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Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
I doubt that many traitors go at once.. might take months or years to get everyone involved arrested.... we'll find out soon enough what they have.. I know to many seem to be afraid of what evidence is there... very few crimes get done clean without evidence.. most of the time its pretty sloppy..From some of the testimony I heard , I wouldn't bet against it

so you're on my original theory that the sting was a bluff then

sting is Q talk. wishful. Q left the anons hanging out to dry. the last morsel they are hanging on to was acting sec def chris miller talking about one of the most extensive military ops in history ( going off script while discussing Space Force Guardians)

the congress rejection is gaining legs though. trump wants a bunch of people in DC in a couple of weeks...
I do like how trump tweets calling out certain legislators...requesting them to take back their vote or fix their state...almost giving them a chance to right their wrong before it's too late and they seal their own fate (slow GITMO torture/death!)

Nov 5, 2006
Wow. There must have been some very powerful acid around in the younger days of some of the posters in this thread. Probably still a reliable source of it by the sounds of some of this paranoia. I understand some of the drugs of today can have the same effect. Copious quantities of meth, and even crack are culprits of the day now, lol.

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
Jenna Ellis coming out agst the insurrection act wasn’t needed!
Get back in that kitchen!

Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
Wow. There must have been some very powerful acid around in the younger days of some of the posters in this thread. Probably still a reliable source of it by the sounds of some of this paranoia. I understand some of the drugs of today can have the same effect. Copious quantities of meth, and even crack are culprits of the day now, lol.

I’ve pointed out several cut/clear cases of fraud in the past month...did you check those out?

If the outcome didn’t have any legs at all...this thread would have been closed a month ago.
A chip and a chair buddy.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Jenna Ellis coming out agst the insurrection act wasn’t needed!
Get back in that kitchen!

what she has to say on that subject means nothing.. no way she would even be in the room for those talks.. she just needs to do what she's good at and keep presenting her case.
Aug 17, 2019
sting is Q talk. wishful. Q left the anons hanging out to dry. the last morsel they are hanging on to was acting sec def chris miller talking about one of the most extensive military ops in history ( going off script while discussing Space Force Guardians)

the congress rejection is gaining legs though. trump wants a bunch of people in DC in a couple of weeks...
I do like how trump tweets calling out certain legislators...requesting them to take back their vote or fix their state...almost giving them a chance to right their wrong before it's too late and they seal their own fate (slow GITMO torture/death!)

You're like a fish out of water.

Flip-flopping all over the place.
Aug 17, 2019

Will Sidney Powell be appointed special counsel?

If she is appointed special counsel, could she indict people engaged in election fraud before January 6th?

If she does, it would be a major game changer!

Aug 17, 2019
CHINA MITCH: McConnell Has Family Ties to Bank of China, Top Chinese Shipping Firm

As news breaks Tuesday of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s praise for the United States’ election “process” and declaration of “congratulations” for “President-elect Joe Biden,” the Kentucky senator’s extensive family ties to China have resurfaced as a topic of conversation.
McConnell’s marriage into the Chao family dynasty has coincided with a trajectory of ever-increasing personal profit for McConnell and the Chaos, as well as Chinese state business interests.

McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, is the daughter of shipping magnates James and Ruth Chao and the sister of Angela Chao, the latter of whom was appointed to a non-executive position on the Bank of China’s board of directors in 2016.

Aside from her position at the Bank of China, Angela Chao also serves as the CEO of Foremost, which is the Chao family’s billion-dollar maritime shipping empire. While Foremost is an ostensibly American company with offices located in New York City, Forbes noted that the company’s fleet of vessels “sail under flags registered in Liberia and Hong Kong, and the company does the vast majority of its business in Asia.”



This is also the typical combination for HUMAN/CHILD TRAFFICKING.

Mitch's future doesn't look too bright.


I want to retract my original thought on "Mitch's future doesn't look too bright".

Here's why:

What if "China Mitch" is really "USA Mitch"?

The more I think about this the more I love this idea.

Mitch has a long history in politics.

This includes many years as a Judge.

He always had a reputation for being tough and protecting the Constitution.

In 2006 he became the Senate Minority Leader, the perfect spot to be in to be a part of the "future plan".

He gets to be on the inside observing all the corruption firsthand during the entire Obama Administration.

When did Mitch become Senate MAJORITY Leader?

In 2015, right after Trump won and the Repubs regained control of the Senate. [flashing light bulb]


Wouldn't it make sense for him to be a "white hat"?

Having a "white hat" in this position would make total and complete sense, especially when Trump and his Team already knew this day would come, even before he won in 2016!

So let's assume he is a "white hat".

Would it make sense for him to "attack" Trump first in order to gain favor in Congress to pass an omnibus bill? [Mitch the "actor"]

Would/could this then ensure Trump win in the Senate on January 6th?

