Important Virus Update

Aug 17, 2019

"Tony Podesta" is selling his D.C. home.

It looks like a lot of his twisted pedophilic and sadistic art has been removed.

I guess "he" realizes that art sexually exploiting children won’t help sell a home.

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Tony has been AWOL since his lobbying firm went under investigation in 2017.

And Trump has repeatedly said: “Where’s Tony?”

Has anyone actually seen Tony in years?

Geez, wonder why?

Well, some of us KNOW!

Aug 17, 2019

? ? ? ? ?

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It's nice to see people waking up to the TRUTH!

Everything said is exactly what the op stated in this thread many times since onset of this thread and since the controversial "Trump pushing the vaxx" nonsense started.

The op emphasized over and over that Trump is a huge advocate "FREE WILL", your God-given right at birth.

And Trump only reinforced this by always saying, if you want to get the jab, get it, and if you don't want to get it, don't.

And he made sure he told people what covid was, and what the cures were and how to get them.

He also made sure it stayed under the EUA so that mandates on citizens could not be made or enforced.

He did everything he could to make sure they couldn't try to impeach him for being the "enemy of The People" for not "supporting" it while protecting the American people.

But, again, tards STILL think ballots are votes so how on earth can anyone expect them to understand something on this level?


Sep 5, 2010
Looks like the shut ins were in full panic mode yesterday.

After 2 1/2 years of crying and whining about the orange encrusted buffoon losing the election to someone that campaigned from his basement, you would think they would get over it.

I guess that's why the ultra low iqanons think that someone is going to return.

Soon, real soon.


Let's watch the mule movie and then follow some of sbd's picks.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Aug 17, 2019

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And of course a Satanist too.

Those with TDS hate Trump.

Which means they hate God.

Because God is working through Trump.

Tards are the problem, not the solution.

They all need to be institutionalized and highly medicated.


Nov 11, 2007
Looks like the shut ins were in full panic mode yesterday.

After 2 1/2 years of crying and whining about the orange encrusted buffoon losing the election to someone that campaigned from his basement, you would think they would get over it.

I guess that's why the ultra low iqanons think that someone is going to return.

Soon, real soon.


Let's watch the mule movie and then follow some of sbd's picks.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Sbd, lenny lenbo, sheriff hoe, et all can stay in denial and try to focus on anything they want to in order to try to escape the truth

that Trump is up to his ears in shit legally speaking and that he has LESS than zero chance of ever being PTUS again.

We are in the catbird seat and headed for home while they are stuck in the starter gate and for that matter will never get out of

it as it applies to their demonic "deity" Donald Trump because legal and divine justice have caught up meaning he is about to get

his just due and then some!!

Nov 11, 2007

Here is one more "nothing burger" for the Trump cock suckers to sweep under that bulging rug which is so full of them at this point that it

is about to burst and spill all of them out at the same time!!

But again hey if by so doing, it allows them to get through their day while at the same time proclaiming/implying

that it is irrelevant and denying its existence makes them believe that everything is going away, fine.

However, when reality sets in regarding Trump and his fate, which is already well underway, it is only going to make

its acceptance all that more difficult for them!!
Aug 17, 2019
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Bragg is fully exposed! [some of us always knew]

JACK SMITH is next and will also be exposed. [some of us know]

You know, the same Jack Smith that savage1 has all his chips on for his delusional "we got him this time" fantasy.

The "white hat" formula:
Set the trap, expose their crimes and corruption, move one ["next"].

Sometimes you have to show The People.

Only then can REAL change happen.

"white hats" executing the plan to perfection.


Nov 11, 2007
Once again before any newcomer and/or someone who is not familiar with sbd's ways and in this case predictions about

the ongoing investigations regarding Trump believes what he has to say, consider this post which I will continue to bring forth

as needed:

"Do you consider 99.8% FAILED predictions on sbd's part since the thread was started and 100% FAILED hundreds if not thousands

of daily predictions that Trump's reinstatement/devolution was going to happen either on specific days or that it was/is

imminent over the last 29 months as "great work?"

Do you consider 100% lack of accountability for these failed predictions as "great work?

Do you consider sbd's claims which are still in effect that Trump won ALL FIFTY STATES AND GOT OVER 90% OF THE POPULAR VOTE

in the 2020 ELECTION "great work??"

Do you consider "great work" this small sample of folks who according to sbd have been arrested and executed at GITMO??

This is a list from June of 2021 which has only been added to since that time

From Sbd:


Huma Abedin – June 7th

Bill Clinton – June 14th

Hillary Clinton

John Boehner – June 17th

William Barr – June 17th (to be held at another location)

Actor Tom Hanks and wife Rita Wilson – June 21st

Actor Kevin Spacey – June 21st (location not yet known)

Dr. Deborah Birx – June 23rd

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett – June 28th

Former FEMA Director Craig Fugate – June 29th

Former FEMA Director Brock Long – June 29th

Susan Rice – July 2nd

Mass arrests will happen after the "return".

The "return" will be soon.

Let's just say it's going to be a VERY HOT summer."

Do you consider as "great work" sbd's continued assertion that "hundreds of millions of people who have been vaccinated

for Covid in the world have already died and hundreds of millions more will die" when in fact only a DOCUMENTED 56


I could go on all day with sbd's attention-seeking lies, delusions, projections, etc but I don't have either the time or inclination to

do so-that is why I don't bother to read/respond to any of his posts anymore!!

The only mistake I did was not doing it sooner than I did!!

