Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
If you follow the events ("blackouts", etc.) you will understand the actions are real.

Nothing will be made public (arrests, etc.) until the big "reveal".

The reveal will be a controlled release of information.

This is important to make sure people are not overwhelmed by the depths of what they about to learn.

They will be shown the truth of everything - the narratives, the crimes against humanity, the why's, hows, who's etc.

They will not be shown gory details (pics, vids, etc.) of things like child trafficking, etc. so not to traumatize them more than learning the truth itself.

It has to be this way because so many people's worlds are going to be shattered when the truth is revealed.

But it has to be this way so the world can unify and heal together!

Only then can real change happen.

Part of the reveal will show how elites/politicians sold their own children to the Pedo rings in return for money and power.

John Roberts is one big name for you and there are many others on his level and beyond.

Jan 8, 2015
Part of the reveal will show how elites/politicians sold their own children to the Pedo rings in return for money and power.

John Roberts is one big name for you and there are many others on his level and beyond.

This pedo fantasy thing is a real recurring theme for you, seek the sin out in others that one commits the most oneself, I believe is how that goes.....
Not for the first time in this thread: seek real help!!!
Aug 17, 2019
This pedo fantasy thing is a real recurring theme for you, seek the sin out in others that one commits the most oneself, I believe is how that goes.....
Not for the first time in this thread: seek real help!!!

The pedo thing is not a "theme" it's a reality you and others will have to deal with very soon!

It's also the reason behind everything including the election "steal" and MSM/social media censoring

Let's just say I'm trying to soften the blow for you and others like you!

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Let me translate that for you RED: Dear RED, all my assertions and fantasies only exist in my diseased mind. Therefore I can't offer you any proof, but I'll happily string you along for another 300 pages with my vague predictions.
"Blackouts": power outages and temporary system issues, I've seen a million posted here, Ireland! Italy! The East Coast! It's happening!!! Oh wait, no, it was just a squirrel munching on a transformer.....:):)

"Arrests": Not happening. Unless it's QAnon, Proud Boys and other deplorables. :):)

Into the trash heap you go ( ignore ) . GL with the crime hunt ..

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001

Sleepy Joe signing orders every day.

Already at 47 and still going.

Where's Congress?

Lucky for all of us that they are all signed by a fake President under the defunct USA, Inc. and have no legal basis.

And thank God for all of us that the Biden Circus is about to end!


Biden is a illegitimate President based on fraud. Nothing presented so far by anyone can dispute that..

Unfortunately the EOs that have no legal basis , have caused layoffs with them , primarily in the energy sector. .. Is that part of the optics ? Or ?
Aug 17, 2019


This is what PANIC looks like!

The Dems-DS know exactly what's coming!

They are trying to get ahead of the narrative.

Aug 17, 2019
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Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001


This is what PANIC looks like!

The Dems-DS know exactly what's coming!

They are trying to get ahead of the narrative.


You realize these people have been talking like this for 5 years.. Something to this ? Possibly .. More circumstantial tease ? Possibly..
Aug 17, 2019

View the live incident report>>

Just look at all the action in the U.S. right now.

If you think "nothing" is happening right now because you don't "see" it.

The proof is everywhere, you just need to know where to look!

This is just one piece of what's really going on behind the scenes.

And again, it's a very important piece because [soon] the world is going to understand how everything from fake covid to the election "steal" all comes back to human/child trafficking.

Aug 17, 2019
UPDATE - Trump and the "white hats" are beating the DS at its own game.

The Dems-DS Players actually believe Biden is President.

As a result, they are doing everything Trump wanted them to do.

Tyrannical Governors are now easing lockdowns, reopening businesses and schools, etc.

Trump President = pandemic fear and harsh lockdowns to crash the economy.

Biden President = get rid of pandemic and open businesses and schools.

Trump "walked away" because he knew this would happen.

He told us many times when he said "watch how fast the virus goes away".

This is what he meant.

Trump allowed Biden to become [fake] President so Americans could see:
1. businesses reopen,
2. schools reopen,
3. the pandemic disappear, and
4. what Biden is really about through his EOs and the people he is appointing like Jennifer Granholm.

Biden, the Governors and DS Players are doing everything Trump wanted them to do.

And the recent Gallup poll proves it's working.

Only 11% of Americans are very or somewhat satisfied with the direction of the country under Biden, a historic record low!

Meanwhile, 66% are VERY dissatisfied with the direction under Biden - WHY?

After the first week for Biden and the 47 EOs signed, Americans are starting to wake up and understand Biden is not helping and taking away everything Americans wanted.

