Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019
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Traps set.

Bait taken.


The boomerangs are going to be MASSIVE.

Tards are going to hate how this ends!


Nov 11, 2007
As I write this, the internet is going viral with speculation as to what "famed prognosticator" sportsbookdata better aka sbd from

the RX Forum is going to say WHEN Ex-POTUS Trump is indicted tomorrow, convicted and then tossed into the slammer

for a lengthy prison sentence due to the fine and thorough work done by Jack Smith et al with the Mar-a-Lago incident

as well as the other ongoing investigations and subsequent indictments.

Some of the possibilities being bandied about are 1)that sbd will say that his indictment, arrest and convictions are all kind of some

kind of "Plan" known only to sbd and that eventually Jack Smith and Company will emerge as heroes!!

Another school of thought maintains that sd will say that any and all investigations and indictments are "fake," and are thus irrelevant

although sbd has never fully defined regarding anything he has said in the past what the word "fake" means as used!!.

Others say that sbd will say that sometime either before he is indicted, at the time he is indicted or after he is indicted, God

and/or Trump's "private military" led by General Milley will swoop down and poof just like that will reinstate/devolution

Trump as POTUS and with some kind of a lazar gun simply eliminate Jack Smith and anyone else who "wronged" him

along the way!!

There is other speculation also but those listed above are the major ones!!

I warn anyone who wants to blow off any of the above, that you should remember sbd's unheard "success" rate with his

predictions, which has resulted in 99.84 DOCUMENTED FAILED PREDICTIONS since he began this thread in March of 2020

and more importantly, hundreds if not thousands of 100% FAILED PREDICTIONS about Trump's alleged reinstatement/devolution

on an almost daily basis since Biden was inaugurated in January of 2021!!

In short, proceed at your own risk if you are skeptical of sbd's overall credibility!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Aug 5, 2021

Nov 11, 2007
yea and tomorrow you get finger-printed and a mugshot. All part of the plan.
And in addition, tomorrow sheriff HOE, sbd, lenny lenbo and of course Donald Trump himself will have an oversized dido rammed as far

up their anal orifice as possible!!

Nov 11, 2007
A quick heads up-tune in the Chris Christie CNN Town Hall ay 8 tonight if you want to see and hear unlike for the most part, what the

other Republican candidates are chicken shit to do, namely for Christie to express his sincere beliefs as to who and what

Donald Trump is all about with are based on FACTS!!

Nov 11, 2007
Beginning tonight and especially tomorrow when Trump is indicted, all I can say is let the good times roll!!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Trump Winning Again. Trump’s Poll Numbers Exploding UP. Here’s What Clueless Democrats, DC Swamp & Deep State Will Never Understand​


By Wayne Allyn Root

I told you so.

I’ve spent two and a half years now reporting Democrats get away with murder, while Republicans face life-in-prison for jaywalking.

I spent last week on my TV and radio shows, and in my syndicated newspaper column, reporting that Trump would go UP in the polls after his latest criminal indictment.

I was right on both counts.

Trump is UP in the polls. And he faces life-in-prison for an offense than no one understands, no one cares about, everyone knows is a bunch of bogus B.S. and legal mumbo-jumbo.

The latest CBS poll (after the latest indictment) puts Trump over 60% in approval. And up by almost 40 points over his nearest GOP rival Ron DeSantis. Trump is running away with the race.

I’m betting his lead in the general election over Biden will go up as well.

Yes, I’m telling you Trump goes up each time he’s indicted. You know why he keeps going up? Because the American people aren’t blind, deaf and dumb. Because we may have been born yesterday, but we weren’t born in the past 15 minutes.

Let me explain why the American people will never accept any of these charges against President Trump (whether technically it’s a crime, and he’s convicted, or not).

I’m a street-smart, common-sense SOB (son of a butcher). I’ll always think like my blue-collar father, the butcher. Common sense average Americans know B.S. when they see it. This whole case is B.S.

