Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
Your laughable weak rationalizations, reasoning, logic and overall bullshit to try to cover up obvious errors and contradictions in your narrative

and predictions are off the scale!

Just about any intelligent person including me would absolutely destroy you in just about any debatable topic which was fairly and objectively


You are beyond delusional and have a very low IQ.

You have proven this beyond any reasonable doubt.

In fact, it's the ONLY thing you have ever proven here!

You have no idea how many of us laugh at you daily.

Aug 17, 2019
33 missing children rescued in major human trafficking investigation, FBI says

"Operation Los Angels" was based out of Los Angeles

As you watch the fake Biden circus let's not forget the human/child trafficking issue.

It's all about to come full circle and in the end you will see exactly how human/child trafficking, the election fraud and covid are all inter-connected.

Aug 17, 2019
BREAKING - The Hollywood Standard Hotel Closing Forever


If you don't understand how/why this is so significant then you are still asleep.



Probably no coincidences here.


33 missing children rescued in major human trafficking investigation, FBI says

"Operation Los Angels" was based out of Los Angeles

As you watch the fake Biden circus let's not forget the human/child trafficking issue.

It's all about to come full circle and in the end you will see exactly how human/child trafficking, the election fraud and covid are all inter-connected.


3 National Guard soldiers killed in helicopter crash in New York state

Italy tells TikTok to block users after death of young girl

Schiff and these 5 events are all connected.


Nov 11, 2007
You are beyond delusional and have a very low IQ.

You have proven this beyond any reasonable doubt.

In fact, it's the ONLY thing you have ever proven here!

You have no idea how many of us laugh at you daily.

I you are in fact a legal attorney as you claim, you are a pretty shitty one.

All one has to do is look at your declarative sentences contained here, which do nothing but poison the well and are total lies with no basis, the same as

all of your unproven/failed accusation and conspiracy theories and FAILED predictions re: the Election and lots of other matters.

Show me the empirical evidence of anything you cite in these four statements, and no, simply because I disagree with you and have documented the stuff

which you predicted which did not come true(in short everything), does not prove anything which you have cited.

Conversely as any objective and fair minded person realizes, it is actually YOU YOURSELF who fit sthe above categories you cite, and who are simply trying weakly

to project your own flaws onto folks like me.

For those few who are not familiar with your overall modus operandi, this is it in a nutshell:

When people like me, Habsburger and a number of other people call you out and cite predictions you have made which have not come true,

instead of accepting what they say and/or offering evidence to the contrary, you either ignore them and what they/and or resort to name calling because

you have no other means at your disposal to "defend" yourself.

Then you just move on to a new prediction(s) which will occur in yet on/by another time sensitive date and will just wash, rinse and repeat and start the

same Ground Hog Day Scenario all over again when the new prediction fails to come to pass.

I will let anyone reading this post who has it more correct-what I have stated or what I am quoting from you about me.
Aug 17, 2019
I you are in fact a legal attorney as you claim, you are a pretty shitty one.

All one has to do is look at your declarative sentences contained here, which do nothing but poison the well and are total lies with no basis, the same as

all of your unproven/failed accusation and conspiracy theories and FAILED predictions re: the Election and lots of other matters.

Show me the empirical evidence of anything you cite in these four statements, and no, simply because I disagree with you and have documented the stuff

which you predicted which did not come true(in short everything), does not prove anything which you have cited.

Conversely as any objective and fair minded person realizes, it is actually YOU YOURSELF who fit sthe above categories you cite, and who are simply trying weakly

to project your own flaws onto folks like me.

For those few who are not familiar with your overall modus operandi, this is it in a nutshell:

When people like me, Habsburger and a number of other people call you out and cite predictions you have made which have not come true,

instead of accepting what they say and/or offering evidence to the contrary, you either ignore them and what they/and or resort to name calling because

you have no other means at your disposal to "defend" yourself.

Then you just move on to a new prediction(s) which will occur in yet on/by another time sensitive date and will just wash, rinse and repeat and start the

same Ground Hog Day Scenario all over again when the new prediction fails to come to pass.

I will let anyone reading this post who has it more correct-what I have stated or what I am quoting from you about me.


Nice to meet you savage1 and Habsburger!


Nov 11, 2007

Nice to meet you savage1 and Habsburger!


Ah yes-I see that I forgot to mention that when your ass is pinned against the wall by folks like me, Habsburger, Rainmaker, Mapana and some others whose names

which don't come to mine at the moment(which is all of the time), you can and will resort to material like this one in FEAR that what we have stated

and have documented will be believed by others, meaning that you must do everything in your limited power to divert their attention and focus

on this kind of stuff instead.

There are lots of intelligent people who understand your ruse and most importantly that you cannot be taken seriously at this point(not that you ever could).

On the other hand, if you get some of orgasmic pleasure of posting what you do and seeing folks like respond to it/put you down and/or are a masochist, then

at the very least we can all comfort and take solace in ourselves knowing we have done our "good deed" for the day. lol
Aug 17, 2019

Americans will be getting a free education on the U.S. Constitution very soon.

Again, Biden is NOT President.

Enjoy the circus while he thinks he is.

Jan 8, 2015

Friday December 18th marks the 45th day after the election, when the DNI will declare the election NULL & VOID.

It will be based on the EO POTUS signed in 2018, stating that if the DNI determines there was foreign interference in the election, they can declare the election results nullified.

Then Governors vote in January, ONE VOTE PER STATE, with more Reps than Dems voting.

Anyone else excited about Friday?


HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! Another beauty one!!! Null and Void!!!!:):):):)

Jan 8, 2015
Need a update on Trump crimes. Provide specifics please.. In the dark here with these allegations..

