Important Virus Update


Nov 11, 2007
Even though the three major Trump suckers in this thread may never recognize the Trump is in doo doo up to his ears, it is

nice to see that lots of other Trump supporters and even some of the Republican nominees are realizing that what Jack

Smith has documented about Trump's CRIMINAL activities should NOT be taken lightly.

I have a strong hunch that in the upcoming days, weeks and months these folks as well as lots more who currently support

Trump or who have ambivalent feelings toward him are going to realize that blind loyalty is not very prudent if the Republicans

realistically want to have a legitimate shot of taking back the White House in 2024!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

In his worst nightmare, Trump never imagined that Jack Smith would demolish him as badly as he has already and best of all, he has

just started!!

Sbd can relate well to this because never in his worst nightmare did he ever imagine that yours truly, wilbur, schmirt, habsburger

et al would do the job we have done on him and still be doing it after 39 months! since he started this tread!!

Who’s afraid of big bad Aileen Cannon ?


No crying over JackMeOff’s wife donating to Biden and helping produce a film on Big Mike Obama .

Nov 11, 2007

As I predicted, once one person turns against Trump, others will follow suit as we are seeing now.

This is just the beginning-just wait until they all realize that there is nothing to fear about Trump but fear itself

and combine their verbal efforts to take legitimate shots at and devour him such as what I posted today with the pride of lions

eating and devouring the zebra alive and destroying him provided of course that he has not yet been convicted already and/or

tossed into jail!!
Sep 12, 2022
Justice is served!

Ed Shanahan
Wed, June 14, 2023 at 4:34 AM PDT

Pedestrians walk by the Starbucks where two black men were arrested a month prior, in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood of Philadelphia, May 29, 2018. (Corey Perrine/The New York Times)

Pedestrians walk by the Starbucks where two black men were arrested a month prior, in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood of Philadelphia, May 29, 2018. (Corey Perrine/The New York Times)
The episode plunged one of America’s most ubiquitous brands into crisis.

In April 2018, two Black men entered a Starbucks shop in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood of Philadelphia for a business meeting with a white man who had not yet arrived. While they waited, and before ordering, one of the two asked to use the bathroom. He was refused. Eventually, they were asked to leave. When they did not, an employee called the police.

The subsequent arrests, captured in videos viewed millions of times online, prompted accusations of racism, protests and boycott threats. The company’s CEO apologized publicly, describing the way the men had been treated as “reprehensible.” Starbucks took the extraordinary step of temporarily closing 8,000 stores to teach workers about racial bias.

Sign up for The Morning newsletter from the New York Times

On Monday, in a surprising twist, a federal jury in New Jersey ordered Starbucks to pay $25.6 million to a former regional manager after determining that the company had fired her amid the fallout from the Rittenhouse Square episode because she was white.

The jury found that Starbucks had violated the federal civil rights of the former manager, Shannon Phillips, as well as a New Jersey law that prohibits discrimination based on race, awarding her $600,000 in compensatory damages and $25 million in punitive damages.

Laura Carlin Mattiacci, a lawyer for Phillips, said she and her client were “very pleased” with the unanimous verdict, adding that “she proved by ‘clear and convincing evidence’ that punitive damages were warranted” under the New Jersey law.

A Starbucks spokesperson declined to comment.

At the time of the episode, Phillips oversaw about 100 stores in Philadelphia, southern New Jersey, Delaware and parts of Maryland. She had been promoted to the job in 2011 after what she called her “exemplary performance” in six years as a district manager in Ohio.

Phillips said in the suit that Starbucks, as part of its damage-control effort after the arrests, had sought to punish her and other white employees in and around Philadelphia even if they had not been involved in the events that led to the police being called.

Phillips said she had thrown herself into the company’s efforts to restore its credibility and had sought to support hourly workers, organizing managers to staff stores and cover for employees who were scared to run a gantlet of protesters.

Amid the image-burnishing campaign, Phillips said one of her superiors, a Black woman, told her to suspend a white manager who oversaw stores in Philadelphia, though not the one in Rittenhouse Square, because of allegations that he had engaged in discriminatory conduct — allegations that Phillips said she knew to be untrue.

In contrast, Phillips said, no action was taken against the manager who oversaw the Rittenhouse Square store, a Black man who Phillips said had promoted the employee who called the police.

Phillips said she was fired not long after balking at the order to suspend the white manager. She said that she had not been previously told that she was doing a bad job and that the only explanation she was given for the firing was that “the situation is not recoverable.”

Starbucks denied in court filings that Phillips had been fired because she was white and said she was let go because she performed poorly in response to the episode that led to the arrests.

