Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019

Make sure you have plenty this week.

Shit is about to get real!

Aug 17, 2019
Microsoft just patented a device that gives people digital currency after completing a certain task.

This is taken straight from the CCP's playbook for controlling its people.

The Publication Number is WO/2020/060606

2020 = the year filed and the year of their attempted global takeover through COVID-19

6x6x6 also equals 216 which is microchip RFID216

Again, nothing here is coincidence.


Good time to bring this forward from April 2020 with all the news and hype around cryptocurrency.

Crypto is not the future.

It is Satan and part of the NWO agenda.

Don't take the bait.


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Heed the warning!

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Jan 13, 2019
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Heed the warning!

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Please educate me. Why do you say that Crypto is Satan? And why is something that is competing with a dollar that is as worthless as the paper
it is printed on is a bad thing? I have made quite a bit of money from Crypto over the past year and still have a considerable amount in the market.
Would just like some facts that prove what you say is true.

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Jan 13, 2019
Please educate me. Why do you say that Crypto is Satan? And why is something that is competing with a dollar that is as worthless as the paper
it is printed on is a bad thing? I have made quite a bit of money from Crypto over the past year and still have a considerable amount in the market.
Would just like some facts that prove what you say is true.

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A few answers I found at Quora on the subject:

You have Bitcoin confused with the US Dollar.
It’s the Dollar that has all the masonic “Satanic” symbolism on it that gets all the conspiracy theorists hot and bothered.

We have very few financial rules in the bible, but there is a huge one: the interdiction of loan with interest.
Exodus 22:25
If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.
Ezekiel 18:13
Lends at interest, and takes profit; shall he then live? He shall not live. He has done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon himself.
Most of the money today is created by debt (governments borrowing money to banks). Dollar creation is debt-based. So is euro.
Bitcoin creation is not debt-based. So it is more compatible with the bible than euro and dollar.

Jun 16, 2011
Why do you say that Crypto is Satan? And why is something that is competing with a dollar that is as worthless as the paper
it is printed on is a bad thing? I have made quite a bit of money from Crypto over the past year and still have a considerable amount in the market.
I don't know anything about Crypto, but I would like to know something.
¿What is it that you're going to do with all that worthless paper money that you've made?
¿Throw it away?
Aug 17, 2019
Please educate me. Why do you say that Crypto is Satan? And why is something that is competing with a dollar that is as worthless as the paper
it is printed on is a bad thing? I have made quite a bit of money from Crypto over the past year and still have a considerable amount in the market.
Would just like some facts that prove what you say is true.

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Crypto is nothing more than a virtual concept.

There is NOTHING backing it, NOTHING!

The DS Players needed to create a new currency they could control to complete their 'Great Reset' as part of the NWO agenda.

They created crypto for this reason.

Here, there is no regulation.

It also created an place that it made it easy to hide their laundered money and illegal activities.

It is true the dollar is basically worthless now.

It is also true the Government as we know it is bankrupt.

But remember, Trump bankrupted the U.S. Corporation the current Government and fake Administration operates under.

He also took control of the Federal Reserve.

He also quietly seized quadrillions of dollars in assets from the Vatican Bank and DS elites.

This included the entire supply of the world's gold, which 90% of it currently sits in an undisclosed highly protected area of the U.S.

This is significant.


Because President Trump IS coming back soon.

A new Government has already been formed and is in full operation.

A new financial system has already been established and has been active since March.

It has been "mirroring" the current old system.

The new government and financial system will operate on the gold standard.

The same gold standard that it was always intended to be.

The same gold standard the DS Players sunk the Titanic for because aboard the vessel was a group of elite bankers who were attempting to return to it.

The same gold standard the DS Players killed JFK over for trying to return to it.

The same gold standard the DS Players tried to kill Reagan for attempting to return to.

In short, the current dollar is "worthless" but the reality is a new "dollar" already exists.

And it is 100% based on the gold standard.

The minute this news is made public, which will be VERY soon, crypto will die.

It simply will not be able to exist.

This is why you see everyone pushing it so hard right now.

The TRUTH is no corruption will be able to exist in the new financial system.

And this is why DS Players and global elitists are freaking out.

It's literally "Game Over" for them.

There's a reason why President Trump made the comment on Bitcoin that he did.

He's trying to tell you what's coming.

Hoping many will heed the warning.

Trump's return is imminent.

The new financial system follows.

BOTH will be VERY soon.

Do with this what you wish.

It's your free-will right.

Aug 17, 2019
A few answers I found at Quora on the subject:

You have Bitcoin confused with the US Dollar.
It’s the Dollar that has all the masonic “Satanic” symbolism on it that gets all the conspiracy theorists hot and bothered.

