Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Just a reminder!

President Trump won in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Nevada.



New member
Feb 7, 2007

<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 1015px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;" title="Twitter Tweet" src="" data-tweet-id="1380207072449454081" frameborder="0"></iframe>I used to think you were an ignorant fool. That’s to kind, you’re a stupid motherfucker.
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1. You can't yell fire in a public place is a crime and has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment.

I realize you low iQanon’s have limited cognitive functions so maybe I can help. Comparing the first and second amendments, is what we call a “simile”.

2. 2nd Amendment states "We have the right to bear arms and it shall not be infringed upon."

First when using quotation marks, the words inside should be unaltered. Changes to an original text in quotation marks, should be in brackets.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Yet another minor detail someone who is so quick to attack another’s IQ should know.

3. To "bear arms" means any weapon or ammunition and is not breaking the law.

That’s your interpretation. The meaning of this phrase is not self-evident, but keep in mind they mussel loaded firearms of the time. That being said, you take quite a leap to any weapon. If you think (I know it hard for you) about that assertion a sensible person would easily find the flaw.

4. Any gun control law infringes on the 2nd Amendment - PERIOD

Rights come with limits and responsibilities. My right to swing my arm ends (unfortunately) short of your face. BTW, Using PERIOD to close an argument doesn’t do anything for the validity of said argument. It does demonstrate a closed mind, and the inability to evaluate new evidence.

And keep in mind [fake] Biden is acting alone, without the Legislative branch.

The fascists on the right side of the aisle won’t have a reasoned debate. You praise the ass in Texas saying he wants to defy federal law dealing with gun control on the same day the 15th mass shooting this year in his state took place.

This is what Dictators do!

Posting this shit is what Dicks do!

And The People are seeing it!

The nonsense of the whole Q narrative is a form of mental illness. Given the level of gullibility needed, I can only think it started when some loser decided to troll the poor persecuted right wing. And like the rest of their propaganda they pull in so many that think they are of part of the so few.

P.S. Trump is an orange pile of shit who has never thought of anything but himself. He and you can suck my ass.

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Aug 17, 2019
I used to think you were an ignorant fool. That’s to kind, you’re a stupid motherfucker.


1. You can't yell fire in a public place is a crime and has nothing to do with the 2nd Amendment.

I realize you low iQanon’s have limited cognitive functions so maybe I can help. Comparing the first and second amendments, is what we call a “simile”.

2. 2nd Amendment states "We have the right to bear arms and it shall not be infringed upon."

First when using quotation marks, the words inside should be unaltered. Changes to an original text in quotation marks, should be in brackets.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Yet another minor detail someone who is so quick to attack another’s IQ should know.

3. To "bear arms" means any weapon or ammunition and is not breaking the law.

That’s your interpretation. The meaning of this phrase is not self-evident, but keep in mind they mussel loaded firearms of the time. That being said, you take quite a leap to any weapon. If you think (I know it hard for you) about that assertion a sensible person would easily find the flaw.

4. Any gun control law infringes on the 2nd Amendment - PERIOD

Rights come with limits and responsibilities. My right to swing my arm ends (unfortunately) short of your face. BTW, Using PERIOD to close an argument doesn’t do anything for the validity of said argument. It does demonstrate a closed mind, and the inability to evaluate new evidence.

And keep in mind [fake] Biden is acting alone, without the Legislative branch.

The fascists on the right side of the aisle won’t have a reasoned debate. You praise the ass in Texas saying he wants to defy federal law dealing with gun control on the same day the 15th mass shooting this year in his state took place.

This is what Dictators do!

Posting this shit is what Dicks do!

And The People are seeing it!

The nonsense of the whole Q narrative is a form of mental illness. Given the level of gullibility needed, I can only think it started when some loser decided to troll the poor persecuted right wing. And like the rest of their propaganda they pull in so many that think they are of part of the so few.

P.S. Trump is an orange pile of shit who has never thought of anything but himself. He and you can suck my ass.
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IQ level hits an all time low ^^^^^^^

Sep 5, 2010
Just a reminder!

President Trump won in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin and Nevada.



How much dope can one unemployed loser smoke? I ask you!

