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Nov 11, 2007

Compare Trump's meltdown to what happens to an unattended ice cream cone sitting on an outdoor table in Las Vegas

Blvd on a sunny day in Las Vegas when the temperature is 155 degrees in the shade!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

After having so much damning evidence and "years" to build his case he needs more time?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Tards will NEVER understand they are being fully mind-controlled by their masters.

Nor are they smart enough to know It's just ANOTHER BIG FAT NOTHING BURGER.


The activists in the media are already crying that the trial taking place in Ft. Pierce will produce a conservative jury pool .

Look for JackMeOff to pressure the judge to have this moved .

F**k every one of them where they breathe .

Nov 11, 2007

Compare Trump's meltdown to what happens to an unattended ice cream cone sitting on an outdoor table in Las Vegas

Blvd on a sunny day in Las Vegas when the temperature is 155 degrees in the shade!! lol
Whoops-typo-I meant to say 115 degrees in the sun.

For sure I don't want to be accused of exaggerating and lying as is the case with the Big Three Trunp dick-sucking delusional and

attention-seeking resident Aholes in this thread!!

Nov 11, 2007

To the chagrin of sbd, lenny lenbo and sheriff HOE, Jack Smith can be compared to an unstoppable and runaway

freight train that cannot and will not be stopped by anyone and that will stop on its own but not until Donald Trump

has been thoroughly destroyed almost beyond recognition and who will be sitting out his remaining days totally

exposed, disgraced and embarrassed most likely in a federal jail cell!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

To the chagrin of sbd, lenny lenbo and sheriff HOE, Jack Smith can be compared to an unstoppable and runaway

freight train that cannot and will not be stopped by anyone and that will stop on its own but not until Donald Trump

has been thoroughly destroyed almost beyond recognition and who will be sitting out his remaining days totally

exposed, disgraced and embarrassed most likely in a federal jail cell!!

Don’t be surprised if that “freight train” is stuck in the station ‘til after the ‘24 election .


Nov 11, 2007
Here are a few things for objective readers to consider before believing anything that sbd, lenny and sheriff HOE say about Trump's

electability in 2024:

1) That anything that Jack Smith and company document about Trump are either lies or not relevant to both his criminality and just

as importantly in the eyes of the American voting population.

2) They already claim that the two existing indictments are "fake" but they do not clearly what the word "fake" means

because they do not have a meaning that they would dare use because if they actually dared to define it, they would realize that any

objective person would simply laugh at them and point to the empirical evidence and conclude that Trump has been indicted,

an undeniable fact!!

3) The Big Three always use plenty of invectives, begging the question and poisoning the well to try to convince folks that

Trump will not be convicted (ie if they stray from their "fake indictment" as cited in #2 and tacitly admit that he has been

indicted), but NEVER tell us precisely 1) why what Jack Smith et al is not important and relevant in proving the case against

Trump;2) along the same lines tellins us EXACTLY AND PRECISELY why Trump is innocent of the documented charges

against him and/or as well as of course why the charges are not important to begin with!!

4) Although not directly related to what is posted above, I do think that intelligent and objective people need to

read between the lines and how they word their posts to at least consider how much on some level of what they post they actually

believe in the defense of Trump.

This applies particularly to sbd.

eg At times he rambles on about this or that, most of it opinion and in any case unclear what his point is as it refers to Trump.

Then at the conclusion, he simply uses his standard mantra of devolution being imminent even though what he posted leading

up to this finale has nothing to tangentially to Trump's devolution!!

In short this is just one example of many of sbd's trying to taunt us even though as I just stated, the taunting is very forced

and has no basis to begin with!!

A lot of what I just stated applies to sheriff HOE also who doesn't have a clue as to how to present a thesis that is convincing

and that flows logically and smoothly, and in addition to some extent applies to what I just said about sbd, is based on sheer delusion

madness, imagination, fantasy, projection and desperation, the latter which is quite understandable at this juncture!!

There is nothing new here to really add here about lenny that we don't know already.

