I see that the current odds are +232 that Trump will be elected POTUS in 2024.
I wonder if any sportsbook offers a simple prop bet today with no conditions that Trump will NOT be elected POTUS in 2024
and what the minus odds would be.
Although I don't normally make future bets this far out, in this case if the line was reasonable I would find out the maximum
amount that the sportsbook would allow in this wager and bet it because I am so confident.
In addition imo I would be declared the winner of the bet long before Election Day 2024 because for lots of known and
stated reasons, it would be a FACT that Trump was not even going to be the candidate by Election Day including being disqualified,
and not being nominated in the first place!!
It is interesting and telling that nowhere on the entire internet or media have I seen ANYONE SPECIFICALLY refute what Jack
Smith has documented about Trump and why in their opinion why it is allegedly not important!!
Simply begging the question and poisoning the well and hurling name-calling and insults his way, which is standard procedure
for Trump and his supporters may provide temporary relief and satisfy them for a little while, but does ZERO, ZILCH, NADA/
NOTHING to detract from the massive evidence that Jack Smith has at his disposal that he can and will use to bring justice
to this criminal and evil man!!