The media can put all the “legal experts” they want on TV to explain what a terrible and serious crime Trump has committed. And the average American voter will never care. They will grow angrier and angrier at our own government. Because this doesn’t pass “the smell test.”

A) It doesn’t affect any of us. Trump didn’t hurt one American by “mishandling” a bunch of papers. How does that hurt me? How does that effect my life? It doesn’t.

B) Trump himself didn’t benefit. He didn’t sell the papers. He didn’t show them to foreign enemies. They were left in boxes in his basement, and bathroom shower (according to the fake news media). So, who cares?

C) Everyone does it. Obama has millions of pages of classified documents in his Obama Presidential Library that he never returned. We’ve all seen the classified docs on the floor of Biden’s garage. Even Pence had classified docs. I’ll bet every single U.S. Senator does too. This is a ridiculous waste of time.

D) Everyone can see the new Democrat motto is, “If you can’t beat ‘em, jail ‘em.”

E) President Biden has committed TREASON. He sold out the American people. He sold us all down the river. He made tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions, at our expense. Who cares about a bunch of papers in a box at Trump’s home? No one.

The best and simplest way to explain how average Americans see this is…

Your neighbor on the right committed murder. Yet no one has arrested him.

Your neighbor on the left is a pedophile. Yet no one has arrested him.

Your neighbor directly across the street has committed a $100 million fraud. Yet no one has arrested him.

But you drove 66 MPH in a 65 MPH zone, and a heavily-armed FBI SWAT team just invaded your home today to take you away in handcuffs and leg irons to a maximum security prison for murderers.

Make sense to you? Does this make sense to anyone, anywhere?

Anyone with common sense can see this is what just happened. The American people can see the difference between what’s “legal”…and what matters. This doesn’t matter to anyone except insane, obsessed Democrats with “Trump Derangement Syndrome.”

It’s tantamount to speeding 66 MPH in a 65 zone. It’s like jay-walking. It’s like betting $100 on an NFL football game before most states legalized it.

So please stop putting “legal experts” on TV to tell us how this is a crime. If it’s a crime, it’s a meaningless crime. It’s a load of horse manure. And we don’t care.
But the opponents of Trump have no clue what butchers, bakers or candlestick makers out here in the real world think.

All of these ridiculous, bogus, hyped-up-by-the-media indictments will push more and more average working Joes and Janes into Trump’s camp.

Because common sense tells them if this man Trump is so hated by the whole government…the whole DC Swamp…the whole Deep State…the whole political class…the whole legal system…the whole DOJ and FBI…the whole mainstream media…if he’s such a threat to these people who rule our lives…

If they’re desperate enough to turn jaywalking into a crime to end all crimes…and try to put Trump in prison-for-life…

Trump must be doing something right. He must really have the goods on these creeps. He must be the guy wearing the white hat. He must be on our side.

And their final common-sense conclusion will be…

We all need to make this Trump guy President again in 2024 to see what all these terrible, evil, power-hungry, control-freak, psychopaths are so afraid of.

Break out the popcorn. This is gonna be fun!


Nov 11, 2007

Uh-oh based on this, Donny may not be as lenient as he said he was going to be toward Timmy because it looks like his

Uncle Tom ni gg a may have had a change of heart!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Uh-oh based on this, Donny may not be as lenient as he said he was going to be toward Timmy because it looks like his

Uncle Tom ni gg a may have had a change of heart!! lol

Stick around with the rest of them Tim .
The 3-5 percenters give Trump an EZ pass to the R nomination .
The math is so easy even you and the two other stooges can figure it out .

Nov 11, 2007

This is not great news for the Big Three Trump cum swallowers in this thread and especially for lenny lenbo who has openly

stated that he doesn't care if hundreds of millions of people suffer economically(including Trump supporters and fellow Republicans)

as long as Biden and his economic policies fail!!

Let's all give it up for lenny lenbo/ A TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOT!! lol

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