Simply put, he is 100% out of touch with reality when it comes to Trump because for some kind of psychological

and emotional reasons, he is unable to cut his umbilical chord to him and see Trump for what he really is all about!!
Aug 17, 2019

If savage1 was all gloom and doom yesterday when Bitcoin dropped?

And was he trying to bash the op after?

Or did he encourage people here to buy more on the dip?

Just curious, considering he was so bullish on BTC at 68,000 and telling people to BUY BUY BUY, that it was going to 250,000.

At the same time the op was telling people to SELL SELL SELL all the way down to 19-20,000 before starting to BUY BUY BUY.


? BTC is currently 30,700 as of this post

If you followed the op, you would be up about 67% after buying at the perfect "low".

If you followed savage1, you would still be down about 56% after buying at the perfect "high".

It pays to be in the know, doesn't it?


Nov 11, 2007
Being two years older than Trump, the following thoughts came to mind.

Trump's current net worth is about 2.5 billion.

My question/point is whether Trump realizes that statistically speaking, he has about 10-15 years remaining in his life!!

If so the question he has to ask himself and/or his attorneys and more importantly his children have to ask him is whether

he wants to risk it sitting behind bars if he is convicted as opposed to be elected as POTUS in spite of all of the massive

turbulence facing him so that in his second term he can seek revenge against anyone and everyone who wronged him

and then simply assume he can pardon himself!!

I ask this because imo the already existing evidence that Jack Smith has is massive and is only going to grow.

When it gets to this point, I am very convinced that someone is going to offer some kind of a plea bargain that would

exonerate him from further prosecution, indictments and probable jail time if he simply declares that he

will not be a candidate for POTUS using any excuse/reason/lie he wants to!!

I mean think of it for a minute-if he is as powerful as he thinks he is, he can simply pontificate from his social platform,

continue to bash people but not to have to deal with the day-to-day pressures and responsibility of being POTUS

and most importantly as free as a bird to do whatever he wants to enjpy life with no worry about being incarcerated.

Granted he would have to swallow his ego and pride to do so, but as the old saying goes as we hear all the time

in sports when it comes to proposed trades, "you have to give up something to get something!!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The only freight train is the one that's on a collision course with his delusional mind.

It is going to cause an atomic explosion inside his head when he sees how this movie ends!

He is going to absolutely hate it!

Those reposts for the newbies that haven’t read his long winded diarrhea of the mouth the first ten times he posted are drawing massive responses .


Nov 11, 2007
Being two years older than Trump, the following thoughts came to mind.

Trump's current net worth is about 2.5 billion.

My question/point is whether Trump realizes that statistically speaking, he has about 10-15 years remaining in his life!!

If so the question he has to ask himself and/or his attorneys and more importantly his children have to ask him is whether

he wants to risk it sitting behind bars if he is convicted as opposed to be elected as POTUS in spite of all of the massive

turbulence facing him so that in his second term he can seek revenge against anyone and everyone who wronged him

and then simply assume he can pardon himself!!

I ask this because imo the already existing evidence that Jack Smith has is massive and is only going to grow.

When it gets to this point, I am very convinced that someone is going to offer some kind of a plea bargain that would

exonerate him from further prosecution, indictments and probable jail time if he simply declares that he

will not be a candidate for POTUS using any excuse/reason/lie he wants to!!

I mean think of it for a minute-if he is as powerful as he thinks he is, he can simply pontificate from his social platform,

continue to bash people but not to have to deal with the day-to-day pressures and responsibility of being POTUS

and most importantly as free as a bird to do whatever he wants to enjpy life with no worry about being incarcerated.

Granted he would have to swallow his ego and pride to do so, but as the old saying goes as we hear all the time

in sports when it comes to proposed trades, "you have to give up something to get something!!"
I would be remiss if I didn't post a somewhat differing opinion about Trump form a person who both from a personal and

professional perspective is in a great position to do so, Mary Trump.

