Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007
Ok here we go.

This is what I posted yesterday in post 12393 to fpp/sbd.

Read it first and then the added commentary:

"Since you obviously refuse and/or are unable to answer post 12376 directly, I am going to break it down for and let you

and the readers see what the most
important aspect of that post is and request that you respond to it with no equivocation:

You have been harping on the date of July 4th of this year with same post for many months as one which will "be remembered to centuries to come."

Along with that post there is an accompanying image of Trump next to the Presidents emblazoned on Mt. Rushmore.

Too many times to count in separate posts or at times even in the same post, you have been predicting Trumps alleged return to be reinstated

as POTUS is imminent.

Today you claimed that the July 4th date has nothing to do with Trump's return.

Thus I ask you again-if the post has nothing to do with Trump's Return(which also has been documented as being on quite a few SPECIFIC

dates prior to July 4th), then kindly tell us SPECIFICALLY 1) the significance and reason that July 4th will be remembered for centuries to

come and 2) why Trump's image is on everyone of those posts predicting and claiming this date?

Thank you!"

Hopefully you folks get the picture here, namely that fpp/sbd either believes he can post anything and get away with and/or that

people will forget what he said in the first place by burying it with other posts with ZERO admission/accountability on his part.

I have used this analogy again and will use it again:

Fpp/sbd and folks like him who act in this manner remind me of the the dog owner who walks his dog every day, and who

lets it take a big dump shits on someone else's lawn.

Rather than do the right thing and knock on the neighbor's door and offer to clean it up, fpp/sbd folks just quickly leave and keep

walking and don't give a shit(pun intended lol).

This goes on day after day, and totally self-absorbed people like fpp/sbd don't care.

With that said and and in consderation of what I just reposted, again I request that fpp/sbd explain what I requested DIRECTLY/SPECIFICALLY.

I will let the intelligent and objective folks who read this thread decide if his response is appropriate and/or if he doesn't respond at all.

May 26, 2015
Another date, another prophecy fail.

Unfortunately when lifetime loser shithead doesn't come back in August, there may be some violence. Hopefully, the grifters who peddle this stuff may tell people to wait til, say the election anniversary date. Gives them the summer and the lion's share of the fall to steal from their followers.

I don't think these poor people understand that the black and brown people ain't their's their banker. The same people that benefited from shithead's 2x Trillion dollar tax cut.

Of course, most of us knew Companies would buy back their stock (not hire and not pay tax), and made a little dough.

But, as always, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. These folks have not idea they are voting against their best interests
Aug 17, 2019
I've pretty much have focused on the election fraud and the virus.. Excellent thread for both issues..

You put the fake WH and Biden into this thread. If you post , I'm assuming you believe some of us are reading them.

Hard to broadly paint a brush over this with " small stuff and Optics " after months of this..

Personally , I would've left that particular material out of my thread. Maybe half the libtards wouldn't have interjected into it.. And guys like me wouldn't be pointing out the discrepancies..

I post what is significant in the moment to help others understand certain things like "optics".

Some of those things become less important as we move through time.

This is one of those things.

Now, all focus is on the big picture issues that have always been made clear since the onset.

This includes the fake pandemic, child trafficking, election fraud, and other things like Obamagate, FISAgate, Russiagate.

All of these major crimes and corruption are now being presented to the world as part of a controlled narrative and disclosure by the military.

And justice is being served through tribunals. [will be made public soon]

But on the topic of the Dodgers.


Their eyes and faces are priceless.

Very funny actually.

They know this guy is so full of crap.

They can't even hide it.

The only question here is which actor is playing Biden?

There are 6.

May 26, 2015
Just curious? Since you mentioned centuries, let's just use 200 years. Makes it easy on using the word 'great'

What will my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandkids be talking about that happened Sunday.

You seem to have intel, so certainly curious
Aug 17, 2019

Isn't it fun watching savage1 try to dig himself out of the hole he's in?

He took the July 4th bait.

He was caught and exposed.

And now he's desperately trying to twist and turn whatever he can to climb out of the hole.

