Important Virus Update


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
my perspective on this

It's pretty obvious that the 3/4 deadline will pass without Trump or the military taking over..

My belief , that what's been posted in this thread , is just a recap of the same material being presented off these message boards and websites with their opinions and videos. These theories that are being presented are what POSSIBLY COULD happen , but nothing that's been presented here so far has been confirmed , that any of this is part of some military operation.

The arrests and corruption we periodically see is nothing more than the same daily news reported on an average weekly news day.. and none of it has any tie in or is related with a military or a Trump takeover , or anyone being shipped to Gitmo over any of this...

Has anyone had any confirmation of anyone being shipped to Gitmo

We still have no confirmation that a sting that took place on election night .. If there was a sting, it should've been presented by now , not months later.. to much time and damage has passed for a sting to have taken place and not being presented to the American people by now.

BTW , the '' WE HAVE IT ALL '' comment by Trump that I've seen a number of times posted in this thread , had nothing to do with the election fraud or a sting....This is misinformation...That comment by Trump was said with his reference to Obamagate a few months earlier when the classified evidence was finally obtained... I get it fits the narrative , but its just plain not accurate..

SBD , twice now we've had deadlines that will have passed with 100 percent certainty that action was going to take place..If you're going to keep this thread going and still promote a Military and Trump takeover , you should post here who you're getting this information from. You shouldn't have a problem giving it up.. This source can't be too confidential if all you're getting is vague info that you have to translate yourself or the very least backtrack from.

Who in any official capacity specifically is saying the military and Trump will be taking over ? besides you ?

You're not a source SBD... .I understand if you did have a legit source , not wanting to post it with the losers you're dealing with here.. How about me giving you my email , and you can redact what you want and send it to me if we're supposed to be on board with this..

I have it on good authority , that Trump never signed the EO..

That would counter that we are under military control.

The fencing and barbed wire that is surrounding the capital was requested by Pelosi and crew. They wanted it there for their own protection. Has nothing to do with a military prison.

The movie and Amazon WH is just another far out wishful thinking narrative probably with some photoshop work , being pushed by these far right conspirators..No one can explain how its possible for people working at the WH , WH press corps coming in daily , to travel back and forth from Amazon in California to Washington DC that often without anyone knowing about it. You realize all the same people are also entering other govt buildings in Washington DC. Are these same govt agencies conducting business under Amazon property also ?

In other words its almost impossible logistically to have locations 3K miles apart , where the same people are doing business in both locations on a hourly or daily basis ?

Where are you getting your information SBD ? That nobody else seems to have..
Aug 17, 2019

Pelosi rips up copy of Trump's State of Union Address.

Maybe this will help you understand her little tantrum


Trump loves toying with these fools!


Sep 5, 2010

Pelosi rips up copy of Trump's State of Union Address.

Maybe this will help you understand her little tantrum


Trump loves toying with these fools!


Looks like you're the fool having a tantrum 24/7.
Need your nookie and blankie?
Please look up the meaning of delusional while you look in the mirror.
Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING BIG: New York Democrats Hold Outdoor Presser Calling for Charges Against Governor Cuomo

New York Assembly member Ron Kim, a Democrat, and Jessica Ramos, a Democrat, held a rally at City Hall on Wednesday.

Kim was joined by fellow elected officials, advocates, and the family members of seniors, to announce a key list of demands from the Cuomo administration.

The victims want justice!

Yaacov Apelbaum at the Illustrated Primer shared that these New York politicians are accountable for thousands of nursing home deaths because of their insane directives related to the China coronavirus.

Apelbaum first pointed out the ludicrous directive from New York’s Department of Health, including:
During this global health emergency, all NHs [nursing homes] must comply with the expedited receipt of residents returning from hospitals to NHs.

No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.

As we reported in May, the reason for the Cuomo’s insane directives is related to money:
In 2018, as Governor Andrew Cuomo faced a challenge to his reelection bid in the New York State Democratic primary, he got a last minute $1m cash infusion from the General New York Hospital Association (GNYHA)—a powerful NY healthcare industry group. On April 2, 2020, he repaid the favor when he quietly signed legislation shielding hospital and nursing home executives from any lawsuits stemming from the coronavirus outbreak. The clauses, inserted into the annual budget bill by Cuomo, gave blanket immunity protections for healthcare industry executive and administrators, the same individuals and institutions that have made a fortune moving sick Covid-19 patients to nursing homes.

