Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007
You haven't posted one thing that is right.

Just some brainwashing material from your fake news networks.

You and savage1 must be really good friends, perhaps even roommates in the same psych ward.

Oh-so I see you decided to summon beckon to me again.

I was going to wait until Jan. 20 after Biden is inaugurated for some parting words in my QAnon thread, but since

I am obviously in your head and always have been because I have exposed your lies, delusions,

lack of accountability and/or inability to accept reality since you started this thread in March, I will give you a quick

appetizer to what is to follow.

First, I want to thank the four to six folks who have come forward of late to continue to carry out the work I started

and put you and the QAnons in their rightful and disgraceful place.

To be brief, never mind all of the bullshit, false and unproven accusations and 99.9% failed predictions you have speed forth since March.

The 100% FACT is that none of your predictions re: the Election have come true both prior to the Election

(Trump wins in the "biggest landslide in history and winsall 50 states and gets upwards of 90% of the popular vote lol),

in addition to at least half a dozen other predictions and dates after the Election, all of which would result in Biden being toppled

and Trump proclaimed the winner, which also failed to materialize.

It goes without saying that even after Biden is inaugurated on Jan. 20, you will move the goalposts once again

and claim that things are going on behind the scenes, whichonly your sources are privy to, and

which will result in Trump being proclaimed the winner not only for 2024 but for the next 12 years.

You call folks like me sheep, but in fact we have proven and documented that WE are the ones who are right, and

that anyone who believed you and/or who still does believe in your bullshit, delusions and lies, are the REAL sheep.

It is also quite obvious to anyone who has knowledge of psychology that you suffer from deep psychological and emotional problems, and you crave

and need attention-it goes without saying that you need professional help.

That's it-I went on longer than I intended, meaning than rather than write something new in my QAnon thread, may just use what I wrote as the basis of my closing remarks

on Jan. 20.

Sorry if what I wrote is considered "low iq material," but that is the best I can do. lol

Bye bye until Jan. 20 unless of course to beckon to me again, in which case I will respond!!
Aug 17, 2019
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Nobody here cares what you have to say.

Nov 11, 2007
Nobody here cares what you have to say.

It is 100% true, friend, and in addition to the folks I cited, a number of Trump supporters have also come forward to tell you in so many words that you are

full of shit and living in an alternative and false world of reality.

Keep it up if you like although I have errands to do at the moment.
Aug 17, 2019
It is 100% true, friend, and in addition to the folks I cited, a number of Trump supporters have also come forward to tell you in so many words that you are

full of shit and living in an alternative and false world of reality.

Keep it up if you like although I have errands to do at the moment.

The only thing that is 100% true is that you are 100% delusional.

Very LOW IQ too.

Not very smart.

Please let us know what CNN and CNBC are telling you to think today!
Aug 17, 2019

Just The News Editor-in-Chief John Solomon says that DC police officials rejected his open records request for records pertaining to interviews with key capitol security officials.

Reply says release of the records would be 'personally embarrassing' and will continue to investigate what Speaker Nancy Pelosi knew and when she knew it.

Aug 17, 2019
Marine Corps. Rebukes Pelosi: “WE DON’T WORK FOR YOU!”

General David H. Berger, Commandant of the United States Marine Corps., refused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s request to use the Corps. to safeguard Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration from Trump supporters and insurrectionists.

Pelosi said she wanted “battle ready” reinforcements because “radicalized Trump supporters and kooky Qanon conspiracy people” were about to converge on D.C. She implored him to reconsider, arguing that it was the general’s patriotic duty to quell uprisings and guarantee Biden’s ascension to the Oval Office.

Her statement made the general explode, our source said.

“Don’t lecture me on patriotism, Madam Speaker. I’ve served this country with distinction for 40 years. I’ve spilled blood for our nation. What have you, a self-serving elected official, done for your country?” Gen. Berger said.

Pelosi further enraged him by saying he was answerable to Congress.