So predictable.
A perpetual loser like all libtards. Loser!@#0

Kind of sounds like the election fraud, doesn't it?


Nov 11, 2007

Isn't it fun watching savage1 try to dig himself out of the hole he's in?

He took the July 4th bait.

He was caught and exposed.

And now he's desperately trying to twist and turn whatever he can to climb out of the hole.

So predictable.
A perpetual loser like all libtards. Loser!@#0

Kind of sounds like the election fraud, doesn't it?


Keep trying to hide, escape and avoid from the REAL issues and questions like this one, pal:

"Since you obviously refuse and/or are unable to answer post 12376 directly, I am going to break it down for and let you

and the readers see what the most
important aspect of that post is and request that you respond to it with no equivocation:

You have been harping on the date of July 4th of this year with same post for many months as one which will "be remembered to centuries to come."

Along with that post there is an accompanying image of Trump next to the Presidents emblazoned on Mt. Rushmore.

Too many times to count in separate posts or at times even in the same post, you have been predicting Trumps alleged return to be reinstated

as POTUS is imminent.

Today you claimed that the July 4th date has nothing to do with Trump's return.

Thus I ask you again-if the post has nothing to do with Trump's Return(which also has been documented as being on quite a few SPECIFIC

dates prior to July 4th), then kindly tell us SPECIFICALLY 1) the significance and reason that July 4th will be remembered for centuries to

come and 2) why Trump's image is on everyone of those posts predicting and claiming this date?

Thank you!"

ps Also to play your game, does what you say mean that it was/is bait that Trump is going to return and be reinstated as POTUS and that in fact he is not?

Also, is it bait that you just hung out that July 4th is going to be a day to be remembered for centuries, and that you really don't believe it?

Lets try those for starters-your response or lack of will tell us a bit more than we already know about you.

But go ahead an keep trying-at this point I and the other have a dozen folks in this thread who have exposed you ses\nse you are weakening and

are moving for the kill in the same way that a pride of lions moves in and slaughters a defenseless zebra!!
Aug 17, 2019
Keep trying to hide, escape and avoid from the REAL issues and questions like this one, pal:

"Since you obviously refuse and/or are unable to answer post 12376 directly, I am going to break it down for and let you

and the readers see what the most
important aspect of that post is and request that you respond to it with no equivocation:

You have been harping on the date of July 4th of this year with same post for many months as one which will "be remembered to centuries to come."

Along with that post there is an accompanying image of Trump next to the Presidents emblazoned on Mt. Rushmore.

Too many times to count in separate posts or at times even in the same post, you have been predicting Trumps alleged return to be reinstated

as POTUS is imminent.

Today you claimed that the July 4th date has nothing to do with Trump's return.

Thus I ask you again-if the post has nothing to do with Trump's Return(which also has been documented as being on quite a few SPECIFIC

dates prior to July 4th), then kindly tell us SPECIFICALLY 1) the significance and reason that July 4th will be remembered for centuries to

come and 2) why Trump's image is on everyone of those posts predicting and claiming this date?

Thank you!"

ps Also to play your game, does what you say mean that it was/is bait that Trump is going to return and be reinstated as POTUS and that in fact he is not?

Also, is it bait that you just hung out that July 4th is going to be a day to be remembered for centuries, and that you really don't believe it?

Lets try those for starters-your response or lack of will tell us a bit more than we already know about you.

But go ahead an keep trying-at this point and the other have a dozen folks in this thread who have exposed you ses\nse you are weakening and

are moving for the kill in the same way that a pride of lions and move in and slaughter a defenseless lion!!

I don't read your gibberish here or anywhere so you are wasting your time.

The only reason I knew about your post 813 is because another member here sent it to me after you posted it.

I set the trap.

You took the bait.

It was too easy.

And now we are all laughing at you even more.


Nov 11, 2007
I don't read your gibberish here or anywhere so you are wasting your time.

The only reason I knew about your post 813 is because another member here sent it to me after you posted it.

I set the trap.

You took the bait.

It was too easy.

And now we are all laughing at you even more.