The GNYHA gave to the Democrats an unheard of $3 million in the 2018 election cycle. Of this, Cuomo and his state party committee received close to $2.3m from various hospitals and nursing home industry donors. Governor Cuomo returned the favor with his directive forcing COVID-19 patients back into elderly homes. This directive provided a massive increase in revenues to organizations associated with the GNYHA who were paid handsomely for COVID patients. It was a bonanza for these entities.

The impact of this decision on elderly New Yorkers in nursing homes is the elderly in these nursing homes spread the disease and died. They died at the worst rate in the country and the world.


The future doesn't look too bright for Cuomo the Clown.

Aug 17, 2019
I have it on good authority , that Trump never signed the EO..

That would counter that we are under military control.

The fencing and barbed wire that is surrounding the capital was requested by Pelosi and crew. They wanted it there for their own protection. Has nothing to do with a military prison.

The movie and Amazon WH is just another far out wishful thinking narrative probably with some photoshop work , being pushed by these far right conspirators..No one can explain how its possible for people working at the WH , WH press corps coming in daily , to travel back and forth from Amazon in California to Washington DC that often without anyone knowing about it. You realize all the same people are also entering other govt buildings in Washington DC. Are these same govt agencies conducting business under Amazon property also ?

In other words its almost impossible logistically to have locations 3K miles apart , where the same people are doing business in both locations on a hourly or daily basis ?

Where are you getting your information SBD ? That nobody else seems to have..

My sources are some of the highest ranking people with the highest security clearance and considered the most credible sources you will ever find.

As for the 3k miles apart, perhaps you should go back and watch the holographic technology videos I posted last week.

Maybe then you can only begin to understand how/why "3k miles apart" isn't relevant.

There is no "wishful thinking" narratives as you say.

There are only false narratives that exist and are the ones you are watching on fake news networks.

They are the ones trying so hard to convince you of many things including the fake Biden presidency.

But Biden isn't even the real Joe.

Let's just say he isn't even with us anymore.

So it's all optics using actors, perhaps even a clone, and advanced technologies like the holographic ones I posted last week.

As for the barbed wire fencing, the requests initially came from the DC mayor and backed by Pelosi.

Unknowingly, they made it easier for the Military to move troops in and turn the WH into the prison it is.

The Dems and those inside the WH actually believe the Military is there to protect them.


They are actually a "sting" [the word you hate and just can't seem to grasp] and in position and awaiting their orders for something much bigger.

And it's not good for the Dems and those inside.

And as mentioned in yesterday's update, "Biden" is replacing Real Patriots with Swamp creatures in D.C. and they are walking right into the prison.

The Military presence and what is going on there far exceeds what you see.

What you see is the National Guard outside surrounding the WH.

What you don't see are some of the most advanced Marines and Special forces under the WH, occupying the tunnel systems that exist.

These tunnels have long been used for some of the most evil activities anywhere on this planet, especially child trafficking.

Remember, everything you are seeing from fake covid to election fraud all comes back to human/child trafficking.

I stated this at the onset of this thread and maintained it throughout and it is the TRUTH!

The WH has been blacked-out for over a month now. [remember, follow the 'blackouts']

There has been smoke seen rising from parts of the WH and strong smells of "amonia".

There have convoys of black vehicles coming in and out during the night.

Major arrests for child/human trafficking are being reported almost daily.

This is all evidence of what's going on in those tunnels by special forces.

Trump "stepping back" as I stated was referring to the "current" and "recent past" [past couple weeks].

This doesn't mean he is "stepping back" now or moving forward. [this will never happen]

This simply means he went "silent" and hasn't been seen or heard from much.

And for very good reasons.

And his "silence" is just killing the Dems-DS, creating even more panic than ever.

They know that something big always comes out of his "silence".

And they are all highly anxious trying to guess his next move.

Something they will never be able to do.

Rest-assured the end of the fake Biden circus is approaching.

Think "March Madness".

Exact day/time?

Forget about it.

All intell has gone completely silent on this one.

And they will remain silent.

And for good reason.

This will be the final move. ['game over']

So the exact moment or day/time is something we will all may learn at virtually the same time!

I will continue to share what I can when I can.

Aug 17, 2019

The Federal Reserve suffered a widespread disruption in multiple payment services Wednesday, including a system that banks and businesses rely on to zip trillions of dollars around the financial system each day.After experiencing problems for several hours, the crucial payment system, known as Fedwire, resumed normal operations shortly before 3 p.m. ET, according to the Fed's website.