​Americans see he is prepared and ready to destroy jobs and the economy.

​And now you see very strange things happening in the stock markets.

Specifically with GameStop and AMC (Movie Theatres)​



GameStop = "the game is going to stop"
AMC (Movie Theatres) = "you are watching a movie"

Trump and a small group of 'white hats' are currently controlling the markets, forcing it higher.

They chose these companies to be symbolic and to let people who're really in control.

Their strategy will bankrupt many of the same DS Players who manipulated the markets for many years for their advantage.


This movie is getting really good!

And the ending is going to blow you away!

Trump red pilled 'normies'

Biden red pilled 'lefties'

And now the Military is about to red pill THE WORLD.


Jan 8, 2015
The panic is everywhere.

It's all in the fake news networks narratives and increased censoring.

The rats are everywhere behind the scenes, especially in DC.

They are literally eating each other and self-destructing.

Biden and his fellow Dem-DS players are putting on a public circus for brainwashing purposes only.

They want the "sheeple" to actually believe he will be President.

Of course, there is ZERO chance of this happening.

But when it's over they will try to scream how "Trump stole the election". :):)

HAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAHHHHH!!! :):):):) ZERO chance!!!!!! And who's whining about a "stolen" election now??? HAAAAAHAHAAAAAAHHH!! EVERYTHING in this thread is wrong, all predictions failed!!!

Jan 8, 2015
december is going to be very interesting!

12/7 (on or before) - trump declared winner in massive landslide?

12/7-12/17 - trump moved to 'safe place'?

12/17 - first indictment triggers mass awakening - soros first arrest?


bwwwwaaaaaaaaaahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! :):):):)

Jan 8, 2015
[h=1]US surpasses 90,000 deaths in January[/h]
<section class="Article__Content story" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: TiemposText, Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 18px; line-height: 28px; margin-top: 15px;">
January has been the deadliest month since the pandemic began, with 90,844 total deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

The U.S. coronavirus death toll stands at 436,810 -- with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention projecting that more than 77,000 deaths could be reported by Feb. 20.

Thank you to the worst president in history for his catastrophic failure to do his duty. :>(
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Active member
Nov 23, 2011
US surpasses 90,000 deaths in January

<section class="Article__Content story" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: TiemposText, Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size: 18px; line-height: 28px; margin-top: 15px;">
January has been the deadliest month since the pandemic began, with 90,844 total deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

The U.S. coronavirus death toll stands at 436,810 -- with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention projecting that more than 77,000 deaths could be reported by Feb. 20.

Thank you to the worst president in history for his catastrophic failure to do his duty. :>(
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yep. Not sure who will out do the other, Biden or Trudeau. They both have failed

In the great vaccine rollout, Canada now behind the industrial powerhouses of Malta, Romania and Serbia (among many others).

Great job Trudeau!


Jan 8, 2015
yep. Not sure who will out do the other, Biden or Trudeau. They both have failed

In the great vaccine rollout, Canada now behind the industrial powerhouses of Malta, Romania and Serbia (among many others).

Great job Trudeau!

Aaaaaaaw, I expected intellectual honesty from you, I'm even a little disappointed.
Trudeau is a tool and the vaccine roll out is not going well here, but at not even 20.000 deaths, Canada has done pretty well. Trudeau is a douche, but still a far ways away from being the worst Prime Minister ever.

Biden (of whom I'm not a fan either) has done more work on covid in a week than the trumpsterfire did in a year, he inherited the biggest disaster of any incumbent and he has his work cut out for him.

The blame for the ginormous death rate in the US falls on the trumpsterfire of course, through his stupidity, inaction, gross incompetence, denial and his habitual lies he bears the biggest responsibility of this catastrophic failure. But what else to expect from a failed reality tv star and intellectual nitwit.

No matter where you are on the political spectrum, trump's failure with covid is so glaringly evident, to deny it just puts you in the blinders-on camp, ie RED, SBD etc.... But whatever floats your boat, I won't lose sleep over it.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Each morning I will give a updated morning line odds with SBDs prediction.Will use relevant and confirmed information with a twist of circumstantial tease.

Trump will be inaugurated on March 4th

Yes + 250
No- 350
May 26, 2015
Poor, dumb Red. Expected optimism for Trump, though.

I have a better chance of winning the Australian Open.

What is a good bet is the dates and story will continue to move.......indefinitely.
Aug 17, 2019
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Seems consistent to what I posted at the onset of this thread and maintained throughout.

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