a date to remember for centuries to come" posts did I EVER state Trump would return on July 4th.

Only in savage1's delusional mind did this exist.

Again, he is beyond delusional.

And should seek professional help.

Or have a serious conversation with God.

Because he is being mind-controlled and misled by Satan and doesn't even know it.

He brings ZERO credibility to this form and ZERO value.

All he does his hi-jack threads with unwarranted attacks while proving nothing.

He starts countless worthless threads trying desperately to get attention.

They all fail.

And this pisses him of even more.

The dude has major issues.

savage1, you are on the wrong side of the narrative and always have been.

You are so out of touch with reality brother.

Accept it and move on.

Nobody cares what you have to say.

Stop embarrassing yourself.


I stand by his and what I said last night in post 13021.

Again he is DOING EXACTLY what I predicted he would do, namely for an event AFTER July 4th and THEN claim that is what he meant by July 4th.

The KEY is that every day AFTER July 4th when I and others asked him to comment on the significance of July 4th if it had nothing to do

with Trump's Return which is a 100% lie in any event, he ignored EVERY SINGLE ONE of the requests to explain what the day mean

in terms of being a "day to remembered for centuries to come."

The reason he did so is that until yesterday he had no response which he thought would fly-one doesn't have to be a brain scientist either to figure

it out.

In the post to which I am referring all fpp/sbd is project his own massive failures as documented by me and others in this thread and the one

I run onto me.

Also keep in mind that while my posts are longer than the posts of the 6-8 others who have exposed him, they all

have said and documented essentially the same


On the other hand, NO ONE out of all the Trump supporters in forum have come forth to support his Trump reinstatement delusional nonsense,

the thousands of people who have allegedly been arrested, sent to GITMO and who are either still there and/or who have been executed.

Why do you think that is true? Lifeline please!!

Conversely out of all of the people who have read my commentary both in my Sbd Failure Prediction Thread and now his, not one person has

refuted anything that either I nor the others have documented re: his failed predictions, arrests, executions, etc.

Sure a number of people agree with him about the Election, the vaccine and that is fine.

However the other stuff I cited above is why no one responds to him, namely because he is a documented crackpot!!

Here is what I posted last night which enraged him to post what he just did:

And oh yes and sorry if it sounds like I am patting myself on the back, but after a couple of days went by after July

and no admission by sbd/fpp that his prediction had failed and with no explanation to anyone what actually did happen

on that day to make it a day to remembered for centuries, I decided to spring into action.

I clearly and ACCURATELY predicted that some time in the near future after July 4tht there would be some kind of current event

which fpp/sbd would try to use retrospectively and try to claim that this is what he meant by what he said.

And also as your truly so accurately stated with documentation, fpp/sbd's many of fpp/sbd's choice of words and terms are and have always been

generalized in a given thread and are also vague rather than SPECIFIC, the reason being that it allows him many

options to choose the one which fits his narrative.

What he did today is a perfect example of doing this and trying to pull the wools over your eyes.

I and others in this thread are not only intelligent, but also perceptive and can see what his failed modus operandi is in this regard and

have called him out on it as I have in this post.

Let him keep trying though, and we will continue to make a complete fool out of him and expose him for what he is!!

Nov 11, 2007
Hmm-it looks like fpp/sbd is trying to bury what I said last night with lots of new posts today because he knows hat what I posted last night is so

damaging to his cause.

Thus I am also going to repost my other thought last night which are equally destructive of him and what he has to say.

It is post 10320:

"This is beyond fpp/sbd's typical lie and hoping people will forget it over time if it fails.

In EVERY post he used the phrase, he made in clear beyond a shadow a doubt that the day would signify Trump's return, and even had his image

attached to that of Mr. Rushmore to indicate that what happened on July 4th, 2021 and July 4th ONLY on that date and moving forward, that

it would be a date to be remembered for centuries to come.

Now 11 days after the date and after he has been questioned and mocked for pretending that he never made the prediction

by ignoring demands that he either admit it or explain the failed prediction, he finally decided that it

was time to try to weasel his way out of it.

His "response" is so obviously weak and laughable, that imo he would have been better off not saying anything than to make a complete

fool out of himself while at the same time insulting the anyone of just average intelligence.

I assure you that I and others will continue to "remind" him each day to either admit his obvious failed prediction or at the

very least say something in the way of explanation which will fly with people other than morons and uneducated people!!"

Nov 11, 2007
To fpp/sbd I will continue to ask you each day to respond one way or the other to my proposed wager or to publicly state that

you no longer expect Trump to be reinstated this year.

One more time for today:

fpp/sbd-I made my other proposed wagers to in my thread but never here, which I am going to do now.

My proposed bet with everyone in this thread as witnesses and most importantly the moderators is this:

If Trump is reinstated by 12/31 of this year by 11:59 PM, I will ban myself from posting anything in this thread or for that matter anything in Political

Thread(although I haven't posted anything there since January) for ONE YEAR.