“I answer only to the president, and as I understand it, Donald J. Trump is still president and commander-in-chief. I abide in the Constitution as it was written, not your interpretation of it,” Gen. Berger admonished Pelosi.

Gen. Berger was unmoved. The only way Marines would be deployed, he told her, was if President Trump himself issued that order.

“If you want us to help combat his supporters, I suggest you get him on the phone and tell him that. If he orders me to, I will. Otherwise, I suggest you listen really hard to the words escaping your cracked, poisonous lips; they’re tantamount to treason. We don’t work for you,” Gen. Berger allegedly told her.



The Dem-DS Players have no idea what's waiting for them!


Nov 11, 2007
The only thing that is 100% true is that you are 100% delusional.

Very LOW IQ too.

Not very smart.

Please let us know what CNN and CNBC are telling you to think today!

I am a LOT smarter than you are and would challenge you anytime for any amount of money of your choosing to an independently monitored and scored

iq test.

And sorry your CNN and CNBC comments have no relevance here.

The facts are that you have made zillions of predictions both before and after the Election, NONE of which have come true

and for that matter going back to March when you started this sad and unfortunate thread.

If you disagree, then how about SPECIFICALLY stating which predictions have come true!!!

Conversely,MY predictions both in the present, past and future are, have been and always will be 100 PERCENT TRUE regarding YOU,

namely that all of your predictions have failed fail all of the time in your predictions, never admit they fail, then make more predictions

after the other ones failed to come true, hoping that everyone will forget the other failures and will continue wash, rinse and repeat in this manner.

To be blunt and to use the vernacular, you are one sick, demented and delusional fu k who needs psychiatric help in the worst way!!
Aug 17, 2019
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Strange actions by a President who is only president for a "few more days" and is "expecting arrest" by a vengeful Biden Administration. :):)

Let's just say it's "business as usual" for the man who will remain in power for another 4 years [and beyond].

Oh and let's not forget that Trump is about to drop the "HAMMER" [& SCORECARD].w-thumbs!^

<iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium none;" title="Twitter analytics iframe" frameborder="0"></iframe><iframe scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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Aug 17, 2019
I am a LOT smarter than you are and would challenge you anytime for any amount of money of your choosing to an independently monitored and scored

iq test.

And sorry your CNN and CNBC comments have no relevance here.

The facts are that you have made zillions of predictions both before and after the Election, NONE of which have come true

and for that matter going back to March when you started this sad and unfortunate thread.

If you disagree, then how about SPECIFICALLY stating which predictions have come true!!!

Conversely,MY predictions both in the present, past and future are, have been and always will be 100 PERCENT TRUE regarding YOU,

namely that all of your predictions have failed fail all of the time in your predictions, never admit they fail, then make more predictions

after the other ones failed to come true, hoping that everyone will forget the other failures and will continue wash, rinse and repeat in this manner.

To be blunt and to use the vernacular, you are one sick, demented and delusional fu k who needs psychiatric help in the worst way!!

You are a sad pathetic delusional loser.

This was determined a LONG time ago!

Go start your own thread.

Oh wait, you tried that many times and they all died because NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!
Aug 17, 2019
Aug 17, 2019
The United States of America is the last stand.

As America goes, the world goes.


If he fails to move, the entire planet will be surrendered to the Globalists.


He did not come this far to lose.

He did not accomplish so much just to have it reset by Communism.


They know what is coming.


Nov 11, 2007
You are a sad pathetic delusional loser.

This was determined a LONG time ago!

Go start your own thread.

Oh wait, you tried that many times and they all died because NOBODY CARES WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!

If you consider me a "loser" for exposing your for the forum to see, so be it.

If I am a "loser," then in turn what term should be used to describe you, A person who has failed in 99.9% of his accusations and predictions, never

owns up to the failures, who claims to be an attorney but yet who has "so many clients" that he spends his entire day living in a world of fantasy and taunting

people who state the 100% truth about him?

As I said previously, it is quite to anyone with any modicum of intelligence, that on some level of consciousness and/or subconsciousness, at this juncture

things are so bleak for Trump that you are emotionally and psychologically unable to handle it.

