Important Virus Update


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Aug 17, 2019
Really good question.

The President and Commander-in-Chief are two separate positions.

Article II of the Constitution, Commander-in-Chief, is separate from Article III, Federal Government.


For clarification purposes regarding this current COG plan (devolution), legally, Trump is Commander-in-Chief, while "Biden" (or whatever actor is playing him) is the president.

Does it matter? No, and here's why.

The Military was founded first in our Nation. The United States Supreme Court, for the first time in history, clarified this in the Military Justice Act of 2016.

Though it wasn't officially activated until the govt went under COG (devolution) in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act.

See, normally one man occupies both positions, but in this unique case, military law supersedes civilian law. SCOTUS made sure to clarify that point as well.

Incredible timing of that ruling, wouldn't you say? That tells you this current operation has been YEARS in the making!

All White Hates needed was the right man to sign the right documents.

So...under the current COG (devolution), the military is in charge. To wit, Special Operations can show up at your door with a military arrest warrant, haul your ass off to a tribunal..and there's nothing you can do about it!


This ? ? ? ? ?
Aug 17, 2019
Some things need to remain classified until the Operation is complete.

But Dan Scavino sure loves his comms for anyone paying attention.

? ? ?

So if military law (CIC) supersedes federal law (POTUS), and most vital functions of the federal govt are under military control with this COG (devolution)....what is exact role does the "president" play?

Meh, not much....except optics for those not awake yet - "President Biden"

A figurehead. An installed actor with no real power.

Trump is the Boss.

Trump is Commander-in-Chief.

That's why Trump, not Biden, has the nuclear football.

That's why Trump travels in a "presidential motorcade" with an ambulance.

That's why these Trump "indictment" and "arrest" fantasies are laughable.

That's why SBD and I keep saying, "TARDS are gonna absolutely HATE how this movie ends!"

Because they are.

Wait till you find out what the military has been doing while you willfully brainwashed yourselves with delusional fake news and fake "fact checkers"..

Just wait..

President Trump travels in a Presidential motorcade with an ambulence.

Biden carries his own bags through an airport to catch an Uber.

What else does anyone, including tards, need to know?

Sep 5, 2010
For your reading pleasure.

“Trump can win the nomination,” he said. “But mathematically, we all know there’s no way he can win in November of ’24. In fact, this dividing line, these indictments just keep getting that gap bigger and bigger and bigger.”

Bottom of the barrel.


Soon, real soon.

Military in control.

81 million votes.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For your reading pleasure.

“Trump can win the nomination,” he said. “But mathematically, we all know there’s no way he can win in November of ’24. In fact, this dividing line, these indictments just keep getting that gap bigger and bigger and bigger.”

Bottom of the barrel.


Soon, real soon.

Military in control.

81 million votes.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:



What happened Witless ? Is it goal post moving time ? It’s now he can win the R nomination but has no chance at the general ?
Aug 17, 2019

The DS often uses holidays and weekends to carry out operations they want to hide from the public.

The "white hats" also tend to use holidays or long weekends to enact some kind of strategic operation.

And the "white hats" are well aware of satanic holidays, full moons, and other ritualistic days the DS satanists use.

Something REALLY BIG is coming!

It is expected between now and the new year.

It will be an huge global event that is dramatic and cannot be hidden.

The whole world will see it and know it.

Here are some potentials for such event:

One, or many, are strong potentials in the coming weeks while others by March.

- Global events such as declaring wars with other countries. This will be mostly for show out of desperation. There WILL NOT be any type of nuclear event so ignore the "threats" and "chatter" going on out there.

- "False flag" operations organized by the 3-letter agencies for distraction and cover.

- Collapsing of the financial markets and currency.

- Sudden deaths and disappearances of world figures, celebrity types, royals, such as the Queen in UK. ["Queen"]

- People you were told were dead, are revealed to have been in witness protection and alive.

- Emergency Broadcast system [EBS] being directed from military base or space program crew from satellite military systems.

- Temporary shut down of certain online services or internet access.

- Collapse and controlled demolition of structures. [i.e. hospitals, medical system, airlines, travel industry, shipping supplies, etc.]

- This may shut down supply chains in certain areas, such as the U.S. who will not have access to certain goods or products from overseas anymore.

- EMP type of destruction or repurposing of some landmarks in Washington DC including the White House. [DC as the political capital is done]

- Awareness that MANY MORE people have been killed by the bio weapon injection than the public is being told. They have been hiding deaths, and cataloguing who has received which vaccine lots. The mass genocide will be known and those involved ultimately prosecuted by tribunal.

- Human trafficking harvesting for blood and body parts, organ trafficking, pedophilia, and child adrenachrome farms in underground bases and bunkers and off planet. [planned parenthood and intergalactic trafficking]

- Existence of the deep underground tunnels and military bases that acted as cover for nonhuman demonic entities and aliens to prey on humans.

- Sudden implementation of new technologies or radical changes that impact society as we know it.

- Fall of mainstream fake news media.

- Invasion and/or breakdown of Israel.

This is when all things come into full public view as previously stated.

Exact date(s) only known by God.

All is in Divine order.

Stay safe. Stay strong. Stay aware. Stay united.

NOVEMBER 2021 ? ? ? ? ?

This should make more sense by now.

And it all started with the Russia-Ukraine "war" in February 2022.

Some will understand.

Tards never will.

Aug 17, 2019
Tards STILL think ballots are votes.

How could we ever expect them to understand the movie they are watching?

They just don't have the intellectual capacity to understand any of it.

Very LOW IQs.

Amongst the lowest I've ever seen.

And they only continue to embarrass themselves daily.
? ? ? ? ?

After yesterday's fake indictment tards STILL continue their fake news posting frenzy.

They have a death grip on the "we got him this time" narrative.

So buried in ignorance and hate they just won't let go and understand IT'S OVER.

They don't have him, never had him and NEVER WILL have him.

It was nothing but a delusional fantasy created by the same people Trump is exposing and holding accountable for their crimes against humanity.

If, after yesterday, tards STILL don't understand they are fully mind-controlled and being played by the enemy of The People, then they are just plain stupid.


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