Other Fed services are still down, however.

In a statement, the Fed blamed an "operational error" and said it is working to restore services and communicate with customers.

Banks, businesses and government agencies rely on Fedwire to transfer vast sums of money around the US banking system. More than $3 trillion was transferred daily using Fedwire during the fourth quarter.

The problems were widespread. Fed staff "became aware of a disruption for all services" beginning around 11:15 a.m. ET, according to a message on the Fed website.

"Our technical teams have determined that the cause is a Federal Reserve operational error," the message said.

In an update, the Fed said that it has "taken steps to help ensure the resilience" of Fedwire and national settlement service applications "including to the point of failure."
It's not clear how many banks or companies are affected by the outage.

Gemini, the cryptocurrency exchange backed by the Winklevoss twins, said some of its systems are experiencing outages because of the Fed disruption. "All funds remain secure while we investigate the issue," Gemini said in a status update.

The real reason is because the new quantum financial system is being activated. w-thumbs!^
Aug 17, 2019



" this didn't exist in Trump's White House".

Aug 17, 2019

The world is seeing it all.

The world understands Americans didn't vote for Biden.

They understand Trump won in a massive landslide.

They understand election fraud is real and happened.

They see "Biden's" policies and laws being signed in.

Where is the stimulus money he promised?

Where is the covid plan he claimed he had?

The record number of EOs signed.

EOs that protected children being reversed.

EOs being signed to protect sex predators.

And what about the EO signed to fund global abortions. [this is how they launder money]

Not to mention the 60+ other EOs signed that reversed some of the best policies the U.S. has ever seen enacted by Trump.

And what about the incompetent circus clowns he's appointed and continues to appoint?

And don't forget the fake impeachment 2.0?

Or the tax return witch hunt. [which is another dead end for them]

The sudden disappearance of covid and re-opneing of states by the tyrannical governors. [he told Americans this would happen]

The tyranny.

The Dictatorship.

Americans are now seeing it all.

And they know this isn't what they signed up for.

And many of those who voted for Biden are now admitting they made a huge mistake.

All of these things are adding to the incredible support Trump already had.

It is giving him even more power.

What do you think would happen if another election was held today?

The election would be over before it even started.

The landslide would the greatest ever in world history!

Trump has set many traps, including the tax returns, and they have taken all the bait!

He just teed Twitter up by "appealing" to be allowed to post again.

He already knows the outcome but he wants to show Americans and the world the illegal censorship one last time.

Trump is taking major action behind the scenes.

Don't fool yourself into thinking he's not!

The best is yet to come!

Get ready for the "return".


Dec 17, 2004
Do you know what it is?





Tobacco Smoke Enema Kit

(1750s – 1810s).

The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco smoke into a patient’s rectum for various medical purposes, but primarily the resuscitation of drowning victims.

A rectal tube inserted into the anus was connected to a fumigator and bellows that forced the smoke into the rectum. The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration.


Doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas led to the popular phrase “blowing smoke up your ass.”

As you are most likely aware, this odd tool is still heavily used by all levels of government today.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
My sources are some of the highest ranking people with the highest security clearance and considered the most credible sources you will ever find.

As for the 3k miles apart, perhaps you should go back and watch the holographic technology videos I posted last week.

Maybe then you can only begin to understand how/why "3k miles apart" isn't relevant.

There is no "wishful thinking" narratives as you say.

There are only false narratives that exist and are the ones you are watching on fake news networks.

They are the ones trying so hard to convince you of many things including the fake Biden presidency.

But Biden isn't even the real Joe.

Let's just say he isn't even with us anymore.

So it's all optics using actors, perhaps even a clone, and advanced technologies like the holographic ones I posted last week.

As for the barbed wire fencing, the requests initially came from the DC mayor and backed by Pelosi.

Unknowingly, they made it easier for the Military to move troops in and turn the WH into the prison it is.

The Dems and those inside the WH actually believe the Military is there to protect them.


They are actually a "sting" [the word you hate and just can't seem to grasp] and in position and awaiting their orders for something much bigger.

And it's not good for the Dems and those inside.

And as mentioned in yesterday's update, "Biden" is replacing Real Patriots with Swamp creatures in D.C. and they are walking right into the prison.

The Military presence and what is going on there far exceeds what you see.

What you see is the National Guard outside surrounding the WH.

What you don't see are some of the most advanced Marines and Special forces under the WH, occupying the tunnel systems that exist.