Didn't see you this persistent in the entirety of this 302 page dumpster fire. You are a hopeless cause and I'm done addressing you, it's not that hard, even for you, to look up what court cases are underway and trump's 2 impeachment crimes are self explanatory.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Didn't see you this persistent in the entirety of this 302 page dumpster fire. You are a hopeless cause and I'm done addressing you, it's not that hard, even for you, to look up what court cases are underway and trump's 2 impeachment crimes are self explanatory.

Just give me one crime ? Shouldn't be that difficult.. You've repeated that for 302 pages also..

Impeachments were hoaxes. Political hit unlike you , I read the transcript of the phone call with Ukraine impeachment claim.. Acquitted
...Aquitted actually means something if you understand the meaning of the word..

I listened to Trump speech with this 2nd act of stupidity. No insurrection..

With each post you add to your resume of stupidity..

Jan 8, 2015
Some QAnon followers spent weeks preparing for a nationwide blackout starting at noon on Inauguration Day, warning friends and family in text chains and Facebook messages to buy CB radios and stock up on food. They believed Trump would announce martial law through the Emergency Alert System before carrying out mass arrests.
Travis View, who hosts the conspiracy-debunking podcast QAnon Anonymous, said those who make money on the conspiracy theory are having a harder time persuading adherents to keep the faith after such a spectacularly wrong prediction.
<section class="related dn-print" data-test="related" style="box-sizing: border-box; clear: both; margin: 48px 0px; caret-color: rgb(42, 42, 42); color: rgb(42, 42, 42); font-family: PublicoText, Georgia, TimesNewRoman, "Times New Roman", Times, Baskerville, serif; font-size: 18px;">"QAnon influencers who have built large audiences over the past three years continue to encourage their audiences to 'trust the plan,'" View said. "Many rank-and-file QAnon followers are expressing anger and disillusionment."</section>Loser!@#0:pointer:

Jan 8, 2015

The lawyer for the so-called "
QAnon Shaman" who stormed the U.S. Capitol shirtless and wearing a horned bearskin headdress said his client regrets being "duped" by former President Donald Trump, and that the former president "invited" his client and thousands of other supporters to the Capitol on Jan. 6.

Despite issuing dozens of pardons to his political allies and even to rapper Lil Wayne, Trump did not pardon anyone who stormed the Capitol earlier this month.


Jan 30, 2008

So Trump's claim wasn't false afterall?

He's always right!

You been in a coma for the last four years? Garbage Washington Compost is MSM fake news. What's your next dipshit fake MSM source going to be? Bill Gates? CNN?

Whose side are you on anyway?
Aug 17, 2019
You been in a coma for the last four years? Garbage Washington Compost is MSM fake news. What's your next dipshit fake MSM source going to be? Bill Gates? CNN?

Whose side are you on anyway?

Clearly you don't even understand what you are looking at.

The left is the fake news claim about Trump.

The right is the credible news reporting truth of Biden's actions.

If you don't understand my post you need more help than I can provide.

Seek professional help is the best advice I have.

Jan 30, 2008
Garbage Washington Compost = MSM fake news

MSM fake news = Low IQ

Use some credible sources, traitor.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Garbage Washington Compost = MSM fake news

MSM fake news = Low IQ

Use some credible sources, traitor.

so the point you might be trying to make is..... Biden never said that he would ban fracking ? ..

Forget the Post , the fool said it on a number of occasions.. backtracked some from his basement , but obviously lied once he took office...

not a tough thing to follow..
Aug 17, 2019
so the point you might be trying to make is..... Biden never said that he would ban fracking ? ..

Forget the Post , the fool said it on a number of occasions.. backtracked some from his basement , but obviously lied once he took office...

not a tough thing to follow..

Haters are not only blinded by hate and ignorance but also have VERY LOW IQs.

Thank you for bringing this down to a nursery school level for another very "special" person.
Aug 17, 2019

By now you should understand you are watching a movie.

Biden's "oval office" looks very different than the one Trump left.

The "Executive Orders" he is signing are BLANK PIECES OF PAPER and not real.

He is operating from a studio set that is using green screen and other studio technologies.

D.C. is now the Capitol of the defunct and bankrupt USA, Inc., the Corporate Republic. [Act of 1871]

It is also classified as a "foreign entity" due to foreign efforts to steal the election.

The White House is occupied by Biden but has no legal power over the NEW SOVEREIGN REPUBLIC that is currently being established.

The new government will not even be located in D.C.

This movie you are watching is really nothing more than a PREVIEW of what would have happened IF Biden really was the legal and legitimate President. [he is not]

The Military and "white hats" want people to see and understand that allowing a fraudulent election to install an illegitimate government is a horrible idea.

Some may refer to this as a "scare event".

The fake news networks brainwashing campaign over the past year have deceived many.

Their massive censoring campaign blocked them from seeing truth.

You cannot tell the deceived ones you MUST SHOW THEM THE TRUTH.

This process is a controlled one.

These truths will be painful for them.

Many will still reject them.

Those who allow themselves to see the truth will awaken to a whole new reality and be able to heal.

The new government and financial system is ready to go.

And it won't be long before it's implemented.

The Military is your LEGAL government right now and are in full control.

Biden is not.

Those who are in "fear" or are "concerned" about what you are "seeing", don't be!

What you "see" isn't what's real.

Everything you are seeing is "optics".

There is a method to this madness.

Mass arrests ARE happening.

A global financial reset is imminent.

The truth and justice we are all seeking is coming very soon.

Stay calm. Stay strong. Stand united. Fear nothing.


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