“During this time of crisis,” a lawyer for Starbucks wrote in a court filing, the company’s “Philadelphia market needed a leader who could perform,” adding that “Ms. Phillips failed in every aspect of that role.”

Starbucks ultimately chose not to press charges against the men at the center of the episode, Donte Robinson and Rashon Nelson, both 23 at the time. Before suing over the ordeal, they reached a confidential financial settlement with the company and got a commitment from the city of Philadelphia to invest $200,000 to help young entrepreneurs.

“I want to make sure that this situation doesn’t happen again,” Robinson said in an interview at the time. “What I want is for young men to not be traumatized by this, and instead motivated, inspired.”

Efforts to reach Robinson and Nelson on Tuesday were unsuccessful.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump keeps bringing up Anthony Weiner’s laptop & the Espionage Act.

What a coinkadink….

Remember what Sidney Powell said about Anthony Weiner & The Espionage Act?

This clip ? ? ?

"Give it to the military"


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

I love when you tards bring up this full blown Trump deranged loon


NBC analyst: Trump re-raising US flags on Aug. 8 ‘very significant to the neo-Nazi movement’

The numbers 88 are very significant in neo-Nazi and white supremacy movement. Why? Because the letter ‘H’ is the eighth letter of the alphabet, and to them the numbers 88 together stand for ‘Heil Hitler.’ So we’re going to be raising the flag back up at dusk on 8/8,” Figluizzi added.

“No one’s thinking about this, no one’s giving him the advice,” he concluded. “Or he’s rejecting the advice.”

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Did you know we've been in a COG (devolution) almost since Trump was sworn in as a CIC?

This means all elections from that point forward (2018, 2020 and 2022) are basically...well, meaningless.

With the military monitoring everything, Trump simply let the criminals go through the motions allowing them to do what they do best: LIE, CHEAT AND STEAL ELECTIONS!

That's why Crooked Hillary, Joe Biden, Jill Biden and many others were wearing "boots" before Jan 2021. Ditto for Katie Hobbs in 2022.

Don't deny've seen the pictures - those of us who KNOW have all the receipts.

The same with the Cabal's PLANdemic and their "Great Reset" which was supposed to happen under "President Clinton"... basically the end of the United States of America and the Constitution. Covid came from their labs, so White Hats created a "counter-virus" (Omicron) which destroyed their entire agenda. Boom - no more PLANdemic!


Trust me, you're going to absolutely HATE how this movie ends!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Justice is served!

Ed Shanahan
Wed, June 14, 2023 at 4:34 AM PDT

Pedestrians walk by the Starbucks where two black men were arrested a month prior, in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood of Philadelphia, May 29, 2018. (Corey Perrine/The New York Times)

Pedestrians walk by the Starbucks where two black men were arrested a month prior, in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood of Philadelphia, May 29, 2018. (Corey Perrine/The New York Times)
The episode plunged one of America’s most ubiquitous brands into crisis.

In April 2018, two Black men entered a Starbucks shop in the Rittenhouse Square neighborhood of Philadelphia for a business meeting with a white man who had not yet arrived. While they waited, and before ordering, one of the two asked to use the bathroom. He was refused. Eventually, they were asked to leave. When they did not, an employee called the police.

The subsequent arrests, captured in videos viewed millions of times online, prompted accusations of racism, protests and boycott threats. The company’s CEO apologized publicly, describing the way the men had been treated as “reprehensible.” Starbucks took the extraordinary step of temporarily closing 8,000 stores to teach workers about racial bias.

Sign up for The Morning newsletter from the New York Times

On Monday, in a surprising twist, a federal jury in New Jersey ordered Starbucks to pay $25.6 million to a former regional manager after determining that the company had fired her amid the fallout from the Rittenhouse Square episode because she was white.

The jury found that Starbucks had violated the federal civil rights of the former manager, Shannon Phillips, as well as a New Jersey law that prohibits discrimination based on race, awarding her $600,000 in compensatory damages and $25 million in punitive damages.

Laura Carlin Mattiacci, a lawyer for Phillips, said she and her client were “very pleased” with the unanimous verdict, adding that “she proved by ‘clear and convincing evidence’ that punitive damages were warranted” under the New Jersey law.

A Starbucks spokesperson declined to comment.

At the time of the episode, Phillips oversaw about 100 stores in Philadelphia, southern New Jersey, Delaware and parts of Maryland. She had been promoted to the job in 2011 after what she called her “exemplary performance” in six years as a district manager in Ohio.