Mitch has a lot at stake.

His wife is the Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Transportation.

If Mitch isn't a "white hat" then his wife goes down with him and loses her very lucrative government appointment.

If Mitch is a "white hat" him and his wife have a very bright future for the rest of their lives.


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
I want to retract my original thought on "Mitch's future doesn't look too bright".

Here's why:

What if "China Mitch" is really "USA Mitch"?

The more I think about this the more I love this idea.

Mitch has a long history in politics.

This includes many years as a Judge.

He always had a reputation for being tough and protecting the Constitution.

In 2006 he became the Senate Minority Leader, the perfect spot to be in to be a part of the "future plan".

He gets to be on the inside observing all the corruption firsthand during the entire Obama Administration.

When did Mitch become Senate MAJORITY Leader?

In 2015, right after Trump won and the Repubs regained control of the Senate. [flashing light bulb]


Wouldn't it make sense for him to be a "white hat"?

Having a "white hat" in this position would make total and complete sense, especially when Trump and his Team already knew this day would come, even before he won in 2016!

So let's assume he is a "white hat".

Would it make sense for him to "attack" Trump first in order to gain favor in Congress to pass an omnibus bill? [Mitch the "actor"]

Would/could this then ensure Trump win in the Senate on January 6th?

Mitch has a lot at stake.

His wife is the Secretary of the U.S. Dept. of Transportation.

If Mitch isn't a "white hat" then his wife goes down with him and loses her very lucrative government appointment.

If Mitch is a "white hat" him and his wife have a very bright future for the rest of their lives.


Alot of ties to China with Mitch and his wife. Hard to trust anyone at the moment..

Listened to Lin Wood earlier.. Optimistic we will get thru this. I'm actually thinking that Jan 6th will work out better If Trump acts sooner. Seizing those machines. Putting the screws to the traitors. Sets a good example for those in power on Jan. 6th if you don't do what's right
Aug 17, 2019
Alot of ties to China with Mitch and his wife. Hard to trust anyone at the moment..

Listened to Lin Wood earlier.. Optimistic we will get thru this. I'm actually thinking that Jan 6th will work out better If Trump acts sooner. Seizing those machines. Putting the screws to the traitors. Sets a good example for those in power on Jan. 6th if you don't do what's right

It's time for The People to step up and speak out.

I strongly encourage everyone to go to D.C. on January 6th!

Get as many people together and caravan there if you have to.

Just get there and show your support of Trump and his Team.

Demand truth and justice!
Aug 17, 2019
Alot of ties to China with Mitch and his wife. Hard to trust anyone at the moment..

Listened to Lin Wood earlier.. Optimistic we will get thru this. I'm actually thinking that Jan 6th will work out better If Trump acts sooner. Seizing those machines. Putting the screws to the traitors. Sets a good example for those in power on Jan. 6th if you don't do what's right


How we get there is the fun part. w-thumbs!^
Aug 17, 2019

Biden won 16% of all counties in America.


Dec 17, 2004
Two faced pile of shit Biden

In August Biden told us the American citizens and the entire world not to trust your vaccine Mr. President. What had changed his mind now? Being the very first one asking for the shot

Anyway, I know ghouls will come in here and say "oh biden didnot say that.

Well Biden's and the DEMonic thugs ordered their fakenews to take them all off. I do have lots of copies in photos.
Anyway, I managed to retrieve one link. Read 'em and weep ghouls.
Aug 17, 2019
It's time for The People to step up and speak out.

I strongly encourage everyone to go to D.C. on January 6th!

Get as many people together and caravan there if you have to.

Just get there and show your support of Trump and his Team.

Demand truth and justice!


You will Regret Missing It

Dear Friend,

When everyone has let us down, it isn’t a conspiracy anymore. We sat back and watched, and now it is our turn to speak out. We are the majority. Most people are satisfied to be quiet, just knowing that our strong Republic will weather the storm. We have checks and balances. There is the rule of law. Our Constitution is a living document that we trust in providing the answers and guidelines, to our courts. Then the judges can make the right decisions.

Our policemen and sheriffs will clear the crime from the street.

Then the justice system will weigh the perpetrators and make informed decisions based on our laws.

This year, the year of the lockdown that all changed. The plan that Chairman Mao planted in the 1950s have grown, and here is the fruit of that 70 years waiting. It is harvest time for the communist Chinese. They planned the long game and worked their plan diligently.

They found the weak-willed political creatures that were easy to buy off. Those people and families that would be willing to sell out our nation and help bring in the foundation of the new Chinese century that Chairman Mao envisioned.
Handlers were assigned and coordinated. When everything was set in place. We ended up with the lockdown. Flattening the curve so to speak. It just keeps getting flattened doesn’t it?