That's it!!

ps If you want to know more about him and his lies, etc., and how the likes of I, wilbur, schmirt. habsburger et al have documented and

exposed him for who and what he is, then I suggest that you just randomly go back and chose some days and posts

of his on those days and our responses to that, and you will see that it is all true!!

If you still think he is doing great work, well fine-he needs all of the help he can get as well as his "deity" and

"model of perfection" Donald Trump!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The last time Salvage put all his chips on the table was when he went "all in" on Dick in Drag.

:an_laugh: "Rising star in the Republican party"?

I think we all know how his next "big bet" will turn out

Aug 17, 2019
The last time Salvage put all his chips on the table was when he went "all in" on Dick in Drag.

:an_laugh: "Rising star in the Republican party"?

I think we all know how his next "big bet" will turn out


He bets on anything anti-Trump.

And continues to embarrass himself as a result.

Ignorance and hate make you look really stupid.

And the stupid meter is off the charts with him.

Nov 11, 2007
The obvious and glaring thing to me as a fully trained professional investigator with 34 years of professional

experience as it regards sbd as well as lenny lenbo and sheriff joe is that they have never given any SPECIFIC reasons

why the evidence and proof that Jack Smith and others have regarding Trump's guilty is neither valid nor relevant to the ultimate verdict.

To simply vaguely dismiss it and simply say it will fail with the sarcastic cliche "they really have him this time" is nothing

more than a desperate obfuscation that says nothing in the hopes that it will cover all bases and fly!!

While I will admit that it will fly with their fellow lowlifes in this thread, it will not with very intelligent and experienced

people like myself and for that matter anyone with a modicum of intelligence who has been around the block a few times!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Remember TARDS ? ? ?


White Hats control EVERYTHING.

The people you're pinning your hopes on control NOTHING...

"We have it all!"

SBD and I have all the proofs, receipts and contacts, and as we have told you over and over, you are absolutely going to HATE how this movie ends.

Because it pays to know people beyond fake news and fake "fact-checkers"


Nov 11, 2007
One last thing for now for everyone to consider:

Anyone who has followed the thread for a while realizes that one of the dominant themes is the continued predictions

by both sbd and sheriff hoe over the last 29 months that Trump's reinstatement/devolution will occur on specific days

or that it is "imminent!"

Obviously, this has not yet occurred despite their hundreds if not thousands of failed predictions to the contrary!!

The question in my mind is that in terms of the prediction when should it be accepted that the prediction is a failed

one and with no indication that it will ever happen??

Are we simply supposed to forget terms such as "imminent" which preface the prediction and infer that it is still going to

occur because sbd and sheriff joe continue to say that Trump will be devolutioned??

Or do you think as I do that any prediction made needs to be considered in terms of some kind of time frame to determine

whether it should be considered an accurate one and especially so in this case since words like "imminent" have been used

right along to add a time-specific element to the prediction?

Along the same lines, the question you might want to ask yourself is whether snd and sheriff joe need to show some

accountability for this failed prediction over the last 29 months as well as some kind of an explanation

as to why it has failed to materialize.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The obvious and glaring thing to me as a fully trained professional investigator with 34 years of professional

experience as it regards sbd as well as lenny lenbo and sheriff joe is that they have never given any SPECIFIC reasons

why the evidence and proof that Jack Smith and others have regarding Trump's guilty is neither valid nor relevant to the ultimate verdict.

To simply vaguely dismiss it and simply say it will fail with the sarcastic cliche "they really have him this time" is nothing

more than a desperate obfuscation that says nothing in the hopes that it will cover all bases and fly!!

While I will admit that it will fly with their fellow lowlifes in this thread, it will not with very intelligent and experienced

people like myself and for that matter anyone with a modicum of intelligence who has been around the block a few times!!

Says the fully trained “professional” who saw the “evidence” and concluded that Matt Gaetz was a sex trafficker .


Nov 11, 2007

Playing hide and seek is a nice children's game but it doesn't work in instances like this and will only dig Trump's grave

even deeper, the dirt of which is already up to his nose and growing each day until his ultimate last breath!!

Nov 11, 2007

Great minds think alike!!

Wise words of advice from an EXTREMELY BRIGHT AND ACCOMPLISHED PERSON and as a member of Trump's family knows him

as well as anyone!!

God doesn't designate LOSERS through whom to do HIS work!! lol

Nov 11, 2007

This needs to be repeated and especially so as at least two of the Big Three in this thread consider Kim Jong Un right behind

Trump as far as his deification is concerned!!

Nov 11, 2007

You know one of the big reasons that Trump needs to be prosecuted and if convicted punished to the full extent of the law has to

do with our world standing and especially in the eyes of hostile countries like Russia, China and North Korea.

I mean think of it-if Trump is found guilty of any of these investigations and just walks away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist

or worse, nothing in the way of punishment, it is going to make the country look like a paper tiger and very weak indeed!!

Or how about if after all of the mounds of evidence, he is found innocent because of a hung jury, what are the evil three countries

going to think!!

Imo if either one of the situations occurs, in the eyes of the countries cited and possibly others, it is going to give them lots of confidence

to do pretty much what they want believing the US is overall weak.

Just as bad or even worse that if no action is taken, it makes it a lot more likely that there will be more January 6-type attacks

and will somewhat negate the strong sentences levied against some of the Proud Boys.

In short, this is time for the DOJ and the country to stand tall and send a very clear message to everyone not to fuck with

this country including those who are or were at the top!!

What better way than to come down hard on Donald Trump!!

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