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Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
If I try and have a conversation with a Dem about the Bidens corruption and this Impeachment that's being introduced....... You can't have that conversation with that side... Those are the naive ones being lured into vans..

Jan 8, 2015
[FONT=&quot]"....Proud Boys were turning on then-President Donald Trump. The point of contention, in most cases, was Trump’s lack of support for them following the Capitol riot, which was instigated [/FONT]in part[FONT=IBM Plex Sans, sans-serif] by Proud Boys. Among the comments highlighted by the Times were that “Trump will go down as a total failure,” and “It really is important for us all to see how much Trump betrayed his supporters this week,” adding that “Trump was just a man and as it turns out an extraordinarily weak one at the end.”[/FONT]

[FONT=IBM Plex Sans, sans-serif]The deplorables jumping ship!!!![/FONT]:):)
Aug 17, 2019
If I try and have a conversation with a Dem about the Bidens corruption and this Impeachment that's being introduced....... You can't have that conversation with that side... Those are the naive ones being lured into vans..

This ^^^^^

It's because they are brainwashed and lack the ability to think independently.

They just sit and wait for fake news networks to tell them what to think next.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
You're the dumbest person I have ever seen online, I'm surprised someone didn't lure you in a van with candy when you were a kid. 298 Pages of the most asinine, farfetched, diseased fantasies that have all been proven wrong and you're still here "asking questions".
Not ONE "prediction" has come true, not a single one. I'm here because this thread and SBD offend me on an intellectual level and it amuses me to make fun of all his crashed dreams.

In case you missed it earlier. w-thumbs!^

you still believe that Trump is the criminal and the Biden family is legit so lets not be throwing around the dumb accusations
Aug 17, 2019
You're the dumbest person I have ever seen online, I'm surprised someone didn't lure you in a van with candy when you were a kid. 298 Pages of the most asinine, farfetched, diseased fantasies that have all been proven wrong and you're still here "asking questions".
Not ONE "prediction" has come true, not a single one. I'm here because this thread and SBD offend me on an intellectual level and it amuses me to make fun of all his crashed dreams.

In case you missed it earlier. w-thumbs!^

The only thing you prove by being here is how low your IQ is.

Between you and savage1 I honestly don't know who is dumber and more delusional.

Just when I thought savage1 had the title locked up you showed up!

But look at savage1.

Every thread he has ever started has failed.

The guy was so desperate for attention he then started a thread about QAnon just to try to draw attention.

Thread failed.

He was so desperate again he tried to bring it back to life.

Thread failed.

Now he is beyond desperate so he resorted to yet another thread but using me in the title to try to draw attention.

Thread failed.

Bottom line, nobody cares what he has to say and nobody cares what you have to say.

This thread was intended for independent thinkers with above average IQs.

You, savage1 and your other friends here don't qualify.

Those who qualify to be in this thread know you and your friends are beyond delusional.

Many of us chat privately and we laugh at all of you!



Jan 8, 2015
you still believe that Trump is the criminal and the Biden family is legit so lets not be throwing around the dumb accusations

You have no idea what I think about Biden or any topic for that matter, and I'm not interested in having a "conversation". I'm here to have fun at SBD's and trump's expense. Both are the worst at what they pretend to do.

Jan 8, 2015
The only thing you prove by being here is how low your IQ is.

Between you and savage1 I honestly don't know who is dumber and more delusional.

Just when I thought savage1 had the title locked up you showed up!

But look at savage1.

Every thread he has ever started has failed.

The guy was so desperate for attention he then started a thread about QAnon just to try to draw attention.

Thread failed.

He was so desperate again he tried to bring it back to life.

Thread failed.

Now he is beyond desperate so he resorted to yet another thread but using me in the title to try to draw attention.

Thread failed.

Bottom line, nobody cares what he has to say and nobody cares what you have to say.

This thread was intended for independent thinkers with above average IQs.

You, savage1 and your other friends here don't qualify.

Those who qualify to be in this thread know you and your friends are beyond delusional.

Many of us chat privately and we laugh at all of you!



When you don't have sound arguments and the facts and current events disprove or contradict everything you post, all you can do is resort to this. :>(

Nov 11, 2007
The only thing you prove by being here is how low your IQ is.

Between you and savage1 I honestly don't know who is dumber and more delusional.

Just when I thought savage1 had the title locked up you showed up!

But look at savage1.

Every thread he has ever started has failed.