Sep 5, 2010
Can we have another date for the "return"?
Maybe jock strap or rwjr can pull the pubes out of their teeth and answer for you.
Aug 17, 2019
It’s all optics trying to trick those who are still asleep into thinking he is the real president.

The only goal is mass vaccinations.

The vaccines “they” want you to get are not vaccines!

They are AI nanos that overwrite your DNA and RNA, disconnecting you from God source!

In effect, it’s stealing your soul!

The mass vaccine agenda should be crystal clear by now.

They keep pumping the fear, pumping the fake numbers, extending fake lockdowns.

It’s all part of their playbook!

The People are waking up!

Why else do you think Orwell’s 1984 is the #1 best seller right now?

Moderna: "The Software of Life"

"Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer"

--->Our mRNA Medicines – The ‘Software of Life’<----

This is for the Libtards and others who thought my claims on AI nanos overwriting your DNA and RNA were outrageous and without merit.

Maybe now you will understand the covid vaccine has NOTHING to do with covid.

By taking the Moderna vaccine you, in effect, become a transhuman (AI/human hybrid) and are easily controlled by a rogue signal.

Aug 17, 2019
Rep. Greene’s fundraising haul alarms detractors, who warn she represents a dangerous side of American politics

<section>During her first three months in office, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has declared herself representative of the Republican Party’s base of voters and not a fringe member of the GOP as she faced a torrent of criticism over her extremist positions, which have been denounced as falsehoods and racist.

Now the Georgia Republican has the fundraising numbers to help make her case.
Greene announced earlier this week that she raised a staggering $3.2 million during the first quarter of the year with more than 100,000 individual donations.

Her campaign team adds that 98 percent of the donations were under $200.

“I am humbled, overjoyed, and so excited to announce what happened over the past few months as I have been the most attacked freshman member of Congress in history,” she wrote on Twitter. “ . . . The political ruling class fears the people because it’s the people that can take away what they love most. Power. Because it’s power that brings them everything else. I am one of the people and the people are with me, and I will always be with them. WE are just getting started!”


Greene’s total amounts to a historic record in fundraising for a House freshman during an off-year election quarter, and it is the latest and clearest sign that she has tapped into a vein of support that goes well beyond her Georgia district.

But Greene’s fundraising total and the support it signifies has alarmed her detractors, who warn she represents a dangerous side of American politics bent of waging divisive battles over race and the growing diversity in the country.

The American Jewish Committee has denounced some of her remarks as antisemitic, including when she suggested in a 2018 Facebook post that California wildfires were started by banking companies led by Jewish families. The group called her fundraising numbers “a warning shot to American democracy.”

Jason Isaacson, chief policy and political affairs officer at AJC, said the group recognizes “the difficult proposition” it and others face when criticizing Greene because doing so only strengthens her popularity with her supporters. Speaking out, however, is the “wiser choice” because “ignoring such dangerous forces doesn’t make them go away.”

“It’s on us to expose the threat that they pose to American democracy, the rule of law, the social fabric, so it will resonate with people of conscience and diminish the threat,” he said.

Among Greene’s incendiary and false statements in recent years are saying that Black people “are held slaves to the Democratic Party,” that Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), the first two Muslim women elected to Congress, represented “an Islamic invasion into our government offices,” and that Jewish megadonor George Soros collaborated with Nazis.

She has also expressed support for the radical ideology of QAnon, a sprawling set of false claims that have coalesced into an extremist ideology that has radicalized its followers, some of whom participated in the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.


Greene not only set records, she did it with over 100,000 donations less than $200.

This is a clear sign that real every day Americans are supporting her efforts.

Over 100,000 supporters already will snowball into the millions by the time her election comes around.

This is devastating for Dems-DS and the far lefts agenda and narrative.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

And so the MSM fake news smear campaign begins!

And blaming Q/QAnon is their newest tactic.

Why do they care so much about a "conspiracy" group anyway?

Because they know the truth - Q/QAnon is no "conspiracy".

And 90% of the world knows it too.

The other 10% are mind-controlled libtards.

Aug 17, 2019
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What he's really saying is he doesn't understand why their plan isn't working.

Dr. Fraudci has no shame.

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Aug 17, 2019
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SCOTUS quietly getting things right for America.

Roberts continues to be exposed.

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Aug 17, 2019
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Want to know WHO is on control?