Aug 17, 2019
Those reposts for the newbies that haven’t read his long winded diarrhea of the mouth the first ten times he posted are drawing massive responses .

Overwhelming responses just like all of the threads he starts which all fail miserably and die immediately.

Yet he STILL thinks he "hitting HRs" with every post.

And STILL hasn't figured that nobody cares about what he says or thinks.

And that he IS the clown of the circus!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
One of the big things I admire about Jack Smith is that unlike Trump's incompetent, bumbling and stumbling "legal team," which can't

get out of its own way and that continues to fight among themselves, is that Jack Smith has an overall game plan that he has

carefully, methodically thought and carried out with no stone left unturned and most importantly with a strong sense of


His modus operandi is obviously succeeding if look at the results so far.

Needless to say, with life in general, people who carefully map out a logical course of action and then carry it out are

infinitely more successful than those who do not and who act on impulse only!!

If you want another example, simply look at this thread where I along with Wilbur et al have carefully documented everything

we say/ post about Trump, sbd, lenny lenbo and sheriff HOE, whereas in contrast all they have done in return is

beg the question, poison the well, etc., and use a multitude of cliches, mantras and hackneyed expressions,

unsupported one-way opinions, but never any specifics to support what they have to say!!

If you want or need further evidence as it regards the big topic of this thread, Donald Trump, just take a look at the scoreboard

and see who is winning in a rout-hint it isn't Trump, sbd, lenny lenbo, and/or Sheriff HOE!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


Nov 11, 2007
One glaring and noticeable difference between us and sbd, lenny and sheriff HOE is that we unlike them do not deny reality or make up


Case in point, Hinter Biden-we do not deny that he did some things that were not right and/or criminal and admit that he deserves to

be punished, which in fact occurred whether one agrees with the severity or not!!

Conversely, compare that with dbd, lenny and sheriff HOE who continue Trump's mantra that he is 100% innocent

of any and all charges in all of the investigations, that they have no basis, are irrelevant and not important in any event and are

nothing more than a witch hunt!!

Even worse whether one agrees with them or not, they continue to say that he is not in any kind of trouble at all

and that Jack Smith and company have nothing on his which is relevant and/or admissible in court!!

The most laughable and discrediting thing of all is that sbd and sheriff JOE keep telling us that even after 30 months

of 100% FAILED predictions that Trump is going to be reinstated/devolututioned and that it is imminent, that rather than

fessing up to the fact that their predictions have failed, they simply move the goalposts out and claim it is still going

to happen and with no real reasons why the prediction has failed

Something tells me that this kind of modus operandi does not appeal to intelligent and objective people and sure as hell

calls into question just about anything they say or predict!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
One glaring and noticeable difference between us and sbd, lenny and sheriff HOE is that we unlike them do not deny reality or make up


Case in point, Hinter Biden-we do not deny that he did some things that were not right and/or criminal and admit that he deserves to

be punished, which in fact occurred whether one agrees with the severity or not!!

Conversely, compare that with dbd, lenny and sheriff HOE who continue Trump's mantra that he is 100% innocent

of any and all charges in all of the investigations, that they have no basis, are irrelevant and not important in any event and are

nothing more than a witch hunt!!

Even worse whether one agrees with them or not, they continue to say that he is not in any kind of trouble at all

and that Jack Smith and company have nothing on his which is relevant and/or admissible in court!!

The most laughable and discrediting thing of all is that sbd and sheriff JOE keep telling us that even after 30 months

of 100% FAILED predictions that Trump is going to be reinstated/devolututioned and that it is imminent, that rather than

fessing up to the fact that their predictions have failed, they simply move the goalposts out and claim it is still going

to happen and with no real reasons why the prediction has failed

Something tells me that this kind of modus operandi does not appeal to intelligent and objective people and sure as hell

calls into question just about anything they say or predict!!

Tell us you’re not reading by putting everyone on ignore while your posts are basically replies to prior posts .

You would have to have the IQ of Witless to not see it .

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