The guy was so desperate for attention he then started a thread about QAnon just to try to draw attention.

Thread failed.

He was so desperate again he tried to bring it back to life.

Thread failed.

Now he is beyond desperate so he resorted to yet another thread but using me in the title to try to draw attention.

Thread failed.

Bottom line, nobody cares what he has to say and nobody cares what you have to say.

This thread was intended for independent thinkers with above average IQs.

You, savage1 and your other friends here don't qualify.

Those who qualify to be in this thread know you and your friends are beyond delusional.

Many of us chat privately and we laugh at all of you!



So you are beckoning to me again.

Fine-I will be at your service once again a little later when I have time on in this thread to rightfully expose

you some more in addition to the new thread I started, which called youout for failing to admit and explain what went

wrong with your "Biden will NEVER be the POTUS," which was/is an absolute certainty!!

My new thread has not failed at all, and unlike here, no one has put down anything I have said because it is the absolute truth.

See you later, you FU ked up LOSER AND LIAR!!

ps Judging by the number of hits I have got in my new thread in the last day or so after I started it, I would hardly say it has failed!
Aug 17, 2019
So you are beckoning to me again.

Fine-I will be at your service once again a little later when I have time on in this thread to rightfully expose

you some more in addition to the new thread I started, which called youout for failing to admit and explain what went

wrong with your "Biden will NEVER be the POTUS," which was/is an absolute certainty!!

My new thread has not failed at all, and unlike here, no one has put down anything I have said because it is the absolute truth.

See you later, you FU ked up LOSER AND LIAR!!

ps Judging by the number of hits I have got in my new thread in the last day or so after I started it, I would hardly say it has failed!

You are so predictable.

Nobody here is beckoning you.

But Satan is.

Remember, you are a self-proclaimed advocate of Satan.

I pray for your soul daily.

And by the way, Biden isn't President.

The Military IS!

Just shows how clueless and delusional you are.

Dec 13, 2007
You are so predictable.

Nobody here is beckoning you.

But Satan is.

Remember, you are a self-proclaimed advocate of Satan.

I pray for your soul daily.

And by the way, Biden isn't President.

The Military IS!

Just shows how clueless and delusional you are.

As Fringe as it comes fellas...great viewing... thanks for the chuckles SBD..comedy gold.

Nov 11, 2007
You are so predictable.

Nobody here is beckoning you.

But Satan is.

Remember, you are a self-proclaimed advocate of Satan.

I pray for your soul daily.

And by the way, Biden isn't President.

The Military IS!

Just shows how clueless and delusional you are.

The bottom line is that I and Hasburger have followed your posts since you started this thread and that EVERY SINGLE ONE of you accusations, predictions

never occurred not even once including the most notable one that Biden would never be POTUS.

The FACT is that he is now and making decisions and NOT the military.

If and when you can show us what predictions came true, which mic drop predictions came true, when the mass arrests, convictions and punishments

occurred and who these folks are, when it was a bad week for democrats(issued every week), when it was in fact "all over for

democrats(also stated by you a zillion times), you will remain in my eyes and those of just about everyone else to be full of shit,

a crackpot and badly in need of professional help.

And oh yes what ever happened to the Loving New Age of the Dawning of Aquarius where all of the persons in the World are united together and are ONE

issued back in March?

Sadly it is you and your fellow QAnons whose minds have been poisoned by the Satanic Forces of EVIL!!

Now I suggest you start helping the QAnons come up with some more BS once March 4 comes and goes.

As I said on several occasions, you are so full of shit and lies, that if it was all siphoned out of you, there would be nothing left!!

Got to run for now-back later-have fun!!

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
You have no idea what I think about Biden or any topic for that matter, and I'm not interested in having a "conversation". I'm here to have fun at SBD's and trump's expense. Both are the worst at what they pretend to do.

You're the intellectual one , so maybe you could lead me to the truth and where to find it.

I've been stuck in a rut with these conspiracies...Watched two years of a 40 million dollar Mueller investigation with 12-14 Dem prosecutors and lawyers , Subpeona hundreds of witnesses and documents and nothing turns up. The same people try it again with an impeachment before actually examining the transcript. He was acquitted for something he should never have been impeached for...

But I keep hearing Trump is a criminal , will be charged with crimes.. Can an intellectual person such that you claim , lead me in the right direction so I can see the light myself ? Maybe defending Trump with his criminal behavior is just another fools gold act on my part..