If on the other hand, Trump has NOT been reinstated as POTUS by that time, you agree to ban yourself from posting anything for one month.

If that is not a fair bet by your standards, then kindly propose something else.

Not agreeing to any kind of a bet of this nature will simply confirm what most intelligent and objective people already believe to be true about


In short, this is a challenge to see if you truly believe what you state as well as having the conviction to stand by it!!

How about it, fpp/sbd-will you accept my proposed wager or not, and if not, why not??
Aug 17, 2019
How about it, fpp/sbd-will you accept my proposed wager or not, and if not, why not??

I don't read your nonsense and gibberish, and have no idea what you want to wager on, nor do I care.

But, in short, I would never make a wager with you of any kind.

You have already proven countless times that you are not a man of your word and can't be trusted.

You have zero credibility here.

You are beyond delusional.

Borderline psychosis.

You are a perpetual loser.



Nov 11, 2007
Here is a significant line, actually a big lie from fpp/sbd found in post 10325:

"On July 4th I posted exactly WHY July 4, 2021 would be a date to remember for centuries to come.

I just went back and checked his posts on that day and nowhere did he state CLEARLY AND SPECIFICALLY why it would be "a day to be remembered for


Perhaps fpp/sbd can copy and paste the post along with post number if he believes I am wrong and he is correct.

As I stated both yesterday, his simply uses ambiguous words, terms, phrases with the hopes that someday in retrospect he can choose whichever

meaning of former to fit the narrative simply doesn't fly with me or the other intelligent people not who have exposed him in his thread but in

the entire Forum!!

As I stated and predicted, this is EXACTLY what he tried to do yesterday and today and failed miserably.

One last very important related and damaging and destructive thing to his cause, and again goes back to his lack of specificity.

Beginning right around July 4th and continuing up until today, I have asked him to be SPECIFIC in his posts as to what he

meant not only re: July 4th but other posts with vague vague, cryptic and generalized words, phrases and terms.

One good example of this is when he uses one of his pet phrases to close out a post, "Nothing can stop what is going to happen."

He never responded to my requests as to what was going to happen along with similar open to interpretation of phrasing requests,

where he simply assumed that the vague expression would fly.

Why did/does he do this?

The answer is simple:

If in fact he responded to my requests for him to be specific in what he stated, what it would mean is that he had/has committed himself to what

he meant.

This is turn would close out the multiple options of definitions and specificity that he had to choose the meaning he wanted to fit his narrative

based on current events.

I hope above is clear.


Nov 11, 2007
I don't read your nonsense and gibberish, and have no idea what you want to wager on, nor do I care.

But, in short, I would never make a wager with you of any kind.

You have already proven countless times that you are not a man of your word and can't be trusted.

You have zero credibility here.

You are beyond delusional.

Borderline psychosis.

You are a perpetual loser.



fpp/sbd/Pinocchio's nose grows larger every time he posts.

He claims that he never reads my posts but beginning on July 4th and including today he seems to magically know what I have posted by responding to what

I said.

What does that tell you?

LOGICAL thinking

It naturally follows that he has read my wager proposal, otherwise how would he know it existed in the first place-lifeline please!!!!

The other stuff about a wager is the same bullshit he has used previously when I challenged him to wager on something.

Saying that I can't be trusted doesn't fly if the money is held in escrow by the forum to be awarded to the winner.

If I am missing something here, please state.

The other stuff about delusional, zero credibility, and more insults is typical of what he has said to me and others when backed into a corner, battered

against the wall.

For lack of a better term it amounts to desperate Hail Mary's on his part as he has nothing better to offer!
Aug 17, 2019
Since we are on the topic of election fraud...

The NC governor is illegitimate.

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“Trust us, we totally didn’t connect the voting machines to the internet.” - North Carolina Board of Elections

RALEIGH N.C. (WNCN) – Republicans in the conservative North Carolina House Freedom Caucus want to get an inside look at state voting machines, they say, to clear up myths that they could be connected to the Internet during an election.

But the North Carolina Board of Elections denied the request and wants the lawmakers to trust the state’s vetting process.

"trust us"

Aug 17, 2019
U.S. Election Assistance Commission Sued for Improperly Loosening Voting System Standards After Private Meetings With Voting Machine Manufacturers.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – A federally appointed election advisor and the pro-democracy legal advocacy organization Free Speech For People filed a federal lawsuit today alleging the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (“EAC”) met with voting machine manufacturers privately to unlawfully solicit vendors’ comments on the federal voting system standards, and these meetings led to weakening the standards to allow internet connectivity in voting systems.

The complaint, filed in US District Court for the District of Columbia, alleges violations under the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”), the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (“HAVA”), and the Federal Advisory Committee Act (“FACA”). Plaintiffs Professor Philip B. Stark and Free Speech For People claim that these back-door meetings resulted in secretly developed revisions to the standards that benefit manufacturers by weakening voting system security to reduce costs. The revisions were released mere days before the Commission’s vote to approve the new standards, without the proper notice and comment procedure required by law.


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