EBS ? ? ? ?
Emergency Broadcast System Activation
The coming EBS has already been publicly a
nounced worldwide.
50 US senators have been given Q phones and are underground preparing for the Event.
The EBS will trigger the RV, GCR and Martial Law.
Thousands of banks not compliant with asset-backed currencies will be shut down by the White Hats.
You need 2-4 weeks of cash, food, water, Silver/Gold.
We will be switching to Tesla Free Energy through Tesla Towers being switched.
You will be given a 24 hour notice before the shut down in 17 strategic US cities.
There will be no Mainstream Media broadcasts.
Darkness will be revealed by the Light.
Prepare for 2-4 weeks of a shutdown – no school, work etc.
Shopping and Internet – to be replaced with new Internet on Star Link.