Phillips said in the suit that Starbucks, as part of its damage-control effort after the arrests, had sought to punish her and other white employees in and around Philadelphia even if they had not been involved in the events that led to the police being called.

Phillips said she had thrown herself into the company’s efforts to restore its credibility and had sought to support hourly workers, organizing managers to staff stores and cover for employees who were scared to run a gantlet of protesters.

Amid the image-burnishing campaign, Phillips said one of her superiors, a Black woman, told her to suspend a white manager who oversaw stores in Philadelphia, though not the one in Rittenhouse Square, because of allegations that he had engaged in discriminatory conduct — allegations that Phillips said she knew to be untrue.

In contrast, Phillips said, no action was taken against the manager who oversaw the Rittenhouse Square store, a Black man who Phillips said had promoted the employee who called the police.

Phillips said she was fired not long after balking at the order to suspend the white manager. She said that she had not been previously told that she was doing a bad job and that the only explanation she was given for the firing was that “the situation is not recoverable.”

Starbucks denied in court filings that Phillips had been fired because she was white and said she was let go because she performed poorly in response to the episode that led to the arrests.

“During this time of crisis,” a lawyer for Starbucks wrote in a court filing, the company’s “Philadelphia market needed a leader who could perform,” adding that “Ms. Phillips failed in every aspect of that role.”

Starbucks ultimately chose not to press charges against the men at the center of the episode, Donte Robinson and Rashon Nelson, both 23 at the time. Before suing over the ordeal, they reached a confidential financial settlement with the company and got a commitment from the city of Philadelphia to invest $200,000 to help young entrepreneurs.

“I want to make sure that this situation doesn’t happen again,” Robinson said in an interview at the time. “What I want is for young men to not be traumatized by this, and instead motivated, inspired.”

Efforts to reach Robinson and Nelson on Tuesday were unsuccessful.

Aug 17, 2019
I'm beginning to wonder if the Tards aren't all homo lovers, jerking off to each other's posts.
They openly support fake Biden and his LGBTQ administration, so it's safe to assume they are all homo lovers.

Savage1 and wilbur show up at the same time every morning and sign off the same time every night.

No coincidences.

Nov 11, 2007

With Trump and his supporters already lying prostrate on the ground writhing in pain over yesterday's indictment, they also have

the grim prospects of this on the on-deck circle, which will be dessert for lots of us!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Here is another encore performance post of mine for possible newbies that I posted earlier this month to a newbie poster who seemed

to be impressed with sbd right before I put him on ignore:

"Do you consider 99.8% FAILED predictions on sbd's part since the thread was started and 100% FAILED hundreds if not thousands

of daily predictions that Trump's reinstatement/devolution was going to happen either on specific days or that it was/is

imminent over the last 27 months as "great work?"

Do you consider 100% lack of accountability for these failed predictions as "great work?

Do you consider sbd's claims which are still in effect that Trump won ALL FIFTY STATES AND GOT OVER 90% OF THE POPULAR VOTE

in the 2020 ELECTION "great work??"

Do you consider "great work" this small sample of folks who according to sbd have been arrested and executed at GITMO??

This is a list from June of 2021 which has only been added to since that time

From Sbd:


Huma Abedin – June 7th

Bill Clinton – June 14th

Hillary Clinton

John Boehner – June 17th

William Barr – June 17th (to be held at another location)

Actor Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson – June 21st

Actor Kevin Spacey – June 21st (location not yet known)

Dr. Deborah Birx – June 23rd

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett – June 28th

Former FEMA Director Craig Fugate – June 29th

Former FEMA Director Brock Long – June 29th

Susan Rice – July 2nd

Mass arrests will happen after the "return".

The "return" will be soon.

Let's just say it's going to be a VERY HOT summer."

Do you consider as "great work" sbd's continued assertion that "hundreds of millions of people who have been vaccinated

for Covid in the world have already died and hundreds of millions more will die" when in fact only a DOCUMENTED 56


I could go on all day with sbd's attention-seeking lies, delusions, projections, etc but I don't have either the time or inclination to

do so-that is why I don't bother to read/respond to any of his posts anymore!!

The only mistake I did was not doing it sooner than I did!!

That's it!!

ps If you want to know more about him and his lies, etc., and how the likes of I, wilbur, schmirt. habsburger et al have documented and

exposed him for who and what he is, then I suggest that you just randomly go back and chose some days and posts

of his on those days and our responses to that, and you will see that it is all true!!

If you still think he is doing great work, well fine-he needs all of the help he can get as well as his "deity" and

"model of perfection" Donald Trump!!

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