Thus rather than to face the reality of the situation, you have chosen to try to displace your feelings by continuing to maintain that you are and have

always been right about Trump.

Further, by publicly stating these alternative and fake views, it creates an emotional outlet for you when people respond to you in a negative way, in

that your psychosis gives/ALLOWS your conscious mind some kind of feeling of superiority, whereas in fact on the deeper subconscious level you

are really quite unhappy not only with the outcome of the Election, but more importantly with yourself because of your overall failure in many aspects in your life.
Aug 17, 2019
If you consider me a "loser" for exposing your for the forum to see, so be it.

If I am a "loser," then in turn what term should be used to describe you, A person who has failed in 99.9% of his accusations and predictions, never

owns up to the failures, who claims to be an attorney but yet who has "so many clients" that he spends his entire day living in a world of fantasy and taunting

people who state the 100% truth about him?

As I said previously, it is quite to anyone with any modicum of intelligence, that on some level of consciousness and/or subconsciousness, at this juncture

things are so bleak for Trump that you are emotionally and psychologically unable to handle it.

Thus rather than to face the reality of the situation, you have chosen to try to displace your feelings by continuing to maintain that you are and have

always been right about Trump.

Further, by publicly stating these alternative and fake views, it creates an emotional outlet for you when people respond to you in a negative way, in

that your psychosis gives/ALLOWS your conscious mind some kind of feeling of superiority, whereas in fact on the deeper subconscious level you

are really quite unhappy not only with the outcome of the Election, but more importantly with yourself because of your overall failure in many aspects in your life.

The only thing you have EVER proven here is that YOU ARE A BRAINWASHED DELUSIONAL SHEEP.

Now please turn on CNN and wait for them to tell what to think next!

Aug 17, 2019
If you consider me a "loser" for exposing your for the forum to see, so be it.

If I am a "loser," then in turn what term should be used to describe you, A person who has failed in 99.9% of his accusations and predictions, never

owns up to the failures, who claims to be an attorney but yet who has "so many clients" that he spends his entire day living in a world of fantasy and taunting

people who state the 100% truth about him?

As I said previously, it is quite to anyone with any modicum of intelligence, that on some level of consciousness and/or subconsciousness, at this juncture

things are so bleak for Trump that you are emotionally and psychologically unable to handle it.

Thus rather than to face the reality of the situation, you have chosen to try to displace your feelings by continuing to maintain that you are and have

always been right about Trump.

Further, by publicly stating these alternative and fake views, it creates an emotional outlet for you when people respond to you in a negative way, in

that your psychosis gives/ALLOWS your conscious mind some kind of feeling of superiority, whereas in fact on the deeper subconscious level you

are really quite unhappy not only with the outcome of the Election, but more importantly with yourself because of your overall failure in many aspects in your life.

I'm pretty sure you understand what "premature ejaculation" is.

Let's just say you arrived 6 days early for a party that will never happen!

Speaking of premature ejaculation how's your trafficked wife?

Nov 11, 2007
The only thing you have EVER proven here is that YOU ARE A BRAINWASHED DELUSIONAL SHEEP.

Now please turn on CNN and wait for them to tell what to think next!


YOU ARE THE DELUSIONAL BRAINWASHED SHEEP, who cannot point to even one prediction you made since the Election alone which has come true.

Yeah I know-the real truth exists in your fu king fascist Epoch Times.:):)

Nov 11, 2007
I'm pretty sure you understand what "premature ejaculation" is.

Let's just say you arrived 6 days early for a party that will never happen!

Speaking of premature ejaculation how's your trafficked wife?

Can you give us a hint of what your next ploy will be on Jan. 20 after Biden is inaugurated?

Will this be part of The Divine Plan also?

Along the same lines, I am sure lots of us would like to know what contractor company you are going to use this time to move the goalposts

for the zillionth time to the next "important date?"

If you have been using the same one, they must be filthy rich by now with all of the business you have given them. lol

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