Another great description of Trump vs DeSantis!!
The great thing about this guy is that win or lose, he holds back no punches and speaks the truth!!
Other than Asa Hutchinson, most of the other candidates are cowards and need to weigh every word they say and worry about
how it will be received when it comes to Trump!!
Although I am very confident that Trump won't be the Republican nominee on the ballot on Election Day 2024 for lots of known
possible reasons, if the current crew of candidates continues to pussyfoot/waffle when talking about Trump, they won't and shouldn't
get the nomination either!!
Trump is a big fucking bully, no more and no less and most importantly no longer in power!!
The other candidates need to step up to the plate and in some kind of unified way and confront him DIRECTLY with his criminal
activities, lies and his overall modus operandi!!