No one is laughing at me for sure, and unlike your thread where others besides me have literally exposed you and ripped you apart, not one person

has disputed anything I said/documented about YOU in my thread.
What does that say about you and your credibility??? Lifeline please!!:pointer:

ps You are also a liar in saying that you don't read my threads.

You seemed to have responded a LOT yesterday and today in both threads.

That's understandable though because any intelligent and objective person already knows that you are a pathological liar!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
I post what is significant in the moment to help others understand certain things like "optics".

Some of those things become less important as we move through time.

This is one of those things.

Now, all focus is on the big picture issues that have always been made clear since the onset.

This includes the fake pandemic, child trafficking, election fraud, and other things like Obamagate, FISAgate, Russiagate.

All of these major crimes and corruption are now being presented to the world as part of a controlled narrative and disclosure by the military.

And justice is being served through tribunals. [will be made public soon]

But on the topic of the Dodgers.


Their eyes and faces are priceless.

Very funny actually.

They know this guy is so full of crap.

They can't even hide it.

The only question here is which actor is playing Biden?

There are 6.


Interesting -why is it that virtually no players from championship team even showed up at the WH when Trump was POTUS?? lol

Nov 11, 2007
This may be the best, funniest and most revealing line from fpp/sbd today:

"I post what is significant in the moment to help others understand certain things like "optics".

Some of those things become less important as we move through time."

The translation of this is that fpp/sbd posts "significant" things, which are in fact, delusions, lies, etc., until/when/if they are exposed as lies and/or failed

predictions, at which time they are either no longer significant/important and/or subject to the "moving the goal posts out," to a future date until they become

significant again;at the same time fpp/snd reaches into the slimy cracks and crevices of his being and sources and drags out some new "significant"

matters until they suffer the same fate as described above.

And then it is wash, rinse, repeat day after day and/or Groundhog Day-both fit!!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
I don't read your gibberish here or anywhere so you are wasting your time.

The only reason I knew about your post 813 is because another member here sent it to me after you posted it.

I set the trap.

You took the bait.

Once again(from savage 1)

Today you claimed that the July 4th date has nothing to do with Trump's return.

Thus I ask you again-if the post has nothing to do with Trump's Return(which also has been documented as being on quite a few SPECIFIC

dates prior to July 4th), then kindly tell us SPECIFICALLY 1) the significance and reason that July 4th will be remembered for centuries to

come and 2) why Trump's image is on everyone of those posts predicting and claiming this date?

Thank you!"

ps Also to play your game, does what you say mean that it was/is bait that Trump is going to return and be reinstated as POTUS and that in fact he is not?

Also, is it bait that you just hung out that July 4th is going to be a day to be remembered for centuries, and that you really don't believe it?

Lets try those for starters-your response or lack of will tell us a bit more than we already know about you.

But go ahead an keep trying-at this point I and the other have a dozen folks in this thread who have exposed you ses\nse you are weakening and

are moving for the kill in the same way that a pride of lions moves in and slaughters a defenseless zebra!!


Are you a man or a mouse or better scared rabbit??

As long as you continue to pretend that stuff doesn't exist and/or matter, the more I and hopefully others will hammer you!!

Nov 11, 2007
Reminder ^^^^^^^^^

The only something really big(I hope it is big for your sake) and coming(or is it cumming) is the orifice beneath your belt, which "stands up"

when you think that people read and buy into your lies and bullshit.

Actually the more I think about, the more I think above is a plus for you-as they say, different strokes for different folks!

My bad- I was referencing this:


So BIG fake news won't even be able to ignore it.


Nov 11, 2007
We are way beyond the Hollywood sets and actors.

It's really irrelevant now.

Now it's all about "optics".

The military is in control .

They are controlling the release of information and narratives.

Forget the small stuff now.

Watch and listen carefully to President Trump now.

He is dropping one truth bomb after the next.

And remember, HE IS ALWAYS RIGHT!

And stay focused on Arizona and the audit results.

It all starts there.

And they will be released very soon!

Could you give us all a time frame as to when Trump will be reinstated?