We have very few financial rules in the bible, but there is a huge one: the interdiction of loan with interest.
Exodus 22:25
If you lend money to any of my people with you who is poor, you shall not be like a moneylender to him, and you shall not exact interest from him.
Ezekiel 18:13
Lends at interest, and takes profit; shall he then live? He shall not live. He has done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon himself.
Most of the money today is created by debt (governments borrowing money to banks). Dollar creation is debt-based. So is euro.
Bitcoin creation is not debt-based. So it is more compatible with the bible than euro and dollar.

This ^^^^ is a very poor attempt to rationalize the existence of crypto while discrediting the dollar.

Demonizing the dollar has been part of the NWO agenda.

However, the TRUTH is money is nothing but "energy", a means of exchange.

The DS controllers use black magic to feed the evil energy behind it but even that, in itself, doesn't make it "evil".

It all comes down to intention.

Many, including myself, set the purest intentions behind acquiring abundance and when we receive it we use it for those intentions.

I don't have evil intentions, only the purest ones.

As for the "symbolism".

All symbols are universal symbols, first created out of GOD-source, or "light".

God is the creator of ALL, even Satan.

God symbols are an upward spiraling energy and are divine.

Satan uses black magic to try to create a downward spiral, trying to reverse those meanings.

Think upright cross as the representation of Christ Consciousness versus the upside-down cross as the representation of Satan or the anti-Christ.


So again, symbols are universal and always originate with God-source.

It is those with the darkest intentions who work hard through black magic to try to change their meanings.

This is why you see the DS puppets in music, Hollywood, professional sports, etc, always flashing symbols.

They are trying to feed the dark evil energy behind them.

Make sense?

Jan 13, 2019

I do not see any signs of the Crypto market crashing hard in the near future. The elites are manipulating the market now to drive the price down
while they are accumulating billions of dollars in crypto. Perhaps if (A big If) Trump is reinstated (I will believe it when I see it) and NESARA GESARA
kick in it might be time to sell it all.
Aug 17, 2019

I do not see any signs of the Crypto market crashing hard in the near future. The elites are manipulating the market now to drive the price down
while they are accumulating billions of dollars in crypto. Perhaps if (A big If) Trump is reinstated (I will believe it when I see it) and NESARA GESARA
kick in it might be time to sell it all.

You are staring at the biggest illusion to ever exist in "currency".

The ONLY reason why Bitcoin is sitting where it's at is because Elon Musk put 1.5 billion in at this current price.

He is single-handedly "holding it up".

It's not about "GESAR/NESARA".

The new government and financial system already exist.

It's only a function of "public awareness".

Once Trump is in it will be too late.

People will try to leave in droves but there will be nothing to leave with.


I'm not sure I would bet against a man that is NEVER wrong.

Especially when he is candidly telling you it's a scam.

I have always said there are two reasons why people invest... NEED and GREED.

Aug 17, 2019
Four Black Hawks at the US Capitol for a military training exercise this morning in DC.

What are they "training" for?

Aug 17, 2019
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The markets are a ticking time bomb.

Heed the warnings!

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Aug 17, 2019
<a href="http://<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></noscript>" target="_blank" data-cke-saved-href="http://<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href=""></noscript>"><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><iframe aria-label="More+Videos" src="//" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" width="466" height="263" frameborder="0"></iframe><noscript>Watch the latest video at</noscript>

Straight from the President's mouth!

Heed the warnings.


Sep 5, 2010
It seems that the delusional mental case is frothing at the mouth again.
Getting ready for the return.

New financial system. Check.
New government. Check.

March 4th. Check.

July 4th. Check.

August. Check.

Very soon. Check.
Aug 17, 2019
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But crypto users have been assured this can't happen with crypto.

And if the FBI can "track and recover" millions in cryptocurrency, they could do that with all the votes Trump lost too, right?

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Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: Over 25% of the boxes in Maricopa County DO NOT have the number of ballots they are supposed to have -- Boris Epshteyn

Aug 17, 2019
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The crowd erupts!

Another Rock Star!

The next Donald J. Trump.

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Aug 17, 2019
Former Army Captain of Military Intelligence, Seth Keshel breaks down the election data in Maricopa County.

Arizona has historically been a Republican state.

Since WWII, it has only voted for a Democrat twice, 1948 and 1996.

Maricopa has not voted for the Democrat since 1948.

John Kerry added 118,166 votes in Maricopa in 2004.

Barack Obama added 97,677 votes in Maricopa in 2008.

Hillary Clinton added 100,619 votes in Maricopa in 2016.

Joe Biden added 337,867 votes in Maricopa in 2020.

Biden won Arizona by 10,457 votes so if 0.5% of the 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa are illegal or invalid ballots for Biden then you have a state for the first time in the history of the United States that would have been wrongfully awarded in the American electoral college.

SPOILER ALERT: Biden didn't win Maricopa, Arizona or any red state.

SPOILER ALERT: It was far greater than .5% of the 2.1 million ballots that are illegal/invalid.



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