The heart and soul of our country was ripped out during 2020. We the people allowed it. Those rights endowed by our Creator on us were modified, and manipulated. Using carefully crafted political propaganda to ensure our obedience. So here we sit at home with Christmas canceled, and our families distanced from us. Our churches closed and those things that make us uniquely American removed from our reach. Our small businesses who were the backbone of our nation crumble around us, and our Congress debates sending us a stipend that won’t hold over anyone. We have become subservient to the state just like that.

Now we are beginning Act III, and you have been invited from among the audience to participate. Participating means being part of it. You are the missing piece in this show of shows. The entertainment spectacle of the 21st century. Our government was designed to be participated with. We have not been participating, only sitting back applauding or booing from our controlled social media accounts. This is not participation that matters or counts, because when you applaud, or boo it is controlled. If you clap your hands-off script, your applause is silenced. Nobody hears you scream. Nobody hears you stomping your feet because your connection is only virtual, and your number was not part of the show.

Act III is different. This is the finale. It will be written as it unfolds. The communists have lost control. The American people have lost control. Now we have one voice in the wilderness we can hear. That is the President of the United States. Who is one of the few elected representatives we have that still sticks to the fundamental foundational principles of the United States of America. He has pointed out what happened to our country. We have seen the fraud, and booed from our virtual box seats, but nobody heard our displeasure. Nobody outside of our virtual ghetto even knows what happened this year. They have been fed, and are satisfied with the propaganda written for them by the communists. They never saw any of the election irregularities. They aren’t stupid people. They are just ignorant of the facts.

So now at the ending of Act II, we sit on the edge of our seats looking at the imminent death of our Republic, waiting in anticipation for what is next.

What is next is a trip to Washington DC. The home of the traitorous folks that have sold our country behind our backs.

Our President has called YOU, and your neighbor. My friends and me. All of those that hear the message to attend a town-hall meeting. The date and time have been published, and you are expected, if you are able to arrive on time. Act III will not be virtual. Act III is face to face, in person interaction with the rest of our Nation. Act III is our proof that our flag is still there. You are invited to fly, ride, hitch hike catching a ride with friends along the way to be in Washington DC on January 6, 2021 at 7 AM to be part of the plan to retake our country. To be involved in the course of human events. To be present when our liberties are reestablished. To exercise your right to peacefully assemble. Supporting and defending our country now should be the most important topic of discussion at that Christmas dinner you will have in spite of strict rules against it.

Don’t forget to feed a friend. Friends will be proud and won’t mention they are hungry, but you will see it in hints. So take the hint and don’t let a friend go hungry along the way.

I hope to see you all in Washington DC soon. God bless America, God bless our President, and God bless you too!

Your friend,


Their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square.
Dec 29, 2005
don't be surprised if they nuke the crowd in DC...the most loyal patriots. gone. That's how they can end the movie on the spot.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Real Damage of Q & Disinfo: Passivity - Illusion of Action<br><br>It has taken me sometime to formulate my thoughts so I could write this thread. We're at risk of losing it all, so while this may not be perfect, I'm putting it out there b/c folks need to understand the dangers.</p>— linuxhippie (Bring Back The Duel) (@linuxhippie) <a href="">December 21, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

New member
Feb 7, 2007

Biden won 16% of all counties in America.


Your assertion is simply not true. Here is a beginning of the math you seemingly don’t have. If you want the rest do your own research. I know that’s not going to happen, you clearly look for affirmation not information. January 20th Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president.

According to the U.S. Census, more than half of U.S. residents live in just 143 counties (or 4.6% of total counties). Counties vary vastly in size and population, from fewer than 100 people to more than 10 million per county. In fact, Los Angeles County alone has more people than 41 whole states, and more than the 11 least populous states combined, which have a total of 416 counties between them.

And you’re hoping for the government of the United States to be overthrown. If this reached the level you claim it will, that would be treason. You low IQAnon ass wipe can’t understand that trump loyalists who saw something they don’t understand does not hint at, let alone prove fraud. When the fake news sources you think are reporting facts faced legal action they retracted the lies about the voting machines. You and the fools listening to you, don’t understand the constitution nor laws governing elections. How stupid can one be to think a sitting president can call out the military because he lost an election. I hope the military has to drag that little bitch out of the White House kicking and screaming. The people pushing this nonsense are far from patriots, they are fascists. I know you have no response other than a couple insults, stupid people like trump always call others stupid. Can we expect an apology by January 21st, or more bullshit, maybe black helicopters replacing Biden with trump in the middle of the night.
Aug 17, 2019
don't be surprised if they nuke the crowd in DC...the most loyal patriots. gone. That's how they can end the movie on the spot.

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This post is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

The wolves don't want you there.

1.5 million Trump supporters demanding truth and justice forces SCOTUS to respond and take action.

SCOTUS has a duty to listen to The People!

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