I want to make some summer vacation plans and sure as Hell don't want to miss this "momentous" event!! lol

At the same time could you kindly tell us what happened to 4th of July Prediction for Trump to be reinstated, and

if we misunderstood, then in any case why do you keep claiming that July 4th of 2021 will be "remembered for centuries"

along with Trump's standing next to the former Presidents emblazoned on Mt. Rushmore??

tia lol
Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: John McAfee’s widow releases new statement: “I do not accept the “suicide” story”

Janice McAfee released a statement on Tuesday – re-affirming her belief that her husband John DID NOT commit suicide in a Barcelona prison and that a “suicide note” was “conveniently” found in his pocket.

She accused the “malignant cancer that is the MSM” of spreading the suicide story, adding: “They and their unnamed sources cannot be trusted.”


Nov 11, 2007
BREAKING: John McAfee’s widow releases new statement: “I do not accept the “suicide” story”

Janice McAfee released a statement on Tuesday – re-affirming her belief that her husband John DID NOT commit suicide in a Barcelona prison and that a “suicide note” was “conveniently” found in his pocket.

She accused the “malignant cancer that is the MSM” of spreading the suicide story, adding: “They and their unnamed sources cannot be trusted.”


Maybe Johnny can clarify things from the Hereafter on his Mcafee/Computer and tell us what really happened.@):mad:
Aug 17, 2019
Here is the affidavit by CyFIR's Ben Cotton on an anonymous user remotely accessing the Antrim County EMS.

First, he points out IP addresses from Taiwan and Germany.

Each machine was connected to the internet by Verizon modems.

All of the administrators shared the same password except two who didn't use a password.

The hard disk weren't encrypted.

Microsoft SQL was set so an unauthorized user could manipulate the database.

The Antrim EMS last updated their Windows Defender Antivirus on 7/16/2016. [SAY WHAT?]

An anonymous user logged on 11/5/2020 at 5:55:56 PM and 11/17/2020 at 5:16:49 PM EST.

I'm blown away that hackers would be able to get past all the administrators using the exact same password, the administrators not using passwords, and get past the Windows Defender Antivirus updated in 2016 to access the "most secure election in history".



Aug 17, 2019
U.S. Supreme Court Justices & Federal Judges Double As Visiting Professors At Top Chinese Spy College.

Several U.S. federal judges – including Supreme Court Justices – have served as Visiting Professors at the Chinese Communist Party-run Peking University, The National Pulse can reveal.

The efforts were funded by Chinese influence groups seeking to coerce “foreign actors to take actions or adopt positions supportive of” the Chinese government’s “preferred policies.”

Nothing to see here.


Nov 11, 2007
I just came up with a great idea;

Lets have a contest to see who can guess the actual date and if it comes down to it, the actual time, of Trump's Return with the word "return" being

defined as being reinstated as the the recognized POTUS by not just the country but by entire world.

The entry fee would be only a couple of dollars.

You want to know the prize is for the winner??

Well imo the most rewarding prize, even if it is not monetary, would be a paid for exclusive dinner with fpp/sbd as well as an autographed

photo of you and him together, which you will cherish for the rest of your lives.

If Trump does not return by Inauguration Day 2025, then of course all entry fees will be returned.

It goes without saying that fpp/sbd is not allowed to enter the contest himself because of his "high level intel" contacts, who could and would

him the exact date of the "Return."

Stay tuned for more details if this proposal is approved by Administration!

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I post what is significant in the moment to help others understand certain things like "optics".

Some of those things become less important as we move through time.

This is one of those things.

Now, all focus is on the big picture issues that have always been made clear since the onset.

This includes the fake pandemic, child trafficking, election fraud, and other things like Obamagate, FISAgate, Russiagate.

All of these major crimes and corruption are now being presented to the world as part of a controlled narrative and disclosure by the military.

And justice is being served through tribunals. [will be made public soon]

But on the topic of the Dodgers.


Their eyes and faces are priceless.

Very funny actually.

They know this guy is so full of crap.

They can't even hide it.

The only question here is which actor is playing Biden?

There are 6.


Well , also where ? Dodgers were in Washington playing the Nats.. Amazon is in LA with the WH studio.. Where did this ceremony take place ?

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