I would go into a environment like that to seek the truth..

I have an open mind. Maybe a site , forum , link , thread like that can open up my eyes , that I have it all wrong with the Biden family also.

Would that also qualify has getting lured into a van ?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
First, it is important to understand and accept 2 undeniable facts:

1. This is, and always has been, a Military sting operation, and

2. The Military is our current government and in total control.

Next, understand optics are being used by both sides:

1. The Military and "white hats" using optics to look a certain way to not give away their next move.

2. The Dems-DS Players and their fake news networks using optics to try to brainwash people into thinking Biden is actually President.

Third, if you understand the Constitution and its laws then you will understand the following is 100% true and correct:

1. Trump signed the insurrection EO a few weeks ago and gave power to the Military.

2. Biden's inauguration was illegitimate.

3. His inauguration solidified treason.

4. His inauguration triggered Military code 11.3.

5. Military code 11.3 gave immediate and total control and power of the government to the Military.

Lastly, if you understand these few facts the picture will become even more clear:

1. The Military refused to send Biden a plane for his trip to the White House. He had to take a private jet. [first time in history]

2. The Military removed the America Flag from the White House immediately after Biden was sworn in illegitimately. [no longer the USA, Inc. and run by the President]

3. The Military refuses to give all security codes to Biden and his Team.

4. The Military troops remain in position at the Capitol.

5. Harris' move-in to the Vice Presidential House has been delayed. [it's not for any reason fake news will try to claim]

Now ask yourself:

1. If the Military was sent to "protect" Biden during the inauguration, WHY are they still there?

2. WHY is there record levels of Military deployment and activity all across the nation? And 24/7?

If you "fly above" or are watching this as a "movie" you will "know" that what's being presented [Biden as President] isn't right and something big is happening.

Logical thinking.

Moving troops into Syria does seem to be a confliction here ? Or is the Military just doing their own thing now..

New member
Jan 18, 2005
The American flag is still flying at The White House, saw it for myself.

If this is all a part of a grand scheme then having thousands of people lose their jobs is all fake?
Just for optics, right? They did not really lose their jobs.

Among other things that have gone on that do not fit what you say

Dec 13, 2007
Like I said it's all happening in a studio.

The inauguration was in fact pre-recorded.

Just wait until the world finds out just how fake this 'Biden is President' thing is.

Most already "feel" it.

For real? pre recorded and just a big show, all done undercover and kept in secret.
Have any clue how many people it takes to pull off a production?

You're lost but it's a great display of insanity.

That old saying you can't make shit like this much for sayings.

Jan 8, 2015
You're the intellectual one , so maybe you could lead me to the truth and where to find it.

I've been stuck in a rut with these conspiracies...Watched two years of a 40 million dollar Mueller investigation with 12-14 Dem prosecutors and lawyers , Subpeona hundreds of witnesses and documents and nothing turns up. The same people try it again with an impeachment before actually examining the transcript. He was acquitted for something he should never have been impeached for...

But I keep hearing Trump is a criminal , will be charged with crimes.. Can an intellectual person such that you claim , lead me in the right direction so I can see the light myself ? Maybe defending Trump with his criminal behavior is just another fools gold act on my part..

I would go into a environment like that to seek the truth..

I have an open mind. Maybe a site , forum , link , thread like that can open up my eyes , that I have it all wrong with the Biden family also.

Would that also qualify has getting lured into a van ?

This is a waste of time with you.

The Mueller report was never released and hidden on purpose by Barr. The trumpsterfire claimed it completely exonerated him and Mueller said it doesn't, no doubt to be continued. In any case, every American should be very concerned with the way Russia has been meddling in all kinds of American affairs and hacking their way into everything.

The orange fat one got impeached the 1st time for trying to use American taxpayer money to get a foreign head of state to dig up dirt on the son of a political opponent. He was guilty as hell, but the Senate chose not to see evidence or hear witnesses, so the trumpsterfire did not get found not guilty in a fair and square trial, he just got enough votes to get off.

The trumpsterfire has lied, cheated, tax evaded, bankrupted and swindled his way through his entire life, he will end up paying for at least some of it.

As long as you keep getting your "info" from clowns like SBD or crackpot websites you'll stay in your rut, my guess is you like it there. All you guys do is look for anything that confirms your preconceived notions and exclude anything that doesn't. There is enough quality press still out there to form a balanced and accurate opinion, but you wouldn't be interested in that either.

Carry on.

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