These tunnels have long been used for some of the most evil activities anywhere on this planet, especially child trafficking.

Remember, everything you are seeing from fake covid to election fraud all comes back to human/child trafficking.

I stated this at the onset of this thread and maintained it throughout and it is the TRUTH!

The WH has been blacked-out for over a month now. [remember, follow the 'blackouts']

There has been smoke seen rising from parts of the WH and strong smells of "amonia".

There have convoys of black vehicles coming in and out during the night.

Major arrests for child/human trafficking are being reported almost daily.

This is all evidence of what's going on in those tunnels by special forces.

Trump "stepping back" as I stated was referring to the "current" and "recent past" [past couple weeks].

This doesn't mean he is "stepping back" now or moving forward. [this will never happen]

This simply means he went "silent" and hasn't been seen or heard from much.

And for very good reasons.

And his "silence" is just killing the Dems-DS, creating even more panic than ever.

They know that something big always comes out of his "silence".

And they are all highly anxious trying to guess his next move.

Something they will never be able to do.

Rest-assured the end of the fake Biden circus is approaching.

Think "March Madness".

Exact day/time?

Forget about it.

All intell has gone completely silent on this one.

And they will remain silent.

And for good reason.

This will be the final move. ['game over']

So the exact moment or day/time is something we will all may learn at virtually the same time!

I will continue to share what I can when I can.


SBD , I'm watching so little news these days. So my replies have nothing to do with fake news..the 3K narrative is relevant.. Not everyone is or could be involved with this holographic technology. How is the press corp going into a fake WH , which also would be Amazon studios , then turning up soon after in several different venues in Washington DC ? Just seems like that to many people that aren't part of this web are actually caught up in this web , if this is some kind of movie. Why would these people be caught up in this holographic movie ?

I'm not afraid of the word " sting " just to much adding up that's not adding up..

Dec 13, 2007
SBD , I'm watching so little news these days. So my replies have nothing to do with fake news..the 3K narrative is relevant.. Not everyone is or could be involved with this holographic technology. How is the press corp going into a fake WH , which also would be Amazon studios , then turning up soon after in several different venues in Washington DC ? Just seems like that to many people that aren't part of this web are actually caught up in this web , if this is some kind of movie. Why would these people be caught up in this holographic movie ?

I'm not afraid of the word " sting " just to much adding up that's not adding up..

No doubt..I work in the film biz it's the biggest group I can think of you'd never be able to quite..I've signed many NDAs working on Apple commercials.They go as far as making you hand over you phone for the day while on set. Usually a few days into the job the media shows up at the studios C Net or another tech news outlet.
We're told not to talk to anyone..It always gets out..whatever product is being shot and who's in the production if its a celebrity...

Loud mouths all of them. glad I'm also almost done with the whole production world.

You're right Red..No a shot in hell this could happen under cover.
Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING: Police Lieutenant Who Shot and Killed Ashli Babbitt - Lead Murder Suspect in Ashli Babbitt Case

On January 6th, 2021, Ashli Elizabeth Babbitt was executed by a Capitol Police Officer who seemed to hold no restraint.

50 days later, the Capitol Police Officer responsible has been identified in photos before and during the shooting.

The Police Lieutenant’s name is being withheld from Ashli Babbit’s attorneys.

What if the reason we don't know the identity of this Capitol Police Officer who allegedly shot Ashley Babbitt is because he isn't a Capitol Police Officer?

Notice the white officer at bottom right. Finger not even on trigger.

Notice the black man with finger on trigger.



Looks like an Antifa job.


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
This holographic movie thing makes no sense in another sense. Why go thru all this trouble ? If a sting was executed 4 months ago , you have all the evidence you would ever need , just do it already.

People have seen more than enough .
Aug 17, 2019
<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 550px; height: 523px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;" title="Twitter Tweet" src="" data-tweet-id="1365067975351492614" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<script async="" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>Charges filed against Geddert include:

  • 14 counts of human trafficking, forced labor causing injury, a 15-year felony;
  • Six counts of human trafficking of a minor for forced labor, a 20-year felony;
  • One count of continuing criminal enterprise, a 20-year felony;
  • One count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct, a life offense felony;
  • One count of second-degree criminal sexual conduct, a 15-year felony; and
  • One count of lying to a peace officer during a violent crime investigation, a four-year felony

Nothing to see here.

popcorn-eatinggif<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe>

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