Follow the pattern in the sky.

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Aug 17, 2019
Trump goes after "son-of-a-bitch" McConnell, and "full-of-crap" Fauci in off-script Mar-a-Lago speech

Former President Trump blasted Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, calling him a "dumb son of a b----," in decidely off-script remarks at a major Republican National Committee donor gathering Saturday night.

The event took place at Trump's Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, where the nation's 45th president delivered a keynote address that often veered away from an advance release of his speech.

Trump also referred to the election as "bullshit" at one point.

Trump vowed in the speech he would help Republicans win back the majority in Congress in 2022.

"I stand before you this evening filled with confidence that in 2022, we are going to take back the House and we are going to reclaim the Senate," he said in his prepared remarks, according to Reuters.

Trump also went after Elaine Chao, his former transportation secretary and McConnell’s wife, who resigned after the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6. He claimed after he hired Chao she never said "thank you."

He touted his response to the coronavirus pandemic last year and mocked White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci for first advising against masks at the beginning of the pandemic and he joked that Fauci now wants Americans to wear "five" masks.

"Have you ever seen anybody that is so full of crap?" he asked of Fauci, according to the Post.

Pres. Trump and the "White Hats" on the aggressive.

Dropping one truth bomb after the next.

America and the rest of the world is watching and listening!

Aug 17, 2019

If Democrats and RINOs are truly in control, why is [fake] President Biden acting without Congress?

[fake] Biden's EO's aren't laws and can be easily reversed upon President Trump's return.

And his EO's have actually been a gift.

They are grounds for our individual states to take action and pass legislation that protects us from an over reaching federal government in the future.

Not to mention they have been a catalyst to wake up those who are asleep!

But no laws have been signed yet.

Now, you may say "Joe signed the Covid relief bill into law" but after further review it has been discovered it was the same exact Covid bill Trump "suddenly" signed late December of 2020.

This could explain why the stimulus checks were $1400, not $2000.... because the $600 had ALREADY been sent out!

Add to the mix, the fact Joe Biden's name WAS NOT ON THOSE STIMULUS CHECKS.

Also, unemployment benefits remained at $300, not $600 like Dems wanted.

And Biden, at his VERY FIRST alleged bill signing ceremony, had no representatives standing with him, never took questions from the press about the bill, never held up the bill he was signing, nor did he pass out pens; all things President do and have always done!

Trump 'suddenly' signs Covid Bill on December 27, 2020>>

Trump predicts bigger stimulus package coming AFTER he wins election>>

'Identical bill' S5075>>





"Identical Bill"

Biden isn't the real and legitimate President.


Aug 17, 2019

The whole world will be doing the same!

It's 'lights out" for Zuck and Jack!



Trump and Lindell launching new social media platforms simultaneously.

Kayleigh and Pompeo just started at Fox News?

Do you see what's happening?

Do you understand why?


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Trump goes after "son-of-a-bitch" McConnell, and "full-of-crap" Fauci in off-script Mar-a-Lago speech

Former President Trump blasted Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell, calling him a "dumb son of a b----," in decidely off-script remarks at a major Republican National Committee donor gathering Saturday night.

The event took place at Trump's Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, where the nation's 45th president delivered a keynote address that often veered away from an advance release of his speech.

Trump also referred to the election as "bullshit" at one point.

Trump vowed in the speech he would help Republicans win back the majority in Congress in 2022.

"I stand before you this evening filled with confidence that in 2022, we are going to take back the House and we are going to reclaim the Senate," he said in his prepared remarks, according to Reuters.

Trump also went after Elaine Chao, his former transportation secretary and McConnell’s wife, who resigned after the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6. He claimed after he hired Chao she never said "thank you."

He touted his response to the coronavirus pandemic last year and mocked White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci for first advising against masks at the beginning of the pandemic and he joked that Fauci now wants Americans to wear "five" masks.

"Have you ever seen anybody that is so full of crap?" he asked of Fauci, according to the Post.

Pres. Trump and the "White Hats" on the aggressive.

Dropping one truth bomb after the next.

America and the rest of the world is watching and listening!


I thought the two party system was done going forward.

So why would Trump be speaking about Republicans taking back the House and Senate ?

Not the narrative we've heard previously in this thread.

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